Good drops for me today...
it’s working as intended and I’m happy for you but sad that this game still has something which is so ridiculously broken (i.e., this game’s asinine RNG)
There’s a train? Where?
ugh, the train
don’t run it too long or often
it’s mindless chore grinding like that that’ll make you sick of the game
Was it really RNG though?
A lot of players say that after a long’ish break they get awesome drops in there 1st week of returning.
Its possible the best way to get awesome drops is to not play for 6 to 18 months (in the OP’s case), would not surprise me if this was a ‘hidden’ mechanic in the game, ArenaNet do some crazy stuff…
It makes sense really, people who are not addicted to GW2 give them nothing…
Those who are not, give them something awesome and hope they get addicted.
ugh, the train
don’t run it too long or often
it’s mindless chore grinding like that that’ll make you sick of the game
Oddly enough, I like mindlessly grinding. I can multi-task and do other things. But I know what you mean. I feel that I was burnt out when it first started because I didn’t really take any breaks. I played from sun up til sun up. Often times, I’d sleep for 6 hours and wake up and not move again. I don’t have a choice now. I can no longer do that as I have harder classes, and more responsibilities. But I’m just now rounding out at level 20 and I’ve had a blast so far.
ugh, the train
don’t run it too long or often
it’s mindless chore grinding like that that’ll make you sick of the game
That’s actually the appeal of it for a lot of people.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
ugh, the train
don’t run it too long or often
it’s mindless chore grinding like that that’ll make you sick of the game
Definitely you’re own personal opinion.
I find it quite relaxing and a very social thing to do.
I recommend that new players go to Queensdale and join the train all the time.
I’m glad to hear the RNG worked out for you!
It’s good exp, good loot, easy game play and there is plenty of time to socialize in /map chat while you’re learning the game.
I recommend that new players go to Queensdale and join the train all the time.
I’m glad to hear the RNG worked out for you!
It’s good exp, good loot, easy game play and there is plenty of time to socialize in /map chat while you’re learning the game.
You hit the nail on the head for me! It’s been a great time so far to gain some friends and stuff as I play!
Many computer programs that produce (pseudo-)random numbers are based off of the clock.
I suspect GW2 has such a program for loot, because I often notice multiple people getting good loot when a large zerg all opens bags at about the same time.
(This doesn’t tell you when to open loot bags, but it is interesting.)
I often notice multiple people getting good loot when a large zerg all opens bags at about the same time.
Haha could that also be because a large number of people are opening loot bags at the same time? XD
The more people you have playing RNG at the same time, the more likely it is that you will see multiple people link good loot in chat!
Was it really RNG though?
A lot of players say that after a long’ish break they get awesome drops in there 1st week of returning.
Its possible the best way to get awesome drops is to not play for 6 to 18 months (in the OP’s case), would not surprise me if this was a ‘hidden’ mechanic in the game, ArenaNet do some crazy stuff…
It makes sense really, people who are not addicted to GW2 give them nothing…
Those who are not, give them something awesome and hope they get addicted.
I’ve mused about this as well, after taking a month break not to long ago and getting some nice drops. Although it could very well just be my brain attempting to create patterns where there are none.