Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Ok, so I tried to complete the jumping puzzle for JQ Borderlands today so I could get my LOUSY 3 to 7 badges. I end up running into a Mesmer from another server that knocks me off into the water where at least 30 players from the other server are happily waiting to kill me. This has been brought up in the forum before and is usually met with the typical “It’s PvP deal with it” or “stop QQing” or some other juvenile comment.

Look I understand that WvW is a PvP area and if I get jumped while running around alone it’s my own fault but what I just experienced is greifing. There are no structures in that area that give any advantage to the overall WvW score so why are so many people camping it?? So that they can stomp on anyone that wanders in there and laugh about it. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW? It’s not like I got jumped by 3 or 4 enemies, there were at least 30 people camping this site. I don’t want to accuse but it looked like it was a guild activity!!! That is rediculous!!

There are a ton of complaints on this forum and I don’t want to add to them but this is unacceptable IMO.

Screenshot attached…….


Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordYz.8941


Unless Anet do something about it. It will always be “juvenile comments”. They put all 3 server on the same Jumping Puzzle as it is WvWvW. SOmetimes you may meet nice ppl who just gonna let you past. Advise is don’t go there unless your server ppl say it is safe.

Sea of Sorrows, Black Snow Suave.
Recruiting dungeon raiders.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nirvash.3018


Portals needs to go in jumping puzzle its a jumping puzzle for god sakes do it.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


my advice is to just leave, go for a walk, watch a movie, and tell people not to do the puzzle for now. Sooner or later they’ll get bored. If they’re still there despite the amount of time you weren’t, they kinda deserve the kill for their dedication.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sforzando.3160


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Same thing was happening in our borderlands the other day (fa) when I was trying to get the second half of key. There were two guys, one was a mesmer knocking down people and the other just protecting him or watching for laughs, but they only knocked me down once since I was unaware. The second time I was ready for them and was able to get on the other side by using throw elixir S (one of the rare times when getting either stability or invisibility from it both work). I then magnet pulled the other guy, gave him a beating, after which the mes jumped down trying to run away. Luckily the rest of our server got him good >:). A bit later on, we saw that mes again trying to get back up there but we gave him another trashing before he made it back up.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

sounds to me like you should have brought 30 allies with you and cleared them out of there before trying the jumping puzzle.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

I tend to agree. It’s a PvP jumping puzzle after all. You really have to complete it in a PvP context. Take the area, then do the puzzle. Having played on a PvP server in another game, cooperation sometimes happens between factions and I personally am OK and prefer that for some tasks with objectives, but I understand the dynamic the PvP area entails and I’m not surprised or offended when the opposing faction/server wants to kill me for whatever reason.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

stealth+illusionary wave=look map chat for great qqing. love doing that lol

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

I farmed like 100 hours to get something I want. Something I rather not do but have to do it to get what I want. It is not just you. People dont’ like doing dungeon have to do dungeon because it’s easier to earn gold. People don’t like to grind have to grind to get what they want. PvP player have to pve to get legendary too, vise versa. Not just you.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dicellol.4153


This is NOT greifing haha.
This is called protecting a jumping puzzle so you cannot finish it for whatever reason you may have. That is the whole point of PvP. Anet did not put these puzzles in WvW so you could waltz on in any time of the day you want and finish the puzzle whilst whistling a tune and going uncontested. If this was the case they would have put them in PvE. The idea is to lock down the area then your server has control. It’s a reward. NOT a right. No one HAS to let you do the puzzle. End of story.
You either have to grab a group of people to take over the puzzle and the area or come back later when you have control. Same goes with the EB puzzle.

Sea of Sorrows #1
Team Shatter [TS]

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Auesis.7301


I love when this happens. Jump right in the midst, cause a little chaos, the hive-mind collapses. Free chest.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rootnode.9546


Yep. Love to put together a team of 5 people and then take over the jumping puzzle. The only difficult point is the arena. But as a mesmer it’s kinda fun to pull down the guys above and give them a beating and teach them not to mess with my reward chest.

But, I think siege weapons don’t belong in the jumping puzzle.

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

I tend to agree. It’s a PvP jumping puzzle after all. You really have to complete it in a PvP context. Take the area, then do the puzzle. Having played on a PvP server in another game, cooperation sometimes happens between factions and I personally am OK and prefer that for some tasks with objectives, but I understand the dynamic the PvP area entails and I’m not surprised or offended when the opposing faction/server wants to kill me for whatever reason.

I agree…. My server has the whole northern area of the map and were pushing south of Garrrison.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rootnode.9546


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

Be happy if a huge group camps the puzzle.
1) just come back into the puzzle another time.
2) there are now 30 people missing on the actual battlefield.

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

You think world vs world is ever fair? I can’t get my world completion too. The jumping puzzle is a reward for the server/group of people who take over the area. You are suppose to take over the area and get reward. I’m missing world completion just because my server havn’t been the top server for a while. All I can do is pray on the match making and my server come on top, or change server.

And the only thing you can do is hope your server is winning and you get lucky to do the jumping puzzle ( like everyone else is ). I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m saying you QQ too much. If your server never can take over the jumping puzzle area change server. That is the only thing you can do.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dicellol.4153


Gord, you are not understanding… You are NOT entitled to do the JP whenever you WANT. There is no rule on what people are doing to you so posting on this forum is getting you nowhere.
You need to take the advice some people have said. Leave and come back later when it’s free. The devs are not going to kick the SoS out of the map so you can do the jumping puzzle so just stop now mate honestly.

Sea of Sorrows #1
Team Shatter [TS]

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


I used to feel the same as the OP, even posted here about siege griefing in EB jp. Then I found revenge (I’m joking about the revenge bit of course).

Seriously, wait for the mob to move on and then do it, or tee-up a mob of your own. Also, if they are griefing your BL, go to theirs because its possibly unprotected.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

You think world vs world is ever fair? I can’t get my world completion too. The jumping puzzle is a reward for the server/group of people who take over the area. You are suppose to take over the area and get reward. I’m missing world completion just because my server havn’t been the top server for a while. All I can do is pray on the match making and my server come on top, or change server.

And the only thing you can do is hope your server is winning and you get lucky to do the jumping puzzle ( like everyone else is ). I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m saying you QQ too much. If your server never can take over the jumping puzzle area change server. That is the only thing you can do.

What??? As I said… We …. MY SERVER…. owned the area where the JP is located…. If the opposing server owned the area I wouldn’t have bothered and would expect to be ROFL stomped for trying. I was in JQ borderlands in an area where JQ controlled. That is not the issue…

The issue is that the battles and the attention of the Server Zerg was well south of the JP. A Guild Group from the opposing server managed to get up to the JP and camped out waiting for people to come. They were harassing players who assumed that since their server owned that area they could do the puzzle… what would you call that behavior?? It’s greifing … which is the point of this post.

Why bother, I wasted enough time on this. The problem with this forum is that even when someone posts something factual and logical it becomes a debate of opinions. If people in a Guild are organizing to harass other players whether it be in PvE or PvP it is greifing. Fact …. nuff said…. you should be ashamed of yourself if you engage in that type of behavior and it should be investigated by a GM and if found to be true you should get the ban hammer… period.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dicellol.4153


Lol banned for holding a jumping puzzle… yep.
Ever thought that maybe they are there to PROTECT their own teammates from you killing them whilst they run the puzzle themselves? No i bet you didnt. Because that is a common happening. Cya buddy. Good luck on the battlefield!

Sea of Sorrows #1
Team Shatter [TS]

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Lol banned for holding a jumping puzzle… yep.
Ever thought that maybe they are there to PROTECT their own teammates from you killing them whilst they run the puzzle themselves? No i bet you didnt. Because that is a common happening. Cya buddy. Good luck on the battlefield!

Ha ha … one doesn’t pose a threat to 30…. it’s greifing.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


If you were on my server then I would just run through the puzzle and port you up. If you time it correctly (depending on when their mesmers port their server players up) you can get the chest without them knowing.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dicellol.4153


Lol banned for holding a jumping puzzle… yep.
Ever thought that maybe they are there to PROTECT their own teammates from you killing them whilst they run the puzzle themselves? No i bet you didnt. Because that is a common happening. Cya buddy. Good luck on the battlefield!

Ha ha … one doesn’t pose a threat to 30…. it’s greifing.

You’re correct, one does not pose a threat to 30. But they are still there to protect regardless of weather you agree or not. They are there to protect their teammates.

Sea of Sorrows #1
Team Shatter [TS]

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


If you were on my server then I would just run through the puzzle and port you up. If you time it correctly (depending on when their mesmers port their server players up) you can get the chest without them knowing.

I have actually done the JP with opposing server players before. It happens. I’m not trying to muddy this up or start a 10 page debate but here are the facts:

1) My server owned the area
2) I was by myself
3) I took no aggressive stance when I saw the enemy
4) I was knocked back before I was even in range to attack
5) There were 30 people directly below where I got knocked off
6) They attacked me as soon as I hit the water… ALL 30 OF THEM
7) I was dead in no time
8) I was not a threat, they had the numbers
9) The JP does NOT contribute to the WvW score or give any tactical advantage on the battlefield

It’s greifing, plain and simple.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


Also, they are stopping you getting siege weapons from the chest.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

You think world vs world is ever fair? I can’t get my world completion too. The jumping puzzle is a reward for the server/group of people who take over the area. You are suppose to take over the area and get reward. I’m missing world completion just because my server havn’t been the top server for a while. All I can do is pray on the match making and my server come on top, or change server.

And the only thing you can do is hope your server is winning and you get lucky to do the jumping puzzle ( like everyone else is ). I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m saying you QQ too much. If your server never can take over the jumping puzzle area change server. That is the only thing you can do.

What??? As I said… We …. MY SERVER…. owned the area where the JP is located…. If the opposing server owned the area I wouldn’t have bothered and would expect to be ROFL stomped for trying. I was in JQ borderlands in an area where JQ controlled. That is not the issue…

The issue is that the battles and the attention of the Server Zerg was well south of the JP. A Guild Group from the opposing server managed to get up to the JP and camped out waiting for people to come. They were harassing players who assumed that since their server owned that area they could do the puzzle… what would you call that behavior?? It’s greifing … which is the point of this post.

Why bother, I wasted enough time on this. The problem with this forum is that even when someone posts something factual and logical it becomes a debate of opinions. If people in a Guild are organizing to harass other players whether it be in PvE or PvP it is greifing. Fact …. nuff said…. you should be ashamed of yourself if you engage in that type of behavior and it should be investigated by a GM and if found to be true you should get the ban hammer… period.

That make sense. Maybe those people can’t kill anything because your server is zering them and only way they can not get zerged is camp people doing puzzle. Working as intended. Joking aside what you said make perfect sense. People that dont’ want to pvp shouldn’t be forced to since it is the only way to get legendary item. If they would allow multiple path to earn legendary item. For example let people earn legendary through a lot of dungeon token, or a lot of pvp badge, or a lot of pure cash. That would probably be better, so people can stick with what they enjoy.

The main problem isn’t the griefing. You are in a pvp zone. The problem is you shouldn’t be there. If you dont’ have to be there this wont’ be a problem.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Personally I find the siege weapon argument irrelevant since they’re pretty cheap from the vendor. Well all of them except for the golem but that’s a rare “drop” from the chest.

I still support that it’s in a pvp area so pvp should go on in the puzzle.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dicellol.4153


If you were on my server then I would just run through the puzzle and port you up. If you time it correctly (depending on when their mesmers port their server players up) you can get the chest without them knowing.

I have actually done the JP with opposing server players before. It happens. I’m not trying to muddy this up or start a 10 page debate but here are the facts:

1) My server owned the area
2) I was by myself
3) I took no aggressive stance when I saw the enemy
4) I was knocked back before I was even in range to attack
5) There were 30 people directly below where I got knocked off
6) They attacked me as soon as I hit the water… ALL 30 OF THEM
7) I was dead in no time
8) I was not a threat, they had the numbers
9) The JP does NOT contribute to the WvW score or give any tactical advantage on the battlefield

It’s greifing, plain and simple.

Its not greifing hahaha. Its a valid tactic. You will not get a response from a dev and you will not change anything in the game by whinging here on the forums. Sorry.

Sea of Sorrows #1
Team Shatter [TS]

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dybryd.1358


When you kill another player, you get XP, loot, and badges of honor.

There doesn’t need to be any map points at stake for players to be motivated to take any opportunity to take you out.

And of course if you get discouraged about WvW after getting jumped, that is a tactical advantage for the opposing server.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


If you were on my server then I would just run through the puzzle and port you up. If you time it correctly (depending on when their mesmers port their server players up) you can get the chest without them knowing.

I have actually done the JP with opposing server players before. It happens. I’m not trying to muddy this up or start a 10 page debate but here are the facts:

1) My server owned the area
2) I was by myself
3) I took no aggressive stance when I saw the enemy
4) I was knocked back before I was even in range to attack
5) There were 30 people directly below where I got knocked off
6) They attacked me as soon as I hit the water… ALL 30 OF THEM
7) I was dead in no time
8) I was not a threat, they had the numbers
9) The JP does NOT contribute to the WvW score or give any tactical advantage on the battlefield

It’s greifing, plain and simple.

Its not greifing hahaha. Its a valid tactic. You will not get a response from a dev and you will not change anything in the game by whinging here on the forums. Sorry.

Tell me, what is the tactical advantage that camping the jumping puzzle creates? How does it change the tide of the battle? I was jumped by 30 people in an area that is irrelevant to the PvP game. They were there purely to harass players, that is greifing. Because you feel it is ok does not make it ok… that my freind is you’re opinion. Because I don’t agree with you’re opinion does not mean I am whining either.

I will agree though … a dev won’t see this and it will change nothing, sad really. But hey, keep up those 30 on 1 beat downs in irrelevant areas though, at least you’ll feel better!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dybryd.1358


What??? As I said… We …. MY SERVER…. owned the area where the JP is located….

Your server “owned” the jumping puzzle but there were 30 players from an opposing server there? What does that mean?

Seems to me that you just thought your team held the area, but actually they didn’t. That’s an intel failure on your part.

The solution: communicate better with your team. Organize. Scout.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


When you kill another player, you get XP, loot, and badges of honor.

There doesn’t need to be any map points at stake for players to be motivated to take any opportunity to take you out.

And of course if you get discouraged about WvW after getting jumped, that is a tactical advantage for the opposing server.

And so the debate of opinions begins….

“Griefing is the act of chronically causing grief to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay.” (from Wikipedia)

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Map completion and legendaries are two of the longer-term objectives in the game, and both have WvWvW components. I would have preferred there be long-term goals that are PvE only, with similar-length and separate goals for WvWvW and for sPvP. This would have given players who want to play in only one of these arenas, more to do, AND given people who want to play in more than one arena more things to do.

Instead, we have players who don’t want to be in WvWvW but feel forced to be in order to complete those long-term goals. It’s a design flaw that is unlikely to be addressed.

OP, you have two choices: abandon the goals; or embrace them fully. If you embrace participation in WvWvW, then use chat, get players from your server to go with you, outnumber them and you’ll get the kills, not them. However, abandon or embrace, don’t try to participate half-heartedly and then complain about people killing you in a PvP map.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


What??? As I said… We …. MY SERVER…. owned the area where the JP is located….

Your server “owned” the jumping puzzle but there were 30 players from an opposing server there? What does that mean?

Seems to me that you just thought your team held the area, but actually they didn’t. That’s an intel failure on your part.

The solution: communicate better with your team. Organize. Scout.

The solution is really Anet should stop trying to force players who do not want to play PvP….(ME)… into PvP area’s for a PvE reward.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


When you kill another player, you get XP, loot, and badges of honor.

There doesn’t need to be any map points at stake for players to be motivated to take any opportunity to take you out.

And of course if you get discouraged about WvW after getting jumped, that is a tactical advantage for the opposing server.

And so the debate of opinions begins….

“Griefing is the act of chronically causing grief to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay.” (from Wikipedia)

Huge norns are chronically causing me grief in the mkct and this jumping puzzle with their big char sizes causing me to fall over and not see where im going!

… see how ridiculous that sounds?

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Map completion and legendaries are two of the longer-term objectives in the game, and both have WvWvW components. I would have preferred there be long-term goals that are PvE only, with similar-length and separate goals for WvWvW and for sPvP. This would have given players who want to play in only one of these arenas, more to do, AND given people who want to play in more than one arena more things to do.

Instead, we have players who don’t want to be in WvWvW but feel forced to be in order to complete those long-term goals. It’s a design flaw that is unlikely to be addressed.

OP, you have two choices: abandon the goals; or embrace them fully. If you embrace participation in WvWvW, then use chat, get players from your server to go with you, outnumber them and you’ll get the kills, not them. However, abandon or embrace, don’t try to participate half-heartedly and then complain about people killing you in a PvP map.

I really do appreciate everyone’s opinion here and I really do feel both sides of the coin are right. There are things that need to happen in WvW naturally (intel, communication, etc). That is not the point of this post.

Again, the point of this post is that a group of people went out to specifically harass players. I posed no threat to anyone there, did not take an aggressive stance with anyone there, and there was no tactical advantage or bonus for them to hold the area. I have also played WvW and we all know that probably no one in that group got a badge let alone a loot bag for killing me. I’m not looking for anyone to get in trouble, I’m looking for a solution. Is it really that hard or horrible to allow people to pass by and complete the JP if they are not trying to attack opposing players or affect the battle? Especially when it is 30 on 1. Come on really?

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


When you kill another player, you get XP, loot, and badges of honor.

There doesn’t need to be any map points at stake for players to be motivated to take any opportunity to take you out.

And of course if you get discouraged about WvW after getting jumped, that is a tactical advantage for the opposing server.

And so the debate of opinions begins….

“Griefing is the act of chronically causing grief to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay.” (from Wikipedia)

Huge norns are chronically causing me grief in the mkct and this jumping puzzle with their big char sizes causing me to fall over and not see where im going!

… see how ridiculous that sounds?

Apples to oranges….

That guy that made the toon did not specifically make it the tallest Norn he could to make you fall.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laibros.3490


To OP.

The one pre-requisite for legendary is the gift of battle required for gift of mastery. If you’re not able to do this part, you do not deserve the legendary. It’s plain and simple. Legendary does cover every part of the game, including PvP. If you dont have a stomach for doing puzzle, bring friends but do not complain.

As they have full right to kill you, knock you down or simply bring numbers, you’re allowed to do the same. Legendary is not only about “safe” PvE. It’s with little exaggeration testing your overall game skills. Either as solo or with a group against PvE content or against PvP content. Changing something would be really stupid. You can be glad that Anet is so generous in giving badges from PvP puzzles and do not force you to do actual WvW.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kandrick.8054


This is an old, old topic and has been addressed previously. This is not considered griefing as it is a pvp area.

You do not have to like that answer but it remains the answer none the less.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iavra.8510


30 people camping the JP = 30 people less you got to worry about on the battlefield.

Wave them thanks and take their forts and towers.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


PvP happens in a PvP area? Sounds horrible.
You didn’t attack because you wouldn’t have had a chance anyway and expect the enemy in a better position to act like carebears?
No one forces you to do the jumping puzzle. You do it to get badges for PvP rewards. It’s part of the battlefield.

Nowadays ppl cry that they get killed by the enemy in an area especially labeled for PvP? Dear Santa…

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


PvP happens in a PvP area? Sounds horrible.
You didn’t attack because you wouldn’t have had a chance anyway and expect the enemy in a better position to act like carebears?
No one forces you to do the jumping puzzle. You do it to get badges for PvP rewards. It’s part of the battlefield.

Nowadays ppl cry that they get killed by the enemy in an area especially labeled for PvP? Dear Santa…

I’m not crying because I got killed. I got jumped by 30 players.

The point is that when a group of people go out with the sole purpose of harassing other players it’s wrong.

Somebody further up said that if I cannot collect 500 badges I don’t deserve the legendary. I don’t agree with that. The badges of honor are the only PvP exclusive item in the whole recipe. There is nothing that you have to buy with glory is there? Every other mat is available in non PvP zones so why do I have to get badges to craft a legendary?

I’m sorry but I feel that the issue is being watered down. I don’t care about competitive play. I do it when I want for fun. When I’m not having fun I move on. Point is people should not have a pass to harass players just because it is a PvP zone and a PvE player should not be forced into a PvP zone for a PvE reward.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

This seems fitting here…….


Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


PvP happens in a PvP area? Sounds horrible.
You didn’t attack because you wouldn’t have had a chance anyway and expect the enemy in a better position to act like carebears?
No one forces you to do the jumping puzzle. You do it to get badges for PvP rewards. It’s part of the battlefield.

Nowadays ppl cry that they get killed by the enemy in an area especially labeled for PvP? Dear Santa…

I’m not crying because I got killed. I got jumped by 30 players.

The point is that when a group of people go out with the sole purpose of harassing other players it’s wrong.

Somebody further up said that if I cannot collect 500 badges I don’t deserve the legendary. I don’t agree with that. The badges of honor are the only PvP exclusive item in the whole recipe. There is nothing that you have to buy with glory is there? Every other mat is available in non PvP zones so why do I have to get badges to craft a legendary?

I’m sorry but I feel that the issue is being watered down. I don’t care about competitive play. I do it when I want for fun. When I’m not having fun I move on. Point is people should not have a pass to harass players just because it is a PvP zone and a PvE player should not be forced into a PvP zone for a PvE reward.

You are on their turf, they can do whatever they want to you. If you lack the numbers to fight back, that’s your problem, not theirs. You may as well complain that you invaded a foreign nations government facility just to go through the maze of rooms and get some intel or national treasure at the end, and the people of that nation shoot you for it. It’s the same kitten thing.

That’s a war zone. The jump puzzles out there were meant to be difficult. Don’t come in here and complain that you are being killed off by enemy players in a player vs player area.

You may as well also complain about zergs coming at you because you’re hitting their keeps. Again, I see no difference in the two.

(edited by Kyosji.8961)

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FourTwenty.4268


I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP

but you are. you’re crying because you got killed in a pvp area. it doesn’t matter if they were playing for points or playing to deathmatch.

i dont think you should be zoning into WvWvW if you’re gonna react like this and call it grieving lololol

why is it grieving because they camp a spot? could it not be said that they are protecting the road and preventing any opposition from passing?

PvP and world vs world is not for you dude

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


PvP happens in a PvP area? Sounds horrible.
You didn’t attack because you wouldn’t have had a chance anyway and expect the enemy in a better position to act like carebears?
No one forces you to do the jumping puzzle. You do it to get badges for PvP rewards. It’s part of the battlefield.

Nowadays ppl cry that they get killed by the enemy in an area especially labeled for PvP? Dear Santa…

I’m not crying because I got killed. I got jumped by 30 players.

The point is that when a group of people go out with the sole purpose of harassing other players it’s wrong.

Somebody further up said that if I cannot collect 500 badges I don’t deserve the legendary. I don’t agree with that. The badges of honor are the only PvP exclusive item in the whole recipe. There is nothing that you have to buy with glory is there? Every other mat is available in non PvP zones so why do I have to get badges to craft a legendary?

I’m sorry but I feel that the issue is being watered down. I don’t care about competitive play. I do it when I want for fun. When I’m not having fun I move on. Point is people should not have a pass to harass players just because it is a PvP zone and a PvE player should not be forced into a PvP zone for a PvE reward.

A legendary weapon is not a PvE item. It is going to be the strongest weapon in this game which will affect PvE as well as Wv3. Just because you do not want to PvP does not mean you should get the most powerful item without doing so.
As if Wv3 players had any option to get their legendary weapon by just Wv3 PvPing…

At the end of the day, you are just kitten because it takes some effort to get the badges, while most other items are just farming PvE or the AH.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


I have actually done the JP with opposing server players before. It happens. I’m not trying to muddy this up or start a 10 page debate but here are the facts:

1) My server owned the area
2) I was by myself
3) I took no aggressive stance when I saw the enemy
4) I was knocked back before I was even in range to attack
5) There were 30 people directly below where I got knocked off
6) They attacked me as soon as I hit the water… ALL 30 OF THEM
7) I was dead in no time
8) I was not a threat, they had the numbers
9) The JP does NOT contribute to the WvW score or give any tactical advantage on the battlefield

It’s greifing, plain and simple.

Described like that it sounds like they may have been bots.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


PvP happens in a PvP area? Sounds horrible.
You didn’t attack because you wouldn’t have had a chance anyway and expect the enemy in a better position to act like carebears?
No one forces you to do the jumping puzzle. You do it to get badges for PvP rewards. It’s part of the battlefield.

Nowadays ppl cry that they get killed by the enemy in an area especially labeled for PvP? Dear Santa…

I’m not crying because I got killed. I got jumped by 30 players.

The point is that when a group of people go out with the sole purpose of harassing other players it’s wrong.

Somebody further up said that if I cannot collect 500 badges I don’t deserve the legendary. I don’t agree with that. The badges of honor are the only PvP exclusive item in the whole recipe. There is nothing that you have to buy with glory is there? Every other mat is available in non PvP zones so why do I have to get badges to craft a legendary?

I’m sorry but I feel that the issue is being watered down. I don’t care about competitive play. I do it when I want for fun. When I’m not having fun I move on. Point is people should not have a pass to harass players just because it is a PvP zone and a PvE player should not be forced into a PvP zone for a PvE reward.

You are on their turf, they can do whatever they want to you. If you lack the numbers to fight back, that’s your problem, not theirs. You may as well complain that you invaded a foreign nations government facility just to go through the maze of rooms and get some intel or national treasure at the end, and the people of that nation shoot you for it. It’s the same kitten thing.

That’s a war zone. The jump puzzles out there were meant to be difficult. Don’t come in here and complain that you are being killed off by enemy players in a player vs player area.

You may as well also complain about zergs coming at you because you’re hitting their keeps. Again, I see no difference in the two.

This is a waste of time. I went for the JP. Didn’t follow the Zerg, didn’t try to take a keep, didn’t do anything to affect the PvP Game. It isn’t right, fair or in the spirit of competitive play for 30 people to attack one person who is in no way shape or form a threat in any situation.

Host of SOTD Podcast