Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alissah.9281


My name is Alissah Kat. One day, I hope to be called that in real life, too. sigh

  • here are some more random labels in no particular order: very open minded, Hyper-sensitive, poly amourous, and always available to talk/play in-game and on skype or steam : D
  • I’m transgender. I wouldn’t make my worst enemy have to go through a live like this. Some call it altruism… I call it not being extremely super mean.
  • All the things that I enjoy doing, and my dreams for the future (activism, youtube) won’t help me put food on the table… In fact, theyre more likely to cost money, but im too lazy to get a job (and it just seems so un-interesting/important to me)
  • I’m 19 years old, I wish I could go back to my 12th and do things differently…
  • everyone tells me how bad I am at live, and how censored. They’re right, but not in the way they think. All this horrible-ness has turned me into the person I am today. And I aim to do something usefull with my life, in the form of helping people and reason awareness through activism.
  • I tend to talk too much, and my terribad memory makes me forget what I was talking about… Were at the gw2 forum, right?
  • I enjoy playing gw2.
New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobbyStein



Guild Wars 2 Narrative Lead


Since all the cool kids are doing it…

  • I’ve been at ArenaNet since late 2005. Time flies.
  • I like to run and bike. Did my first 10k last year. I hope to do another one sometime.
  • I worked in TV and commercial production out of college, holding various jobs on film shoots (grip, set electrician, production assistant, and production coordinator).
  • After the film stuff I worked on Wall St. for about five years. Lots of stories.
  • Started writing freelance game articles back in 2001. Took the plunge in 2003 and moved to Seattle to give the game industry thing a try.
  • I love video games. The Odyssey 2 was my first console. The Commodore 64 was my first computer. I used to type in programs that were printed in Compute! magazine so that I had games to play.
  • Open world action and sandbox games are my favorite. I love messing with AI and physics systems and watching the ensuing chaos.
  • I’ve been an active musician since high school. I started playing bass in 1989.
  • I’ve been in a lot of bands over the years. Boss Jim Gettys is still somewhat active, even though I’m 2800 miles away from the other guys.
  • I listen to all kinds of music.
  • I log in to Guild Wars 2 almost every day. Charr staff ele is my main. I should probably try double daggers sometime.
  • I’m currently playing Dying Light, Rayman Legends, and GTA 5.
  • Good food motivates me, as do the kind and constructive comments from our fans.
  • The last two books I read: World War Z by Max Brooks and Ice: A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption by Ice T and Douglas Century.
  • Last TV show I watched: Archer (season 5).
  • Last movie: John Wick.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jeezlaweez.6810


Nice topic, OP, pretty smooth!

Well…. here it goes

- I’m 29ys old, and I’m goin’ to 3.0 at the 4th of July. No Kidding.
- However, I’m not from USA. I’m Brazilian.
- my name in-game is an homage to Star Fox, mainly Falco, that always says “Jeez Laweez, what is that?!”
- I played Soccer and Basketball, but never gone pro. Despite not being an american guy, I love American Football. I love the 49ers since I heard about Joe Montana.
- My favorite cartoon/anime is Trigun, but I love the old TNMT from 80’s, so much that I made my mind to name my son “Leonardo”. Well, Vash wouldn’t be bad either, but I don’t think it would make any sense.
- I have a wife and she plays GW2 more than myself, we both run a Portuguese-BR fanpage about the game on Facebook that is reaching 500 likes (yey)
- My main is Necromancer, but I almost went with Guardian. See I love Paladins since I played AD&D for the first time. But Guardian wasn’t a “paladin” for me when I started playing 2y ago… however, nowdays I play more with my guardian than my Necro, because I made him a Paladin ahaha Thanks ANET for boosting the Shield Skills recharge, btw.
- This is the only MMO that I play. It’s the only one that I really liked because it feels like a RPG. But I don’t do in-game RP.
- I play games since I was a 4-year old kid with a Master System II, Alex Kidd is unique until today. But my favorite console was the N64 and I still own and play mine.
- My fav color is green, but I like red a lot.
- I have a bromance with Hal Jordan, that kitten. And I love the secondary heroes from DC Comics, like Atom, Nightwing and Zatanna. I loved when Cyborg was included on JL, he is my favorite Titan.
- last, but not least, I’m an Social Anthropologist, and I’ve studied Religions mainly.

Have a pic of my Necromancer with my wife’s Mesmer, laughing about the “My job is better than yours” guy.


Samuel Hart – lvl 80 Necro and 20 more toons… well. Yeah.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BooHud.2681


  • I like to run and bike. Did my first 10k last year. I hope to do another one sometime.

Congrats on the 10K – Believe in the Run!!!!

Playing GW2 is my reward for my daily runs. So many thanks for my “carrots” – you have NO idea how much my time with both the game and many in its community have positively impacted me

I would buy more hats at the gem store to help maintain your running shoe fund, but I go through running shoes about every 6 weeks so that eats into some of my super fun time budget.

That said, lemme see your race number from your next 10K and I’ll be sure to buy you a hat for your Charr!!

P.S. — Apparently I have a new account name. Its a mystery; not that I mind. But I’m the poster who puts dumb hats on her 14 yr old Persian cat


(edited by BooHud.2681)

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheNecrosanct.4028


Despite playing GW2 since the beginning I have never been active on the Forum until recently, so I guess there’s no better time to introduce myself than now.

- 37 year old Dutch male.

- Single for 3 years but still living with my ex-boyfriend for the moment, in a strictly platonic capacity.

- Jobsearching at the moment due to a restructuring at the company I worked, which made my job function redundant.

- I used to be an auditor and studied linguistics (with a specialty in Celtic Languages and Cultures) at the University of Utrecht.

- I have a great many interests, ranging from history (not so much modern history but the older time periods), language, culture, mythology and religion (from an academic standpoint; I consider myself an agnostic), physics, astronomy, biology, philosophy and psychology.

- I wouldn’t call myself a music lover so much as a music addict. John Miles wrote my anthem a year before I was born in the form of the epic song ‘Music’. I only differentiate between music I like and music I don’t like. It’s no use naming genres since I love almost all and I love it even more when the lines are blurred. It’s also no use to name specific artists/bands since that list wouldn’t fit on one page of this Forum.

- Used to play in a melodic death metal band in which I played the keys and wrote lyrics. We never emerged from the rehearsal room status but it was fun nonetheless. We started out calling ourselves Polluted Corpse, then changed it to Catharsis some time later. I also formed a musical duo with a very good friend of mine. I played the piano, she the violin and we both sang. We named ourselves Calacirya, from Tolkien’s “The Silmarillion”, after the mountain pass in Aman, where the Noldor city of Tirion was built.

- I am ashamed to admit I haven’t touched a piano in years, though I still sing almost daily.

- I have 3 cats (Frodo, Bilbo and Isis), all from the same litter, turning 16 in August this year. I grew up with all kinds of animals, including cats, dogs, hamsters, fish, birds, rabbits, and used to spend a fair amount of time on farms.

- I used to play a lot of pen & paper RPG, specifically Vampire: The Masquerade from White Wolf Publishing’s World of Darkness line.

- I also used to play a lot of Warhammer Fantasy, the tabletop strategy wargame. I haven’t played it in years but I still collect and paint miniatures. My favourite armies are Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings of Khemri, Dark Elves and Chaos (mostly Nurgle and Tzeentch). I am planning on starting a Lizardmen collection some time in the future. Can’t wait to go hogwild with the bright colours after painting mostly grim and dark armies.

- I started playing Guild Wars around the time Eye of the North came out. I now play Guild Wars 2 on a daily basis, ranging from merely doing my daily to hours long dungeon runs (depending on my availability).

- Contrary to many people in the game (people I came across, at least) I do not have a main character. I switch between characters regularly and if I prefer one above the others it’s because I still have maps to complete on that character (4 times world completion, and with the upcoming change will get 4 more).

- I have 12 level 80 characters (1 of each class; the doubles are Warrior, Guardian, Mesmer and Necromancer) and love playing them all. I have a level 80 Engineer but it’s the only class I still can’t get into. I let him tinker (read: waste away) in Rata Sum.
I have played several MMO’s but GW2 is by far the best and most enjoyable, and the sole cause I am not playing those other MMO’s anymore. The basic systems and accessibility of GW2 in general, the letting go of traditional MMO concepts and creating innovating/improving mechanics, that most of all makes this game superior to the others in my opinion.

- I am a huge Marvel and DC comics fan, though with a strong inclination for Marvel over DC. Marvel’s run of Transformers comics in the 80’s is what started it all for me. I’ve probably seen all comics adaptations, be they live action movies, animated movies, or TV series. Contrary to the X-Men hype that ruled the 80’s, my favourite superhero team was and always will be the Fantastic Four. I am in awe of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and can’t wait for the release of “Avengers: Age of Ultron”. ANet’s announcement of Heart of Thorns and Kevin Feige’s introduction of Marvel’s Phase 3 movie roster were the 2 events last year that made me jump out of my seat and do my completely embarrasing happy dance in the comfort of my own living room. xD

- About those Transformers, I still have a decent collection of Generation 1 action figures from the 80’s, when it was most popular and you could find them in any toy store.

There’s probably more to tell but I have a tendency to not stop talking when it comes to things I’m passionate about. So I’ll leave it at this before I take up most of the page.

(edited by TheNecrosanct.4028)

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

Hi I’m Endless Soul.

- I’m a 46 year old male living in Southern California.

-I work at a small HVAC Controls company working with AutoCAD to design control systems and plans for commercial projects.

- I’ve played Guild Wars 1 since open beta. My main character over there my mesmer Alastrine Isolde.

- I only just started playing Guild Wars 2 yesterday. I’ve known about Guild Wars 2, but due to life circumstances, I didn’t get a chance to buy it until recently.

- I’m married, and we have a 8 year old daughter, but due to life circumstances, they’re in the Seattle area, and I’m stuck in So Cal until further notice. (Can’t wait to rejoin them).

- I’ve technically been a gamer since my mom brought home PONG in the mid 1970s. Atari 2600 and Intellivision followed in the 80s.

- Most other MMO games I’ve played were usually combat flight sims (WarBirds, World War 2 Online, War Thunder etc,). Aside from Star Wars Galaxies, Guild Wars is really the only non-historical MMO I’ve really participated in and I still absolutely love.

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiryuuki.3264


Here we go!

- I’m 27 old. Female. Brazilian
- I’m jeezlaweez’s wife xD
- I’m a cosplayer
- GW2 is the first MMO that I played, and I completed 2 years on Feb, 26
- I love purple
- My first toon was my mesmer and she’s my main (with my guardian, first ranger, second elementalist and my necro)
- I’m trying to finish Bifrost
- I love King Arthur’s tale (and wished to name my son as Arthur, but will be Leonardo)
- I’m trying to make my GW2’s fan page visible to all brazilian players and probably be recognized for some of Devs
- I really want to visit Finland
- Dreamer was my first Legendary
- I love cats
- I have a dog that lives with my mother.
- Battle for Lion’s Arch is my favorite Living Story (with the perfect soundtrack – I love Battle on the Breachmaker)
- I’m addicted to make alternatives toons
- I love animes
- I don’t look that I have 27 years
- I never defeated Triple Trouble
- I love my mesmer, but I think that my guardian is more beautiful than my mesmer
- I don’t have a great patience
- I don’t work
- I love American Football (and I’m a Huston Texans fan)
- I’m a RPG person

The Six Gods Squad [SIX] – Crystal Desert

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nehezbegar.1065


Ok so here it is

  • I’m 25
  • Software developer
  • Working on bussiness software
  • Practising mixed martial arts for over 10 years
  • As a manly man my favorite writer is Paulo Coelho
  • Been playing games since i was 5, playing Batman on Commodore64
  • Started playing MMO’s 10 years ago
  • Started my MMO journey with World of Warcraft.
  • Haven’t played GW1 from the start,
  • Completly fallen in love with Guild Wars 2, it is not perfect, but perfection is boring.
  • I work even in my free time, between hanging out with friends and trainings, im coding a lot of software, have tons of ideas inside my head and i love to play a god role while programming
  • Wanted to work in gaming industry, but i somehow landed in bussiness software and i can’t complain
  • Favorite color is black
  • Playing GW2 since the launch, and i still haven’t obtained legendary.
  • I play games for fun, not to rise my e-peeeen
  • Currently looking for guild on Far Shiverpeaks.
  • I’d love to go on a journey around the world sometime in the future.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

-Classical violinist-music is my life and my instrument is my most valued “possession” and life partner. It is why I don’t play as much (the game itself is pretty good, IMHO.)
-INFP-I love being myself, even though it means that I am very different than the societal norm. I value individuality and being true to self-everybody has the right to be who they are (“all things have a right to grow”, though I didn’t need the Ventari tablet to teach me as much.) Also care about feelings and go out of my way not to offend others, though I am always honest towards others and never fake niceness. You can be honest without being a blunt jerk (no offense towards those who prefer a more direct approach.)
-New Yorker since 2003-wouldn’t live anywhere else. Love music and the arts, and live in my own world of muse and wonder… thus I am often a bit disconnected from society for the most part, because in general it’s hard for them to relate with me (which is OK-I don’t expect to be easily understood, nor will I change who I am just for the sake of “fitting in” where I do not really belong.)

(edited by Star Ace.5207)

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobbyStein



Guild Wars 2 Narrative Lead


Congrats on the 10K – Believe in the Run!!!!

Playing GW2 is my reward for my daily runs. So many thanks for my “carrots” – you have NO idea how much my time with both the game and many in its community have positively impacted me

I would buy more hats at the gem store to help maintain your running shoe fund, but I go through running shoes about every 6 weeks so that eats into some of my super fun time budget.

That said, lemme see your race number from your next 10K and I’ll be sure to buy you a hat for your Charr!!

P.S. — Apparently I have a new account name. Its a mystery; not that I mind. But I’m the poster who puts dumb hats on her 14 yr old Persian cat

If/when I do my next run I’ll post the number on my Twitter feed.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Big Bad Bob.6750

Big Bad Bob.6750

Checking in:

- 48, male.
- computer science degree, telecom/network equipment development ever since
- serial monogamist gamer (only have time for one at a time)
- first online game: Diablo 2
- first game I put serious time into: Moria/Angband. Wasted so much time in text graphics dungeons…
- stopped playing console games when my 6 year old son started kicking my butt regularly.
- played GW1 since about 6 mo after Prophecies came out – GW2 from release.
- mesmers – love at first play experience
- alt-o-holic
- happily married 18+ years (no alts). 5 kids.
- all 5 kids have autism spectrum disorders ranging from PDD-NOS to non-verbal autism, which limits my gaming time a tad
- two oldest kids are both gamers…apples and trees, I guess
- my wife and oldest son both play GW2 occasionally
- musician: trombone since public school; bass; congas
- write and arrange music when I feel inspiration (blues, jazz, rock)
- color prefs – blues and greens
- refuse to grow up.
- sarcastic and/or twisted sense of humor.
- prefer listening to talking
- don’t travel much these days but would if I could…have a long, long bucket list of places I want to see.
- play style – I play to relax.
- music listening style – almost anything if it’s good, not over-produced, and contains real musical skill/talent
- reading taste: varied, but I read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi. RIP Sir Terry.
- TV: meh. The occasional show catches my attention briefly.
- black Lindors > white Lindors
- writing style: stream-of-consciousness
- once wrote a guide/summary of playing a Diablo 2 barbarian with a bow… slightly demented but fun.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


Cool thread. Here’s a list of me:

- My real first name is Robin. I wanted a Japanese sounding game name, as I like the japanese culture, so used my first name and shortened it (hence Rin). So, no I didn’t name myself after the destroyed Ascalonian city of Rin, that was just a coincedence. I was quite surprised when I first came upon that city in GW1 .
- I’m male, aged 42 (currently the answer to life, the universe and everything, though I haven’t figured out the question yet) and live in the UK (in Kent).
- I’m married and have been with my wonderful wife for 15 years (married for 13). She is not a gamer, but she accepts that I am and is very tolerant of me . For that I am truly grateful.
- My personality type is INTP (an introverted thinker).
- I’m pretty easy going and try get on with everyone as best I can. I try to be open minded and I’m a creative thinker who enjoys a good brainstorm.
- Normally I am very quiet, but when there is a topic I have a big interest in I can sometimes talk too much :P.
- Some small achievements of mine are: I’ve raced a Caterham 7 and a Lotus Elise around Brand Hatch and flown a helicopter over the white cliffs of Dover. I also achieve a 1st Dan blackbelt in Ninjitsu many years ago and had the honor of meeting Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, though I haven’t trained for many years now.
- I used to play, and still do on occasion, table top and pen&paper games, such as D&D, Rifts, Warhammer 40k. I’ve also created a few of my own rule systems and campaigns. I am currently working on a new rule system for a table top battle game.
- I have been a big fan of the Guild Wars universe since the early days of GW1 and am thorougly enjoying GW2.
- I play a Thief predominantly, though I have every profession at level 80 and I frequently play Engineer, Necromancer, Guardian, Ranger and Mesmer. Least played profession is Warrior.
- I mainly like sci-fi games, but I’m also a massive fan of fantasy. I’m hoping that one day ArenaNet will create a sci-fi Guild Wars, maybe GW3?

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shrimpkin.4851


I’m flashing back to the dreaded “Tell me about yourself” question from job interviews.

turning 47 this Friday
I collect sand from beaches when I go on vacation
love books and movies (I’ll read and watch the same ones over and over)
I’ve had this nickname since the early 90s thanks to Tecmo Superbowl, and I’m still giving serious consideration to suing Futurama for stealing it.
I have 3 cats (the crazy cat lady barrier is 5, so I’m safe)
I’m a hardcore introvert, which goes well with my social anxiety
GW2 is my first MMO, my friends got me into it but they don’t play anymore
I speak sarcasm as a second language and my sense of humour is dark and twisted
I have all sounds in GW2 turned off because I listen to music while playing, I also die a lot because of that
I’m terrible at these things

I’m not anti-social, I’m selectively social. There’s a difference.

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gricks.1897


I love reading about all you folks, there are some interesting people to say the least! You are all amazing!

  • 26 year old consultant for Information Technology Managed Services
  • Male
  • Born Virginian, grew up in Bunbury, Australia, and Houston Texas. finally moved abck to Virginia for high school and College.
  • Visited about 35 of the 50 states of the US, England, Singapore, Fiji
  • Married to a beautiful and amazing woman I met in a Pen and Paper RPG club playing Pathfinder/d20 modern. She currently leads our guild.
  • Played Pen and Paper for the last 10 years.
  • Played MMO’s since I was 13, and logged into Everquest for the first time. I have loved it ever since. Only GW2 has gotten me as addicted as the old Everquest days.
  • Technology lover
  • Spends majority of time in game playing with dies and outfits.
  • Was a hardcore RPer in the Everquest days. There was something about being able to be a completely different person which was fun.
  • Wants to some day own a herd of Corgi’s
  • Has a bad knack for trolling people taking the game too seriously. The sarcasm cannot be contained and my wife hates my antagonism.
The Wrecking Krewe[NYE] – [Maguuma] Arum Bloodclaw

(edited by gricks.1897)

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

I’m flashing back to the dreaded “Tell me about yourself” question from job interviews.

Awww, we’re not nearly that scary!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreithyia.3064


- I’m German with a Polish surname.
- I’ve got a lot of silblings.
- I’m pretty tall and also like playing tall characters (norn…charr… one of my favorite PC is a very small human guy though)
- I enjoy playing “female power fantasy”- like female character (IDC if they marysue, as long as they’re strong, cool and have an interesting character :I).
-I also like paying male characters in MMOs, since often they’re cooler and less annoying than all the females in chainmail bikinis…and I like scarred faces that look like the character already has been gone through a lot.
-I’ve got a rescue dog from Spain, he’s got stripes and likes gnawing on my hands
-I studied history and theology, then i worked and now I’m studying again
-I’ve got a tattoo
-I’m a little language geek…not a nerd though, because I’m not nearly as knowledgable enough for it.
-my favorite food is lasagna…and longly braised meat and vegetables.
-While I’m not a heavy Reenactor, I Iike wearing my “almost completely accurate” viking clothing on weekends (the fabric is chemically dyed and woven and it inaccurate for a common woman to wear such expensive colours, like red and deep indigo blue. I just think it looks better with blond hair than reseda yellow and birch green.)
-while being German, I prefer Vodka, Whiskey, Wine or non-alcoholic drinks (water, juice) over beer.
-I trained karate for a long time, but haven’t for a while now.
-I also play Violoncello and enjoy singing.
-I spend my nights for a big part with drawing and gaming.
-my favorite pokémon is Drowzee
-I’m a bit “special” when it comes to my hair. I like wearing elaborate braided hairstyles or copying historic hairstyles (I tried to reproduce Eirs hairstyle, but while my hair is long enough, it is definitively not thick enough for the ponytail thing at the back of her head).
-I cosplay…but not that active anymore…usually i get just 1-2 costumes done in a year and wear them for casual and fun…I don’t like competing in my hobbies. right now I’m working on a 17th century dress in the style of the late Elisabeth Stuart.
-while playing GW since prophecies(I think it was 2007 or 2008?), I’m still a noob in it . XD
-what still keeps me doing is all the exploring and talking with all NPCs.
-I’m pretty hyped about HoT right now.

(edited by Oreithyia.3064)