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Go with a bang!, then return in silence...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


…is exactly what will do most of the people who menaces with leaving the game due their perceived betrayal of the manifesto by Anet.

Its, ok.
The game changes, some things are gamebreaking now for you, but down the road I am sure you will find again the lost love.
And I will be here, along some other hundreds thousand more gamers, ready to wellcome you, no questions asked.
Everyone makes mistakes, the developers and the gamers.
But if you actually find another MMORPG better than this one (less grind, less elitism, no suscriptions, etc), please tell us.

I dont want your stuff, I want you back.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


I think you miss the point.

A lot of people came here because they thought it was going to be a different experience and that’s not going to be the case now. Sure, there are differences between GW2 and other MMOs but they are not that big in the end.

I know all MMO’s have bugs and I do undestand why. This is however the first game that disallows people to finish their stories (Arah) and this is a problem that exists for months now.

Other MMOs have some elitism at least but now GW2 will cater to this too.

So the question is not if there are other MMOs that have less grind etc but considering the state of the game today and where it’s heading, are there any MMOs that I prefer playing over GW2?

And there the answer is yes. For some it’s non MMOs like D3 and many more, for others it’s WoW and for me it happens to be SWTOR.

Now, all these games have their problems but in the end I know what to expect there and with GW2 I really can’t make out where they are heading with this game.

Read the AMA and it’s full of “we can’t tell you this yet”, “watch this space for more info” and “will be implemented soon”.

I already left GW2 the day Lost Shores came out and haven’t come back. I feel no pull to play GW2 at all. Nothing gnawing at me wanting to try and see. I went back to SWTOR because I know what to expect. The game is buggy like any MMO and raiding I ignore cause it’s not my thing, but the game has great leveling and story (voice acting is of very high level) and I just love Star Wars in general. It’s far from perfect but it works for me.

Before that GW1 worked for me, it’s just the lack of expansions that made me stop playing it. GW2 has failed to take that place. It was fun to level 1 toon to 80 get geared up, do world completion and all the jump puzzles and a bit of WvW. Second time wasn’t so fun anymore.

Bottom line for me is that the game grew stale and the new direction doesn’t add the type of content I like. The voice acting is horrible, “my story” isn’t my story at all and the world, though beautifully crafted, has not managed to make me feel “at home” like GW1 did pretty much from the start. It doesn’t have the magic.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

(edited by Gehenna.3625)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bvhjdbvkjf.1987


Leaving isn’t in my interest…

I just won’t play the new content that requires a grind. Plenty of game left outside that and if all the expansions seriously require the grind – well the only thing I did learn from the AMA is that they think the requirements for getting said tier is a bit much so – perhaps by the time I get bored of current content I will have the basics to get into the locked-away stuff.

Good things come to those who wait… 5 years in development and we finally have a playable game. Perhaps in another year the bugs will be worked out and a better roll-out for new content will have been established. If not I can quit later, for now this is still a great game. Haven’t felt like I wasted time trying for nothing yet…

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Leaving isn’t in my interest…

I just won’t play the new content that requires a grind. Plenty of game left outside that and if all the expansions seriously require the grind – well the only thing I did learn from the AMA is that they think the requirements for getting said tier is a bit much so – perhaps by the time I get bored of current content I will have the basics to get into the locked-away stuff.

Good things come to those who wait… 5 years in development and we finally have a playable game. Perhaps in another year the bugs will be worked out and a better roll-out for new content will have been established. If not I can quit later, for now this is still a great game. Haven’t felt like I wasted time trying for nothing yet…

This is probably the best way to approach it regardless of your point of view on everything. This game is catering to so many people, with so many tastes, there is plenty you can do if you don’t like certain aspects.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbard.5738


Well that sounded like trolling with a smile but i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. The AMA hasn’t changed much to me, or changed all the pre-release material. It was due a long time and very appreciated, but the game is still pretty broken. So I’m still not feeling like playing it at all. I don’t have the motivation to play it until/if the grind is gone and WvW doesn’t have a power creep threat looming over it. I’ll keep checking on and off , but definitely not holding my breath.

My guess is that the silence of those who were complaining vociferously is just the apathy after the closure given by the AMA. If the president says slow-treadmill is the innovative way to go about MMOs, then there’s nothing to be done.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

(edited by Harbard.5738)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


I think you miss the point.

A lot of people came here because they thought it was going to be a different experience and that’s not going to be the case now. Sure, there are differences between GW2 and other MMOs but they are not that big in the end.

I know all MMO’s have bugs and I do undestand why. This is however the first game that disallows people to finish their stories (Arah) and this is a problem that exists for months now.

Other MMOs have some elitism at least but now GW2 will cater to this too.

So the question is not if there are other MMOs that have less grind etc but considering the state of the game today and where it’s heading, are there any MMOs that I prefer playing over GW2?

And there the answer is yes. For some it’s non MMOs like D3 and many more, for others it’s WoW and for me it happens to be SWTOR.

Now, all these games have their problems but in the end I know what to expect there and with GW2 I really can’t make out where they are heading with this game.

Read the AMA and it’s full of “we can’t tell you this yet”, “watch this space for more info” and “will be implemented soon”.

I already left GW2 the day Lost Shores came out and haven’t come back. I feel no pull to play GW2 at all. Nothing gnawing at me wanting to try and see. I went back to SWTOR because I know what to expect. The game is buggy like any MMO and raiding I ignore cause it’s not my thing, but the game has great leveling and story (voice acting is of very high level) and I just love Star Wars in general. It’s far from perfect but it works for me.

Before that GW1 worked for me, it’s just the lack of expansions that made me stop playing it. GW2 has failed to take that place. It was fun to level 1 toon to 80 get geared up, do world completion and all the jump puzzles and a bit of WvW. Second time wasn’t so fun anymore.

Bottom line for me is that the game grew stale and the new direction doesn’t add the type of content I like. The voice acting is horrible, “my story” isn’t my story at all and the world, though beautifully crafted, has not managed to make me feel “at home” like GW1 did pretty much from the start. It doesn’t have the magic.

The ironic thing is that the ‘elitism’ you speak of is actually strong in the GW1 player mentality. Wanting to make a game that caters solely to casual players and excludes design philosophies that exist in ‘those other, common MMO’s that are not GW" is casual elitism at it’s finest. Elitism goes both ways, whether for hardcore players or casual players, and since the introduction of ascended gear and the backlash caused by it, there has been a lot of casual elitism rampant on these forums.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


Well that sounded like trolling with a smile

Made me laugh.

OP, I didn’t go anywhere, but my wallet did get taped shut and will stay that way until actions do the talking.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amonde Daneren.2380

Amonde Daneren.2380

I agree with the first part of the title, but not the second.
I feel it is important for me to stop playing this game altogether, because that sends a very clear and unambiguous message: I will not tolerate any MMO with vertical progression.

My hope is that others do the same, and that some developer out there catches on to the fact that I, and many others like me want to play a game for the gameplay with no gear increases EVER.

If i hang around and just play on the fringes, I feel this sends the message that while I am not OK with this, I will tolerate it, and maybe I can even be converted. I can’t and won’t be converted.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


There are games out there with better itemization and implemented grind if you really wanted to grind. If you don’t like grind, Guild Wars 2 definitely isn’t for you and you would be better off finding something else to take up your time. That’s the reality of the game right now.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


guild wars 2 is a “better” warcraft.

it takes the same concept, and make it better.

its a great game, but WE ARE VERY FAR FROM A REVOLUTION.

ill ditch an insane amount of hours in it, but deep in my heart i hope someday a designer come up with a really revolutionary fantasy mmo.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


If you watch Cameron Dunn’s lecture at GDC, you get an idea of the scope of data collection they can do with GW2.

Not just how many characters are where on the maps, but also what their users framerates are… all sorts of things.

So in terms of affecting developer decisions, a rant on forums anywhere is not nearly as useful as just not logging in. If you rant about not wanting to wvw (or fotm or farm plinkx) and then behave differently in-game, the data that guide their decisions will be your in-game data.

If you want to send a message, vote with your feet.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


@ Gehenna

Fine, you left. So you claim…but why are you haunting the forum pages of a game you profess to hate?

Any of you, for that matter?

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

(edited by Raf.1078)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Well, it was not my intention to troll, I really want the people to return because if not, one day I will be left dead in some corner of the map with no hope of resurrection. Besides, diversity makes things better and stronger.

The divide is not definitive, I enjoy deeply this game, but is possible one day I find myself lacking desire to play, then I will take a break. But I can return anytime when they add something new that lures me back.
I think the fundamentalism always hurt more the believer than the gentile, so there must be some degree of tolerance, in this case not only to the developers, but to the other groups of players that find some changes for the better.
The ascended gear is a minuscule part of the game, I dont have it, I dont expect to have it anytime soon, but it does not take away the things I have been enjoing fron day one, so i dont have issues with it.
It can be a sign of a different path, but I dont think is the only path that will be left for me and I dont care if there is people down the road that is better equiped than me, because I am used to it in real life.

Is a very personal thing, not a manifesto, not an imposition.
Keep playing with me

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warmonkey.8013


…is exactly what will do most of the people who menaces with leaving the game due their perceived betrayal of the manifesto by Anet.

Its, ok.
The game changes, some things are gamebreaking now for you, but down the road I am sure you will find again the lost love.
And I will be here, along some other hundreds thousand more gamers, ready to wellcome you, no questions asked.
Everyone makes mistakes, the developers and the gamers.
But if you actually find another MMORPG better than this one (less grind, less elitism, no suscriptions, etc), please tell us.

I dont want your stuff, I want you back.

I won’t be finding a better MMO — I simply won’t be finding an MMO, period.

I don’t play games to engage in a never-ending chase for newer, better gear. In my opinion it’s one of the dumbest mechanics. It’s cheap, it’s simple, it’s basic, it’s low, it’s common, it’s pointless.

Here I thought I had found a skill-based MMO, where I could be exactly as good as I am — but I was wrong, and there is stat-based progression, a gear treadmill. Maybe it doesn’t make a big difference, but that still means that even if I’m the absolute best at this game ever — someone who isn’t quite as good as I am can in fact BE better than me, if they are willing to grind for Ascended gear. I, obviously, am not willing to grind for gear.

And that’s it. That, right there, I cannot accept. I don’t play games where such things exist. GW1 had it right — leveling should be little more than a learning experience to familiarize a player with the game world and gameplay concepts, so they can slowly learn things piecemeal rather than at once, eventually and shortly dropping them off at max level.

And that’s it.

Don’t patronize me by telling me I’m going to start playing again because GW2 is just so good. It was so good, when it wasn’t a traditional MMO — it’s now no different than the rest of the market, save for WvWvW, which will be affected negatively by ever-increasing gear stats (mudflation leads to emergent balance issues, as the ultimate effect of larger stats depends on what stat you’re looking at, that is, condition damage scales pretty linearly but power/crit%/critdmg scale at an exponentially increasing rate with one another).

I haven’t been, and won’t be, playing any other MMO — so why do you assume I will eventually come back? Why would I play a game which is not the game I want to play? I’ve not so much free time that I will spend it playing things I don’t like.

And why would I come back? If that was something I thought possible, I simply would not leave. Coming back 6 months after not playing would be painful. People already complain about having a hard time finding low-level Fractals groups. Can you imagine the charity I’d have to find 6 months from now, the hours I’d have to devote to getting caught up? Mind you, catching up simply isn’t playing as much as everyone else. Nope, all that will do is keep you in the same place you currently sit. You’ve got to play MORE than everyone to get caught up.
And there’s no way to play smarter, or play better, more skillfully, more tactically, more strategically — the ONLY THING that matters is TIME.

I didn’t leave the MMO market, the MMO market left me.

And the terrible part is, if Ascended gear was just an Exotic item with an additional upgrade slot and if Infusions were nothing but Agony resistance or other effects only relevant to dungeon progression…
if that were the case, neither I nor, I believe, nearly all others who have left over this would have left.

And there it is, too — would that scenario have been so awful? it’s simple, it’s item-based progression for PvE that has no effect on player power outside of specific content, and everyone could always be exactly as good at this game as they are at this game.

Frigi Dair — SoR Necro

(edited by warmonkey.8013)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


i feel you.

there was a big hope/hype for a very revoluionary mmo.
but in the end we get the same as before, in a more sexy way.

its allright, but there is a bit of disapointement in my heart

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Missy.7356


The problem is when/if they log back in, in 6months time their gear will be outdated, they will be undergeared so will need to do the grind that they left for in the first place, so they will prob log back out again. Because in less than 3months time all those that wanted progression will have their new shiny stuff and will be back to complaining again, so the gap will be bigger than just those “few” extra points that is now.

Or ofc they need money from cash shop, since most people are using trans stones for armour, best way to make money, bring in ugly armour with better stats and people will buy more stones I know, very cynical.

I havent stopped playing, but im not getting on the gear treadmill since so many of you have said that it isnt needed because its just a few points, just remember that when people join your team… its just a few points what does it matter?

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Don’t patronize me by telling me I’m going to start playing again because GW2 is just so good. It was so good, when it wasn’t a traditional MMO — it’s now no different than the rest of the market, save for WvWvW, which will be affected negatively by ever-increasing gear stats (mudflation leads to emergent balance issues, as the ultimate effect of larger stats depends on what stat you’re looking at, that is, condition damage scales pretty linearly but power/crit%/critdmg scale at an exponentially increasing rate with one another).

I haven’t been, and won’t be, playing any other MMO — so why do you assume I will eventually come back? Why would I play a game which is not the game I want to play? I’ve not so much free time that I will spend it playing things I don’t like.


I don´t patronize you, I said “most of them”, not “all of them”.
Obviously you don´t plan to come back and your reasons are solid for you, that is enough.

Take care, have fun.