Greatsword Opinion
Sunrise. The chain on Foefire’s Essence ruins it for me. Also big projects like Legendaries make the game more enjoyable imo.
Foefire’s Essence. I don’t often see them.
I can’t go to a meta event w/o seeing a few Sunrise/Twilight/Eternity…. if they were a mammal, they’d be a legendary bunny with how prolific they are.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
If you’re on the fence between a 2500g+ sword and a 500g sword, the choice seems obvious. Go with Foefire’s.
Be unique. As you said, legendary greatswords are so common, they seem more run of the mill than legendary.
IMO people take notice of skins like Foefire’s much more because you don’t see them every 10 seconds, and it makes you wonder what it is/where it comes from, etc…
foefire, the legendaries are overrated
If you can’t decide based on aesthetics or Legendary functionality, consider what you’ll do with the gold you’ll save by making Forefire’s Essence. If you think, “Sweet, I can make this other expensive skin as well!” or “Great, I can make ascended armor for an alt!” do that. If you find yourself thinking, “I already have most of the expensive stuff I want,” then go with the Legendary.
Don’t put too much stock into what you commonly see other players with. Foefire’s Essence might be more appealing if you’re trying to show off for the non-conformist crowd, but you’re going to be looking at it more than anyone else, and many other people won’t notice what weapon you’re using either way.
I think Vision of the Mists is a much nicer skin than Foefire’s Essence. I prefer the legendaries but if you are going cheaper Vision of the Mists would be my pick.
Foefire. I regret making Eternity after 2 years… also don’t forget about Volcanus! ^^
I have sunrise but got bored of it so was looking for an alternative.i was on the fence about foefire and volcanus. Foefire is nice and thats the one i chose but if your into flashy and what not id get volcanus. At this points id rather have volcanus myself but RIP. and i only say those two because they are in the same “tier” of price lol
Foefire. The best thing about it is that it’s semi-transparent so even clipping makes more sense on it. :P
I still favor the free Fiery Dragon Sword over Bolt. I support anyone who chooses their preferred looks over everyone else’s idea of kitten.
The commonness of legendary greatswords still doesn’t diminish the fact that they add fancy traily effects to all your attacks. That alone does it for me. I also really like the glowing gem on the hilt of eternity.
Did craft Twilight 2 years ago, then Sunrise a couple of months back just to merge both and craft Enternity. Worth every effort.
Foefire is nice but has some handicaps: has no step effects, lacks the convenience of stat swapping and the chaink link -from His origin as spiritual weapon fron Guardian class- seems distasteful. To be honest, I do like more classic skins as cobalt. Foefires seems to me a bit in middle of nowhere.
Legendary items are expensive, but once you have two or three ascended armors for your main toon and if you make a decent amount of gold at week they arealmost the only decent thing in which to spent the coins…
wouldn’t it be nice if you could get some of those legendary perks (stat swapping + footfalls) from a skin u find unique and fitting for your character?
someone said this once. makes some sense for people who don’t liek the current legendary set up
if we can’t have anet’s legendaries, maybe we can have our own.
Since anet has suspended their plans for new legendaries, they should put a method in place for us to build a legendary we could actually be proud of, and would feel unique to wield.
i think a lot of folks don’t want to use the overly flashy, often silly looking legendary weapons, that everyone already has anyways. but it would be nice to have the footfall and the stat swapping. this way people can see it, know you got a legendary, and its not exactly the same as the one that guy/gal has over there because they are also using a greatsword.
lets look at the formula for a legendary which is simple:
precursor X + gift of X + gift of fortune + gift of mastery
fortune and mastery are easy, they already exist.
we have a conceptual framework for crafting precursor’s, but what if we could bend it a little to make the precursor achievements offer us a gift of X, or something that can then be used to make a gift of X. this gift can basically determine what kind of footfall you make.
And since the precursor achievement gives us a gift of X, let say the precursor X can be any weapon, Lord Taeres’s Shadow or even Royal Ascalonian Dagger, whatever you wanted to make legendary. i know this can be totally variable so someone could use something xtra expensive, or xtra cheap. devs can just make the gift of X achievement super expensive so that this doesn’t become a cheap way to make a weapon w/ stat swapping.
it’d give me more incentive to make a legendary. there are a lot of skins i like more than the current set of legendaries. w/ a framework like this, i could still look/feel good wielding a legendary w/o having to wield a weapon that doesn’t fit the theme/look that i want for my character
If you are doing it for the skin, foefire, if your doing it for the weapon, sunrise.
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I’m a fan of both really, but for Foefire you have to like the color blue. Having a sword like that will dictate the kind of dyes you use. Whereas Sunrise has more options available to it imo. Definitely don’t go for Eternity. Its ever switching between Sunrise and Twilight is a pain in the kitten to get right with your style
^ Die your armor in black & gold or celestial & gold and Eternity would fit forever, no matter the time of the day ^^ .
Legendaries are nothing but flashy, dull weapons. The stats chances are the only thing decent about them. They’re so common and overused that they are no longer that special, and the particles and all of those effects are just a big turn-off.
I’d go with the first choice.
Since pretty much all the Greatsword meta classes use berzerker, even stat swapping isnt worth that much. I’d go Foefires, craft an ascended zerk GS and enjoy your spare 2k gold.
Besides, stacking with a SunLightErnity user in dungeons/fracts is horrible. You can’t see anything at all through the horrible trail. Bonus points for charr/norn, wings and obnoxious infusion glow.
My two cents
Make both – swap between them!
If you want something stunning and no one uses, try the Jotun Greatsword. It costs like 500 karma.
Well, do stats matter? It’s what I learned in every game I’ve played (and, in real life as well). If so, read the stats and that will tell you which one is the one to pursue and equip.
If the game was as it was originally conceived, i.e., that max stats were easy to acquire and that cosmetics were the thing sought for, then I would go with Foefire’s Essence, especially if your character is a guardian.