~Dr. Seuss
Great Job Anet!
~Dr. Seuss
Yea this living story episode “Point of No Return”, although typically short, was extremely well done and very deep in terms of lore. Well done and looking forward to the big news coming up.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
special thanks Anet for this season and hard work.
Amazing ending for the season 2! That final cutscene, my jaw dropped <3
I have been skeptical in the past with the Living Story, but this hit it out of the park for me
ArenaNet Communications Manager
Super nice to see your comments, everyone. Thanks for posting.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Yup…I liked this one. Nice job.
I have to agree. I often criticise but that is only because I care.
This was a great episode.
~Sincerely, Scissors
I have to agree with the above, I have been less than complimentary of the story thus far, but this recent addition blew me away.
WELL DONE! Brilliant story, and finally , a dark turn. Very pleased.
Great job guys can’t wait 4 you to release it
Should I go left where nothing is right,
or right where nothing is left?
so a net u just made your biggest mistake everrrr. really if you do not deliver the next season or wossname that is going to follow, you leave me no other options than; either swim over this big pond of yours and crack the wipps as to get you guys deliver faster. or i will simply die because of excitement. that was one hell of a finale. this was one hell of a render trailer, and that was all in all pretty amazing. keep it up, right now i am simply amazed what you guys just delivered!
seriously though pls do not wait another year with the next expansion (gotta know if i can trust those sylvari in my guild or not^^, were always kinda twitchy with this wooden stare of them )
Yeah, I thought this was great. Really good cinematics.
I still need to play catch-up.
Its really vary well done.Point of NO Return is fun and challenging content,on top of that….THAT ENDING !!! HYPE !!!Every1 is already crazy hyped about expansion.Whatever they call it “expansion” or “feature pack”…whatever for me…1 thing is clear,and that is that something HUGE is coming and we will know all about it at 24.1. Great job Anet !
Agreed. This episode was really great, even though it was short. The ending was truly artistic.
Was expecting something epic, like LA season finale. Wasn’t bad, but (in my opinion) LA was much better.
Was expecting something epic, like LA season finale. Wasn’t bad, but (in my opinion) LA was much better.
LA would be better because it didn’t have to stay as permanent content :p Was still incredibly epic though
Was expecting something epic, like LA season finale. Wasn’t bad, but (in my opinion) LA was much better.
Well it was epic in a different way, well maybe epic is the wrong word. Where LA was less character focused (and thus the ending relied heavily more on the event of LAs destruction than the particular story of anyone affected by said destruction) this ending had a stronger character focus meaning that there was less need (in my opinion) to do another LA style event
Great job to ruin my Black Lion Trade Post completely.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
There’s nothing wrong with the Trade Post.
I’m usually critical of Anet and the new content but I can’t find anything to complain about in The Point of No Return. Fun and challenging content that so far has proven to be seamless and provides some great rewards (especially the carpace BP finally!).
Let the trolls rage on about thisorthat all they want, you have a very happy customer right here and I don’t think i am alone.
kitten YEA oh wait except pvp lost the leader boards and now have nothing to do :P
I agree… really nice patch. The cinematics were AMZING!!! Cant wait until heart of thorns gets released – whatever that is
There’s nothing wrong with the Trade Post.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
I enjoyed it and i am looking forward to Heart of Thorns. The ending cinematics were beautiful and enchanting to watch.
If Trahearne dies we are going to have problems ANET.
Amazing especially the cutscene at the end
Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character. RIP Wynne. You got my first sad moment and a tear in GW2. I will find Faolain and torture her with that strange bush. even tho I dont play a Sylvari
Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character. RIP Wynne. You got my first sad moment and a tear in GW2. I will find Faolain and torture her with that strange bush. even tho I dont play a Sylvari
I don’t get why Caithe simply didn’t kill Faolain instead. If she’s going to betray her anyway.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Just as OP said, I tend to be very critical, but also honest (IMO) about GW2. Point of No Return was amazingly fun and one of the best Living Story releases to date, and no bugs that I found which made it even smoother! Great job ANET team
I agree, this was my favorite episode yet. The encounters were fun and not too overwhelming for my squishy character and the final boss fight was a lot of fun once I found a group. Also, the secret cave setting was pretty epic IMO Great job, guys.
Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character. RIP Wynne. You got my first sad moment and a tear in GW2. I will find Faolain and torture her with that strange bush. even tho I dont play a SylvariI don’t get why Caithe simply didn’t kill Faolain instead. If she’s going to betray her anyway.
You should read the books and read between the lines of their dialogues! (my answer to everything)
Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character. RIP Wynne. You got my first sad moment and a tear in GW2. I will find Faolain and torture her with that strange bush. even tho I dont play a SylvariI don’t get why Caithe simply didn’t kill Faolain instead. If she’s going to betray her anyway.
You should read the books and read between the lines of their dialogues!
(my answer to everything)
I read the first two books. And I know she still has feelings toward Faolain, but considering she was betraying her and was willing to kill an innocent woman she still could have at least defended Wynne againts Foalain, telling her to back off.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character.
What about Tybalt ? Personally i don’t even know who this Wynne is. Had she maybe
played a role in the sylvari storys ? I never played a sylvari.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I still need to play catch-up.
I’m in the same boat. I’ve only recently had time to start Living Story Season 2 and only finished The Dragon’s Reach: Part 1 last night, but so far I’m having a blast, both literally (in-game) and figuratively!
Thank goodness for the ability to log-in and save each of Season 2’s chapters for later consumption. In fact, it makes me sad that I couldn’t do that with Season 1, as I unfortunately didn’t have the time to play all of its chapters in the time prescribed and now will never be able to fully experience first-hand the epic battles against Scarlet Briar.
Speaking of Scarlet: judging by her holographic recordings at her old place at Dry Top, she seemed to be a sweet and bubbly person prior to peering into the “Eternal Alchemy” and going somewhat insane, which makes her transformation from the former to the latter even more tragic.
Also, there was a point in the Personal Story when Logan Thackeray asked my male human ranger where his ancestors were from and he answered Ascalon (if I recall correctly, the other choices were Kryta, Cantha and Elona).* Does that mean that in The Dragon’s Reach: Part 1, my ranger was basically killing the ghosts of his ancestors, particularly to (ironically) help the Charr?
*In fact, my GW2 male human ranger is the great-great-etc. grandson of my GW1 male human ranger, even having the same last name, but I’m not sure that Logan would’ve known that despite his ancestor Gwen knowing my GW1 ranger.
What an ending! Felt just epic!!
Think this is not just the point of no return but also the turning point ^^
After a lot of buildup the overall story gathers momentum. The sylvari mystery is (at least partially) revealed, pact is attacking mordremoth, and most important of all: different factions show SERIOUS conflicts (Charr declaring war on sylvari) at last!
Hope this will bring interesting changes to Tyria. For example: Sprawling mordrem tendrils entangling western maps, Nightmare court openly collaborating with Mordrem, schizm within mighty organisations like Lions Guard, Vigil, Pact etc. due to the Sylvari´s “taint”, Destiny´s Edge breaking apart. It´s time to put some emotional pressure on the main NPCs, to force them to make decisions which are really influencing the future of their world! Imagine Rox and Braham taking different sides and facing each other on the battlefield, when Rytlock/Charr legions calling for loyalty. Or Logan/Eir & Co forced to hunt down Caithe before she succumbs to the Dragon´s might…
I´m just running wild ^^ But i hope you got the point… There is so much POTENTIAL in it!!!
And if this huge story/lore-wise step would go along with the wistfully awaited addon offering new content in form of new maps, race, class, dungeons it would be just awesome.
Thumbs up for Heart of Thorns :-)
Kind Regards
I experienced spine shivers, tears, challenges, and cackling at the boss when I finally achieved victory. Yep, nicely done.
Although, there was a moment at the very end where the “Heart of Thorns” logo and announcement popped up and I felt a bit like Ralphie in “A Christmas Story,” when he decoded the message from Orphan Annie. “A crummy commercial? Son of a kitten!”
big wink
(edited by Lupini.6938)
so a net u just made your biggest mistake everrrr. really if you do not deliver the next season or wossname that is going to follow, you leave me no other options than; either swim over this big pond of yours and crack the wipps as to get you guys deliver faster. or i will simply die because of excitement. that was one hell of a finale. this was one hell of a render trailer, and that was all in all pretty amazing. keep it up, right now i am simply amazed what you guys just delivered!
seriously though pls do not wait another year with the next expansion (gotta know if i can trust those sylvari in my guild or not^^, were always kinda twitchy with this wooden stare of them )
I have mixed feelings if you’re whining or shining.
Good Job!
You’ve come a long way!
so a net u just made your biggest mistake everrrr. really if you do not deliver the next season or wossname that is going to follow, you leave me no other options than; either swim over this big pond of yours and crack the wipps as to get you guys deliver faster. or i will simply die because of excitement. that was one hell of a finale. this was one hell of a render trailer, and that was all in all pretty amazing. keep it up, right now i am simply amazed what you guys just delivered!
seriously though pls do not wait another year with the next expansion (gotta know if i can trust those sylvari in my guild or not^^, were always kinda twitchy with this wooden stare of them )I have mixed feelings if you’re whining or shining.
i was, and still am fanboying ( not sure that´s a word) off^^
no whining) sry for bad english and not beening more accurate in my spelling :/
Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character. RIP Wynne. You got my first sad moment and a tear in GW2. I will find Faolain and torture her with that strange bush. even tho I dont play a SylvariI don’t get why Caithe simply didn’t kill Faolain instead. If she’s going to betray her anyway.
Yeah, or, you know… knock her unconscious so Wynne and Caithe can escape together or something.
Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character. RIP Wynne. You got my first sad moment and a tear in GW2. I will find Faolain and torture her with that strange bush. even tho I dont play a SylvariI don’t get why Caithe simply didn’t kill Faolain instead. If she’s going to betray her anyway.
Yeah, or, you know… knock her unconscious so Wynne and Caithe can escape together or something.
Indeed. There were plenty of options besides killing Wynne, who did not deserve to die at all.
~Sincerely, Scissors
The throwback to the missions in the Crystal Desert was 10/10.
Will replay it just for that part alone.
Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character. RIP Wynne. You got my first sad moment and a tear in GW2. I will find Faolain and torture her with that strange bush. even tho I dont play a SylvariI don’t get why Caithe simply didn’t kill Faolain instead. If she’s going to betray her anyway.
Yeah, or, you know… knock her unconscious so Wynne and Caithe can escape together or something.
Indeed. There were plenty of options besides killing Wynne, who did not deserve to die at all.
You’re going to need to explain how to best all those armed people Faolain brought along who know Caithe and Wynne are out here . . . way far away from any potential aid. She can stealth pretty good, sure, but not forever and Wynne has less reason to go with Caithe . . . who helped cut down some of the centaurs.
There are options, sure. I don’t see many good ones as a way out which didn’t run a colossal risk of failure.
Agreed with the others,Point of no Return is really well done and besides I’m a Returnee.
Great episode and really cool cinematics, all 3 of them, counting the one before last boss fight.
Also first time I actually cared alot for a character. RIP Wynne. You got my first sad moment and a tear in GW2. I will find Faolain and torture her with that strange bush. even tho I dont play a SylvariI don’t get why Caithe simply didn’t kill Faolain instead. If she’s going to betray her anyway.
You should read the books and read between the lines of their dialogues!
(my answer to everything)
I read the first two books. And I know she still has feelings toward Faolain, but considering she was betraying her and was willing to kill an innocent woman she still could have at least defended Wynne againts Foalain, telling her to back off.
Its more about the thought process of the Young Sylvari…
the whole “Innocent” woman thing… They were perhaps too young, too naive and she was doing what she thought was right. Wynne asked her to do it. They are very black and white thinkers especially back then.
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”