Grenth Hood and other old Halloween Skins?

Grenth Hood and other old Halloween Skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AndyJo.8794


Is there any chance these will be coming back, maybe at the end of the halloween event? I’ve seen repeated requests for the older gem store skins to be brought back over and over again, and with the recent tendency to re-release very very inflated older skins, the original halloween skins are well due for at least another lottery – they’re getting to the point that pre-crafted Legendaries are cheaper than they are.

Grenth Hood and other old Halloween Skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

No on the older skins. Grenth hood was a wintersday skin and will probably be back then.

Grenth Hood and other old Halloween Skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miserymachine.7512


I would absolutely vibrate with happiness to get my hands on that chainsaw greatsword skin without having to take a second mortgage out to purchase it on the AH.