Glider idea - Suggestion / Request
They are calling “wingsuits”:
Watching this video made me actualyl wish and want that we could actually glide so swift and fluidly in GW2 too T.T
Man, gliding in gw2 feels so extremely slow compared to this video
Just turn off your glider and you’ll go faster.
OP: There is a stickied thread for glider suggestions in the HoT forum, you’d best add yours if you wish it to be noted.
LOL but downwards, not forwards xD Wrong direction ^^
I’m personally still for an improval of the Gliding Mastery, that easily could solve this.
Just turn off your glider and you’ll go faster.
OP: There is a stickied thread for glider suggestions in the HoT forum, you’d best add yours if you wish it to be noted.
Is it possible to edit / transfer this thread to
“Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!”
nvm I’d have to reply it into the thread i think