Gold Starvation
Really? You can’t make / find gold in this game? I am just playing and the gold is coming in faster than I can spend it. Nothing in particular … no dungeon running, no SW chest running, no world bosses train …. just playing doing whatever I feel like.
I know some will take advantage of liquid gold drop by running multiple free accounts through optimal routes and somewhat damage your carefully constructed economy
Free accounts can’t mail out items/gold or put/take out items/gold in a guild bank. What’s in a free account stays in a free account. They are also restricted when using the trading post to basic goods. It’s hard to damage the economy on those terms.
ANet may give it to you.
Alright, so I know it’s a touchy topic for some people, but it’s been a while since HoT’s launch and it still hasn’t really been addressed so I figure it can’t hurt to add my voice to the chorus.
Let me begin by saying I’m not a free player. I enjoy the game and so I support it. I however refuse to purchase gold for real money. Personal ethics code for gaming forbids this. And I feel like this is what we’re being pushed into with the gold nerfing in GW2 atm.
I enjoy playing pve content mainly, and I especially enjoy instanced pve. Before the nerf, I was netting around 25 gold per day running dungeons and fractals, and less frequently world bosses. Now that gold has been nerfed, I find myself constantly at 1-5 gold, and unable to earn more than 6 or so gold a day without a lucky skin drop or selling off tons of accumulated mats on TP.
My complaint is that the game has made it nearly impossible for me to sustain a reasonable gold income without either playing the trading post(which I hate in every game and has driven me out of many MMO’s), or mindlessly mobbing events in the new zones. I feel that new players would hurt even more from this as they can’t even run higher level fractals for the occasional lucky drops.
My request is that we simply revert the dungeons back to their previous state. I know some will take advantage of liquid gold drop by running multiple free accounts through optimal routes and somewhat damage your carefully constructed economy, but without a fun way to make money in a content type I enjoy, I will be leaving the game quite shortly. There are many MMO’s out there that allow me to enjoy earning gold in game through content I enjoy, and this is more important to me than any of the other factors that caused me to switch to GW2 in the first place.
I know what you mean. In every other MMO play, I have plenty of money for the things I want to buy and there’s always a reliable way for me to make money if I need more. Usually, this involves my crafting, since also in every other game I play, I can use my crafting to provide an income. It’s one of the major things that makes crafting fun for me.
GW2 is the only game I play where I make more money selling crafting mats rather than crafted items. That part of the economy feels broke to me. And it’s not as much fun for me. It’s also usually cheaper for me to buy my leveling armor rather than crafting it, too, and again, this is unique in my MMO experience.
I used to make money key farming, but that’s gone away. SW provided a lot of income for me at one time, but SW doesn’t seem as busy to me now and I’m not getting as much loot there as I used to in any case. Currently, selling scribe crafting items is a decent cash cow, but I know this is only temporary. There’s always EOTM if you can stand the grind. lol
But the defining factor between GW2 and my other MMOs is their income isn’t dependent on an in-game money conversion to a micro-transaction store currency. This aspect of GW2 is why making gold around here feels like much more of a chore than on other games. They keep a tight rein on everyone’s ability to make money and their ability to get loot through normal gameplay and the various farms because of this.
It is lovely how you want everything to give you more gold. But then you completely miss the fact that all those precious items you want to buy will just start costing more gold.
Almost every complaint I see against the liquid gold removal makes the same error. So it is OK you did as well.
Enjoy the other games.
Alright, so I know it’s a touchy topic for some people, but it’s been
a whilesince HoT’s launch and it still hasn’t really been addressed
18 days.
18 days…
when was the last time a game was released, reviewed, corrected and a patch released to address EVERYTHING being complained about?
18 days
Yeah I used to be able to make more gold just playing, as well as saving potentially 100’s of more gold from much much higher ascended drop rates.
Oh well.
why so defensive my friend? who knows…you publicly brag about making 500g in one day trading flax. one imagines you either sit on huge stacks of gold for the sake of it or you are doing something with it. but this risks derailing thread.
and no one is envious of you..why would i want to play an mmo like an excel spreadsheet? the discussion is solely about the very real nerfing of loot for players (the ones playing the game…doing events/hearts etc..).
Give this a couple of months. The reduction of gold influx should get balanced by the corresponding drop in prices. Of course this will likely separate haves and have-nots even more, as people who sit on thousands of gold made before HoT will see the value of their stash skyrocket whereas the new players and those entering HoT without a large stash will struggle.
There has always only been a few ways to make gold in this game….play the TP (which I don’t do) grind dungeons (which I never did) and run special grinds until they are nerfed (Champ runs, silverwastes chest runs etc) I’ve been playing this game (incorrectly to most people) since launch and have never amassed any gold.
Is it disappointing? Sometimes. Do I really want to grind out the same run day after day? Nope. So I’m poor.
If you want to amass gold then follow the current trend. Join the experienced players in HoT and as you map complete, harvest harvest harvest, sell, sell, sell.
There are ways to make gold, you just need a) the time and b) enjoy grinding.
gold is coming in faster than I can spend it
Of course, this all depends on what you want to spend it on. If you only want to buy a couple of inexpensive items now and again, then yeah, there’s plenty.
But most people are not making money “faster than they can spend it.” lol
So this means we can get rid of the NPE, right? Seems like such a waste if new players will hit the cap, and leave the game after seeing how difficult in-game currency is to obtain.
I enjoy playing pve content mainly, and I especially enjoy instanced pve. Before the nerf, I was netting around 25 gold per day running dungeons and fractals, and less frequently world bosses. Now that gold has been nerfed, I find myself constantly at 1-5 gold, and unable to earn more than 6 or so gold a day without a lucky skin drop or selling off tons of accumulated mats on TP. …
This is where I get cranky …
What I get from this paragraph is that you believe that it’s reasonable for players to be able to make the most gold from a very SPECIFIC and LIMITED kind of game content. I’m not sure you realize that’s actually not a good thing to be happening in the game. In fact, we should all be very critical of Anet for allowing such a situation to exist in the game for as long as it was. While you were making bank doing something you enjoy, there were MANY people out there who were not making bank doing the things they liked.
In short, it’s called equalization and if a game is well balanced and you want to truly make a lot of money from doing game content, you shouldn’t be regulated to a few very specific events/activities to do so.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
why so defensive my friend? who knows…you publicly brag about making 500g in one day trading flax. one imagines you either sit on huge stacks of gold for the sake of it or you are doing something with it. but this risks derailing thread.
and no one is envious of you..why would i want to play an mmo like an excel spreadsheet? the discussion is solely about the very real nerfing of loot for players (the ones playing the game…doing events/hearts etc..).
I am not defensive about anything, I am just wondering on what base you claim that i break the ToS.
If you arent envious, i wonder why you bring my wealth up for discussion as i get the same rewards from Anet like everybody else. The profits i make on the trading post are given to me by other players.
And i dont need excel sheets to make a profit, a decent knowledge of the game is quite enough.
If i go farming, i farm 30-50g hour because i know what to farm, where to find it and how to best turn my account bound rewards for that hour into gold.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
gold is coming in faster than I can spend it
Of course, this all depends on what you want to spend it on. If you only want to buy a couple of inexpensive items now and again, then yeah, there’s plenty.
But most people are not making money “faster than they can spend it.” lol
But what are people spending it on? Buying gems? Shortcutting time gating ascended armor/weapon creation? Filing out your mini collection/dyes/armor skins on the TP?
What happen to being selective in what you buy. Not everything needs to be purchased the moment it’s available. You don’t get points for being the first person on the block with new insect gathering tools.
I think it’s all due to RL prevalence of credit cards. Let me put on my old man pants. Back in my day if you wanted a new color TV, you had to budget and save up to buy one and that could take months. Forget how long you needed to get that down payment together for a car …
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Alright, so I know it’s a touchy topic for some people, but it’s been a while since HoT’s launch and it still hasn’t really been addressed so I figure it can’t hurt to add my voice to the chorus.
Let me begin by saying I’m not a free player. I enjoy the game and so I support it. I however refuse to purchase gold for real money. Personal ethics code for gaming forbids this. And I feel like this is what we’re being pushed into with the gold nerfing in GW2 atm.
I enjoy playing pve content mainly, and I especially enjoy instanced pve. Before the nerf, I was netting around 25 gold per day running dungeons and fractals, and less frequently world bosses. Now that gold has been nerfed, I find myself constantly at 1-5 gold, and unable to earn more than 6 or so gold a day without a lucky skin drop or selling off tons of accumulated mats on TP.
My complaint is that the game has made it nearly impossible for me to sustain a reasonable gold income without either playing the trading post(which I hate in every game and has driven me out of many MMO’s), or mindlessly mobbing events in the new zones. I feel that new players would hurt even more from this as they can’t even run higher level fractals for the occasional lucky drops.
My request is that we simply revert the dungeons back to their previous state. I know some will take advantage of liquid gold drop by running multiple free accounts through optimal routes and somewhat damage your carefully constructed economy, but without a fun way to make money in a content type I enjoy, I will be leaving the game quite shortly. There are many MMO’s out there that allow me to enjoy earning gold in game through content I enjoy, and this is more important to me than any of the other factors that caused me to switch to GW2 in the first place.
It’ll be a touchy subject to say the least because about the same 10 or so names that always jump on people with a legitimate problem will do so to you I’m sure. Anyway, GW2’s economy is affected 100% by the fact that you can trade in game currency for premium store items. This benefits as it prevents inflation, but it has for the last three years caused the problems that you have mentioned. Content becomes a gold sink instead of rewarding and empty mobs with stealth nerfs such as loot in bags unaffected by MF.
there’s tons on gold on the ground (as in nodes) all you gotta do is pick it up. how can you have issues making gold with mechanics like those? it’s not rocket science, don’t make simple addition into rocket science.
I actually liked the inflation. Things like cultural armor didn’t increase in price and it made them more affordable. I don’t want the economy to revert to the state it was at gw2’s launch.
Alright, so I know it’s a touchy topic for some people, …and it still hasn’t really been addressed
I’ve never earned my gold primarily from any single thing, so the loss of one source or another (or the migration to a new one) doesn’t seem as dramatic to me as it does to the dungeon runners.
I think we need to look for ways to adapt to the new system before we claim that it’s actually harder to make gold now than it was. I think the only thing that is fair to say is that it’s harder to make gold from dungeons.
Alright, so I know it’s a touchy topic for some people, …and it still hasn’t really been addressed
I’ve never earned my gold primarily from any single thing, so the loss of one source or another (or the migration to a new one) doesn’t seem as dramatic to me as it does to the dungeon runners.
I think we need to look for ways to adapt to the new system before we claim that it’s actually harder to make gold now than it was. I think the only thing that is fair to say is that it’s harder to make gold from dungeons.
I feel this is correct… there is a metric kitten ton of gold to be made in the new content and its mats… get on the train before it leaves the station, cuz once its gone… it wont be back
I haven’t done a dungeon in so long I don’t even remember, probably a year now. I’m making ok gold, from selling mats mostly. I make sure I hit the flax farm daily… and I’m not even sure where else the gold is coming from. It’s a steady stream from events, drops and farming the nodes when I go by them.
ANet may give it to you.
I know there’s a lot more to the topic at hand, but all I can think of after reading the original post is the fact that you apparently consider 25 gold a day to be simply a “reasonable” amount. Because to me, that’s a crapton of money to be making every day.
And wondering what exactly you need to buy that’s worth 5+ gold every day that makes it so that you can’t ever build up any more gold beyond that.
And what you spent the apparent thousands upon thousands of gold you made beforehand on.
I know there’s a lot more to the topic at hand, but all I can think of after reading the original post is the fact that you apparently consider 25 gold a day to be simply a “reasonable” amount. Because to me, that’s a crapton of money to be making every day.
And wondering what exactly you need to buy that’s worth 5+ gold every day that makes it so that you can’t ever build up any more gold beyond that.
And what you spent the apparent thousands upon thousands of gold you made beforehand on.
Ascended crafting. Some mats are time gated so it isn’t enough to simply gather (mostly RNG in the case of cloth and leather), but buy finished products to speed the process along to a reasonable pace. When that’s done you could save up for an awesome skin like infinite light. The mats for it easily approach 1,000g. If you make 25g per day then you’ll need 40 entire days to get everything without using the gem store. In practice one would very likely burn out before making the sword so it’ll be longer than that.
right now the mats are hot due to GH needing tons of them. I think that will taper off sharply after about 8 months tho, most of all GH’s will be maxed by then. Scribe mightsustain it longer, but to early to tell at this point.
So, you are spending 6 gold per day? Nothing should consume that much gold per day unless you buy everything in sight instead of actually playing the game to get the stuffs you buy. The game was not meant to be a buy everything game. Although they allow it. For you it should be an earn it game. If you cant live on 6 gold per day there is a disconnect somewhere. You cant have everything immediately on 6 gold per day. I play daily at 6-10 gold per day, and I have plenty, it continues to accumulate for me.
I enjoy playing pve content mainly, and I especially enjoy instanced pve. Before the nerf, I was netting around 25 gold per day running dungeons and fractals, and less frequently world bosses. Now that gold has been nerfed, I find myself constantly at 1-5 gold, and unable to earn more than 6 or so gold a day without a lucky skin drop or selling off tons of accumulated mats on TP. …
This is where I get cranky …
What I get from this paragraph is that you believe that it’s reasonable for players to be able to make the most gold from a very SPECIFIC and LIMITED kind of game content. I’m not sure you realize that’s actually not a good thing to be happening in the game. In fact, we should all be very critical of Anet for allowing such a situation to exist in the game for as long as it was. While you were making bank doing something you enjoy, there were MANY people out there who were not making bank doing the things they liked.
In short, it’s called equalization and if a game is well balanced and you want to truly make a lot of money from doing game content, you shouldn’t be regulated to a few very specific events/activities to do so.
I never suggested that I believe this should be the only way to earn gold, just that it is the type of gameplay I enjoy and would like to see profitable. I have a solid grasp of economic theory. I am fully aware that inflation exists in game economies. All I’m asking for is a decent return on investment. I’m putting in my time and effort, I should get something out. Forgive me for being in the minority here, but I love running dungeons. But when I spend 2-3 hours doing so and am rewarded with .1% more MF, 20-35 silk, and some worthless ore…
So, you are spending 6 gold per day? Nothing should consume that much gold per day unless you buy everything in sight instead of actually playing the game to get the stuffs you buy. The game was not meant to be a buy everything game. Although they allow it. For you it should be an earn it game. If you cant live on 6 gold per day there is a disconnect somewhere. You cant have everything immediately on 6 gold per day. I play daily at 6-10 gold per day, and I have plenty, it continues to accumulate for me.
6g per day barely covers the price I pay to finish getting the silk I need to do my daily CD of cloth. This is after I spend hours doing fractals or dungeons and get my cloth from that. And if you think the intent is that we aren’t supposed to do a “Time Gated” material daily, perhaps you should try to explain why there is a time gate at all if that’s not meant to be the prohibitive factor.
Anyways, if the answer is that 4-6 g per day is simply to much to expect and I must be playing the game wrong to spend that much I guess this just isn’t the game for me. However you guys who think I’m the one with the problem might consider that many new players will feel this way also. Empty and forgotten mmo’s aren’t much fun to play.
I know there’s a lot more to the topic at hand, but all I can think of after reading the original post is the fact that you apparently consider 25 gold a day to be simply a “reasonable” amount. Because to me, that’s a crapton of money to be making every day.
And wondering what exactly you need to buy that’s worth 5+ gold every day that makes it so that you can’t ever build up any more gold beyond that.
And what you spent the apparent thousands upon thousands of gold you made beforehand on.
Ascended crafting. Some mats are time gated so it isn’t enough to simply gather (mostly RNG in the case of cloth and leather), but buy finished products to speed the process along to a reasonable pace. When that’s done you could save up for an awesome skin like infinite light. The mats for it easily approach 1,000g. If you make 25g per day then you’ll need 40 entire days to get everything without using the gem store. In practice one would very likely burn out before making the sword so it’ll be longer than that.
That is their impatience showing, IMO. Time Gated crafting is only a tiem gate, nto a money gate. You can easily (and not RNG if you know how to use the Mystic Forge) get any number of things you need. It requires a little karma for the silks, linens and leathers, but other than that not much else but time.
I made all three Ascended Armor weights in berserker stats by crafting. I didn’t buy a single mat. It’s entirely possible to do it without spending any money at all.
What people need to do is to relax on complaing about this so-called “gold starvation,” sure is ligquid gold coming in as fast as before in some niche areas of the game? No, no it’s not. But there is PLENTY of gold to be had, to be made, and the result so far from the removal of liquid gold from dungeons has been that things are already getting cheaper on the TP.
As another note: People are parroting some random thread about the Fractals Nerf. It’s not where ANet wants it, they’ve said it themselves, but near as I can see from running multiple fractals a day, if I do more than one, I am getting about the same gold as before in Agony Infusions (which I sell), and Fractal Encryption Boxes (which I open with Keys I make from Matrixes, or I Sell if I have no keys that day).
I started the expansion with 6 gold on hand and I am up to almost 200 gold in 18 days. It’s been 18 days.
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
I know there’s a lot more to the topic at hand, but all I can think of after reading the original post is the fact that you apparently consider 25 gold a day to be simply a “reasonable” amount. Because to me, that’s a crapton of money to be making every day.
And wondering what exactly you need to buy that’s worth 5+ gold every day that makes it so that you can’t ever build up any more gold beyond that.
And what you spent the apparent thousands upon thousands of gold you made beforehand on.
Ascended crafting. Some mats are time gated so it isn’t enough to simply gather (mostly RNG in the case of cloth and leather), but buy finished products to speed the process along to a reasonable pace. When that’s done you could save up for an awesome skin like infinite light. The mats for it easily approach 1,000g. If you make 25g per day then you’ll need 40 entire days to get everything without using the gem store. In practice one would very likely burn out before making the sword so it’ll be longer than that.
That is their impatience showing, IMO. Time Gated crafting is only a tiem gate, nto a money gate. You can easily (and not RNG if you know how to use the Mystic Forge) get any number of things you need. It requires a little karma for the silks, linens and leathers, but other than that not much else but time.
I made all three Ascended Armor weights in berserker stats by crafting. I didn’t buy a single mat. It’s entirely possible to do it without spending any money at all.
What people need to do is to relax on complaing about this so-called “gold starvation,” sure is ligquid gold coming in as fast as before in some niche areas of the game? No, no it’s not. But there is PLENTY of gold to be had, to be made, and the result so far from the removal of liquid gold from dungeons has been that things are already getting cheaper on the TP.
As another note: People are parroting some random thread about the Fractals Nerf. It’s not where ANet wants it, they’ve said it themselves, but near as I can see from running multiple fractals a day, if I do more than one, I am getting about the same gold as before in Agony Infusions (which I sell), and Fractal Encryption Boxes (which I open with Keys I make from Matrixes, or I Sell if I have no keys that day).
I started the expansion with 6 gold on hand and I am up to almost 200 gold in 18 days. It’s been 18 days.
I’ve seen the method of turning karma into silk and making hundreds of trips to the MF with bags full of cheaply bought karma gear is about as engaging as playing the TP.
There is a pretty commonly used technique in game design that GW2 has totally missed. Design the game such that the most rewarding way to play is also the most fun.
Furthermore, instanced PvE is not a niche in an MMORPG. Stop pretending I’m insane for expecting my way of playing to be profitable. It was pre-HoT, and the economy was working just fine then. EotM was profitable before, and the game was fine then. Never played pvp content, but I imagine they were catered to as well. Why is it better to say, "Well, if you want to be able to afford your daily CD’s, you should play the TP or find “clever” if braindead ways to exploit the system."
There is a pretty commonly used technique in game design that GW2 has totally missed. Design the game such that the most rewarding way to play is also the most fun.
What does every single person who plays this game find fun? I don’t think we’ll ever know but it would be interesting to see what’s on top.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
There is a pretty commonly used technique in game design that GW2 has totally missed. Design the game such that the most rewarding way to play is also the most fun.
What does every single person who plays this game find fun? I don’t think we’ll ever know but it would be interesting to see what’s on top.
Indeed, but I’m pretty sure it’s not SW farming trains.
I enjoy playing pve content mainly, and I especially enjoy instanced pve. Before the nerf, I was netting around 25 gold per day running dungeons and fractals, and less frequently world bosses. Now that gold has been nerfed, I find myself constantly at 1-5 gold, and unable to earn more than 6 or so gold a day without a lucky skin drop or selling off tons of accumulated mats on TP. …
This is where I get cranky …
What I get from this paragraph is that you believe that it’s reasonable for players to be able to make the most gold from a very SPECIFIC and LIMITED kind of game content. I’m not sure you realize that’s actually not a good thing to be happening in the game. In fact, we should all be very critical of Anet for allowing such a situation to exist in the game for as long as it was. While you were making bank doing something you enjoy, there were MANY people out there who were not making bank doing the things they liked.
In short, it’s called equalization and if a game is well balanced and you want to truly make a lot of money from doing game content, you shouldn’t be regulated to a few very specific events/activities to do so.
I never suggested that I believe this should be the only way to earn gold,…
And I didn’t say you did … I said that your post gives the impression that there is something wrong with Anet rebalancing rewards from dungeons. When in fact, the only problem here is that you haven’t exposed yourself enough to other things in the game that give you the necessary perspective to even understand why your complaint is not sensible.
You’re whole premise is that you can’t ‘sustain’ your GW2 lifestyle with alternative income approach after the dungeon reward nerf. You’re solution is to make it go back to the old way, which was obviously nerfed for reasons. Time to think a little more about what you’re asking here.
There is a pretty commonly used technique in game design that GW2 has totally missed. Design the game such that the most rewarding way to play is also the most fun.
What does every single person who plays this game find fun? I don’t think we’ll ever know but it would be interesting to see what’s on top.
Indeed, but I’m pretty sure it’s not SW farming trains.
Why can’t it be? Because running a dungeon for the umteenth day in a row for big gold is, which just as a coincidence, happens to be exactly the only thing you’re willing to do to earn your big bank? …. lacking perspective.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
I enjoy playing pve content mainly, and I especially enjoy instanced pve. Before the nerf, I was netting around 25 gold per day running dungeons and fractals, and less frequently world bosses. Now that gold has been nerfed, I find myself constantly at 1-5 gold, and unable to earn more than 6 or so gold a day without a lucky skin drop or selling off tons of accumulated mats on TP. …
This is where I get cranky …
What I get from this paragraph is that you believe that it’s reasonable for players to be able to make the most gold from a very SPECIFIC and LIMITED kind of game content. I’m not sure you realize that’s actually not a good thing to be happening in the game. In fact, we should all be very critical of Anet for allowing such a situation to exist in the game for as long as it was. While you were making bank doing something you enjoy, there were MANY people out there who were not making bank doing the things they liked.
In short, it’s called equalization and if a game is well balanced and you want to truly make a lot of money from doing game content, you shouldn’t be regulated to a few very specific events/activities to do so.
I never suggested that I believe this should be the only way to earn gold,…
And I didn’t say you did … I said that your post gives the impression that there is something wrong with Anet rebalancing rewards from dungeons. When in fact, the only problem here is that you haven’t exposed yourself enough to other things in the game that give you the necessary perspective to even understand why your complaint is not sensible.
You’re whole premise is that you can’t ‘sustain’ your GW2 lifestyle with alternative income approach after the dungeon reward nerf. You’re solution is to make it go back to the old way, which was obviously nerfed for reasons. Time to think a little more about what you’re asking here.
There is a pretty commonly used technique in game design that GW2 has totally missed. Design the game such that the most rewarding way to play is also the most fun.
What does every single person who plays this game find fun? I don’t think we’ll ever know but it would be interesting to see what’s on top.
Indeed, but I’m pretty sure it’s not SW farming trains.
Why can’t it be? Because running a dungeon for the umteenth day in a row for big gold is, which just as a coincidence, happens to be exactly the only thing you’re willing to do to earn your big bank? …. lacking perspective.
The gold reward was only for the first time each day. Do you even play this game or do you just like to troll the forums? I will grant that it is my personal opinion that SW farming is boring, but I kinda think the community will largely agree with me.
The problem is that some people were boasting about making 60g, per day, from dungeons alone.
While, simultaneously, refusing to run anything but Zerker skip>stack>melee speedruns, with experienced, well geared, players of the “right” classes and builds.
Meaning that they were ending up with a very large amount of gold, per hour played and never really needed to open their (RL) wallets, at all.
That is pretty hard to defend.
Especially as it was very off-putting for new players, who obviously weren’t “the chosen ones” and were often treated badly if they joined by accident and/or were, inadvertently, finding themselves in speedrun “training sessions”; when all they thought they had signed up for was an “everyone welcome” dungeon run.
Having said that, they have not just nerfed the rewards from dungeons, which would have been at least somewhat justifiable; they have nerfed them from pretty much everything.
Basically, I think you should get similar rewards from pretty much any type of content you choose to do and those rewards should not be lower than they were before.
Unless they really were too high before.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
I’ve run into the opposite situation. Admittedly I am a newish player (was here when it launched, came back 2 months ago), and I am sure many will tell me I am doing it wrong, since I haven’t run any dungeons or fractals, and just run around doing explorers and having fun.
However before the expansion I raised 4 characters to 80, and each earned about 30 gold or so, just running maps/personal story selling everything that dropped on the TP. Which was about enough to get half a set of exotic gear (2 of my 4 characters have exotic gear). However when the expansion launched I started leveling a revenant, and just finished 100% world completion today, since I normally hit 80 with about 50% WC, I would expect to have about 60 gold or enough to gear up my character.
However, counting it up I have earned about 240 gold from start to world completion.
60 gold on exotic armor
40 gold on tradeskills
20 gold on haloween bags/costume
120 gold in my bank
Which is about 4x what I expected to have, not sure why, though I have noticed the price on ore is going through the roof.
If you need money you can sell Flax seeds, you can do the world boss events to open chests. These chests often contain exotics and things like black diamonds (which sell for about 1,8g a piece). You can craft rare weapons by buying materials for about 20-25 silver and sell them for 50+ if you craft the correct ones. You can craft a daily damask and deldrimor steel for 7-8g profit per day. You can sell those boxes from Fractals if you run out of keys to open them. You can flip stuff on the TP to make gold easily while you do other things and let your listings do the work. There are plenty of other ways to earn money right now but yes, they wanted to nerf the ‘flat gold’ coming into the game through dungeon grinders. I can see why they did it and I am glad they did it.
Alright, so I know it’s a touchy topic for some people, but it’s been a while since HoT’s launch and it still hasn’t really been addressed so I figure it can’t hurt to add my voice to the chorus.
Let me begin by saying I’m not a free player. I enjoy the game and so I support it. I however refuse to purchase gold for real money.
The only problem Anet sees in your post.
Like RL, making gold in GW2 requires effort. Some grind like crazy to get their gold, some craft, some flip the TP, some do other things.
It’s really a question of how much effort and intelligence you put into it as to how much you get out of it.
Since I did the whole ‘trading to make billions’ thing in GW1 I’ve never felt the need to since- I’d much rather do something more enjoyable (to me) and not worry about the gold. As much gold as I want is, after all, just a pin number away and I look at how long it would take to make that amount of gold in game as compared to how long it takes to earn the money to just buy gems if I want to. Others will make a different call dependent on circumstances.
If you want to make gold in the game, then read up on the various methods available and practice- like anything in RL, the greatest rewards go generally to those who put in the smartest (note: not MOST) effort.