Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

it aint a farming game imo.

Though I respect what you’re saying overall, there are many specific examples in the game where this doesn’t hold up well. Take crafting, for instance. There are many recipes with requirements that are really not going to be acquired through casual gameplay. Therefore, one is going to have to go “farm” them in order to make or discover the recipes. Perhaps your definition of “farm” is different than mine, which implies a certain amount of repetition beyond normal gameplay.

These recipes alone say to me that there is a certain amount of “farming” that is expected to be done in this game.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShaunZ.1098


Played since launch, 12 gp to my name (Almost all exotics on 2 chars, no legendary)

Why? Apparently I defend my realm in WvW far too often .

Gremmil – Fort Aspenwood Engineer
It’s [NERF] or nothing!

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Gold is farmed by CoF path 1 ad nauseum or ori nodes farming(?).

Why can’t I just play the game and be rewarded? I wanna just play WvW, and maybe get 1g (selling junk from bags) after an hour of playing, and not worry about trying to maximize my bags by tagging as many people as possible in zergs. The issue here is with tagging in WvW probably. And TP inflation.

I’m rambling. This isn’t the first time I’m revolted by the game because of the grindiness / economy.

I want to do one simple thing. Get some alternative stats gear to try out a build. I don’t think I want to grind 50g (exotic armor/runes) to get the pieces from the TP to try out a build.

That’s exactly why many of us stopped playing. There’s no reason to login when you know you’re not going to get rewarded for your time. And I’m sorry but that’s not a good thing to be spending your laurels on (to those who will argue that)

Mix that in with some disappearing chests or wooden chests that don’t drop any better then the porous bones in Orr and you’ve got yourself a broken economy my friend. Completely agree about it. I really feel sorry for the new post nov 15th players I really do because if they haven’t won the Arenanet Lottery then they are in for a world of extreme hurt in the wallet.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


there ya go, fresh out of the oven.

“farming” is killing mmos

the guy above who mentioned “rewarded for your time”… lol at that!!

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: foenxz.8564


From the general perspective, there are a couple of things going on -

1) No matter which way someone wants to play the game, there should be some way for them to feel rewarded. Farming is ok, defending your realm in WvW is ok, dungeons are ok, fractals are ok etc. etc. if all of them reward the player uniformly. The problem arises when someone says you’re not doing it right if you don’t run CoF or AC under 30 min every day to make 10g in under a ‘couple’ of hours. I’ve done all that, and its not possible to make 10g by running CoF and AC all 3 paths combined together in one day (under 2 hours).

2) Rising prices does not necessarily mean inflation…. they can also mean more demand/less supply. With inflation, everyone suffers but with increasing gap between demand/supply, fewer people get more rich, while the greater population suffer even more. Inflation may actually be a lesser evil than it is made out to be. Inflation for me just means there are more people playing this game, which is a good thing, and incidentally generating more gold. It is ok, because it affects everybody, and does not spare a small portion of the population who are already rich, while hurting others even more progressively.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


2) Rising prices does not necessarily mean inflation…. they can also mean more demand/less supply. With inflation, everyone suffers but with increasing gap between demand/supply, fewer people get more rich, while the greater population suffer even more.

A small supply pool means the market is very easy to manipulate, and make no mistake it IS being manipulated.

Inflation is not a bad thing either. As long as “cost of living increases” cause the nominal “wage” to rise, inflation actually is a massive help to the middle class. It’s the reason you can afford to send your kids to college and save for retirement.. your house payments, which were once pretty burdensome, have become less of an issue due to inflation, and the fact that debt payment does not increase with inflation.

Inflation performs a very necessary role, when coupled with nominal earnings increases that track that rate, of reducing the wealth gap by reducing the purchasing power of hoarded cash.

The problem is the opposite is happening.

They let people accumulate obscene amounts of money through things like godskull and snowflake exploits, or simply farming before 11/15 made it hell for everyone else, then then nerfed the bejesus out of everything normal people use to make gold, thereby magnifying the purchasing power of the super-rich.

The end result:

A “trader class” who made their money before 11/15 and now manipulate the market to get richer at everyone else’s expense, and the underclass who barely make waypoint fees and are on perma-DR

(edited by plasmacutter.2709)

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: foenxz.8564


Inflation performs a very necessary role, when coupled with nominal earnings increases that track that rate, of reducing the wealth gap by reducing the purchasing power of hoarded cash.

Exactly my point. If there is more gold being generated due to more players signing up (thereby increasing the overall earning capacity in the game), that is not as bad as if there is 1 item for every 10,000 players, making said item extremely expensive. Gold sinks are still definitely required to control this inflation (but not so much that they become a veritable handicap), but if someone claims that the prices of ectos/lodestones are rising due to inflation, i call BS to that. They are rising simply because there are fewer and fewer of those available per capita of the total player population out there.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhysati.4932


you… cant get a set of exotic in a month of play if you focus on it?
im sad for you.

Not WvW solely no.

Considering how small a section of the game WvW makes up, this shouldn’t come as any surprise to you or anyone else. I also can’t acquire dungeon gear for my character through sPvP or acquire gear for sPvP through PvE content.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Inflation performs a very necessary role, when coupled with nominal earnings increases that track that rate, of reducing the wealth gap by reducing the purchasing power of hoarded cash.

Exactly my point. If there is more gold being generated due to more players signing up (thereby increasing the overall earning capacity in the game), that is not as bad as if there is 1 item for every 10,000 players, making said item extremely expensive. Gold sinks are still definitely required to control this inflation (but not so much that they become a veritable handicap), but if someone claims that the prices of ectos/lodestones are rising due to inflation, i call BS to that. They are rising simply because there are fewer and fewer of those available per capita of the total player population out there.

The issue here is all these new players are still coming in under draconian “perma-DR” issues, at least half of them are.

They’re also coming in after all the good sources for “normal” people to make cash are nerfed to hell.

They are leveling and gaming in a MUCH poorer world, and because of that, they’re making less money than the people who are now sitting on 5 and 6 figures of gold did.

We’re seeing the opposite of “cost of living” increases here, we’re seeing decreased real wages as nominal wages fall, supplies stay the same (but supply per person falls due to bad loot), and prices skyrocket.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Right, so Frega, your complaint is you want to skip most of the game to play one aspect of the game, which CAN be played without max gear, but you refuse to believe it.

I understand your issue now. And I sincerely hope that Anet adds something to allow WvW players to get gear faster.

But I maintain you don’t need ascended gear to do well in WvW. That’s the one main difference between you and me. Exotics are fine.

And you can get them with karma, which you do earn in WvW and with badges of honor too, if I’m not mistaken.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Gold is farmed by CoF path 1 ad nauseum or ori nodes farming(?).

Why can’t I just play the game and be rewarded? I wanna just play WvW, and maybe get 1g (selling junk from bags) after an hour of playing, and not worry about trying to maximize my bags by tagging as many people as possible in zergs. The issue here is with tagging in WvW probably. And TP inflation.

I’m rambling. This isn’t the first time I’m revolted by the game because of the grindiness / economy.

I want to do one simple thing. Get some alternative stats gear to try out a build. I don’t think I want to grind 50g (exotic armor/runes) to get the pieces from the TP to try out a build.

I play normally and make 5-10g a day.
Couple dungs, couple fracts, hour of wvw, and maybe some events.

And if you want to try out builds there is sPvP.
You can’t just demand that you get an exotic set of everything easy just because you want to try builds.
Even in GW1 you needed a lot of skill unlocking (tons of money), sub-class unlocking, elite-capping and whatnot to try new builds.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thomassassinate.9370


I get my gold from having fun too.

I left a grind game to come to this game. And whether or not people call it a grind game i make gold while i enjoy what i do.

I got a lovers bow dropped once while having fun in fractals and a guy who raged at me the entire game about it said he grinded for like 2 months and got nothing that good.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Halanna.3927


As long as I can buy all the gems I want and trade them for gold, I can horde all the gold I want. This isn’t going to effect what other players can or can’t earn in dungeons, fractals or anywhere else. I can sell gems all day long, pulling gold out of the economy and there is nothing that will effect what other players can earn. Unless I sell so many gems, there are no buyers left. Gold going into the game from drops has nothing to do with gold being taken out of the game.

You don’t need a game play “style”. You only need a Paypal account to accumulate as much gold as you want.

The problem as I see it is that I should be able to earn whatever gold I want by playing the game, not buying it from the game. Just because I “can” buy it, doesn’t mean I want to.

Earning it is far more fun. I do thinks drops have gotten better though. I have seen some differences in the last day or so.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revolution.6301


Gold is farmed by CoF path 1 ad nauseum or ori nodes farming(?).

Why can’t I just play the game and be rewarded? I wanna just play WvW, and maybe get 1g (selling junk from bags) after an hour of playing, and not worry about trying to maximize my bags by tagging as many people as possible in zergs. The issue here is with tagging in WvW probably. And TP inflation.

I’m rambling. This isn’t the first time I’m revolted by the game because of the grindiness / economy.

I want to do one simple thing. Get some alternative stats gear to try out a build. I don’t think I want to grind 50g (exotic armor/runes) to get the pieces from the TP to try out a build.

Well you could farm Orr -tunnel grinding.

But your right. The economy is out of control and the grinding is insane. Personally for me anyways you can only grind CoF so MANY TIMES. I mean it gets annoying seeing the same mission -over -over -over and over and over and over again. Or tunnel, seeing the same DE forever and ever and ever.
Or you could flip but thats risky, and requires a bit of knowledge of how an economy works, investing god. How people are so lucky to by 100 gold of an item to watch it go up 20x is above me.

But I agree, and Anet did point out stats wouldn’t be such a grind. To those who say it isn’t what do you think about this; even if you are willing to wear a trashbag for looks armor + weps, the total amount to get your build (this includes: armor, weapons, jewlery, rings etc.) is around 65-70 gold.

Not only is it ridicilous but for some people it will take so long to get and will feel like a job getting.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Gold is farmed by CoF path 1 ad nauseum or ori nodes farming(?).

Why can’t I just play the game and be rewarded? I wanna just play WvW, and maybe get 1g (selling junk from bags) after an hour of playing, and not worry about trying to maximize my bags by tagging as many people as possible in zergs. The issue here is with tagging in WvW probably. And TP inflation.

I’m rambling. This isn’t the first time I’m revolted by the game because of the grindiness / economy.

I want to do one simple thing. Get some alternative stats gear to try out a build. I don’t think I want to grind 50g (exotic armor/runes) to get the pieces from the TP to try out a build.

Well you could farm Orr -tunnel grinding.

But your right. The economy is out of control and the grinding is insane. Personally for me anyways you can only grind CoF so MANY TIMES. I mean it gets annoying seeing the same mission -over -over -over and over and over and over again. Or tunnel, seeing the same DE forever and ever and ever.
Or you could flip but thats risky, and requires a bit of knowledge of how an economy works, investing god. How people are so lucky to by 100 gold of an item to watch it go up 20x is above me.

But I agree, and Anet did point out stats wouldn’t be such a grind. To those who say it isn’t what do you think about this; even if you are willing to wear a trashbag for looks armor + weps, the total amount to get your build (this includes: armor, weapons, jewlery, rings etc.) is around 65-70 gold.

Not only is it ridicilous but for some people it will take so long to get and will feel like a job getting.

Assuming you use no karma to get gear. Since most of my guys are using karma armor and karma is relatively easy to get, this is less of a problem than you’re making it sound. Lots of people use karma armor. Some use armor from dungeons as well, which is just dungeon tokens. Some people mix and match so they spend some gold, some karma and get some dungeon armor.

There are lots of ways to get armor in this game. Assuming you need to buy it all from the trading post is simply a misnomer.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


Hur dur do the TP and not play -

Oh wait. It’s not playing the game anymore then, is it.

= D

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LOCO.1785


Then I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong if you’re just playing the game and having gold.

I play WvW a few hours a day and get nothing. Repair fees only, and if I’m lucky I break even.

Superior runes 6/6 is usually the kicker. Builds are reliant on those expensive 6/6 rune bonus.

WvW sucks some major crack if you’re after gold.

But it’s definitely a good way to farm karma.

Gold from playing, not grinding or farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revolution.6301


Gold is farmed by CoF path 1 ad nauseum or ori nodes farming(?).

Why can’t I just play the game and be rewarded? I wanna just play WvW, and maybe get 1g (selling junk from bags) after an hour of playing, and not worry about trying to maximize my bags by tagging as many people as possible in zergs. The issue here is with tagging in WvW probably. And TP inflation.

I’m rambling. This isn’t the first time I’m revolted by the game because of the grindiness / economy.

I want to do one simple thing. Get some alternative stats gear to try out a build. I don’t think I want to grind 50g (exotic armor/runes) to get the pieces from the TP to try out a build.

Well you could farm Orr -tunnel grinding.

But your right. The economy is out of control and the grinding is insane. Personally for me anyways you can only grind CoF so MANY TIMES. I mean it gets annoying seeing the same mission -over -over -over and over and over and over again. Or tunnel, seeing the same DE forever and ever and ever.
Or you could flip but thats risky, and requires a bit of knowledge of how an economy works, investing god. How people are so lucky to by 100 gold of an item to watch it go up 20x is above me.

But I agree, and Anet did point out stats wouldn’t be such a grind. To those who say it isn’t what do you think about this; even if you are willing to wear a trashbag for looks armor + weps, the total amount to get your build (this includes: armor, weapons, jewlery, rings etc.) is around 65-70 gold.

Not only is it ridicilous but for some people it will take so long to get and will feel like a job getting.

Assuming you use no karma to get gear. Since most of my guys are using karma armor and karma is relatively easy to get, this is less of a problem than you’re making it sound. Lots of people use karma armor. Some use armor from dungeons as well, which is just dungeon tokens. Some people mix and match so they spend some gold, some karma and get some dungeon armor.

There are lots of ways to get armor in this game. Assuming you need to buy it all from the trading post is simply a misnomer.

I’d like to farm karma but it lacks the specific knights I’m looking for -power/tough/persicion. And I’m not after a legendary since there is no way I’ll ever get one.