Gliding in Central Tyria

Gliding in Central Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheMSR.7120


Gliding in Central Tyria will be a thing, soon (Source). My Question is HOW soon? You may remember the big hype about the new fractal changes to December 15th and the HUGE letdown after we learned that the changes didn’t come up with the patch. I want to address the developers at this point, to prevent a similar disappointment:
Will this changes take effect with the next patch, or do we have to wait a little longer?
A simple: ‘Not ready yet – be patient’ will be enough to cool down the hype.

Gliding in Central Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turamarth.3248


Brandar – Kodash [DE]

Gliding in Central Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheMSR.7120


Ah well, thought i did my research but somehow missed that thread. Thank you very much. The hype is real

Gliding in Central Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirBlunticus.4258


I’m all for the gliding in tyria.
But NOT before they fix the glaring issues in this DLC they are trying to sell to more people! What, do they want more kittened off customers?
(You know adding this will just break more stuff, then push back content additions that would hold weight for H.O.T)

- people are already needing more from the hot zones they added… with all the downtime in them. (or for people who dont have 5 hours to play, what do they do for 20 mins in hot zones?)

-Too many issues I think to try and add on top of what is already crumbling.