Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crosstrack.9184


Killing in PvP is not grieving, be it 1 guy in a jumping puzzle or 100 guys. It is a PvP zone and unless they were glitching/hacking/boosting there is no argument against them killing you. All this thread is is one guy who has a strop on because he got frustrated he couldn’t get what he wanted. Please either listen to the advice of people who posted earlier and take a break for a while then try again, or go to a different Borderland jumping puzzle. Don’t try to rally people to your point of view(and yes, this is your opinion, not fact as you call it) just to make yourself feel more righteous.

PvP is PvP. the jumping puzzle is located in PvP and therefore follows the same guidelines of player killing.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


PvP happens in a PvP area? Sounds horrible.
You didn’t attack because you wouldn’t have had a chance anyway and expect the enemy in a better position to act like carebears?
No one forces you to do the jumping puzzle. You do it to get badges for PvP rewards. It’s part of the battlefield.

Nowadays ppl cry that they get killed by the enemy in an area especially labeled for PvP? Dear Santa…

I’m not crying because I got killed. I got jumped by 30 players.

The point is that when a group of people go out with the sole purpose of harassing other players it’s wrong.

Somebody further up said that if I cannot collect 500 badges I don’t deserve the legendary. I don’t agree with that. The badges of honor are the only PvP exclusive item in the whole recipe. There is nothing that you have to buy with glory is there? Every other mat is available in non PvP zones so why do I have to get badges to craft a legendary?

I’m sorry but I feel that the issue is being watered down. I don’t care about competitive play. I do it when I want for fun. When I’m not having fun I move on. Point is people should not have a pass to harass players just because it is a PvP zone and a PvE player should not be forced into a PvP zone for a PvE reward.

You are on their turf, they can do whatever they want to you. If you lack the numbers to fight back, that’s your problem, not theirs. You may as well complain that you invaded a foreign nations government facility just to go through the maze of rooms and get some intel or national treasure at the end, and the people of that nation shoot you for it. It’s the same kitten thing.

That’s a war zone. The jump puzzles out there were meant to be difficult. Don’t come in here and complain that you are being killed off by enemy players in a player vs player area.

You may as well also complain about zergs coming at you because you’re hitting their keeps. Again, I see no difference in the two.

This is a waste of time. I went for the JP. Didn’t follow the Zerg, didn’t try to take a keep, didn’t do anything to affect the PvP Game. It isn’t right, fair or in the spirit of competitive play for 30 people to attack one person who is in no way shape or form a threat in any situation.

It’s only unfair because YOU say it’s unfair! Your naiveness is just borderline insane. You ARE a threat to them. You are an enemy of an enemy realm.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xavori.3768


Add me to the list of people saying “This is not griefing.”

Jumping puzzles in WvW areas reward siege weapons. Free siege weapons in the hands of the enemy is bad. Hence, do not allow the enemy to get said free siege weapons.

Makes perfect sense other than the 30 people guarding since that’s 30 people not defending or taking forts, and you can guard a jumping puzzle with just 5-6 people who get into a good strategic location with knockback attacks.

Hey I just met you – And this is crazy –
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: supergica.8652


I love this type of threads. I camp regularly in the EB JP, and every time i see QQ-ing it brings me so much joy knowing that the noobs suffer so much. My server (Seafarer’s Rest) has some dedicated players, myself included, that lock that place down during prime time. We don’t have to be 30 people, less then 10 (a couple of mesmers obligatory for pulls) can do a very nice job of denying the JP to the enemy. With a little coordination we pull people from the spawn, and even larger groups get bursted down pretty easily.

And yes, you have to be a noob to constantly get killed by the same people over and over by jumping down and hope for the best. The smart people know how to slip trough or bring their 10+ guild/zerg to clear up a bit.

Why do I do this?
1. Badges! I got 50 badges last night from 2 hours of camping, nowhere else can i get that many badges so fast.
2. Fun! Following a zerg is such a boring lagfest, constantly dieing to culling and invisible armies while running from door to door. This is more challenging.
3. Dueling. Roaming the map gives you less opportunities to fight 1v1. In the JP this happens a lot during the low pop hours, and you can really improve your skills/reflexes this way, better then taking a camp/tower.

So to finish it up, learn 2 play, switch to better professions (that ranger is never gonna get past 6 people out to get you, but a thief/mesmer/guardian might), come in large groups. It’s a PVP zone, ANET even made traps all the way to grief the enemy, deal with it.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


(that ranger is never gonna get past 6 people out to get you, but a thief/mesmer/guardian might)

Abuse broken mechanics, check.

No more skillful than following the zerg, but as per those class descriptions obviously the intended design.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


I love this type of threads. I camp regularly in the EB JP, and every time i see QQ-ing it brings me so much joy knowing that the noobs suffer so much. My server (Seafarer’s Rest) has some dedicated players, myself included, that lock that place down during prime time.

I’m disgusted that we’re on the same server. That you camp for badges or just because you can is one thing, but to actually gloat over the fact that you’re griefing other people…

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


I love this type of threads. I camp regularly in the EB JP, and every time i see QQ-ing it brings me so much joy knowing that the noobs suffer so much. My server (Seafarer’s Rest) has some dedicated players, myself included, that lock that place down during prime time.

I’m disgusted that we’re on the same server. That you camp for badges or just because you can is one thing, but to actually gloat over the fact that you’re griefing other people…

OK, I’m mainly a PvE player and I still cannot see the griefing here. People don’t have to do the jumping puzzles. They can get the badges by other means. They can just leave this contested area as it is in the hands of the enemy.

It’s a PvP map, it’s obviously a point of interest, it is a place meant for PvP to happen, as any player will get a reward for succeeding. Where is the griefing please?

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

The boarder land’s puzzle is fair game. It’s your own fault if you die there.

The beast arena at EB how ever. A different story there.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quercus.9261


I have zero sympathy for JP carebears. I hope you get griefed non-stop. Actually do something useful on the WvW map if you want my sympathy

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rootnode.9546


The boarder land’s puzzle is fair game. It’s your own fault if you die there.

The beast arena at EB how ever. A different story there.

The beast arena is difficult, I admit that. Even more with siege weapons. But it’s fun and challenging.

If I have to go through the arena with enemies on the top, I’ll try to pull them down and get up there.
If I’m up there, I’ll make a portal, jump down and try to kill the enemies down in the arena before my portal runs out of time. I think it’s fun, on both sides.

Sure, getting killed or zerged down or camped isn’t fun in the first place. Just try to overcome the challenge. Or just do something else until the JP is clear.

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


What’s next, holding all Keeps in Eternal Battlegrounds is griefing as well?

Don’t come into a PvP zone if you don’t want to PvP.

Stop trying to ruin our game type.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


It is impossible to grief a certain player anyway, as you do not know any names. If a player decides to constanly die at a place crawling with enemies, it’s just a sign of his own stupidity, sorry.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Don’t come into a PvP zone if you don’t want to PvP.

Stop trying to ruin our game type.

WvW is PvP? Here I was thinking all them doors, guards and lords were PVE all this time!

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Greetings OP

There is an objective in the jump puzzle for WvW that you may not be aware of – the plans located in the chest. Although you may not see a need for them, outfitting your server with plans to build trebuchets, ballistas, arrow carts, etc. is critical to your server’s success.

Since you do insist on going in alone when your enemies are controlling the puzzle, you may want to take advantage of the Mystic Fountains located there. They grant 5 minutes of Invisibility which should be enough to get through the puzzle or the major portion of it.

Good luck and see you in the Murderpit!

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


Since you do insist on going in alone when your enemies are controlling the puzzle, you may want to take advantage of the Mystic Fountains located there. They grant 5 minutes of Invisibility which should be enough to get through the puzzle or the major portion of it.

Actually the three Mystic Fountains provide enough time to complete the entire Jumping Puzzle while invisible. I’ve used the Mystic Fountains to initiate flank charges on people camping the arena with siege on several occasions. Other times I might just walk right past them if I feel there are too many of them… well, walk right past them to grab the ori and the chest, then come back to kill as many as I can.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


Since you do insist on going in alone when your enemies are controlling the puzzle, you may want to take advantage of the Mystic Fountains located there. They grant 5 minutes of Invisibility which should be enough to get through the puzzle or the major portion of it.

Actually the three Mystic Fountains provide enough time to complete the entire Jumping Puzzle while invisible. I’ve used the Mystic Fountains to initiate flank charges on people camping the arena with siege on several occasions. Other times I might just walk right past them if I feel there are too many of them… well, walk right past them to grab the ori and the chest, then come back to kill as many as I can.

That’s the spirit! PvP happens in a PvP zone! ^^

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: supergica.8652


(that ranger is never gonna get past 6 people out to get you, but a thief/mesmer/guardian might)

Abuse broken mechanics, check.

No more skillful than following the zerg, but as per those class descriptions obviously the intended design.

Hey, I don’t agree with the fact that classes are unbalanced in PVP, but abusing broken mechanics? Maybe I should let the ranger have a 10 second head start or let him hit me 3 times before hitting back? I pointed out that some classes have a lot more abilities to escape ganks then others. Take it up with Anet if that is not ok with you…

I love this type of threads. I camp regularly in the EB JP, and every time i see QQ-ing it brings me so much joy knowing that the noobs suffer so much. My server (Seafarer’s Rest) has some dedicated players, myself included, that lock that place down during prime time.

I’m disgusted that we’re on the same server. That you camp for badges or just because you can is one thing, but to actually gloat over the fact that you’re griefing other people…

Nice one. Griefing is only in the mind of the one being killed (in this case). Not my problem that some players cannot control their emotions and come crying on the forums. I don’t cheat or exploit, if you can’t handle being killed, stay out of WvW and play with the minipets in LA if that’s your thing. Some people just don’t understand how the game works, they have a complete different image in their brains of how it should be and when reality kicks them in the face they feel entitled and come to cry for nerfs and whatnot. Camping in the jp IS INTENDED by the game designers. If you understand that you’ll see the jp fighting differently, and will try a more reasonable approach to it. I actually enjoy it when the enemies control the JP. It’s a different challenge i don’t get upset when i get outplayed. It can be fun being the hunter and it can be fun being the pray. The attitude it’s all that matters.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


I’m not gonna lie, I looked at your screenshot just to see where this puzzle was so I can go do it.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I’m just going to leave you with this

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

Honestly, I think it’d be more fun/balanced if the jumping puzzle was more like a Mad King’s Clocktower type of puzzle so that you can’t camp in one spot in the puzzle forever (though feasibly you could always wait for the reset and jump your way back to the spot). So as folks are mad dashing their way to the top, there’s at least one decently sized intersecting point where the opposing sides meet up on a platform and just slug it out (adjusting the timer to consider fighting and number of players from all sides trying to make their way up). Also, make the puzzle actually jump-able while in combat? I think that’s my biggest gripe with the current BGJP.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I have zero sympathy for JP carebears. I hope you get griefed non-stop. Actually do something useful on the WvW map if you want my sympathy

This is really a good point actually. I don’t care about WvW other than 50 kills a month and badges. But I am being forced to use up space for this guys crew (and others) to actually do something productive in the PvP game that they do care about.

The JP does not impact the PvP game. Since there is no tactical advantage or score associated in that area, camping it is greifing. If you want people like me to shut up, put it in a keep or tower so then we do have to fight for it and contribute to WvW or make badges available in a PvE zone.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


The JP does not impact the PvP game. Since there is no tactical advantage or score associated in that area, camping it is greifing. If you want people like me to shut up, put it in a keep or tower so then we do have to fight for it and contribute to WvW or make badges available in a PvE zone.

No matter how often you call it griefing, it is not. Actually I do not want people like you to shut up, to put it in your words. A bit of nerdrage now and then is fairly entertaining.

Step 1: Join a PvP map
Step 2: …
Step 3: Profit

You have obviously trouble to figure out Step 2, as you seem to get no profit. I give you a hint, it starts wit Pv and ends with P.

(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

My guess would be that the 30 ppl were there farming the jp for badges and messing with the op was something to occupy time while waiting on those to re-roll and get through intro’s on new toons. Tbh gift of battle is broken imo since most obtain it via the jp’s and not actually competing in wvw.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

The JP does not impact the PvP game. Since there is no tactical advantage or score associated in that area, camping it is greifing. If you want people like me to shut up, put it in a keep or tower so then we do have to fight for it and contribute to WvW or make badges available in a PvE zone.

It kinda does though based on it’s rewards you can get daily (and within a relatively short amount of time)… I’m not saying I like the camping, but it’s not griefing. The problem isn’t so much the players’ reaction to the puzzle design as it is the puzzle design that may not have really considered the PvP aspects of it.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


The mesmer was waiting to portal people, probably saw you and knocked you down. Just do it again and this time use stability or some skill/trait to get by, everybody has one.

It’s PvP so be prepared to get killed. Unless they are using an exploit or bug then get over it. I understand it might be frustrating but posting on the forums won’t (and shouldn’t) help anything.

RIP in peace Robert

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


The JP does not impact the PvP game.

You seem to be avoiding the fact that it DOES impact the PvP game. The plans. In the chest. Important stuff.

The fact that you dropping loot while you’re in there just makes you a tasty little target

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


My guess would be that the 30 ppl were there farming the jp for badges and messing with the op was something to occupy time while waiting on those to re-roll and get through intro’s on new toons. Tbh gift of battle is broken imo since most obtain it via the jp’s and not actually competing in wvw.

They do so cos 90% of the time ya dont even get badges for killing people.

As for the OP. Your in a PvP zone. Deal with it

I’m just going to leave you with this

Simply the best GW2 video ever. That was just EPIC

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

(edited by Lutharr.1035)

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I think the OP left this thread already. Probably couldn’t find an ally sharing his point of view.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Map completion and legendaries are two of the longer-term objectives in the game, and both have WvWvW components. I would have preferred there be long-term goals that are PvE only, with similar-length and separate goals for WvWvW and for sPvP. This would have given players who want to play in only one of these arenas, more to do, AND given people who want to play in more than one arena more things to do.

Instead, we have players who don’t want to be in WvWvW but feel forced to be in order to complete those long-term goals. It’s a design flaw that is unlikely to be addressed.

OP, you have two choices: abandon the goals; or embrace them fully. If you embrace participation in WvWvW, then use chat, get players from your server to go with you, outnumber them and you’ll get the kills, not them. However, abandon or embrace, don’t try to participate half-heartedly and then complain about people killing you in a PvP map.

I really do appreciate everyone’s opinion here and I really do feel both sides of the coin are right. There are things that need to happen in WvW naturally (intel, communication, etc). That is not the point of this post.

Again, the point of this post is that a group of people went out to specifically harass players. I posed no threat to anyone there, did not take an aggressive stance with anyone there, and there was no tactical advantage or bonus for them to hold the area. I have also played WvW and we all know that probably no one in that group got a badge let alone a loot bag for killing me. I’m not looking for anyone to get in trouble, I’m looking for a solution. Is it really that hard or horrible to allow people to pass by and complete the JP if they are not trying to attack opposing players or affect the battle? Especially when it is 30 on 1. Come on really?

Others have suggested that the guild who killed you might have been there to protect friends. They could also have wanted kills for their monthly. The reason for their being there does not matter. They were legitimately engaging an “enemy” in a “war” zone.

It sounds like you believe that you are entitled to run the JP without interference when you want to, whereas by placing it in a contested zone, ANet has clearly stated you are not so entitled. By your stance, I would be entitled to say that because a vista is a PvE objective, then opposing players are griefing me by opposing my entry to the area where it lies.

I suggest that instead of focusing on wrongly thinking that you were griefed, you instead focus your attention on the real issue. As long as there are achievements that require participation in PvE and WvWvW, there will be people in WvWvW who don’t want to be there, and people who do. The people who do are going to run around killing enemy players, it’s what the map is for.

The obvious solution would be to separate PvE and WvWvW achievements. You might actually get some support on that one.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


Holding the jumping puzzle allows the team to create free access for their entire server to get the chest loot with almost no trouble. A couple of siege plans may not be worth a lot overall, but if people respond to map chat announcements that the puzzle is held that constant stream of players adds a large number of free siege plans to their side.

Holding the puzzle also denies this source of plans to the enemy.

OP’s argument seems to hinge around intent. It’s griefing, because it’s being done to harass. It’s very easy to project intent onto other people, but what evidence is there that this is some malicious need to harass other players, rather than a way to lock down that siege plan source for their team?

And how do the people camping the puzzle know that the OP is just one harmless PvE player trying to get badges? How many lone, harmless players are they expected to mercifully allow through?

Like many others have said, the jumping puzzle is a PvP area, and an PvP resource. Complaining about it being camped makes as much a sense as complaining that a PoI somewhere in the battlegrounds is being camped.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


“All is fair in love and war”

WvWvW is a warzone. Anything goes.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


Hey, I don’t agree with the fact that classes are unbalanced in PVP, but abusing broken mechanics? Maybe I should let the ranger have a 10 second head start or let him hit me 3 times before hitting back? I pointed out that some classes have a lot more abilities to escape ganks then others. Take it up with Anet if that is not ok with you…

Stealth and clones are broken.

But between the two class balance devs, I’m sure at least one of them plays a thief, and it’s more than likely the other one plays a mesmer.

I don’t see how killing someone who can’t see you for 90% of the fight is considered skillful.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roargathor.2743


Grief is received not given. You were in a PvP zone. Your jumping puzzle means nothing out in WvW. If you want badges, go get them the old fashioned way and kill some enemy players. THAT’S the main purpose of the border lands. I’m sorry, was that “A juvenile response”? THIS IS GUILD WARS!!!! Not Jumping Puzzle Pals. My eyes hurt from reading such high levels of stupid on this thread.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Porky.5021


I think if the devs wanted people to freely and without risk complete this jumping puzzle they would have put it somewhere besides the PVP zone.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Groovy.6749


Killed by enemy player on WvW map?

Working as intended.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I think if the devs wanted people to freely and without risk complete this jumping puzzle they would have put it somewhere besides the PVP zone.

I mean it’s also possible that the JP was conceptually a good idea yet terrible in execution…. like basically so many other things in this game. I like the idea, personally, but I think it could use a slightly better design overall.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rannug.2731


I can see this being frustrating, putting some effort into the puzzle only to get zergd by 30 opposing..
On the other hand, I don’t expect anyone to be fair when it comes to PvP or WvW. Once I am out there, I have to rely on myself. In OP’s case I would have said ‘holy kittens’. done a ctrl 9 and recorded 30 weapons fired upon me..epic. Then picked a time where 29 of them are in bed and done the JP again..

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Porky.5021


I think if the devs wanted people to freely and without risk complete this jumping puzzle they would have put it somewhere besides the PVP zone.

I mean it’s also possible that the JP was conceptually a good idea yet terrible in execution…. like basically so many other things in this game. I like the idea, personally, but I think it could use a slightly better design overall.


I don’t see what’s so wrong about the design. I think the goal was servers would fight over the ability to complete the jump puzzle. A group of Server X players get together and hold the JP area so other members of Server X could do the puzzle.

Server Y players looking for 100% map completion….get some more Server Y players together and kick the Server X players off the jump puzzle.

I think that was the design intent anyways…I could be wrong.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


The solutions to this is easy. Get rid of the jumping puzzle and stop giving out badges for pveing. I hate that a map will have a que and it turns out you have like 20 people dancing at spawn keep and 30 people at the jumping puzzle “getting badges for legendary not really here for pvp”.

Want pve and pvp to mix? Add a wv3 dungeon sorta like DF from DaoC. Till then take the jp and grub and other crap out.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

^^ well for one, there are tons of parts of the puzzle where you can’t make the jump if you’re in combat…. if the entire puzzle is subject to encountering combat, why are there parts that require you to not be in combat? Hard to get to someone with a longer range than you if getting closer requires you to jump gaps further than what a toon can jump while in combat. I also think you can have a more engaging PvP-type puzzle that actively gets people to fight without it being campers vs. camp-crashers.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Groovy.6749


Want pve and pvp to mix? Add a wv3 dungeon sorta like DF from DaoC. Till then take the jp and grub and other crap out.

That actually would be awesome. I can taste the QQ already.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: karma.8763


This is NOT greifing haha.
This is called protecting a jumping puzzle so you cannot finish it for whatever reason you may have. That is the whole point of PvP. Anet did not put these puzzles in WvW so you could waltz on in any time of the day you want and finish the puzzle whilst whistling a tune and going uncontested. If this was the case they would have put them in PvE. The idea is to lock down the area then your server has control. It’s a reward. NOT a right. No one HAS to let you do the puzzle. End of story.
You either have to grab a group of people to take over the puzzle and the area or come back later when you have control. Same goes with the EB puzzle.

couldn’t agree more with this

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stiv.1820


It’s not grefing. The server is protecting a resource available to all three servers. They have 30 people who could be taking anything they want dedicated to protecting that puzzle. 30 less breaking down the doors in that borderland is actually a net gain for the meta game on your server especially since 1 probably could have killed you just as easy.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


Huge norns are chronically causing me grief in the mkct and this jumping puzzle with their big char sizes causing me to fall over and not see where im going!

… see how ridiculous that sounds?

What?! Don’t you like my Norn’s sexy kitten in you’re face? :P

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Booler.6598


NOT griefing at all , mate your in the lions cage , your dancing with the devil , there are 0 rules in pvp it maybe not morally right to do it but do you walk in the ghetto at night? You know what’s gunna happen. If this is griefing then I’m the worst offender , but its not like it doesn’t happen to me. Having no rules means nothing can be griefing it is I’m sorry a case of deal with it

Always in all ways

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


^^ well for one, there are tons of parts of the puzzle where you can’t make the jump if you’re in combat…. if the entire puzzle is subject to encountering combat, why are there parts that require you to not be in combat? Hard to get to someone with a longer range than you if getting closer requires you to jump gaps further than what a toon can jump while in combat. I also think you can have a more engaging PvP-type puzzle that actively gets people to fight without it being campers vs. camp-crashers.

Actually this isn’t true all the time, you can use a speed boost skill and make any jump while in combat. If you don’t have a speed boost, like one of my toons, then it becomes annoying…

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Just use the fountains. Problem solved. If they’re camping the entrance or spamming traps then come again later. Badges are a WvW reward. You’re entering into a pvp zone. When I defend supply camps sometimes I’m vastly outnumbered. Should I complain? No. The jp is no different.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Ok, so I tried to complete the jumping puzzle for JQ Borderlands today so I could get my LOUSY 3 to 7 badges. I end up running into a Mesmer from another server that knocks me off into the water where at least 30 players from the other server are happily waiting to kill me. This has been brought up in the forum before and is usually met with the typical “It’s PvP deal with it” or “stop QQing” or some other juvenile comment.

Look I understand that WvW is a PvP area and if I get jumped while running around alone it’s my own fault but what I just experienced is greifing. There are no structures in that area that give any advantage to the overall WvW score so why are so many people camping it?? So that they can stomp on anyone that wanders in there and laugh about it. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW? It’s not like I got jumped by 3 or 4 enemies, there were at least 30 people camping this site. I don’t want to accuse but it looked like it was a guild activity!!! That is rediculous!!

There are a ton of complaints on this forum and I don’t want to add to them but this is unacceptable IMO.

Screenshot attached…….

And why exactly is it unacceptable?

ROAM | Oink | TLP

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Holding the jumping puzzle allows the team to create free access for their entire server to get the chest loot with almost no trouble. A couple of siege plans may not be worth a lot overall, but if people respond to map chat announcements that the puzzle is held that constant stream of players adds a large number of free siege plans to their side.

Holding the puzzle also denies this source of plans to the enemy.

OP’s argument seems to hinge around intent. It’s griefing, because it’s being done to harass. It’s very easy to project intent onto other people, but what evidence is there that this is some malicious need to harass other players, rather than a way to lock down that siege plan source for their team?

And how do the people camping the puzzle know that the OP is just one harmless PvE player trying to get badges? How many lone, harmless players are they expected to mercifully allow through?

Like many others have said, the jumping puzzle is a PvP area, and an PvP resource. Complaining about it being camped makes as much a sense as complaining that a PoI somewhere in the battlegrounds is being camped.

I agree… in all honesty It is just as unfair for me to expect people to “carebear” in the jumping puzzle as it is for people (IMO) to camp it.

That was not the point I made in the OP. If you go back and read my posts the “argument” here is that I feel that in the context of the situation that I experienced in the Borderlands (not EB) jumping puzzle was griefing. What you offer as an explanation Gibson is also a valid argument and is hopefully what the case was. I personally don’t see it because when I tried to leave the area I was swarmed. They also would have had a much easier time in their own map.

I have never said that I should be handed anything in this game. I fully understand that PvP happens in PvP area’s. I don’t mind a little attrition when trying to accomplish something. If I have to fight my way through the jumping puzzle then so be it. But no one anywhere in this game can take on and beat 30 people at one time. If they harassed me until I backed off and kept me away fine. If they tried to keep me away and I kept fighting them fine I deserve ir. It is not likely that all 30 people got a drop from me. It is not likely that all 30 people got badges for killing me. It is very likely (IMO) that all 30 got a laugh out of it though.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

Sorry for the references from another game, but it’s like camping a graveyard in a battleground. It does add to your kill count but it’s not the thing to do to win the battleground. You could look at it optimistically by thinking they are giving strategic advantage to your world by ignoring significant objectives. From a strategic standpoint it’s good for your server that they are camping the puzzle. If you keep playing there will be times when the puzzle is open. This is just the nature of PvP.