Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread
- 44 year old male, recently married for the first time, no children (and no plans for them).
- I Live in Denver, CO; I used to smoke pot years ago but I don’t anymore—I did vote for it though.
- Love to ski and snowboard; picked up telemark about 10 years ago for a new challenge.
- I enjoy disc golf; very happy that I can still run around and play ultimate Frisbee; I also enjoy mountain biking.
- I love being active outside but I hate going to the gym.
- I used to read tons of fantasy and sci-fi but not so much anymore; now I like learning about “real” life.
- I Have a degree in computer science; I’ve done software test and development for 15 years now and I don’t really like it anymore.
- I think finance is interesting and I wish I knew more about investing.
- I hated history in school but now I find it fascinating.
- I haven’t picked up my guitar in years.
- I mostly like MMOs and RPGs; I don’t play that much anymore and I kinda regret how much time I’ve spent in-game. I feel like I should have been out doing “real life” more.
- I really like this thread and the “confessions” one. I wrote up my confessions but never posted—I’ll do that now.
- I’d love to learn scuba and travel more.
- I had lasik eye surgery years ago and it was one of the best choices I ever made. But it took me a year to build up courage and take the risk.
- My favorite recent concert was Michael Franti in Vail when it was 20 degrees and snowing and we were all bundled up in our ski gear.
- I am 27 years old
- I graduated collect with a major in biochemistry
- The first computer games I played were DOS games. As a toddler. My mom tells me that if you took one of the letters off the keyboard, I could tell you what it was in a heart beat as a toddler. Came in handy when my younger brother learned how to remove the keys. Luckily, he didn’t try to eat them…
- The first computer games that I remember playing were educational games. Not because my parents were boring, but because my mom was a software bundle person for schools when I was kid. So I was an unofficial guinea pig.
- Currently, my favorite games besides GW2 are: Sims 2, Sims 3, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I and II, and the Dynasty Warriors games.
- My first car will be paid off this year if the interest doesn’t add up too much.
- I can be impatient
- I have perfectionist tendencies
- The above two cause me to get frustrated if I don’t get something right the first time
- I’m indecisive. ESPECIALLY if there is not a right answer.
- I will order the same thing off of a menu every time I go somewhere. This is mostly to benefit who I’m eating with. My indecisiveness can lead to me taking forever to pick something to eat.
- I am a notoriously slow eater.
- I’ve got a really good visual memory.
- Auditory instructions or lessons will easily go in one ear and out the other or over my head.
- I love reading
- I read really fast. I had to force myself to take breaks while reading the 7th Harry Potter book. I didn’t want to rush through the book as you can only read a book for the first time once. And I read the 3rd and 4th Harry Potter books on the same day I got them. And I got them both on the same day.
- GW2 is my first MMO.
I would also like to add that I’m a HUGE Legend of Zelda fanboy. Like, frikkin HUGE Legend of Zelda fanboy.
Any other Zelda fans in here?
I would also like to add that I’m a HUGE Legend of Zelda fanboy. Like, frikkin HUGE Legend of Zelda fanboy.
Any other Zelda fans in here?
I’ve not been a huge fan of Zelda since Ocarina of Time. I just have not liked many of the games I played as much as I liked the ones pre-OoT. Except maybe Phantom Hourglass.
My turn now ^^
- I’m 26 (but I’ll say I’m 25 until I’m 30…)
- Belgian, from Wallonia.
- I’m a freelance translator (English-French) and a PhD student in Japanese culture.
- I’m fluent in 4 languages (French, English, Spanish, Japanese), and I get by in 3 other (Italian, German, Dutch).
- I read a lot. Too much. Way too much.
- I’m also a very fast reader.
- I’ve been playing video games for like 20 years. My first online game was GW1… And so far the GW series is my one and only!
- I love to cook, and I’m a cordon bleu chef (so say my close friends and relatives).
- I’m always smiling, because it’s easier to remember someone who’s smiling that someone’s who’s frowning.
- I also draw a lot. Right now I’m somehow working on my GW2 characters. I hope I’ll finish it (because sometimes I simply give up).
- I’m colorblind, that’s why I barely ever color my drawings.
- I’m a travel freak.
- I won’t finish my life in Belgium, because I need sun to be happy.
- I love everything that tastes or smells like lemon.
I guess these are the most important (and random) things about me…
Son of Elonia.
- I also draw a lot. Right now I’m somehow working on my GW2 characters. I hope I’ll finish it (because sometimes I simply give up).
- I’m colorblind, that’s why I barely ever color my drawings.
Mate, I reckon you should colour your stuff. As a non-colourblind art lover I’d be interested to see what you see.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
- I also draw a lot. Right now I’m somehow working on my GW2 characters. I hope I’ll finish it (because sometimes I simply give up).
- I’m colorblind, that’s why I barely ever color my drawings.
Mate, I reckon you should colour your stuff. As a non-colourblind art lover I’d be interested to see what you see.
Well, if I manage to finish my current drawing, I’ll color it then
Son of Elonia.
- 46, although people say I’m in the early 30’s if they hear me on Teamspeak
- from Germany
- always had technical hobbies. First was toy blocks, then Fischertechnik, then electronics construction kits, then repairing TVs, then computers.
- working as software engineer for a big IT outsourcing company
- was never drunk in my life. Tried 2 times but failed.
- don’t have a drop of alcohol in my household (which is strange for guests. They have to bring their own beer)
- running the Teamspeak server for my guild for 7 years (GW1 then, now GW2)
- never thought that computer games are worth playing until a friend showed me Morrowind
- I’m a smart_ass, but I’m trying to fight it. Best therapy is my guild friends being smart_asses in Teamspeak against me
- I hate elitism and every form of extremism
- I never kicked a team member in GW2, I never left a team in the middle of a dungeon, I never ragequit
- play pen&paper rpg’s since I was 17: D&D, Traveller, Gurps, Shadowrun. My current groups all result from Guild Wars contacts: one group with physical presence, and one group via Teamspeak.
Ya know, just reading these posts I’ve made a few observations:
o Every post has something that makes me go “Me too! Me too!”
o I’m super happy to see so many replies from around the World. Tyria has many Heroes.
o Special shout out to the ArenaNet Posters. Thank you for taking the time to show us you are good people who are kind to animals.
o JustTrogdor: Absolutely brilliant. Much applause for starting the ball rolling.
Wonderful to meet all of you! Thanks JustTrogdor for starting this thread!
- I’m a 49 year old male.
- I’m a web programmer by day and a wanna be artist by night (about to finish my MFA – yay! )
- I’ve only been playing GW2 for about 6 months but I absolutely love the game. The people that play it have been the friendliest and most helpful of any game I’ve ever played.
- My partner, Daniel ( also male ) and I have been together for 25 years this December. We live with a very rotten cat and two hens we keep in the backyard. I think of them every time I come across a risen chicken in Orr ( I love it when they pop ).
- I am an avid reader of non fiction and a rascal of an armchair traveler. I would love to travel more to see more of the world but battle social anxiety.
- I enjoy all kinds of music and film, but am an especial fan of all of the great recent animated films coming out.
- This is the very first personal post I’ve ever made anywhere, ever.
I don’t post all that much, but hey: why not?
~All of my sprites’ names begin with ‘fil’ and look identical—same sprite, different classes!
~I started as Ranger, now main Mesmer.
~GW2 is my first MMO (recently made 2 years!); my friend bought my account for me as a gift, and consequentially my account doesn’t even use my email. This has caused issues before
~I run. That’s kinda my thing. Aside from running, I climb stuff. Literally anything and everything. Also doing flips off stuff I shouldn’t, whatever.
~My imagination gets out of hand. Sometimes what’s in my head jumps out, and then I have to deal with it. An example would be making a silly video because an idea for one popped into my head—I do not speak of the Gangnam Style video anymore.
~Favorite color is most certainly orange!
~Favorite foods are the classic pizza and PB&J.
~I am EXTREMELY competitive. I’m always a nice person, except when I’m losing. Then I’m a bit pouty, I do admit. At least I learn from my mistakes quickly!
~I kinda had a rough first decade of my life; I had only one friend until I was about 11. Things have improved greatly since then, and now I have more than I can count. They used to be all friends that I knew around me; but, in the past couple years, I’ve added many friends from GWs!
~I view “online friends” on equal footing with “irl” friends, and it upsets me a bit when people don’t view those friendships as being as meaningful.
~I can’t PvE in this game for whatever reason. I just can’t. WvW and PvP take up pretty much all of my game time!
~I hope that anyone reading this can get a decent idea of who I am from this post.
That’s all, folks!
The Orange Asura with the Sun Kite
-My name is Mat.
-5’11" tall.
-I’m 18 years old and I come from Denmark.
-I am an autist.
-I’m currently working on a farm.
-I love animals and nature more than anything in life.
-I have a dwarf hamster and two parakeets. I used to have a dog, but she died 2 years ago.
-I learned English by playing WoW. I speak Danish, English and a little German.
-Trolling is my greatest accomplishment in life.
-I would never have started playing this game if charr or asura weren’t in the game.
-Taimi is one of my favourite fictional characters of all time.
-“Naus” is my gaming name. The word comes from something my mother used to say. “navn” is the Danish word for “name” but every time she tries to say “navn” she ends up saying “naus”. – GW2 – A world of wonder
(edited by Naus the Gobbo.5172)
Thank you JustTrogdor for coming up with such an interesting and insightful thread. Sometimes we need to inject a dose of humanity and understanding back in these forums to remind everyone that we’re all human. Anyway:
•I’m a 24 year old guy.. Approaching 25.
•I’ve mostly been a lurker on the forums during downtime at work, but lately I’ve become more active at posting.
•Speaking of work; I’m a software engineer with a bachelors in mathematics, but I’m currently looking to go back to college for a career change to become a translator. (Mein Deutsch ist besser werden.)
•Grew up in, and currently dwell in, Texas.
•I’m a rather empathetic person, if I do say so myself, so I REALLY love this thread. Lol
•I tend to gravitate toward alternative rock music myself, but I have a dose of all kinds of music genres. (Except for hardcore rap and country music. I LOATHE that duo)
•No pets. Not sure I have the patience to take care of one.
•As a gay man, I fully support putting more revealing armors in the game for male toons.
•I’m typically an asocial person, but I’m working to change that in the coming years.
•In spite of my account name, I am obsessed with the “Phoenix” motif. As such, most of my toons have “Phoenix” in their names.
Ya know, just reading these posts I’ve made a few observations:
o Every post has something that makes me go “Me too! Me too!”
o I’m super happy to see so many replies from around the World. Tyria has many Heroes.
o Special shout out to the ArenaNet Posters. Thank you for taking the time to show us you are good people who are kind to animals.
o JustTrogdor: Absolutely brilliant. Much applause for starting the ball rolling.
I’m right there with you, MFoy. I couldn’t agree more with all of your points.
- I also draw a lot. Right now I’m somehow working on my GW2 characters. I hope I’ll finish it (because sometimes I simply give up).
- I’m colorblind, that’s why I barely ever color my drawings.
Mate, I reckon you should colour your stuff. As a non-colourblind art lover I’d be interested to see what you see.
Well, if I manage to finish my current drawing, I’ll color it then
Excellent! If you post anything then please let me know. I hardly ever leave the general discussion area.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I’m glad to see the positive response to this thread. A very interesting group we have here.
I am the Bushmaster.
- I am 33 years old.
- red is my favorite color.
- I have played all GW but started at Nightfall.
- I suck at PvP but I play anyway.
- My 6 year old daughter as been lost to the dark hell of minecraft.
- I suck at PvP.
- I drink too much when I do the GW.
- I like hats & have a 14 yr old Persian cat.
- My pet cat doesn’t appreciate the fact I like putting hats on him to make my guild mates smile when they are having a bad day.
- I am way too old to be putting hats on my pet cat.
Yes, JT, our forum members do form an interesting group of people. But I know you are not surprised, and certainly I knew that all along. The nice thing is how many folks have joined in, and I feel sure that more will do so in the future. It’s sort of an “everyone into the
pool thread” situation, eh?
And seriously, BooDuh, is anyone ever too old to put a hat on a cat? (Not that mine would tolerate it for more than .4 nanoseconds, but just sayin’. )
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Yes, JT, our forum members do form an interesting group of people. But I know you are not surprised, and certainly I knew that all along.
The nice thing is how many folks have joined in, and I feel sure that more will do so in the future. It’s sort of an “everyone into the
poolthread” situation, eh?
The amount of participation in this thread has been a pleasant surprise. There are some other regulars here I’d like to see post but I understand this kind of thing isn’t for everyone. It was also nice of you and other Anet staff to join in. Maybe you can get Mike, Colin and some others to jump in the pool too.
I think this thread is due for another Dev post (wink wink nudge nudge). Who’s next?
Come on guys, so far I’m the youngest. Don’t leave me standing here all by myself, please tell me there is at least 1 person younger than me, or at my age. – GW2 – A world of wonder
@LanfearShadowflame, I’m game.
- Sarah Witter
- Female
- I don’t have one favorite color but gravitate towards the red color palette.
- Two cats; one mutt and one purebred ragdoll
- My weaknesses are lack of style and inability to remember or recall on demand anything pop culture; song title or artist, movie names, movie quotes, etc.
- I’ve been at ArenaNet for five years; have worked on GW, GW2, and well something too HoT to mention.
- Puns are fantastic and bring me much happiness.
- I am a published poet, but no longer write
- I once traveled through 17 states in 14 days in a car. The non-driver’s responsibility was to read the Harry Potter series out loud.
- I think I have now been to 29 states, but I would have to look at a map and count to be sure.
- Outside of the US, I’ve been to Germany, China, Canada, Mexico and some of the western Caribbean.
- I follow Tweet-O-Tron on twitter while wondering how he has time to be on social media.
- City of Heroes was my first MMO back in 2005, earlier time was spent on PC games like Myst or console games. A lot of console games.
- Warhammer Online was the first game that really pulled me into PvP/WvW in games. Before WAR I only played PvE. Now I play it all.
- The most recent game I finished was Child of Light on the PS4
- My GW2 main is a Sylvari Elementalist and my primary alt is my Asuran Guardian. Both are level 80.
Edit: I forgot to say my GW2 toon info.
(edited by SarahWitter.2317)
Woot. Lookie that! Thank you Sarah, that was a great way to end my Friday!
“- I once traveled through 17 states in 14 days in a car. The non-driver’s responsibility was to read the Harry Potter series out loud.”
That is hilarious! (and makes my backside hurt just thinking about sitting in a car that long). The longest I’ve been subjected to a car ride is the 24-ish hours it took us to drive to San Antonia for my sister-in-law’s wedding. Never, ever again!
Also I hate my user ID.
(edited by DietPepsi.4371)
Come on guys, so far I’m the youngest.
You haven’t read my, Corvus’ or Fermi’s posts have you?
There are so many posts, guess I scrolled past them. – GW2 – A world of wonder
I’m kinda curious what a post from Mike O’brian would look like.
Here comes some info about me :
- Name’s Samuel. I don’t really like it so I ask to be called Sam.
- 80% of my viewers believe Ajesté is my family name. It actually is a horrible pun (Sam Ajesté = Sa Majesté = His Highness in French).
- My horrible humour has so far been understood by only two persons.
- I was born in France but I’m actually half Algerian. Can’t ask for a dual nationality as I would have to do the military service over here.
- I learned English by playing video-games and reading mangas.
- I turned 20 last summer and on my birthday all the MF could give me was Rage.
- Currently finishing a Master’s Degree in Business Management and Finance.
- Took flipping in Guild Wars 2 as an enjoyable way to do my homework.
- Even after playing the saxophone for 10 years, I still have issues when adressing a large audience. Streaming cured it
- I travelled a lot when I was younger, but now that I live by myself, it ’s kinda hard xD
- Working on two part time jobs allowed me to satisfy my gaming urges ^^
- Guild Wars 2 is my first real MMo but has all I ever wanted : incentives to play optimally, a nice pvp scene, WvW for the days I am bored of PvE and the LA map chat for when I need my giggles !
- I feel at home in the dungeon forum community and wish I could meet some of them in real life !
Hello people!
- I’m a dood. 23. I have long-ish hair like cloud from FFVII, but a little shorter.
- In my last year for an undergrad in Biopharmaceuticals with a focus in Genomics. I’m not very fond of it so I rarely talk about school, much prefer to speak of rainbows, sunshines and lollipops.
- I’m from Canada, but I’m half chinese, half malay (Singapore)
- My favourite colour is purple, because purple is glorious. GLORIOUS.
- I’ve played piano for about 16 years, but moreso as a hobby lately however I used to play drums, flute, trumpet, triangles ^^ and a bit of guitar. I’m learning violin right now as well.
- I love reading, adore it. Mostly fantasy, but also some mystery and non-fiction. PM if you want to hear me talk about my favourites for hours
(=‘.’=) Put him in your signature,
(“) (”) And help him conquer the world!
- My favourite colour is purple, because purple is glorious. GLORIOUS.
All hail glorious purple!
(It’s basically the only color I wear, mixing it with black and white)
Son of Elonia.
I am a male, almost 44 years old (birthday march 21st).
I work as an IT infrastructure manager (if a bit or a byte goes through it, its mine)
I am the second oldest of 7 kids.
I grew up on a farm, can break a wild horse and drive anything with wheels.
I love reading and read a little over a book a month.
I have a baby boy who turns 1 year old on sunday.
My favorite colors are Blue and Red.
My favorite artist is Michael Turner who was born one month after me, and died a few years back, I still morn his passing.
I used to be on a 2nd ranked counter-strike team world-wide, and still miss all the free swag I got just by going to tournaments (we never made it to 1st place).
I was once ranked the #1 club disc-jockey in my state….it seems like another lifetime ago.
I have personally driven in every state of the united states except Alaska.
I have traveled through many countries….I have been to over 200 places in the book “1000 places to see before you die”.
I love cooking, I make a really mean Chili and Chutney (but not together).
I have played MMO’s since the old MUDS…I loved those old text-based muds and meeting people from all over the world…I will always remember the all-nighters we did in college playing those.
The most recent game I finished all the way through was Mass-effect 1/2/3 with all add-ons…I admit it, I cried.
I main a BIG Charr guardian, however I play all of my characters pretty evenly (one of each class, all level 80)…he just gets first pick of the “stuff”. I like the looks on my sylvari characters the best.
What a super cool thread! Thanks, @JustTrogdor. I am thrilled to read all about you all. And so, I’ll dive in as well.
- I’m old enough that I don’t lie about it any more: 52.
- I hate talking on the phone too, @JustTrogdor.
- I’m originally from the Midwest and still love corn in all my food (despite having spent a kittenish summer detassling).
- Like Gaile, Invidia, and Sarah, etc., I’m a cat-lover. I have 3. All rescues.
- I was the correspondent Wireless_Angel at and wrote dozens of articles for the site about video games.
- I lived in France for a year and a half. It’s my other home, and I go back every five years or so to get my French fix.
- I was the first regional storyteller for the East Coast Camarilla region (LARPing!).
- Netflix and for the win!! Aw, yeah!
- I used to be addicted to MUSHing and even got into coding for the first time with MUSH code so I could make my own mods.
- I spent many years writing freelance for tabletop games such as Changeling: the Dreaming, Vampire: the Masquerade, Mage: the Ascension and bunches of others.
- Favorite crayons: brick red, forest green, and midnight blue.
- I’ve been actively writing short fiction since grade school.
- I was the first female game designer on the D&D team at Wizards of the Coast (writing for D&D4th/Forgotten Realms).
- I write romance and horror short stories (sometimes a combination of the two) in my spare time and am lucky enough to publish fairly regularly.
- I’ve been the webmaster for the Horror Writers Association for the past 5 years.
- Favorite movies: “The Princess Bride” and “Bridget Jones’s Diary” (don’t judge)
- My legal name is Angela, but I’ve been Angel since I was a baby because I was born around Christmas, and I was my mom’s “Christmas angel.”
- I have an unnatural love of drug stores, especially Walgreen’s.
- I put Tapatio on just about everything I eat (except ice cream, because it’s the only food that doesn’t need it).
- I like goth-industrial music and ’70s funk.
- Current favorite author: Jim Butcher. (Go, Harry Dresden!)
- Working at ArenaNet on GW2 has been the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had, primarily because of all you fans who make my work so worthwhile. <3
I did not mention my love of Science Fiction, including Star Trek, in my previous entry here but please forgive this addition and my expression of sorrow at the loss of the man who portrayed one of my favorite fictional characters. RIP Leonard Nimoy.
Oh, no. That is so sad. I’ve been watching “Fringe,” and it’s been such a delight to see him acting.
I am poisous. 22. Female… although I am almost thoroughly convinced I am a robot.
I moved January 2014 to a small town in the middle of nowhere, USA, and for nine insufferable months I did not have internet (actually, it wasn’t that bad). I returned to GW2 October/November of 2014. Since then I have been mainly pvping, farming gold, and buying total makeover kits.
I am planning on studying Music in Education. Am I an aspiring teacher or a glutton for punishment? I play a handful of instruments, including (but not limited to): Guitar, piano, bass, banjo, trombone, flute, and ukulele (although that doesn’t count… at all.) All for a very long time.
I am also a huge music nerd. Especially if it comes to math rock (Minus the Bear, This Town Needs Guns), alt rock, and prog rock. I also love Tyler, the Creator.
I have four cats. Gary Busey, Pippin, Odin, and Oracle. They’re all headaches. Especially Gary Busey.
I lack emotion. 99% of the time I am 100% apathetic.
My main is a thief, Princess Panini. I love paninis.
Oh, no. That is so sad. I’ve been watching “Fringe,” and it’s been such a delight to see him acting.
So have you been playing “spot the pale bald guy” while watching? It’s quite a fun game.
- I am 44 years old
- I’m a U.S. Navy veteran (6 years as a hospital corpsman with the Navy and Marines)
- I am currently a freelance writer and public relations consultant
- I have a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and have been working in that field for almost 15 years – Ive owned my own business for the past eight
- I’ve lived all over the US – both in the Navy and working with various PR and Advertising agencies
- I have a mixed mutt (Bernese Mtn dog and German Shepard mix) that I love
- Im a craft beer geek. If there is a beer on a menu that I havent tried, I pretty much have to order that.
- My favorite musical artist is John Hiatt
- My favorite writer is Roger Zelazny
- I am the guild leader of an extremely active 300+ person guild made up of some of the nicest people on the planet. Last year, I had the chance to meet about 30 of my guildmates in real life at a meet up in Richmond, Va.
- I main a sylvari mesmer named Blaeys suffering from a severe identity crisis – I change my build at least 3 times a month (and have since launch – one of the main reasons I love the game). His name comes from Arthurian legend (also why he is Sylvari) – a derivative of Bleys, the sorcerer that taught magic to Merlin.
- I try not to take the game too seriously either, and cringe a little when I find myself failing at that task
(edited by Blaeys.3102)
This thread should be a sticky. – GW2 – A world of wonder
- My real name is Alexander
- I’m 30 years old
- I’m german and live in a small town 50 km away from cologne
- I studied math and programming
- Playing Guild Wars since beta Oct 2004
- I love computer games (Civ, Age of Empires, Unreal tournament), writing my own tales and archery
- I’m a amateur cosplayer at Gamescom and RPC. Maybe you’ve seen me as Logan Thackeray or GW1 drakescale armor ranger
- So my Main is a ranger
- My favorite movies are animes from Ghibli Studio. For example: Nausicaa, Princess Mononoke, Whisper of the heart and Kiki’s delivery service
- My favorite band is Schandmaul. A german medieval rock band.
- I like to being alone and thinking.
- I’m mostly friendly, tolerant and shy.
- I hate arrogant people or people who flame or attack weaker persons. So I can become a berserk appear out of nowhere :P (sorry for that
- And my weakest subjects at school were languages (Sorry for that, too)
(edited by Aleksander Suburb.4287)
I did not mention my love of Science Fiction, including Star Trek, in my previous entry here but please forgive this addition and my expression of sorrow at the loss of the man who portrayed one of my favorite fictional characters. RIP Leonard Nimoy.
^Agree – Much Sadness.
In Memoriam – With Much Affection from Fans.
Name: Chris (of course)
Location: Texas
Age: 44 (as of 3 days ago)
Married 25 years to my junior high sweetheart
Playing since Prophecies
Main: Terryn Deathward, Ranger, FoW on YB
My entire household now plays GW2 (my wife was the last holdout)
Veteran of the US Navy as an Electronics Technician
Served in Desert Shield/Storm
Have visited 5 continents and gone from the Arctic Circle to the tip of South America
Would most like to visit again: Edinburgh, Scotland
Play drums and can fake it pretty well on bass guitar
Love to sing, but my voice is too low to sing along to most things these days (can nail some Type O Negative though)
Favorite music: Metal, classical, Celtic
Favorite current bands: Demon Hunter, Disciple, Avatar, DragonForce, Impending Doom
Favorite of all time: Styx (w Dennis DeYoung)
Love to read fantasy and some sci-fi
Favorite books: Anything Deryni by Katherine Kurtz
Movie I’ll Watch Anytime It’s On: The Fifth Element
Love Mexican food, BBQ, and burgers in all forms, and Japanese foods like sushi, yakisoba, and okonomyaki
I can’t ever eat at Chuy’s without thinking of Gaile
Hate green peas, raisins, licorice (black)
I have a sarcastic wit, and I’m not afraid to use it.
Footsteps of War [FoW]
Yak’s Bend
- Favorite movies: “The Princess Bride” and “Bridget Jones’s Diary” (don’t judge)
—’Tis Conceivable – Blue Soup Rules!
(edited by BooHud.2681)
- My legal name is Angela, but I’ve been Angel since I was a baby because I was born around Christmas, and I was my mom’s “Christmas angel.”
You should come to Germany and introduce yourself as Angela M.
I don’t post often, but I support this thread 100%
-My name is Zachary, I used to go by zach but in the past few years I have decided to go by my full name.
-I was born in an Army Hospital in Berlin, Germany, grew up in Arizona, and am of Polish descent.
-I am Active Duty Air Force with nearly 5 years in, just recently moved to Guam.
-28 years old
-I prefer a good ol barbecue/house party to going out on the town/bars/clubs.
-When drinking with my brother we tend to end up discussing MMORPG mechanics/systems and how we would do it.
-I have numerous books of notes on my ideal MMORPG mechanics/systems.
-I was introduced to MMORPG’s with Ultima Online pre-trammel
-I worked In-Game customer service for Warhammer Online at Mythic. (A CSR for those who played) Was there approx 15 months starting at launch. 7 of 8 hours of my day was spent dealing with gold spam, and the other hour was generally spent explaining to players that we could not restore items/characters that didn’t exist or that they never had, which generally resulted in some sort of threat against my life or the company or my job. Also lots of botting/hacking.
-Hobbies include carpentry, DJ’ing, volleyball, working out, snowboarding and hopefully soon i’ll be taking up paddle-boarding.
-I participated in the first Open Beta Event of Guild wars back in November 2004 played that until the launch of GW2 and have been here ever since.
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard
I am 47, male, and an engineer.
I like things that are cheap and easy.
I like and
My life is filled with acronyms like SID, SPIE, ARRL, FAA, and USPTO so I like to write, or say, them all out the long way when I communicate in the office, even if it takes me twice as long to express something.
Just saying to those who say they haven’t traveled, Canada and Jamaica are amazing
- From Jamaica
- Uni Student in Canada
- Guardians <3
- Human Master Race
- I have a huge immagination
- I like games
- a lot
- I like books
- a lot
- I like Tennis and basketball
- a lot
- I am too cool for you (not really, but whatever right)
- I too like puns
- I love Disney
- Taylor Swift is awesome
First off, this thread is wonderful!
Second off, here is a little bit about me (in no particular order)!
-I am 22 years old, male, and Canadian
-Have a degree in Psychology but currently studying Marine Geomatics (I still don’t know what I want to do in life)
-Played Runescape for 10 years before I found Guild Wars 2 (my first 99 was fishing!)
-Favourite offline game: Crash Team Racing
-Favourite online game(s): GW2 and Smite
-I play Necro and Warrior almost exclusively
-My favourite food group is gravy
-I’m 6’5" which is both a blessing and a curse
-I have a Youtube channel in which I taught 3D modelling with Blender (although school kinda took over and I haven’t uploaded in years)
-I LOVE lego, especially the star wars themed!
-speaking of Lego, me and my SO once built the Tower Bridge set in 16 hours!
-Favourite TV series are Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and The Joys of Painting with Bob Ross
-Favourite bands are Tenacious D, In Flames, Rammstein, Disturbed, FFDP, and Korn
-Favourite movies are KungkittenPanda 1 & 2, all Monty Python films (my necro is a sylvari named Biggus Oakus), all the Ip man films, and The Pick of Destiny.
Now you know Black Roofis
-24 Male Pensacola, Florida, U.S.A.
-Has a love for history (perfect city to be a historian ;] )
-Working on a degree within History/Public Service
-Currently Working as a Systems Analyst
-Former Developer for an old 2D sand box game
-Been a loyal fan of the GW series since Prophecies
-Favorite class is Ranger, it’s my main since release
-Favorite sports Teams are all in Tampa Bay
-I have a huge love for Nightmare Before Christmas
-My little kitten is my whole world ^-^! shes so fierce!!
-I run and operate my own gaming community within GW2
-I have a gift of stumbling across troubled souls and making them happy
-I’m addicted to killing players on my Ranger…. i need help
Fort Aspenwood
/applauds Wolfey
We need more public servants. I was a history major, went into law, ended up as a public defender. My dad was a government worker for decades and that’s all I wanted for myself. The private sector is freaking insane. I hope you find a rewarding career that gives you a thrill of happiness and deserved pride every time you tell someone what you do.