Golem Chess
I’m hoping we get it back. It’s the first thing I went for when clearing Metrica pre-NPE. I was so very kittened off that they removed it. It was an interesting little game.
It got removed along with many other things which seemed to be too “complicated” in their eyes. I doubt we will ever see it again and if its probably a gemshop access for 800 gems.
Inquest underwater base in Metrica lost their pet shark. And personnel. And turrets. Only fair that the other krewes also lose something.
Eh. Yeah, it’s sad.
William S. Burroughs
No, please, no.
I spent days trying to figure it out. My skills disappeared, I couldn’t figure out how to play…so confusing! I pressed 1, over and over again, but never got any drops :-( I eventually gave up and went back to seeing how long my toon could hold his breath underwater. Related: sharks are mean.
Thank god the NPE saved us from the awful golem chess game. It was waaay too advanced for this game. All of these people complain about wanting more content? NO! ANet needs to continue removing content until I can get my legendary drop from a starter-zone rabbit.
@dlonie: I do hope you’re being sarcastic. I really can’t tell, that’s how much your sarcasm is not obvious in your post.
@OP: Yeah, this is one of the great damages of the NPE. The rabbit event in Shaemoor is also gone. And carrying rabbits – the only place you can do this being Shaemoor’s event – was a majorly promoted aspect of GW2! Wtf Anet, W. T. F.?!
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
@dlonie: I do hope you’re being sarcastic. I really can’t tell, that’s how much your sarcasm is not obvious in your post.
@OP: Yeah, this is one of the great damages of the NPE. The rabbit event in Shaemoor is also gone.
And carrying rabbits – the only place you can do this being Shaemoor’s event – was a majorly promoted aspect of GW2! Wtf Anet, W. T. F.?!
Not the only place – the Jotun trading heart had rabbit carrying as well… which I believe was equally axed. Rabbit carrying, 2012-2014, R.I.P.
Unless it was a bug, the become the snow leopard heart also had most of the skills removed last I was there.
I think the sad part though, is that the metrics (I’m guessing they used them) on who played golem chess miss the point. When I first got to Metrica from Rata Sum, I looked at golem chess, but didn’t play it as I had other things I wanted to do. However, it gave me the immediate impression that Tyria was a place full of things I could do. The chess didn’t interest me, but the fact that there were such things made the game world feel far more exciting and alive.
I honestly think that they should bring improve upon Golem Chess instead and make it more like “rock-em sock-em robots” to keep things simple if that is what they were going for.
I do miss it.
But I agree that the first thing new players see should not be something that is unrelated to the rest of the game. It would be like playing Starcraft, but the first level of the campaign had you fighting Warcraft Dryads.
How about it’s added as a minigame in Rata Sum?
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I think it is really unlikely that the team which concluded that feeding a cow was too confusing to new players, would bring back something with the word chess in its name.
Plus, it might remind people that we still don’t have polymock.
Yarr! I be keeping me pirate runes, Matey. Yarr! You’re welcome. Yarr!
A big board
7 wide, 20 long
Both sides get 2 rows of 3 golems placed zigzag
Destroy all enemy golems
Get 2 golems to the enemy’s edge
Any golem can take 3 steps or 1 step + attack
You cannot use the same golem two turns in a row
A big board
7 wide, 20 long
Both sides get 2 rows of 3 golems placed zigzagObjectives:
Destroy all enemy golems
Get 2 golems to the enemy’s edgeAny golem can take 3 steps or 1 step + attack
You cannot use the same golem two turns in a row
In their eyes it will confuse new players. Rather they will implement it like: The one who can hit “1” button more often than his enemy in 30 seconds wins the match.
Wasn’t it just like tic-tac-toe though? Whoever goes first can either guarantee a win or a draw.
Anything that isn’t standing still and spamming 1 is too confusing.