Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


Anyone else kinda got bored GW2? Once I got to level 80… I just got bored real fast. The Story line is decent. Battle mechanics are okay… I find myself just spamming the same skills. Certain dungeons are… bizarre, idk I can’t find the right word. Now finding people to do them is harder than it used to be. WvW got boring fast. All it is, is find your group, take down a tower, repeat. Idk how it is in servers, but mostly people don’t communicate. What’s the point of PvE? I have never heard of anyone ask, “Hey who wants to kill some monsters for fun?” No. People avoid PvE. People also avoid a lot of things in dungeons.

I just felt that once I got to level 80, I didn’t wanna play anymore. I tried making a new character, but the fun just got zapped.

It felt like I was more frustrated with the game than have fun.

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3106


LOL! How many more of yuo guys are there gonna be? Everytime there is someone who reaches lvl 80, they say to themselves.
“Self, let’s go onto the Guild Wars 2 forum and post a: ‘I am bored of GW2’ thread.”

Yes, It is getting boring. Now go uninstall and don’t play anymore. No one is going to fill up your bottle and put it in your mouth for you baby. And yes, it is frustrating. No reason Not to uninstall it. This game you bought, no monthly fee, or anything. You can come back anytime.

About PvE, it depends on the person. I am the adventurous type. I drag people into my party out of the blue and force them to walk with me into the cave of doom. It’s my habit, but they all enjoy it.

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LastDay.3524


When I reached lv80 I felt burnt out and went off to play other games.
I came back later and got hooked again.


Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

Maybe you should change servers… on my server there are always people spamming for dungeon groups.

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


Someone took that personally:P I posted this so ANet could see this and that they could possibly hear the players.

But @LastDay. I assume exactly that’s what’s going to happened:P It prettyyy much happens to every game I play. But since this is an MMO and can constantly change, this fun excitement didn’t last as long as I would hope. I’m relatively new to the MMO world. I’ve played a few here and there. My online gaming has mainly consist of Xbox.

I just wanted ANet to hear why a player got bored of it… sheesh

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draco.2806


You’d hate Counter-Strike or any other modern multiplayer game then. “I already finished this map, what else is there to do?”

It’s just how the game goes. If you don’t like, you don’t like, that’s just a matter of personal taste.

About “spamming the same skills”, by the way: that means you haven’t understood the rules, or haven’t learned them yet.

GW2’s combat is spectacularly dynamic and multi-fold, more than enough to carry an entire skill-based PvP mode on its shoulders. It’s too complex to explain in game’s term, in fact. You’ll want to make a mental list of all the skills at your disposal and ask yourself how they interact with each other and with your traits – both in effect and in timing.

I assure you, completing a twelve-skill combo chain in the middle of a chaotic battle is no easy – nor boring – task. And that’s me speaking as a Signet-wielding Warrior type, one of the least complex builds in the game.

(edited by Draco.2806)

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: baalblade.8465


End game content is always the plague of all MMORPG, the moment you reach end game. That’s it, the speed for players (especially those with no life) vs. the speed it take to make the contents is drastically different.

My recommendation, try out new classes, cause I doubt you ever max level of every single existed class.

As for “couldn’t find dungeon party” another plague of MMO. I was hoping GW2 would do what DC online did, add a matching queue (something like League of Legends). Or maybe like GW1, where you form your own party.

WOW couldn’t do anything to avoid it either. But hey, if you bore with GW2, you welcome to go back to WOW, if you don’t mind the subscription.

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Anet has a content update coming Nov 15th.

I suggest you take a break till then

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


Well, I am NOT a level 80. I’m 54-ish as of this post. And…yes, I am already finding myself getting bored. So it’s not just the obvious lack of engaging end game content at play, although it certainly is a valid point.

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


OP – well thank you for posting your views and thoughts. Been nice …. so long. You will not be missed.

Another person that doesn’t get it nor desires to try.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


Guys, guys! There was part of the game where I was having a blast! The first dungeon I’ve ever done was the AC story with my brother and others. I had a blast doing that. When I first starting doing dungeons, I was having lots of fun. Then… Idk it got weird.

And dude.. everyone spams the same stuff. You auto attack, wait for cool downs, then spam skills.

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


Take a break from the game. Play some other stuff for a while and maybe the itch will come to you to play again. And if not? Just view it like you do with other single purchase games.

I’ve taken 2 and 3 day breaks from here and came back roaring to go. The gameplay has really spoiled me in that I can’t play any other mmo.

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


Take a break from the game. Play some other stuff for a while and maybe the itch will come to you to play again. And if not? Just view it like you do with other single purchase games.

I’ve taken 2 and 3 day breaks from here and came back roaring to go. The gameplay has really spoiled me in that I can’t play any other mmo.

Oh I know for sure I’ll be back soon to play it like I did before. But I don’t want that constant erg me getting bored. Someone mention updates November something. I will for sure be there by then

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


huge patch November 15th

P.S. sorry for earlier post… I get grumpy when I read the forums… I really need to stop

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


Haha I understand

Got bored of Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

Hello Vees,
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