Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


I’ve spotted a Gold Farmer with what appears to be 4 accounts and a scripted Bot program.

They are farming the Heart of the Bear heart quest & event by auto-attacking anything that moves in a radius, doing AoE abilities and then returning back to a fixed position when done.

All of them have the same guild icon, [work] which is bloody obvious too that they are all bound to a bot.

They are all in key positions to auto-attack nearby creatures and also to spam AoE for the occasional event that produces mass Sons of Svanir that all drop bags.

They were spotted on server: Eredon Terrace


Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ravinhood.3981


Can you give us a You-tube video? A picture just doesn’t tell us anything in the way of botting or scripted play.

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


Will take a lot of work on my part, but yes I can. That doesn’t make me feel very good though, knowing I have to work hard to report someone when they can still cash-in in the end.

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ravinhood.3981


Well you don’t HAVE to do it. I wasn’t DEMANDING it, just a friendly REQUEST. Since I’ve been playing I’ve never seen a bot or gotten a spam mail so I’d just like to see what’s happening that players are calling other players bots. Repetitive activity doesn’t necessarily mean a bot because I’ve been known to do exact same things while playing a game and even got PM’s from what probably was a GM to see if I was legit. They did it in Star Wars Galaxies a lot when I was manually mining.

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


Okay video captured, but it takes a long time for me to render it and upload it. I have a poor connection. :/

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vicidious.8210


Here’s an example on Sea of Sorrows server in Kessex Hills bridge event. Video is not the greatest.

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ravinhood.3981


So they are just basically attacking at nothing? Randomly? So if they are attacking nothing how is that hurting anyone?

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vicidious.8210


So they are just basically attacking at nothing? Randomly? So if they are attacking nothing how is that hurting anyone?

It’s a DE. Pretty obvious they’re bots farming loot and Karma

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


So they are just basically attacking at nothing? Randomly? So if they are attacking nothing how is that hurting anyone?

When the Event begins, they will all be attacking the NPCs which run into the very location in which they are Auto-Attacking.

But the Bots I’ve recorded are much more superior in their activity.

How does it hurt anyone?

They are making money and getting item drops. They will then be re-injecting these items and money back into the economy. In short, Gold Farming. These effect everyone, including you as the market is World-Wide.

(edited by TemperHoof.6438)

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gynxz.4079


Easy Fix. have a mesmer put a portal on them and another in an explosive shell ot a mine when the CD is about to run out. Having a lot of Fun in Dragonbane porting people to the other side of the bridge and staying there spamming skills :P

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Well, you I did notice from the video that you did report them. Now this is actually what the anti-farm code was put into place for. They really won’t be getting any drops, exp, karma, or copper by doing this. That’s not saying it’s ok for them to be doing it of course but all you can do is report them. They will be banned eventually as ANet more than likely does mass bannings instead of individual, most MMO’s do.

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


How do I embed video on these forums so I can show these botters?

(edited by TemperHoof.6438)

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temper.7265


Monthly mass bannings has and never will deter botting.As proven by most MMOs that do it,otherwise the bots wouldn’t be there.

If they already run 10 accounts similatneuosly,it pretty much means the botter in question can most likely afford a monthly ban hammer.

Rule number one of choosing a game to bot…is it profitable enough to replace accounts from bans.In the case of GW2,it obviously is.

The anti farm code is not a deterent to botters,but a deterent for non botters to keep playing or making it attractive to buy gold/goods from the botter accounts.

Bots run 24/7 and their routines are advancing remarkably fast.Thus bypassing the anti farming code somewhat.Ten bots running 24/7 with a routine that covers the span of three events,a variety of different creature types and swag of different loot tables.

Regardless of diminishing returns,the bot x10 will make a killing

Running ten bots per account at even just one account,more than pays for a monthly mass ban.

Aggressive daily perma bans by active server GMs is the only deterent.

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Botters are there because people still purchase their products. It doesn’t matter how thorough a game company is and how often they do bannings, until people stop actually buying their products nothing will end. If you want to lay blame on anyone, blame those who give botters reason to exist.

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


It’s not even bots events u can use a G15 logi keyboard and set it to just spam buttons…GL botting and running around mining with the gg terrain that would get them stuck.

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temper.7265


I can show you right now on GoM bots navigating hard terrain if you like.They can jump over,go round,teleport through,whatever floats a botters boat. =)

mostly set routine waypoints,chosen before hand,terrain is NOT an issue and resource gathering can be done on a set route that covers a wide variety of wildlife and up to at least three events,giving the bot user a wide variety of lot table.xp and karma tables.and if the bot takes a dirt nap,itis set to respawn at a desired portal.

The latest bots go far beyond an keyboard with macro keys lol.

PvP bot is almost done,gonna here some whining when that’s out for bot subscribers

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vicidious.8210


Monthly mass bannings has and never will deter botting.As proven by most MMOs that do it,otherwise the bots wouldn’t be there.

If they already run 10 accounts similatneuosly,it pretty much means the botter in question can most likely afford a monthly ban hammer.

Rule number one of choosing a game to bot…is it profitable enough to replace accounts from bans.In the case of GW2,it obviously is.

The anti farm code is not a deterent to botters,but a deterent for non botters to keep playing or making it attractive to buy gold/goods from the botter accounts.

Bots run 24/7 and their routines are advancing remarkably fast.Thus bypassing the anti farming code somewhat.Ten bots running 24/7 with a routine that covers the span of three events,a variety of different creature types and swag of different loot tables.

Regardless of diminishing returns,the bot x10 will make a killing

Running ten bots per account at even just one account,more than pays for a monthly mass ban.

Aggressive daily perma bans by active server GMs is the only deterent.

I agree with this…let the Bot Police come forth and tame the wild wild west!

Gold Farmers & Bots Farming Events for Bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

First of all, thanks for bringing this to our attention. TemperHoof, thanks for all your efforts in capturing an example of this. I will certainly forward this to the team. But for the moment we will close the thread as forums are not the best way of reporting these issues.

Thank you very much for your understanding.