Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Getting Frustrated & Disappointed With GW2
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I’d like to point out that any game 2000 hours in, in and of itself, is generally going to get stale for most people. If I’d played any MMO at launch over that much for ten months, I’d EXPECT to be bored. It’s no longer going to be magical.
I’d also expect more content to take a long time to come out. The monthly stuff we’re getting is filler, that much is obvious. It’s what every MMO tries to do. Give you some stuff to do while their working on bigger stuff.
Now, the real question becomes how much bigger stuff is Anet working on.? Is the studio too small to produce the monthly stuff and other stuff? I don’t know the answer …but I do know that’s the question.
I’ve spent 3000 plus hours in the game and sure, I don’t want to do stuff all the time either. That much is just logical. But considering what I’ve spent, versus the amount I’ve paid for this game, this is the cheapest entertainment I’ve ever had. On that level it’s pure win.
And more content will come out that I’ll continue to have fun with. I’m sure I’ll enjoy Dragon Bash for example, and when that’s done, whatever else comes out.
I’m not sure why people think a game should entertain them for 2000 hours in a row at launch?
I’m not sure why people think a game should entertain them for 2000 hours in a row at launch?
The same thing that was in GW1, or even in rpg like Diablo. Hold a carrot on a stick to the players.
If you complete this dungeon there is a very small chance a R9 froggy will drop, or in D3 a legendary with these stats.
But to some degree you are right, after so many hours it can feel a bit too much but on the other hand I played gw1 a whole lot more than a few years. :/
The sheer ignorance … it hurts.
What to do at 80? How about having fun. That means doing the dungeons I like, event chains I like and the WvW I like. I hardly if ever repeat content on a daily basis but instead cater to what I feel like doing. That keeps me going for the time being.
I never expected this game to support a hardcore 8 hours a day 7/7 playstyle. That’s exactly why I bought this game …
But it does support hardcore playstyle, through FOTM and gear grind. And maybe that’s fun for some players?
Being hardcore for me simply isn’t an option, regardless of whether I want to because I want other things more. A life without a job, without a girlfriend, without sport and without friends isn’t fun for me. If you have even one of those, playing hardcore is no longer an option. And while all of that could be optional to some, to me it isn’t. Therefor, hardcore gaming is impossible for me.
Okay now you’re just being prejudice towards gamers as a whole….
I’m not sure why people think a game should entertain them for 2000 hours in a row at launch?
The same thing that was in GW1, or even in rpg like Diablo. Hold a carrot on a stick to the players.
If you complete this dungeon there is a very small chance a R9 froggy will drop, or in D3 a legendary with these stats.
But to some degree you are right, after so many hours it can feel a bit too much but on the other hand I played gw1 a whole lot more than a few years. :/
Right but Prophecies was the first Guild Wars 1 project. You’re comparing four games to one game. We don’t know what this game will offer in a couple of years.
I don’t think I could have played just Prophecies straight for 10 months, unless I was a PvPer (and I’m not).
I’m not sure why people think a game should entertain them for 2000 hours in a row at launch?
The same thing that was in GW1, or even in rpg like Diablo. Hold a carrot on a stick to the players.
I’ve seen people get burnt out on GW1 prophecies in weeks! It didn’t have a whole lot of content. My top 20 GVG guild died in less than 2 months.
The game I played for thousands of hours only existed after nightfall. In total I played about 2000 hours of GW1, which was enough to exhaust all content in 4 games, 50/50 GWAMM.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I’m not sure why people think a game should entertain them for 2000 hours in a row at launch?
The same thing that was in GW1, or even in rpg like Diablo. Hold a carrot on a stick to the players.
If you complete this dungeon there is a very small chance a R9 froggy will drop, or in D3 a legendary with these stats.
But to some degree you are right, after so many hours it can feel a bit too much but on the other hand I played gw1 a whole lot more than a few years. :/Right but Prophecies was the first Guild Wars 1 project. You’re comparing four games to one game. We don’t know what this game will offer in a couple of years.
I don’t think I could have played just Prophecies straight for 10 months, unless I was a PvPer (and I’m not).
Well prophecies + eye of the north, because the original gw was as big like gw2 now is. And propecies was more difficult than you would imagine if you only played the complete package of overpowered skills.
I’m not a pvp person myself but that was considered the endgame, basicly some pve to guide you towards pvp. I’m glad they changed that around with the original
The sheer ignorance … it hurts.
What to do at 80? How about having fun. That means doing the dungeons I like, event chains I like and the WvW I like. I hardly if ever repeat content on a daily basis but instead cater to what I feel like doing. That keeps me going for the time being.
I never expected this game to support a hardcore 8 hours a day 7/7 playstyle. That’s exactly why I bought this game …
But it does support hardcore playstyle, through FOTM and gear grind. And maybe that’s fun for some players?
Being hardcore for me simply isn’t an option, regardless of whether I want to because I want other things more. A life without a job, without a girlfriend, without sport and without friends isn’t fun for me. If you have even one of those, playing hardcore is no longer an option. And while all of that could be optional to some, to me it isn’t. Therefor, hardcore gaming is impossible for me.
Okay now you’re just being prejudice towards gamers as a whole….
False. I said I’m not one of those gamers who expect to play 8 hours a day, 7 days in 7. I also stated that it’s not my thing because doing so is incompatible with a real life. I won’t force anyone to have a life, that’s your own choice. I do, however, want to state that playing 8 hours a day isn’t possible if you have a regular life. That’s a physical fact.
Whether you define a regular, normal life as fun is another discussion entirely, one I will not start here. I’m against the norm too but that doesn’t make playing hardcore the default alternative.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
…GW2… Grind!
Have you ever played any other MMORPG?
Sorry, but I won’t believe you if your answer is yes.
Occurs to me that threads like this show a problem that wasn’t there in GW1. Replayability. The elite missions, and I’d go so far as to say most missions, were repeatable. Add in skill hunting (you got your elites by offing the boss that used them) and world exploration, and you got a game that kept me playing for over 7 years.
I don’t see GW2 being the same sort of game – at least not for me.
I’m not sure why people think a game should entertain them for 2000 hours in a row at launch?
The same thing that was in GW1, or even in rpg like Diablo. Hold a carrot on a stick to the players.
If you complete this dungeon there is a very small chance a R9 froggy will drop, or in D3 a legendary with these stats.
But to some degree you are right, after so many hours it can feel a bit too much but on the other hand I played gw1 a whole lot more than a few years. :/Right but Prophecies was the first Guild Wars 1 project. You’re comparing four games to one game. We don’t know what this game will offer in a couple of years.
I don’t think I could have played just Prophecies straight for 10 months, unless I was a PvPer (and I’m not).
Well prophecies + eye of the north, because the original gw was as big like gw2 now is. And propecies was more difficult than you would imagine if you only played the complete package of overpowered skills.
I’m not a pvp person myself but that was considered the endgame, basicly some pve to guide you towards pvp. I’m glad they changed that around with the original
Don’t kid yourself about Prophecies plus EoTN being as big as Guild War 2 is. And it depends on what you mean by big.
First of all, I was talking about the amount of time out. EotN didn’t appear until Prophecies was 2 years old or so. So I’m saying at the ten month interval….all you had was Prophecies.
More importantly Prophecies only had 203 quests and 25 missions with bonuses. That was what it had. It had the two elite areas, Underworld and Fissure of Woe and they added Sorrow’s Furnace. But you could skip about half the game if you ran to Droks, which a lot of people did.
I don’t think the combination of Prophecies with it’s 203 quests, and single starting area can at all be compared to the amount of content Guild Wars 1 gave you. In fact, I’ve already put as much time into Guild Wars 2 as I had into ALL Guild Wars 1. That’s all four games.
The content WILL come, but it’ll take its time. That’s why we have so much temporary keep players busy content.
Occurs to me that threads like this show a problem that wasn’t there in GW1. Replayability. The elite missions, and I’d go so far as to say most missions, were repeatable. Add in skill hunting (you got your elites by offing the boss that used them) and world exploration, and you got a game that kept me playing for over 7 years.
I don’t see GW2 being the same sort of game – at least not for me.
But many if not most Guild Wars 1 players didn’t like or care for the elite missions. The percentage of people that played them really was smaller than one would guess.
Sure you had people that farmed them. Sure you had Guilds that ran them once a week. Sure you had speed clears…but the bulk of the population was never that hard core. Though I’ve done all the elite content in Guild Wars 1, I’ve only done most of it once. I still played for five years.
But I played for five years on two years worth of content, not the first year’s worth of content.
I started playing GW2 because I thought the whole point of this game was not to force the player to grind like so many other MMOs do. And yet as soon as you get to endgame, the only endgame options that are really there is to grind.
- FOTM= Grind!
- You want that dungeon armor set? Grind the hell out of that dungeon until you end up venomously hating dungeons!
- Want that awesome weapon skin from the event?! Well first you have a 0.004% chance to get the crate, and then you have another 0.004% chance to get a weapon skin ticket in that crate. Basically, more grind!
ANet, you’ve created an endless cycle of grind for endgame, and you lied to everyone who bought your game. I love GW2 but it has in no way delivered on it’s promises.
Because everything you listed is a cosmetic upgrade, and because cosmetic upgrades aren’t required to play the game, you’re not being required to grind anything. The only thing you’ve got a legitimate complaint on is Fractals, but that was designed specifically for grinders. Complaining about grinding in Fractals is like going to a strip club to complain about nudity.
I agree with what you said about Fractals, and it’s a funny analogy. The problem is when they make the end game about cosmetics, well people are going to want to get them. Combine that with a promise of a grind free game, and one of the steepest grinds out there right now in the modern MMO world, and you can see why we are upset.
Some people do not need skins and rewards to have fun in a game. Others do. It’s just a different play style and there is no reason to not reward both and make everyone happy.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I started playing GW2 because I thought the whole point of this game was not to force the player to grind like so many other MMOs do. And yet as soon as you get to endgame, the only endgame options that are really there is to grind.
- FOTM= Grind!
- You want that dungeon armor set? Grind the hell out of that dungeon until you end up venomously hating dungeons!
- Want that awesome weapon skin from the event?! Well first you have a 0.004% chance to get the crate, and then you have another 0.004% chance to get a weapon skin ticket in that crate. Basically, more grind!
ANet, you’ve created an endless cycle of grind for endgame, and you lied to everyone who bought your game. I love GW2 but it has in no way delivered on it’s promises.
Because everything you listed is a cosmetic upgrade, and because cosmetic upgrades aren’t required to play the game, you’re not being required to grind anything. The only thing you’ve got a legitimate complaint on is Fractals, but that was designed specifically for grinders. Complaining about grinding in Fractals is like going to a strip club to complain about nudity.
One correction here. They didn’t add Fractals for the grinders, they added vertical progression for everyone. Just visit a laurel vender to see the path of the power curve, in the initial pieces, for everyone. It truly would be great if we were talking about cosmetic upgrades, I mean, that’s what GW is all about, right? I would agree with you at launch, but with the addition of VP we all will be chasing ever increasing stats. That’s what vertical progression is. Vertical: the power level of the game increases; Progression: it continually and continuously increases over time. Again, they didn’t add a grind for grinders in FotM; they added a grind for everyone everywhere with vertical progression.
I got gw2 so i could play without the grind.
Fracts is horrid and the worst sort of grind as it’s not even fun, say what we like about the insane wow grind but at least raids are fun, now southsun, i don’t even want to start about that place, but zerg and lag…some peeps getting random dced also…fun?
A-net# where’s the game you promised me?
Also people going “living story” as the solution… Really? I finished everything for Southsun in like an hour for each update and as for it being “living story” that’s a bit laughable. I love GW2 but their living story for this last update was some weak sauce.
Their living story is easily finished, quite speedily too (and I’m not even trying to rush through it or anything).
I am not trying to criticize you, you’re free to play as you wise and the way you find fun. That being said Gw2 and by extension the living story isn’t something you finish. It is more something you experience.
Talking to NPCs and see their view point on the events as they transpire, Enjoying how the settlements changed and evolved, Experience the new events, The crab toss mini game, getting all the achievements. Sure you can just do the story and nothing else and you’d be done in a week, personally with the two updates in a month there was more then enough content to keep me busy.
Dont get me wrong, You’re right, doing just the story didnt take that long, just a couple of events and the shortest dungeon ever but that’s not all there was, right?
As for your original post and grinding, again it depends on how you approach the game. I think everyone will agree Gw2 is a game mainly designed for casuals even though it tries to cater a bit to the hardcore crowd as well. The irony in my personal view is people who find it grindy do so cause they want a casual game but instead of threating it as one which it is, they force themselves to play in a hardcore manner. Case in point Dungeon armor sets, why do you think they dont have better stats then the other super easy to acquire exotic sets ? In my opinion thats to leave you free to acquirement them at your own pace or not at all if you so choose to. The problem why you end up hating a dungeon by the time you finish getting your full dungeon set is because you do nothing else then grind the dungeon until you get your full set. Thing is you dont have to do that at all! play just once or a couple of times a week, use different paths etc… and you will not get burned out and feel like you’re grinding badly. Sure it will take you 3 months instead of a week or two but so what? you can still have the same stats or you can even not bother with an exotic set at all and still easily tackle any content in the game.
As for what else there is in the game to do except from acquiring dungeon sets? Plenty of stuff, Dynamic events… seeing them all is no easy feat and it will take a long long time to complete. Achievements, exploration… and I dont mean getting world completion but finding interesting things such as a quagen hidden away in a small air pocket in an underwater tunnel that will be surprised / angry at being found. Hidden dynamic events , ie completely unmarked in any way that never trigger unless you do some specific actions etc… , jumping puzzles, achievements, talking to npcs (many have interesting things to say, some even have hidden dynamic events that can only be triggered through conversations), finding / discovering new recipes, getting unique drops such as final rest for example, experiencing all the meta events, finding out the various stories of the different areas in a zone (something you do based on what npcs say, the dynamic events in the area and some observation).
In closing Gw2 is not a game that should be taken as objectives that need completing, its a world that is to be experienced. My play style might not work for you, not saying you’re playing wrong and should copy me. All I can tell you is I have over 750 hours of game time and still have a few zones (about 6) that I havent event played in yet, I had my first max level character by the 3rd week of release.
Anet didnt lie to anyone, they said it from day one, there is no end game, the whole game is the end game because there is nothing special you’re meant to do once you get to 80. You are meant to keep doing what you enjoy doing whatever that might be. Take things with moderation and dont try to rush and then you can enjoy the game no problem. Thats my view at least.
One correction here. They didn’t add Fractals for the grinders, they added vertical progression for everyone. Just visit a laurel vender to see the path of the power curve, in the initial pieces, for everyone. It truly would be great if we were talking about cosmetic upgrades, I mean, that’s what GW is all about, right? I would agree with you at launch, but with the addition of VP we all will be chasing ever increasing stats. That’s what vertical progression is. Vertical: the power level of the game increases; Progression: it continually and continuously increases over time. Again, they didn’t add a grind for grinders in FotM; they added a grind for everyone everywhere with vertical progression.
What vertical progression? Did they announce a new tier that I am not aware off? Is there content you cannot tackle without ascended gear?
Sure ascended gear is better then exotic but
1. focusing on just the gear not the infusions its the only tier that we know off. One new tier doesnt make the game more of a vertical progression game then it was before it just makes for a higher ceiling. to have vertical progression you’d have to be unable to ever reach the ceiling or at least only reach it temporarily.
2. the vertical progression (agony resistance ergo the infusions themselves) only applies inside FotM so if you dont care about FotM there is no vertical progression for you at all.
3. its entirely optional. The only place where ascended gear might make a smidgen of difference is in WvW but then there are so many variables there that there is no point on dwelling on what essentially is the smallest variable. Everywhere else you can do just fine using the most basic tier armor, none of the content requires ascended armor to be tackled.
4. FotM is no longer the only way to acquire Ascended gear. You can now acquire it doing WvW if you want to gain all the advantage possible.
5. Again, its a grind if you just make yourself play it and nothing else. Do it in moderation. A few sessions a week, whats the hurry?
What I read from the point of this thread is.
I have spent very much time playing this game compleating everything I think is fun and now I want the rest.
When I have done all:
- Dungeons
- Events
- Tasks
- Maps
- Living Story
- Leveled all my characters
- Jumping Puzzles
- Guild Missions
- Achivements
- Helping other players, friends and family
- Try WvW
- Try sPvP
Now what is left is all achievements and Ascended gear and the stupid RNG Sclerite weapons!
And I can’t do that today, I am so angry!!! I have spent 168 hours last week farming southsun for a weapon ticket and I don’t have one!
A-net have pointed a gun to my head saying ‘spend 168 hours a week to get a cosmetic or else’.
/End of sarcasm
In one sence I could agree to that FotM is a grind for now, but as FotM is said to grow so in time it might have enough veriety to not feel so grindy.
I myself havent farmed it and I am still enjoying GW2, in my opinion I am not forced to farm it.
Sure a dungeon only takes one go and you are trough it…
In my reality I have played a Dungeon with my friends, failed and earned only a few tokens. Next time we tried we compleated P1 and then we went to P2 and so on… and Finally I could afford a piece, and since we tought Dungeons actually was fun we did them a few more times and we tried with alt-chars and so on and… oh suddenly I had even more than enough tokens.
RNG chest:
I hate them, I realy realy hate them… And I would be happy if I got a ticket but I have fallen to the will to farm them one our a day for two weeks until I gave up, now I usually do karka Queen now and then and well I still hope I get a weapon ticket.
But most important is, I am not forced to farm for them… It won’t effect my playstyle and I won’t lack in stats for not getting it, it’s just cosmetics.
If you realy don’t have anything else to do than to farm then I would advice you to stop playing and keep watching the updates and play when there is new content like living story and enjoy the content that isn’t grind/farm content and stop again when there isn’t more for you to gain from it.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
It’s because they took out all the great parts of Guildwars 1, the dual classes, loads of skills and skill captures, the story, meaningful PvP all of it, the Longevity of GW1 doesn’t exist in GW2…
As a GW vet I feel the need to inform you I don’t miss the dual classes or the loads of skills and that I didn’t find the story very interesting. I’d also like to know how my Texans are going to do this year, since you seem to have the powers of divination. How else would you know what GW2’s longevity is?
As a GW vet I also feel the need to tell you I think the persistent world, the additional axis and the jumping puzzles it allows, and WvW are all brilliant improvements to the original. I tell you these things not because I think you’re wrong and I’m right, but to illustrate that your opinions are not universally shared.
I’d like to inform you that i do miss them and all of the players i’ve spoken too about this issue agrees.. many do even if you do not…
What is a Texan? other than some person from Texas?
WvW is a zergfest against wooden doors, Jump puzzles are great just i’ve done them all.
I also think im right and you’re wrong see how that works, pointless huh…
It’s because they took out all the great parts of Guildwars 1, the dual classes, loads of skills and skill captures, the story, meaningful PvP all of it, the Longevity of GW1 doesn’t exist in GW2…
As a GW vet I feel the need to inform you I don’t miss the dual classes or the loads of skills and that I didn’t find the story very interesting. I’d also like to know how my Texans are going to do this year, since you seem to have the powers of divination. How else would you know what GW2’s longevity is?
As a GW vet I also feel the need to tell you I think the persistent world, the additional axis and the jumping puzzles it allows, and WvW are all brilliant improvements to the original. I tell you these things not because I think you’re wrong and I’m right, but to illustrate that your opinions are not universally shared.
I’d like to inform you that i do miss them and all of the players i’ve spoken too about this issue agrees.. many do even if you do not…
What is a Texan? other than some person from Texas?
WvW is a zergfest against wooden doors, Jump puzzles are great just i’ve done them all.
I also think im right and you’re wrong
see how that works, pointless huh…
Houston Texans. NFL team.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Man MMO players are never kitten happy I swear. Two things you can count on in this world:
1) Politicians will lie to secure office
2) MMO players will kitten and moan no matter what
It’s all about your expectations, they are probably a bit too high. Just relax a bit, try to focus more on the journey and less on the destination. Just my personal advice.
I’ve never stepped foot in FOTM and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. There are so many aspects of this game to enjoy, you have so many options. If you really want that shiny – then prepare to put in some work.
Occurs to me that threads like this show a problem that wasn’t there in GW1. Replayability. The elite missions, and I’d go so far as to say most missions, were repeatable. Add in skill hunting (you got your elites by offing the boss that used them) and world exploration, and you got a game that kept me playing for over 7 years.
I don’t see GW2 being the same sort of game – at least not for me.
Exactly, Longevity is not end game… its the part that keeps you playing longer from start to finish, this game has very little…GW1 had it in spades, sorry if others cannot or do not understand this..
Houston Texans. NFL team.
Sorry not American so that means very little to me.
Occurs to me that threads like this show a problem that wasn’t there in GW1. Replayability. The elite missions, and I’d go so far as to say most missions, were repeatable. Add in skill hunting (you got your elites by offing the boss that used them) and world exploration, and you got a game that kept me playing for over 7 years.
I don’t see GW2 being the same sort of game – at least not for me.
Exactly, Longevity is not end game… its the part that keeps you playing longer from start to finish, this game has very little…GW1 had it in spades, sorry if others cannot or do not understand this..
Houston Texans. NFL team.
Sorry not American so that means very little to me.
Guild Wars had it in spades for some players. Other players, like both my sons, couldn’t play it at all. They gave up on Prophecies, headed to WoW and never looked back.
You seem to be under the assumption that Guild Wars 1 was a household name and more people liked it than disliked it. It was a niche game with a massively dedicated niche audience of which you were one. I was one too.
But don’t make it out to be better than it was. More people played Guild Wars 1 and walked away than played Guild Wars 1 and stayed.
The sheer ignorance … it hurts.
What to do at 80? How about having fun. That means doing the dungeons I like, event chains I like and the WvW I like. I hardly if ever repeat content on a daily basis but instead cater to what I feel like doing. That keeps me going for the time being.
I never expected this game to support a hardcore 8 hours a day 7/7 playstyle. That’s exactly why I bought this game …
But it does support hardcore playstyle, through FOTM and gear grind. And maybe that’s fun for some players?
Being hardcore for me simply isn’t an option, regardless of whether I want to because I want other things more. A life without a job, without a girlfriend, without sport and without friends isn’t fun for me. If you have even one of those, playing hardcore is no longer an option. And while all of that could be optional to some, to me it isn’t. Therefor, hardcore gaming is impossible for me.
I played EverQuest for 12 years; with a fulltime job, having a girlfriend and friends. I was an endgame raider; top guild on server, sometimes top guild gamewide. You don’t have to give up your life to do these things even in grind content key/time locked mmo’s….you just have to find like minded people that pull their own weight and learn their class.
2 hours a night, 5 nights a week; when you finish the expansion and put it into farming for gear lockdown it’s 2 hours a night 2-3 days a week. I find that guilds with poor leadership, guilds with members who expect to be carried and never learn(who stay due to poor leadership), and hybrid/family guilds tend to actually spend more time raiding per year with much less content explored.
A WoW guild, Group Therapy, the 4th guild in their realm(out of thousands) raids 2 days a week. 2.
GW2 does not have the long lockouts, or prerequisites to complete anything like both older games mentioned. GW2 does not have these types of generally higher timesinks, yet you still have people who spent a ridiculous amount of hours playing.
I have no problem with people wanting to be casual; in fact it is why I play GW2. I just get tired when people think everyone who does something in an mmo that requires coordination and/or skill it automatically means they have to be a no lifer.
No lifers exist in every facet of mmo content.
So what people really want is WoW end game. Why? What is so great a out WoW end game.
Because ‘raiding’ was/is much more fun then any GW2 guild bounty / puzzle / whatever. May be because of the quality of fights and the game`s mechanics. May be because harder did not mean “scale the mob`s hp and damage up”.
That was and still is my subjective opinion.
Raiding was much more fun for a tiny percentage of the population. Every time they did any kind of poll, it was obvious that raiding was NOT main stream. That most people didn’t consider themselves raiders and most people didn’t like to raid.
You’re, of course, entitled to your opinion. But many people…in fact, most if polls are to be believed, don’t enjoy raiding.
Agreed. And, most of a raiding games’ population can’t raid, don’t have access to it, certainly not level appropiate, not until after skill caps go up and they can go in overpowered. Instead, GW2 made a game with a great deal of content, replayable for all levels, for almost every level of a player’s individual skill. And, there’s nothing wrong with that.
I never knew, would have suspected, that so many players like to grind for the looks of their charcter lol. They grind gold to upgrade the looks of their character, for skins, for legendaries, for tokens, for mats, etc. They pay real money for that lol. That stuns me. Absolutely amzaing. Somtimes I feel as if I am surrounded by fashionistas.
If I was to take a wild guess, I would say raiders also miss the Trinity and their place in it, the demand for their skill and class, and the armor they worked so hard for to be the best at what they do. They miss the thrill of working weeks or months to beat content. I know I do, but then I didn’t come to GW2 looking for that. If I was, I’d be hitting my head against the wall like to OP, looking for something that isn’t here.
The sheer ignorance … it hurts.
What to do at 80? How about having fun. That means doing the dungeons I like, event chains I like and the WvW I like. I hardly if ever repeat content on a daily basis but instead cater to what I feel like doing. That keeps me going for the time being.
I never expected this game to support a hardcore 8 hours a day 7/7 playstyle. That’s exactly why I bought this game …
But it does support hardcore playstyle, through FOTM and gear grind. And maybe that’s fun for some players?
Being hardcore for me simply isn’t an option, regardless of whether I want to because I want other things more. A life without a job, without a girlfriend, without sport and without friends isn’t fun for me. If you have even one of those, playing hardcore is no longer an option. And while all of that could be optional to some, to me it isn’t. Therefor, hardcore gaming is impossible for me.
I played EverQuest for 12 years; with a fulltime job, having a girlfriend and friends. I was an endgame raider; top guild on server, sometimes top guild gamewide. You don’t have to give up your life to do these things even in grind content key/time locked mmo’s….you just have to find like minded people that pull their own weight and learn their class.
2 hours a night, 5 nights a week; when you finish the expansion and put it into farming for gear lockdown it’s 2 hours a night 2-3 days a week. I find that guilds with poor leadership, guilds with members who expect to be carried and never learn(who stay due to poor leadership), and hybrid/family guilds tend to actually spend more time raiding per year with much less content explored.
A WoW guild, Group Therapy, the 4th guild in their realm(out of thousands) raids 2 days a week. 2.
GW2 does not have the long lockouts, or prerequisites to complete anything like both older games mentioned. GW2 does not have these types of generally higher timesinks, yet you still have people who spent a ridiculous amount of hours playing.
I have no problem with people wanting to be casual; in fact it is why I play GW2. I just get tired when people think everyone who does something in an mmo that requires coordination and/or skill it automatically means they have to be a no lifer.
No lifers exist in every facet of mmo content.
Well said post, +1, agree with a lot of it!
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Grinding for completely optional skins that have zero impact on gameplay and do not lock you out of content is not “being forced to grind.” It is a choice you made yourself, and if you don’t like it blame yourself. You don’t want to grind, then don’t. It won’t hurt you to not grind. And if you’ve run out of things to do at level cap it is because you’ve been grinding too much already.
Getting dungeon armor isn’t that hard I think and fotm is optional. The only point I agree with is the weapon tickets part. No one likes rng.
It’s ALL optional, dungeon armor, weapon tickets, all of it.
So many threads like this… So why start another?
If you grind out enough of these threads you get a special achievement.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
People keep creating these topics because they feel strongly about the issue. Its exactly the same with the “no endgame” topics and “nerf X” topics.
Man, did anyone here play Lineage2? Anyone who says GW2 is a grind seriously has never grinded (ground?) before.
Like has been said before, there’s just no way to avoid some kind of repetitive grind in an MMO. Many casual players won’t hit that problem, but almost every hardcore (3-4hrs+/day) will hit this wall. You will have explored all of the content by now and what the heck else do you expect? This literally happens in EVERY MMO! I’ve played 10+ by now starting with UO, and I can tell you, they all end up with some kind of grind.
No game can constantly have novel, fresh content for every type of player. The only difference in GW2 is that the grind is avoidable because you don’t HAVE to get those skins. In other games you HAVE to grind in order to get the necessary stats to tackle the next batch of content, or you HAVE to grind just to level in a reasonable timeframe.
GW2 took both of those requirements out and now what we’re left with is optional grind if you choose to do it.
Leveling 1-80 is no grind, you level at basically the same pace the entire time. Dungeons don’t necessarily have to be a grind unless you want the entire set. And let’s say you do want the entire dungeon set, because you know what, some people do and that’s understandable!
Of actual grinding to get that dungeon set, what are we talking about here? An hour or two per 60 tokens (most times much, much faster)? Do the math and we’re looking at what? 3-4 runs per piece, 6 pieces, 24 runs (on the high end), so maybe 24-hrs of total “grinding” that can be done over the course of weeks? In reality a full set can be “grinded” in less than a week by a hardcore player (3 paths/day), less than 2 weeks by a medium player (1-2 paths/day), and certainly less than a month for a casual player (1 path/day or less).
When you actually look at it in perspective, saying dungeon gear is a grind makes you guys sound like whiny babies.
Now legendary…that’s a grind…
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Remembering my days in Everquest 2, there is nothing in the normal play of this game which comes anywhere close to the grind you had to go through there. Legendaries … meh … are broken; not because they’re hard to get, but because getting them becomes a mind numbing chore. Even if getting a Legendary meant getting one character of every race to lvl 80, that wouldn’t be so bad and I’d actually do it … but the bland grind you need for the ingredients here reminds me waaaaay too much of the road to becoming a Jedi in SWG. (mind you, that’s the way games were played back then and people were willing to do it … but that was, what, fifteen years ago?)
That said, the people what are willing to trod through the muck to get their Legendaries … well, at least you know they prolly put in the time.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
I like gw2 because there is no real “end game” grind. I just do whatever I feel like and have fun. I burned out on end game etc., over the years… it eventually just became like a job for me.
i’m disappointed with their thank you token. it would be better if it was a title instead like “I Spent Cash on BLTC” or “Don’t Care About the Money, Money, Money” or “A.NET/NCSoft Supporter” instead of 3 useless minipets.
(edited by alcopaul.2156)