Give me some idea of what to do

Give me some idea of what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I have trouble logging on any more beside doing daily and living world achievement.

The problem is I get sick of grinding. But when I stop chasing those carrot(rewards) I find I don’t have anything to do any more.

It almost seems the only content left for me to do is do the same repeatable (whatever).

Give me some idea of what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


In the same boat. I continue to come back to the game(on break now) and promise I will not get into the grind/ascended grind. But I do. Even last time around I devoted my time between worldbosses/temples and WvW…still got grinded and burnt out.

With no true endgame, Im starting to see replayability issues with the game. Sadly. I’ve always been an advocate of no raiding or traditional endgame content in GW2 but maybe thats what it needs. But, I can always go to another game for that so I won’t ask GW2 to change.

I don’t think the game is for me anymore, at least not as a mainstay game. I might log in every once in a while, maybe for a month or two… but it won’t be my mainstay game again.

Heres to hoping Wildstar can captivate me.

Edit: The one saving grace for me would be if in the near future(Im talking less than 6 months here…) there is some sort of open world system where we have reason to be spread out across all of tyria completing dynamic events that launched with the game. Id love for there to be content like that. Not funneling us into one or two zones..any and all zones. And be rewarded handsomely. Not with 300 karma, 1.5 silver, 12k xp. Since theres no end game content, this and WvW would be the only things to keep me in the game.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

(edited by cesmode.4257)

Give me some idea of what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Locuz.2651


I have trouble logging on any more beside doing daily and living world achievement.

The problem is I get sick of grinding. But when I stop chasing those carrot(rewards) I find I don’t have anything to do any more.

It almost seems the only content left for me to do is do the same repeatable (whatever).

I tend to do a bit of everything. WvW, spvp, the occasional dungeon, living story stuff, some leveling here and there, gathering some (ascended) mats/crafting.

I would try to avoid tunnelvisioning content if i where you. And if you dont have one allready find a good guild filled with social people.

Give me some idea of what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark FQ.1038

Dark FQ.1038

Well since I leveled 8 characters lvl 80 , I started wondering what can I do , what can I do?

After that I went to obsidian sanctum did the achievement for the jp. But I saw people have duels. And suddenly I wanted to join. So now I am addicted to duels and create videos on that. I fell in love with pvp too (sadly I do not have my own gear but whateva). If the gear pvp update goes live, I guess I will play PvP like Tf2. Choosing my class etc. etc. I still love WvW duels more because I have the feeling it’s a bit more intense. (and more fun with the food buffs (that creates a wholle new layer of tactics)).

As overall I love duelling and pvp. Try it!


Dark Fq (Desolation and Gandara)all classes condi.

Give me some idea of what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


Do you have world completion? Exploration can take the grind out of the grind if you’ve never been to a zone. Otherwise, WvW is not a bad place to spend some time. You aren’t tied to the zerg, if your build is viable, you can havoc squad or solo roam.

Give me some idea of what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I was in the same spot a couple of time. The first time I started doing Fractal with a small group of friend to reach as high as we could. The Second time i went for 1 then a second legendary. The third time (recently) i joined a guild for Hardcore WvW. I still have my main guild with my friend, but with the other guild I raid a couple of time during the week for some epic and organized fight in WvW. And right now i’m building a team with my friend to go more into speed running in dungeon. We always do speed run, but we never pushed ourselves and our build to the max (except when we did CoF path 1 farm). With these two objective (WvW Raid, and Speed Run team) i had enough to occupied myself for the last month without feeling any grind at all. Right now i don’t play for any reward, just for the fun of it and its really nice.

Edit : And I have yet to do sPvP for real, with a team and all. But that’s a project for the future.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Give me some idea of what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


It’s funny. I came to GW2 to escape the grind of WoW. They didn’t make grindy games, right? Since 11/2012 what I’ve found in GW2 is the grindiest game I’ve ever played. I’m actually back playing WoW and leveling a monk at present. It would be great for GW2 to realize its potential.

Give me some idea of what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Take a break or find something new to do in game. I have over 1300 hours in and I still haven’t even really tried PvP, and I’m just getting into WvW in a big way. I do find the PvE stuff quite boring now – mainly do champ trains for AP or gold. I may take a month or so break soon as well.

I refuse to grind though – I made one legendary and will probably make one more just to use my world completion gift, but the grinding for that nearly did me in. The next (and last) legendary I make will be achieved only through regular game play. And no ascended for me. Not even gonna touch that grind and I do great without it anyway.

TL;DR: You can’t do the same thing for thousands of hours without it getting stale at some point.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

Give me some idea of what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I just finished crafting Vision of the Mists, right after I crafted Eye of Rodgort. Those 2 things ate up my time like nobodies bussiness. While I realise those were carrots I chose, my first thought tonight was thank the stars, now I am free from chasing carrots. I am planning on just bumming around on my favourite maps, level my baby guardian some, just chill out really. Oh since I love the Marroinette, I will be there too.

Gunnar’s Hold