Good job Anet!
Heheh, want to borrow my flame resistant umbrella?
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok
Haha nice post and totally true. My only complaints with any profession atm is the bugs that still plague a lot of them and specifically my Ranger and his pet. If some of the bigger issues with that were fixed I would be very happy about the state of the professions.
I agree! I don’t think there’s a single profession I dislike. I’ve got two Guardians, a warrior, a mesmer, an Elementalist, and I’d like to try an Engineer and Necromancer too.
My only regret is that I do not have enough character slots. :P
I agree! I don’t think there’s a single profession I dislike. I’ve got two Guardians, a warrior, a mesmer, an Elementalist, and I’d like to try an Engineer and Necromancer too.
My only regret is that I do not have enough character slots. :P
$10 gets you another one.
i love all profesions my favourite is the ranger but i have a engineere so if you want to tri it i sugest you get that extra character slot because the engineere is awsome they cant switch weapons like a guardian or a warrior but guns and pistols have ewerithing tha you nead
I love them all. My guardian is the easiest to level, my elementalist is super-squishy but I’m trying to fix that through gear and learning to play. Every profession I’ve tried is FUN, and feels properly differentiated.
I’ve actually had the same thought. There is a LOT of griping on a LOT of topics like this.
Definitely shows they probably did it right…
There were 1-2 professions that didn’t seem to be complaining but for the most part everyone is complaining.
Nerf them!
Good post though. Understandably, most people don’t come to their game’s forums to post accolades of cours, but it’s nice to see one of these per day. I’ve certainly gotten my money’s worth out of this game. And I’d go as far to say that they chances they took were all good choices, with the biggest issues being your bog-standard MMO stuff of bugs and other changes that are a part of all of them.
Wow, very interesting logic in this thread.
As with Delmarqo, I feel like I got my money’s worth out of the game, but the professions need work. It just can’t be overlooked. If the only people left playing the game are the ones who feel like there is no work to be done, then GW2 will be a colossal failure.
Wow, very interesting logic in this thread.
As with Delmarqo, I feel like I got my money’s worth out of the game, but the professions need work. It just can’t be overlooked. If the only people left playing the game are the ones who feel like there is no work to be done, then GW2 will be a colossal failure.
Nobody here is saying that there is no work to be done. They are just agreeing that profession balance overall is pretty good. Oh there is a ton of work needed to fix stuff in this game for sure. There are plenty of bugs left with each profession and other aspects of the game.
I feel the same.
To be honest tho, I still have major issues countering Mesmers on any class.
This might just be a personal issue, I’ll see if I’m able to counter it with the meta before forging an opinion on this.
I’m playing four professions right now – Mesmer, Guardian, Warrior and Elementalist and I’m surprised how much I’m enjoying each one. I suppose it is a good sign if every profession is complaining about nerfs lol
I expect I’ll try the other four professions if/when I finally max out the first set.
Um ok, so everybody is equally unhappy with their professions and the game ……… good work?
Pardon me, I thought the point was for everyone to love the game and enjoy their professions. If you went toa restaurant and everyone thought the food was equally bad, would your return? Or would you go to a place where everything was superb?
I love clueless ppl. I suggest u to make ranger and invest 100-200$ in it and love them more.
Um ok, so everybody is equally unhappy with their professions and the game ……… good work?
Pardon me, I thought the point was for everyone to love the game and enjoy their professions. If you went toa restaurant and everyone thought the food was equally bad, would your return? Or would you go to a place where everything was superb?
I think the OP is just pointing out that all the whiners are equally complaining, not all the players.
Every MMO is the same way. There are a small percent of very vocal complainers while the larger majority of people are usually fine with playing the game. The majority doesn’t complain because they’re having fun.
Thinking that the vocal minority truly represent the greater customer base is one of the mistakes that developers have to avoid but it is not always easy because once in a while, the minority do get lucky and hit on issues important to the greater population. The problem is you never know when they’re doing that and when they’re not.
Using your example, one wouldn’t judge a restaurant because there is one loud, obnoxious customer who always makes a scene at every time they eat any restaurant. A gaming forum is like giving those kind of customers a megaphone lol
I still see people playing the game when I log on, so I have to figure there are people still having fun. Much like seeing other people all eating at a restaurant. Just because they’re not jumping up and down shouting as loud as the complainers about how good the food is doesn’t mean they don’t like it
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)
I love clueless ppl. I suggest u to make ranger and invest 100-200$ in it and love them more.
Your the one who is naive. I have a 80 Ranger that i have spent over 100+ hrs on and I think its a great class. There are some bugs yeah, but all classes have bugs atm.
I would have to agree. Once the game went live it was nice to see the feedback they listened to.
I main as a thief and the thief forums have been good up till they nerfed pistol whip. Which was OP to started with, and even with the 15% nerf you still do a good amount of damage.
I run the condition damage build and I really like how the game rewards you for being a skilled player. Sure the kitten 100 blades and Super crt builds are pretty popular right now but if you are a skilled player you can walk all over those players and feel good about it, knowing that it was you not your class that killed that player.
My only issue is the hammer warrior and I think mesmers are still a little too powerful but all in all the balance of this game is wonderful!
This game is completely balanced. Izzy is not needed anymore. After seeing this video, you will understand why this game has no more need for balancing:
(Note that if everyone runs this build, then everyone has an equal chance, then that means the game is 100% balanced)
I’m sick of that video. Is he even in a tournament battle? If not, what’s the point of showing off against unskilled players?
Um ok, so everybody is equally unhappy with their professions and the game ……… good work?
Pardon me, I thought the point was for everyone to love the game and enjoy their professions. If you went toa restaurant and everyone thought the food was equally bad, would your return? Or would you go to a place where everything was superb?
I think the OP is just pointing out that all the whiners are equally complaining, not all the players.
I have a few problems with your theories regarding this. First the vocal minority thing. It’s easy to dismiss people you disagree with by calling them a vocal minority or whiners or criers. (It’s also condescending and disrepctful) So all the poeple with complaints here and in other venues are simply not valid? I guess the multitudes of people who dislike and quit D3 are just whiners too?
On to the restaurant analogy. If you paid forthe meal already, you probably would eat it. You wouldn’t take a to go order (cash shop). You just wouldn’t return. (buy another anet game) therefore, I’m sure many people with valid complaints still play.
There’s a lot of people in a lot of places complaining about the same things in GW2. For example: I’ve seen multitudes of people who have issues with DR and the camera. If you want to remain in denial, then the game is perfect and everyone who disagrees is whining. If anyone comes to me to ask how I liked GW2, you bet I am going to tell them not to buy it.
(edited by SHM.7628)
Game Director
I feel like the sandwichmancer class remains horribly unbalanced, NERF IT ANET!
I feel classes are a hollow shell of their GW1 counterparts.
I feel like the sandwichmancer class remains horribly unbalanced, NERF IT ANET!
There needs to be a sandwichmancer costume for halloween. Make it happen Colin!
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
I feel like the sandwichmancer class remains horribly unbalanced, NERF IT ANET!
They are just to good at macking sandwiches you can’t let that go by unchange.
Not going to lie… It kind of irks me to see an ArenaNet official making light of balance issues when somebody has just linked a video of a profession dealing nearly 14k damage in one hit.
@ Alex Kelley.2748: It also irks me when they can post here and not in huge threads of complaints in regards to patch changes that affected things the patch made no mention of.
Game director, take a look in the Guardian section with regards to Symbols, it would be nice to have a response to the 9 page thread complaining about the patch changes or the one in my sig.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
@ MajorMelchett
It’s a kitten Saturday! He’s probably enjoying his weekend you know?
I feel like the sandwichmancer class remains horribly unbalanced, NERF IT ANET!
They are just to good at macking sandwiches you can’t let that go by unchange.
But I have to blow all my cd’s just to get the lettuce where I need it to be, do you have any idea how much prep-work I have to do to perform that combo?
@nastyjma – erm we’ve been trying to get a reponse since the 7th.
I’m not saying he/she can’t enjoy the weekend – it’s just kinda of annoying when you see valid complaints go unanswered for days and days.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
I understand. Somehow I don’t have a complaint yet so I’m not fazed or irked by it. At least Colin shows that he has a sense of humor. Sorry if I went Chris Crocker on your kitten… LEAVE ANET ALONE! ;-)
I feel like the sandwichmancer class remains horribly unbalanced, NERF IT ANET!
Is that a reference to the super secret expansion class?
I feel like the sandwichmancer class remains horribly unbalanced, NERF IT ANET!
Is that a reference to the super secret expansion class?
Skills will require Roasted Meaty Sandwiches. No worries I’ll put some on the TP tonight.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
@Alex: a one trick pony glass cannon one-shotting other glass cannons in an edited video. Don’t see any problem here. Agains a competent player his build won’t work. Now, if was a tournament match, then I would agree with you.
Sandwichmancer sounds sexist.
80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Warrior, 80 Mesmer, 80 Engineer.
But it’s a man-cer. Not that that has anything to do with it.
Thread is about “Good job Anet” not ‘why ppl qq about class doing damage’ even though you tried to pull it that way.
All classes can do massive damage, you just don’t try… Every game, every time, someone is out there blaming a class/profession/spec/build order as being overpowered when it’s simply the application by the skilled player making it so.
Yeah, I’ve got 6 Profs on the go, and they are very well differentiated. Some are easy mode, some are harder. That is good. Why? Because sometimes I like to concentrate and sometimes I just want to goof off. It’s good to have Professions that serve either playstyle.
If they were all ez mode or all hard, something would be wrong.
And generally, class forums in MMOs are usually cesspits of pointless whining anyway, devs should never, ever listen to them. (Well, maybe only very occasionally, to those serious posters who can back up what they say with good arguments and some numbers; such posters are always few, and always stand out above the godawful whining noise.)
I feel like the sandwichmancer class remains horribly unbalanced, NERF IT ANET!
lol. I love moments like this. People take things way too seriously and need to lighten up.
Anet knows there are balance issues. And yes, I do hope they work on them asap.
Though quite frankly I think balance is a total fantasy. I’ve never come across a so-called balanced game. Ever. It does not exist. It will never exist. Can they work to make it as balanced as they can? Sure. But so many people seem to demand this perfectly balanced game and it’s just not going to happen.
I feel like the sandwichmancer class remains horribly unbalanced, NERF IT ANET!
Isn’t that class the ranger? Please take a look at the forums, people is getting really bad negativity out of it, to not say the least.
I hope you’re joking. Rangers aren’t even remotely op and certainly do NOT need nerfing.
And the forums aren’t a good way to gauge anything. Especially not what the majority thinks in game. Like it or not a small minority visit forums and usually the complainers are the loudest making it look skewed.
I hope ArenaNet keeps the NO subscription model.
It’s brilliant. I’m happy with the game too. I just think it
would be nice if they could allow some form of modding,
so the game will stay alive even longer.
I feel like the sandwichmancer class remains horribly unbalanced, NERF IT ANET!
They are just to good at macking sandwiches you can’t let that go by unchange.
But I have to blow all my cd’s just to get the lettuce where I need it to be, do you have any idea how much prep-work I have to do to perform that combo?
I don’t care it does something. I don’t udnerstand it. It must be easy.
Okay, now I NEED a Sandwichmancer.
A female skimpy Sandwichmancer, to attract feminist bullets.
Darn, this thread made me hungry. Sandwichmaster omnomnom.
Colin, that was awesome, really funny! More personal comments plz
I love seeing devs taking time on their weekends to reading the forums and making a joke.
It’s actually an incredible feat when people almost live in and through the game, taking offense by a small joke and telling the dev to go work on bugs/nerfing/op:ing etc.
You made one of the best games ever! Congratulations!
Haven’t had this much fun since Dungeon Master, Diablo and Wow came out.
For great justice! Aah me leg! <— makes me smile/laugh everyday.
Thank you everyone at ANET
(edited by Mirage.4536)
I want to commend Anet— a good sign that professions are pretty well balanced: almost every profession forum has complaints about being weak/sucky/nerfed. There were 1-2 professions that didn’t seem to be complaining but for the most part everyone is complaining. That is a very good sign that professions are well balanced. I’m not being sarcastic either.
Good job
By that logic every single mmo i ever played is balanced.