Give Anet a Chance

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Numot.3965


People seem to think anet can just wave a wand to fix problems in a jiffy. Some things are fixed easier than others, and the current patch (problems it caused aside) did fix/ adjust a lot of things that needed some attention.

Fixing bugs and adjusting balance isn’t easy. I’ve done coding and have spent hours fixing issues in code I’ve made entirely on my own. I can only imagine what a pain it is when part of a larger team.

Rather than just raging people need to constructively give feed back of what has been fixed, and what needs to be fixed. It makes it easier to find issues for the devs, and players can easily look over issues and check them. Belive it or not screaming things like “nerf thieves!” doesn’t help the dev team. If a specific problem didn’t get addressed make sure to mention that it didn’t.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Synitare.3176


People seem to think anet can just wave a wand to fix problems in a jiffy. Some things are fixed easier than others, and the current patch (problems it caused aside) did fix/ adjust a lot of things that needed some attention.

Fixing bugs and adjusting balance isn’t easy. I’ve done coding and have spent hours fixing issues in code I’ve made entirely on my own. I can only imagine what a pain it is when part of a larger team.

Rather than just raging people need to constructively give feed back of what has been fixed, and what needs to be fixed. It makes it easier to find issues for the devs, and players can easily look over issues and check them. Belive it or not screaming things like “nerf thieves!” doesn’t help the dev team. If a specific problem didn’t get addressed make sure to mention that it didn’t.

Giving constructive feedback is essentially impossible. They simply don’t want to hear it. Anything that has a direct relation to the patch or ascended gear immediately gets thrown into the giant trash bins they call “merged threads.” Constructive discussion is impossible.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


People seem to think anet can just wave a wand to fix problems in a jiffy.

We have been waiting three months for promised fixes like turret scaling and working sigils for Engineers since beta. Four or so months is not a “jiffy”.

Fixing bugs and adjusting balance isn’t easy. I’ve done coding and have spent hours fixing issues in code I’ve made entirely on my own. I can only imagine what a pain it is when part of a larger team.

They have played with HB and Backstab damage all throughout beta but for some reason broke the knob off on “11”. They can easily change it, they just don’t want to for whatever deluded reason. Like the same reason that prompted them to nerf Grenade Kits in SPvP because they were the real problem, right guys?

Rather than just raging people need to constructively give feed back of what has been fixed, and what needs to be fixed. It makes it easier to find issues for the devs, and players can easily look over issues and check them. Belive it or not screaming things like “nerf thieves!” doesn’t help the dev team. If a specific problem didn’t get addressed make sure to mention that it didn’t.

Been there, tried that, gotten nowhere. This patch is picture-perfect proof of that.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crater.1625


Yeah, there’s been a lot of constructive feedback given in a calm, rational way – even from people who are extremely upset about the changes.

But good luck giving feedback when 1) Every thread with a cogent, constructive discussion is shuffled into the garbage can thread where not only is it drowned in the sea of high-speed posting, but the posts of any particular discussion are shuffled into random spots over ten pages, meaning that nobody can actually follow the conversation, and 2) There’s essentially no two-way communication – all developer commentary so far has been delivered from on-high in a marketing format, or in the one developer post that’s been made on the subject, which almost immediately contradicted itself and left people with more questions than it answered.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


Yeah, there’s been a lot of constructive feedback given in a calm, rational way – even from people who are extremely upset about the changes.

But good luck giving feedback when 1) Every thread with a cogent, constructive discussion is shuffled into the garbage can thread where not only is it drowned in the sea of high-speed posting, but the posts of any particular discussion are shuffled into random spots over ten pages, meaning that nobody can actually follow the conversation, and 2) There’s essentially no two-way communication – all developer commentary so far has been delivered from on-high in a marketing format, or in the one developer post that’s been made on the subject, which almost immediately contradicted itself and left people with more questions than it answered.

So much for “Respect the Player” golden rule, huh? I’ve seen better communication from Bioware.

Frigging Bioware!

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Out of chances. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that the game would improve over time and I would continue to play and support them with the gem store. They were taking their sweet time fix things that should be been working if they had actually released “When its done”. I was able to live with that.

Well, the announcement of the Ascended Items and the going back on their manifesto combined with this abysmal performance of a patch means ArenaNet has lost their last chance with me, thats all there is to it. I won’t be spending ~$50 USD a month on gems anymore and won’t even be playing.

ArenaNet you need to get your kitten together or this game’s population will look worse than SWTOR soon.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: multani.1452


I’ve given them more than enough time and chances after months of issues with both the engineer and Necromancer class. Now, after this joke of a patch, I can honestly say that their chances are used up. There will be no more gem purchases from me. There will be no more logging into the game to play. After finding out they only have TWO developers working on the class balances, I had to take a moment to ponder if Anet even realizes how unintelligent that is. Then I finally realized, Anet is just a buisness focused on getting the most profit they can in the shortest amount of time. Oh well, at least I still have XCOM and TF2 to enjoy.

“I got ten voices in my head and NONE of them like you.”
~Eliana Veilstrike~
Yak’s Bend (TBE)

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slic.2406


Their official response has already been repeated by more than 3 anet employees. The response is:

We Don’t Know If This Is The Only Time, But We Won’t Say That It’s Likely Or Unlikely That We Will Add More Treadmills. All We Know Is That We Refuse To Acknowledge This First Time As A Treadmill Or Vertical Progression. And We Refuse To Acknowledge That Spending Days-Weeks To Get One Piece Of Ascended Gear Is A Grind…

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slic.2406


I recently played Aion & RIFT. I’m sick of gear treadmills, I thought the GW franchise would be my sanctuary once again, where I could always log in and know that the gear I got initially would stay top tier, stay viable, that I wouldn’t have to worry about tedious/frustrating regrinding of gear.

Look at my Aion/RIFT pvp vids. Do I look like I’m not well-versed in this ‘new idea/concept’ of gear treadmills? I’m more than well versed, I’m SICK of it, and anet’s lie/broken promise is NOT HELPING.

I’m not a ‘fan’ of any company of MMO in particular. I’m a fan of not having to spend frustrating/large amounts of time doing tedious/unskilled/un-fun grinding just so I can then go have real fun (PvP, etc.).

Real Life™ already does this with a lot of things, this is a fantasy game, I don’t want any of RL’s stupid corrupt concepts/rules invading a dream world.

(edited by Slic.2406)

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shooopa.5632


They’ve had too many as it is. They spend more time running the forums with an iron fist in an iron glove than working on their game.

First and last chance I’m ever giving ANet unless they pull a 180 real fast.

User will be infracted for this post.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bytor.3826


Ascended gear goes against what was supposed to be this games mainstay, and the game hasn’t even been out for 100 days. Talk about selling out.

This is my signature. Marvel at its brilliance!

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.1234


The game is going a different direction than was promised. I bought the game on the promise and now I will probably be leaving which in other mmo’s I just silently leave cause when it comes down to it, feedback is pointless. Guess it’s time to move back to offline games, tired of wasting money on mmo’s but I did get my 60$ worth from this game while it lasted.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maethril.9586


I do see some potential in Ascended gear though, since it is supposed to circle around infusions. Which gives more possibilities with character customization, which we do lack currently, badly. Since infusions have 3(?) different categories, at least for the moment.

Also it opens doors for better pve too, since if AN brings new feats like Agony in the future for pve etc, they just need to implement new infusions instead of whole new rarity or “unique” items.
After this that is, though it probably could have been implemented just for existing gears. But like I said earlier, I have always felt like there should have been 1-2 more rarities anyway.

Though I admit, even I will get bit annoyed if they start doing this in regular basis. >_>

Lvl 80 Warrior – Ranger – Thief – Elementalist – Mesmer – Guardian.
Switched Anet to Square E and haven’t regretted it even once.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sceptus.9415


I want to give them a chance. Maybe I will. On the other hand, I have given so many MMOs a chance to keep their promises and I always end up being disappointed. I’m not even surprised anymore. This is the last time I will believe the hype about new and different. The last time I will believe there isn’t a grind. Honestly, I don’t even blame Anet. I blame NCSoft. My guess is that Anet is being told to do this because of some bean counter that knows nothing about what gamers want.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fixit.7189


I really can’t forgive them now. They nerf the kitten out of my main class with no buffs to compensate. Normally I never get upset but normally devs don’t nerf stuff this HARSH. They said they would never do knee jerk massive nerfs but they also said they would never put in a gear grind.

Well they did both today and I for one am not happy.

No, I am down right kitten furious.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


I’m not angry at the game :0 This is called giving feedbacks, and it ain’t easy doing it without telling them something “useful” that they can fix. Am I the only one that gets this?

Also, I’m already smashing my keyboards when I play the game; that’s totally none-anger related.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Actinide.8135


The tooltips and descriptions are still missing or broken or half-typed for things throughout the game. The camera still works against me when I try to view more of the world from behind my charr’s head or navigate through a jumping puzzle with a low ceiling or tight wall. Storyline cutscenes are still an embarrassing hodgepodge of poorly scripted in-game flybys and partially voiced stabs at the style sold as definitive of the game prior to launch and which only really exist in the intro cutscenes. Charr and asura armor (specifically helmets) are poorly textured afterthoughts in a lot of cases. I can’t see at night in half the zones because the washed out purples and blues bleed together into something that’s hard to look at. I play the game because I’m lazy and bored, not because it’s currently good or because I’ve got much faith left in the ability of the development team to fix what they launched with. I’m one of two people I know that still plays the game just a few months in, and I can’t really justify trying to get anyone else interested at this point.

I’ll give Anet until their first expansion to convince me that it’s worth buying. The only way they can do that is by finishing the game they launched before then.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toomuchtatose.6874


I have a feeling that Anet will lose a chunk of their player base from their mess up.

They already have. I’m assuming that the “refer a friend” happening on the same weekend that they alienated half their player base by betraying their “manifesto” is no coincidence. Kinda feels like they’re pushing us out and hoping to steal some of WoW’s cake in one fell swoop.

MMO targets are saturated?
Only pie they can steal is from WoW, I guess.

Every MMO need to out-WoW WoW in these few days. /sarcasm

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


So someone promised significant changes to a profession in the latest patch and didn’t deliver.


Well, at least there are changes in the pipes right?

You’re basing that on the failed promise? I usually don’t believe people who start lying.

I 100% agree with you. I’m as mad as everyone because I was treating this patch as my saving grace to remain interested. But I’m trying to look at this through a logical perspective. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

It did burn down in a day though.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Why was anything said in the first place? Because the situation as it stands in unacceptable. It shouldn’t have been this way at launch, it shouldn’t be this way three months after launch.

The issue of not delivering on what was said is beginning to overshadow the real issue, which is the balance which is needed in the first place. I feel bad for the developers who post on the forums and can’t deliver on the issues players are concerned by. The ranger balances, the Hatchery bug and several posts in the dungeons forum have had rough receptions and outcomes. Most of this is because the issues they deal with are pretty crappy situations for players to have to deal with (which is probably the reason a developer commented at all). Sometimes it’s better to not say anything, but there is a trend now of big issues continuing to exist and too much focus being placed on new content and new tiers and not enough work going into fixing old content and bugs. There was a story progression bug in the game that was well documented a month ago that is only being patch now. Why are we getting new dungeons when the old ones are incredibly buggy still? Why are we getting new rewards when the old dungeon rewards still suck and are being reworked?

When is fixing the foundation of the game going to be the priority before building something new?

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Freky.1903


To OP no thank you.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drifter.8453


I will be fine when they STOP adding more annoying content, and make the game fun again. I wonder what is gonna be up their sleave next. Adding even more damage output on the 70-80 risen, more mobs of them, and even adding more snares. I still can not figure out why when I hit Risen my damage drops drasticly compaired to any other NPC?

What was over, say 3k is now reduced to 300 to 400. I have an idea..How about aNet makes them absord even more damage then now so that 300, 400 can now be 15 to 20 with a level 80 exotic weapon instead. I can see this happening in the near future since, from what I and many others had experience. It seems they enjoy making things more annoying then before on purpose.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega.1473


No, they don’t get another chance on this one. As someone above said, even BioWare / EA gave more communication to the fans during their whole Mass Effect 3 ending debacle and that wasn’t a betrayal or lie to the fans in the slightest. At least for them, Mac Walters and Casey Hudson had tried their best but just made really stupid story decisions.

Here, ArenaNet decided to take the original design philosophy and figuratively take a dump on it and then tell us we’re mistaken when we ask them why its now covered in feces. This is lies on top of PR double talk. And I’m going to attribute this solely on the change of staff.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lolnotacat.9814


I gave anet a chance. Despite not playing the game for over a month now, I waited patiently and popped in time to time to see how this patch would work out. I got somewhat excited even when Jon Peters made his post in the ranger forums. The “fixes” today are not even a shallow reflection of the problems outlined.

My patience is out, my bookmarks are deleted, and the game is uninstalled. I hope that everything gets ironed out eventually, I just don’t expect it to happen anytime in the near future.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


The more I read, the more patches that come out, feels like Anet is just in way over their head and just shooting in the dark.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhydian.5412


I gave anet a chance. Despite not playing the game for over a month now, I waited patiently and popped in time to time to see how this patch would work out. I got somewhat excited even when Jon Peters made his post in the ranger forums. The “fixes” today are not even a shallow reflection of the problems outlined.

My patience is out, my bookmarks are deleted, and the game is uninstalled. I hope that everything gets ironed out eventually, I just don’t expect it to happen anytime in the near future.

Ah you did same thing I did, looking at the upcoming releases like me then, have you looked at Greed Mongor, doesnt look bad. Was hoping to play World of Darkness.. but thats another ball that got dropped.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fritz.5026


I am not trying to be mean, but i do not understand this whole “give them a chance” mentality.

This is not this companies first rodeo. I just dont understand. They are supposed to be professionals who have been doing this for years and years.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhydian.5412


I am not trying to be mean, but i do not understand this whole “give them a chance” mentality.

This is not this companies first rodeo. I just dont understand. They are supposed to be professionals who have been doing this for years and years.

TOR fanatics said the same thing for a year of pain and anguish, you know what they have today, more pain and anguish, mixed with denial and probably whiskey and the holy bible a this point.

It appears they decided to just jump right into lets repeat a bad idea mode, hey instead of making a game much like DAOC in its prime lets skip all that and just make a crappier version of the Trials of Atlantis because people liked it soo much.

Give Anet a Chance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


I am not trying to be mean, but i do not understand this whole “give them a chance” mentality.

This is not this companies first rodeo. I just dont understand. They are supposed to be professionals who have been doing this for years and years.

I think they lost any chance of being called “professional” when they blamed the terrible class changes on having TWO people to design and test them.

Where do you even begin with that…?