Grind - Staying or Leaving
If you’re GRINDING at lvl 80 it’s because you CHOOSE to grind since it is NOT REQUIRED. Anet stated there would be no grind and from 1 to 80 and the max gear there IS NO GRIND. What you call a GRIND is an OPTION not a REQUIREMENT thus you CHOOSE to GRIND and COMPLAIN about it. What did you think they would do? Hand you EVERYTHING in the game in a few weeks time? LMAO hahaha Sorry but if you want EXOTICS and other ELITE GEAR you WILL GRIND for that but of course IT IS OPTIONAL NOT REQUIRED.
This is the typical fanboy answer. If that game would be Aion.
Do you forced to get new gear to play the game after lvl 55 (or 60?) ? are not! Are you forced to grind? Yeah, if you want to do something in the game, YOU HAVE TO GRIND.
Wanna play Gw2 after lvl80? You are forced to grind. Is that a fact? Yup it is.
About pvp:
Try to join as a group in sPvP if you just want to have fun, and not going tournament. Gl
If you’re incapable of arguing your point of view without resorting to insults like fanboy (which you’ve used several times now in this thread) you really shouldn’t post because it does nothing to get your points across
+1 to you for being correct. Some people (OP) just can’t handle being WRONG.
I find it rather the opposite. Power levelled to 80, cleared mobs, bosses, dungeons. Got my full exotic set… I reached end-game rather too quickly and got bored. Only thing left for me is WvW and PvP, trying out new gear/builds.
Dungeons are just “for fun” with guild/mates, same for WvW. Other then that, there isn’t that much to do. I’ve cut down my GW2 time so when I do play, I find it really fun. I’m just waiting for new content to come out whilst I do other activities other than GW2.
The problem, as I see it, is a lack of content, and a lack of reward.
For example, let’s say in your game you have one armor set. Just one, aside from the starter set. The entire rest of the game is spent trying to get this armor. It will take you probably a year of gameplay to get it. This obviously is not fun. Idiots in this game will refer to this as a prestigious accomplishment, and that you should just enjoy the game until you get it. People with more sense will just quit.
Now, consider another game. There are 500 armor sets in this game. Getting just one is fairly simple, and they all look different from one another, meaning you’ll be hard pressed to collect them all. Not that you’d probably want to. The gameplay orients itself towards giving you fairly constant rewards. You won’t trip and fall onto a new armor set, but they are common enough that you can look at one you want, then go get it in a couple of days.
Now, which of these two is more sensible? This is GW2’s problem. There’s a lot of area, but not much content because the rewards are so scarce. There should be more than one armor set per dungeon. In general, there should be five times the amount of available end game armor sets than there are now. Counting all the generic ones low level players wear is simply trying to cover up the lack of content at the end of the game. It should be possible to craft more than just Draconic. When you invest in learning a new recipe from the forge, producing the result should far exceed your investment’s worth (it doesn’t).
GW2 is full of these problems, where your only endgame goal is going to be aesthetics, yet changing your look becomes nightmarishly difficult because there’s almost no options, other than to just go back to wearing scale, gladiator armor, karma gear, or so on.
I imagine this will get better over time. GW1 had a very similar problem, in that there were almost no aesthetic choices at the endgame, until they started focusing on it.
Eventually, when I run a dungeon, I expect to get something like 100-150 tokens, and return to the vendor and find after five runs I can buy one of ten full sets of armor available from these tokens.
See, fun hinges a lot on rewards in games. When you space out rewards, it kills the fun, because you become more and more aware of what you’re doing, especially if it’s repeating the same content, over and over again. I’m almost to 100% map completion, and I have a single complete armor set. That’s bad.
This is a vast, vast problem, and much of it is tied to the developers spacing things out, and players not understanding the problem and just blaming one another for being entitled, when in fact this is a design issue; and in design, the fault always rests with the designer. Revisiting old zones should have a similar token system. Otherwise, you have situations like the one we have now, where the most efficient means to get a new reward is just grinding Orr all day – where you get the most gold, the best drops and the most expedient means to circumvent an otherwise long, long grind.
Hopefully the developers will understand this post better than much of the naive fan base.
(edited by Plague.5329)
So… I think we all see the problem now ^^ Thumbs up for you sir!
Fun is subjective. It obviously doesnt mean the same to me and others that it does to you.
World peace happen yet? edit……. or was that an admission that the “fun stuff” stopped at 80?
(edited by Lysidian.4653)
There will be expansions you know, Elona and Cantha will probably be available in those (just guessing, but i prittey sure).
There you’ll find more missions
There will be expansions you know, Elona and Cantha will probably be available in those (just guessing, but i prittey sure).
There you’ll find more missions
Excuse me, but this game is just released, and I already have to wait for an expension to get BASIC things and fun?
There will be expansions you know, Elona and Cantha will probably be available in those (just guessing, but i prittey sure).
There you’ll find more missionsExcuse me, but this game is just released, and I already have to wait for an expension to get BASIC things and fun?
Gonna have to promote Athem from cookin up fries to mixing up some truthshakes.
Y’all come on in here. We cookin up a whole buffet of realism.
Can we take your order please?
I have two lvl 80 characters already and am completely bored of the game, I like the social aspect of MMO’s and for me that means getting together with people 2-3 nights a week and raiding, GW2 doesn’t have this I kinda thought the dungeons would fill this void but they don’t and are tbh garbage, playing the same thing 5-6 times a night is not the same as beating one or two bosses a week with friends progressing through endgame content, I don’t fancy grinding thousands of karma for a set of gear only a couple points better than whats available for silver on the AH.
I got to 80 on my first char, not a lot of people at that lvl so lvled another waiting for people to catch up and tbh now they have it is just a pretty empty feeling, I love the style I love the combat , can be super frustrating at times especially aoe spamming mobs and you can only dodge x2 so the 3rd time you end up in an aoe circle you will die and nothing you can do about it, these kind of things take the fun away combined with crazy respawn rates etc and ressing at waypoints meaning you have to fight the same crap mobs all the way back to where you died just feels like your being punished a lot, I don’t play games to be punished lol it’s supposed to be fun repair costs are punishment enough.
Just not for me, great title but not enough endgame content for me, and no grinding fecking karma or tokens I do not class as endgame content, neiother is unlocking a map, endgame for me is progressing through gradually more difficult encounters for a reward at the end of it. GW2 fails miserably in the endgame stakes so for me it’s Pandas, ciao.
Well as for DDs 1 run should be simply longer and give more badges or same amount, but lower the price at vendor…. I personally don’t mind spending 50h+ dungedoning to get full set, but doing same DD 30-50 times over and over again is a different story.
Main problem of GW2 is that everything is to fast… LVLing up to 80 takes (depends on commitment to the game form hardcore-player to casual) 2-21days. For casual it is no bad, but I do agree that part with LVLing is singleplayer, with parts of good MMO. At that point you can still aim at 100% of map. That should take another 7-35 days. Later is collecting EQ. As for crafted, after 100% of map it takes top 1 week no matter of game style. So far no grind, but no MMO also. Than you can do DDs and start MMO. So you can do each one once + all path, so 4 times, and that will take 2-32 days.
As for casual nice 3 months of game…. As for more dedicated player 1M tops. After that grind it is. If you could only save progress in DD, and full run would take 3h instead of 15-20min, than it would be different story. Same with lvling. You can get up to 80. with 30% or less map completion….. And with event system it should be something near 100% + many events behind. Not mentioning event should be hard to complete and longer. Fight with mobs (zones 50+) should be tough alone.
If you like PVP, you can go there and have fun for ever you don’t care about content. If you don’t you have hybrid WvW, but you have to wait few hours to get there first and during that time probably changing colors of your clothes? As soon as you get there you will also understand, that bigger zerg always win. You could say, that you don’t have to fight with zerg and that is true, with 5 ppl you can take over even Keep, but eventually there would be opponent zerg somewhere, and this is where the fun ends. Besides find 4 other, as your guild mates are probably still in quote.
After almost a month of GW2 I am a bit disappointed. WvW are all about zergs and this is because (I think so) maps are too smal (basically distances between castles) and there is not enough NCP (that stays neutral), between them to slow down the aggressors. This leaves not much space for any kind of tactic…. Currently the war could be all about 4 castles…. 1-st zerg is attacking “Castle A”, 2-Nd “C B” and 3-rd “C C”, after taking over 1-st “C B”…….
DD are all about grind and most of all completely not rewarding grind…. Maybe some would like to go there 40+ times to get look alone, but for me costs, as gold as the end is nerfed is not a good reason to do same content over and over again. As I’ve said I don’t mind doing single dungedon for 50h+, but let it be 10 runs with option of saving progress, to casuals instead of 46 times same content.
Well as for DDs 1 run should be simply longer and give more badges or same amount, but lower the price at vendor…. I personally don’t mind spending 50h+ dungedoning to get full set, but doing same DD 30-50 times over and over again is a different story.
Main problem of GW2 is that everything is to fast… LVLing up to 80 takes (depends on commitment to the game form hardcore-player to casual) 2-21days. For casual it is no bad, but I do agree that part with LVLing is singleplayer, with parts of good MMO. At that point you can still aim at 100% of map. That should take another 7-35 days. Later is collecting EQ. As for crafted, after 100% of map it takes top 1 week no matter of game style. So far no grind, but no MMO also. Than you can do DDs and start MMO. So you can do each one once + all path, so 4 times, and that will take 2-32 days.
As for casual nice 3 months of game…. As for more dedicated player 1M tops. After that grind it is. If you could only save progress in DD, and full run would take 3h instead of 15-20min, than it would be different story. Same with lvling. You can get up to 80. with 30% or less map completion….. And with event system it should be something near 100% + many events behind. Not mentioning event should be hard to complete and longer. Fight with mobs (zones 50+) should be tough alone.
If you like PVP, you can go there and have fun for ever you don’t care about content. If you don’t you have hybrid WvW, but you have to wait few hours to get there first and during that time probably changing colors of your clothes? As soon as you get there you will also understand, that bigger zerg always win. You could say, that you don’t have to fight with zerg and that is true, with 5 ppl you can take over even Keep, but eventually there would be opponent zerg somewhere, and this is where the fun ends. Besides find 4 other, as your guild mates are probably still in quote.
After almost a month of GW2 I am a bit disappointed. WvW are all about zergs and this is because (I think so) maps are too smal (basically distances between castles) and there is not enough NCP (that stays neutral), between them to slow down the aggressors. This leaves not much space for any kind of tactic…. Currently the war could be all about 4 castles…. 1-st zerg is attacking “Castle A”, 2-Nd “C B” and 3-rd “C C”, after taking over 1-st “C B”…….
DD are all about grind and most of all completely not rewarding grind…. Maybe some would like to go there 40+ times to get look alone, but for me costs, as gold as the end is nerfed is not a good reason to do same content over and over again. As I’ve said I don’t mind doing single dungedon for 50h+, but let it be 10 runs with option of saving progress, to casuals instead of 46 times same content.
Agree with everything, for me there is one fundamental missing activity, and that is there is NO alternative for Raiding, which is what probably the majority of perhaps ex wow, new GW players want, and before anyone says they don’t want ex wow players anyway, then perhaps you should ask Anet if they would like a slice of the most succesful MMO in historys player base, I think you shall find their opinion differs from yours.
Truth is, pretty much everyone who plays MMO’s is already doing so, very few completely new customers to the genre will materialise bar those who are just coming of age, and if GW2 doesn’t hold onto the ones trying their title out then it is destined to be another also ran and that my friends is the sad truth whether you like it or not. At the moment despite the game being great as a levelling experience I don’t think GW2 has enough content to hold onto those players.
Well, adressing OP concerns:
PVP in teams.
Add your friends to your friend list. Hit “y” to call the said friend list. Have a friend join a Conquest Map (BG) that has room for you and whoelse you want to play with.
Right click his name and choose “join him in pvp or something along the side of it”.Alternativally, WvWvW or tournaments.
Dont grind. Go explore, go see new events, go watch new stories. You’ll earn karma and what not, I promisse.I listened to ppl like you and had NO FUN, the games stories are really bland and all the content is extremely easy and not challenging. This game is not Skyrim, it is meant to be played at a brisk pace or you will see the same freaking “world shattering” DE spawn 30 times within an hour.
World shattering events should indeed take a longer cycle to happen. They should be weekly, or maybe twice a week in a total different time table.
Anyhow, back on your comment, if you did that and you are feeling the game as NO FUN, then remind yourself it is a game and it is supposed to be fun.
I had that feeling while playing Rift. Loved the 8 soul trees, loved being able to change specc, loved how they handle the game, but lore and graphics didnt grow on me…
so eventually I quit.
Anyway..along with the compliments, I would be really interestend in Arenanet’s opinion. That would tell us pretty much everything.
If they are satisfied with this = the game wont change.
If they want major changes = grind can be gone.
Honestly I just want to know THEIR honest thoughts about this game.
I think Anet want the game to attract and retain interest. Just need insightful feedback from people to help figure out the best ways to do it.
One obstacle I see is that I don’t think a lot of people really know what they want. They might feel things but associate those feelings with the wrong aspects.
ANet said they will be fixing the dungeons so they’d be a bit less grindy (more tokens, etc.). Grinding for me isn’t something that pushes me away from the game, I infact loved Ragnarok Online and Aion which both used to be really grindy games.
I just wish Orr would be a nice enough map for me to like grinding for gold and karma there.
- Rhéidyn :: Thief
Well, I do love many of GW2 features. It has the best lvling system I saw so far. However, I just dont understand them.
They solved the grind problem from lvl 1-80, yet they implemented grinding to lvl80. Wtf?
I mean, when the game was released, the karma prices, dungeon set prices were ok. You could get them without grinding, just doing events around a world and clearing instances.
After release they suddenly RAISED these things too high.
Their logic maybe: If ppl get stuff to soon → They quit → No money
However it went that way: People not getting stuff at all → They quit → No money
Honestly, I will rather stay because I can obtain anything than staying because I cant get anything if I dont grind and spend all of my free time here.
Athem, the point of this game is you don’t have to grind to be viable.
In WoW, if you wanted to clear a new raid, you need to grind. If you want to do decent in PvP, you have to grind. The items may only have a few stat increases, but when you add together a whole set it makes a big difference. This is especially true a few tiers down the line.
In GW2, if you want to be viable, all you have to do is play better. You don’t lose in PvP because your opponent has few hundred more resilience, you don’t wipe because your character doesn’t have block percent maxed out.
I think Anet want the game to attract and retain interest. Just need insightful feedback from people to help figure out the best ways to do it.
One obstacle I see is that I don’t think a lot of people really know what they want. They might feel things but associate those feelings with the wrong aspects.
This is very well put, exactly what I’ve been thinking as I read through these posts. Players don’t really know what makes them happy. We go from “I’m bored at endgame, there’s nothing to do” to “there’s too much grind at endgame.” Fascinating.
First its “not enough people for dynamic events” to “I’m tired of running the same old dynamic event”
It’s true you can’t satisfy everyone, but at this rate developers satisfy no one. I think a lot of you need to step back and see what you really want to do with your free time, because it sounds like you’re looking for things that just don’t exist.
No grind in WoW? You don’t have to grind for your tier sets in that game? C’mon, now.
I think we are looking for a reason to be dissatisfied.
If one type of game doesn’t give you enough of what you need, but another one does, let’s say MoP for sake of argument, then why not play both. With no sub fee here, if you are bored or there’s too much grind or whatever the reason you are dissatisfied, why not go play with ninja pandas for a bit, play this for a bit. Why is there such a need to play one game, the same one, constantly, to be satisfied, when there are so many available.
With no sub, you’re free to roam and come back at will. When they have expansions, and they will, come back and see what’s new. When you’re bored a day or two later, go play something else that’s more satisfying.
I don’t just read one book for a whole year. Sometimes I read a few, even before I finish the one. I don’t just see a single movie, or listen to one song. I have a wide selection of stuff I listen to and watch. I don’t just have one friend. I have a few, and hang out with one or the other. Sometimes one friend wants to do something I don’t, so I hang out with another. So why play just one game?
It’s called variety, which is also referred to as the “spice of life.”
I personally feel this game has tons to offer, and it’ll keep me busy for quite a while. I agree some things need to be tweaked. I also agree not everybody’s playstyle is the same. But what I don’t understand is why the animosity, when you are free to install more than one game on your pc, free to play whatever you want, no one is asking you to pay multiple subs for anything anymore (except for MoP). So, give your opinion of what you would like to see made better by Anet, feel free. But its not game over by any means. The sky is not falling. Subs will not be lost. If they are, they will be constantly replaced by new subs, cause….again, no fee. The dynamic has changed.
It’s almost 2013. These “endgame fail” arguments are really obsolete.
Variety. Learn to live it.
They could put everything in the store and make you buy everything. No grind, just a credit card and instantly you have everything. Then what?
You say you don’t want the grind, but honestly, you really do… unless playing games is literally off your radar.
As someone else said, that grind… is called playing the game. You don’t want to play the game. Simply put. So don’t.
It’s already been pointed out unless Anthem ggetsa full set after 6 runs then it’s a grind. There is no reason to post anymore in this thread because the type of player Anthem is is an instant gratification player. There should be nothing in this game that takes longer than 2 hours to accomplish so people can instead QQ on the forums about lack of content and quit because of that.
ANet has been doing this so called “grind” for the past 7 years. If you don’t like it then go to another game. Expecting them to change the way they have done business for over 7 years or you will quit just proves how immature you are. Call us fanboys all you want but stop trying to change the game. If you don’t like it, don’t play. Request a refund and go find another game. Let me know when you find a MMO that gives you everything as fast as you want it here. Well… I will have died by then becausee one does not exist and will not, unless you want to take pay2win games into account which no normal person would.
We already pointed out why is this game all about grind, and you are trying to deny the facts.
Howe are you doing that? You are building up a self made hype and a cult around this game, denying its every flaw. Why? Because if you would have to acknowledge the fact:
This game is all about grind.
That would mean that your precious game, which is your favorite is not perfect, not the best out here. You just dont want this, because you love Arenanet and hate other companies like insert big company name here because they are dominating this business.
You want GW2 the game which slap them on the faces and prove it: They are not the only ones here.
However..the reality is that this game is ABOUT grind, we already explained why. You are just defending them brainlessly.
Btw, instead of a rage counter arguement like that, at least read without the “RAGE GLASSES” so you could see that my name is: Athem.
Athem+ Lysidian lets have a inteligence constructive talk
Lets say u have 2 games
In the first game u cant do raids with the green quest-items
In the second game (it dont have raids) , u dont have to have epiqs to do any kind of PvE
Which 2 games <<force>> u to <<grind>> ?
And which 1 have <<optional grind>> (if u like u do it -without loosing anything) ?
Edit: any1 seen the difference or i am the only ape-monkey with +1 intellect buff ? :P
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
It’s already been pointed out unless Anthem ggetsa full set after 6 runs then it’s a grind. There is no reason to post anymore in this thread because the type of player Anthem is is an instant gratification player. There should be nothing in this game that takes longer than 2 hours to accomplish so people can instead QQ on the forums about lack of content and quit because of that.
ANet has been doing this so called “grind” for the past 7 years. If you don’t like it then go to another game. Expecting them to change the way they have done business for over 7 years or you will quit just proves how immature you are. Call us fanboys all you want but stop trying to change the game. If you don’t like it, don’t play. Request a refund and go find another game. Let me know when you find a MMO that gives you everything as fast as you want it here. Well… I will have died by then becausee one does not exist and will not, unless you want to take pay2win games into account which no normal person would.
You couldn’t be more wrong. You never played GW1. There, you had a point to keep playing and achieving things, and the grind was entirely optional. on GW2 you have no content to tackle once you reach max level, and the grind for everything, from gold to crafting materials to karma is simply awful.
They intentionally increased the costs of EVERYTHING post launch. One dungeon armor piece costed 45 tokens, AKA 2 runs. Post release? 200 tokens. Anyone who doesn’t think this is grind can be outright classified askitten It is way past fanboyism, you guys refuse to see simply logic.
So … The op play a mmo expecting its goong to be like a single player game?
Basically, the op just want to play a game, complete it and get what he wants in a few hours, and to be done with it. He even admit he will be back in a week crying again even if he can get a piece per run…..
It is no different than a kid stomping the floor in an ice cream shop because his parents wont let him have the flavor he wants……
Ignore him n let this thread sink….
Athem+ Lysidian lets have a inteligence constructive talk
Lets say u have 2 games
In the first game u cant do raids with the green quest-items
In the second game (it dont have raids) , u dont have to have epiqs to do any kind of PvE
Which 2 games <<force>> u to <<grind>> ?
And which 1 have <<optional grind>> (if u like u do it -without loosing anything) ?Edit: any1 seen the difference or i am the only ape-monkey with +1 intellect buff ? :P
I think you are misunderstanding my gripes. My beef isnt with the grind, my issue is with being told by ANET and other players that there is no grind in the game, that players shouldnt be grinding anything, and that the game isnt about character progression. When in reality the current design promotes and encourages grinding and farming THEN BAMMMM……… you cant grind anymore.
Want to run dungeons for token gear….. no you cant do that here is your reward cap enjoy.
Want to kill monsters for loot / income….. no you cant do that here is your anti farming script, dont choke on it.
Want to buy boosters off the cash shop…. no ANET will sure as hell take your money and then slap you with the farming script, smile its for your own good.
Want to run DEs for karma….. no you cant do that here is your diminishing returns, hope you didnt enjoy one of ANETs primary selling features.
Want to do WvWvW for tokens……no you cant do that here is your diminishing returns.
…………………..want to play how you want to (within reason)……….nope ANET is busy pissing on our heads. Some people just arent smart enough to figure out that its not raining.
the dungeons feel only grindy because every f*** instance has a single token, if every instance would have the same token it would be much more fun.
But i rly dont understand why there is no 1v1 duel-function, in a “PVP-game”
and yesterday i tried to trade with a friend and had to find out there is no trade option , lol.
same for Inspect. I mean its 2012 not even the start of mmo´s.
if you think the inspect feature was a step forward in MMO development, check out the drama at DDO.
I think Anet want the game to attract and retain interest. Just need insightful feedback from people to help figure out the best ways to do it.
One obstacle I see is that I don’t think a lot of people really know what they want. They might feel things but associate those feelings with the wrong aspects.This is very well put, exactly what I’ve been thinking as I read through these posts. Players don’t really know what makes them happy. We go from “I’m bored at endgame, there’s nothing to do” to “there’s too much grind at endgame.” Fascinating.
First its “not enough people for dynamic events” to “I’m tired of running the same old dynamic event”
It’s true you can’t satisfy everyone, but at this rate developers satisfy no one. I think a lot of you need to step back and see what you really want to do with your free time, because it sounds like you’re looking for things that just don’t exist.
No grind in WoW? You don’t have to grind for your tier sets in that game? C’mon, now.
I think we are looking for a reason to be dissatisfied.
If one type of game doesn’t give you enough of what you need, but another one does, let’s say MoP for sake of argument, then why not play both. With no sub fee here, if you are bored or there’s too much grind or whatever the reason you are dissatisfied, why not go play with ninja pandas for a bit, play this for a bit. Why is there such a need to play one game, the same one, constantly, to be satisfied, when there are so many available.
With no sub, you’re free to roam and come back at will. When they have expansions, and they will, come back and see what’s new. When you’re bored a day or two later, go play something else that’s more satisfying.
I don’t just read one book for a whole year. Sometimes I read a few, even before I finish the one. I don’t just see a single movie, or listen to one song. I have a wide selection of stuff I listen to and watch. I don’t just have one friend. I have a few, and hang out with one or the other. Sometimes one friend wants to do something I don’t, so I hang out with another. So why play just one game?
It’s called variety, which is also referred to as the “spice of life.”
I personally feel this game has tons to offer, and it’ll keep me busy for quite a while. I agree some things need to be tweaked. I also agree not everybody’s playstyle is the same. But what I don’t understand is why the animosity, when you are free to install more than one game on your pc, free to play whatever you want, no one is asking you to pay multiple subs for anything anymore (except for MoP). So, give your opinion of what you would like to see made better by Anet, feel free. But its not game over by any means. The sky is not falling. Subs will not be lost. If they are, they will be constantly replaced by new subs, cause….again, no fee. The dynamic has changed.
It’s almost 2013. These “endgame fail” arguments are really obsolete.
Variety. Learn to live it.
Good post +1 especially the one where “people are looking for something in the game to be disappointed about”. They flock to these MMO’s to BE disappointed so they can goto the forums and post their disappointments I guess hoping it will stop others from playing it or buying it? lol Never gonna happen though with this game and/or WOW. They are just too popular.
Let me clear the air on the OPs intentions.
What does he expect from GW2?
Ding 80 “What’s this I got mail?” “It’s full of legendaries!!!!”
3 days later “ANet fix your game, there is nothing to do, I already have all the best gear and I am bored now”
Welcome to MMO’s
And if you didn’t have gear to grind, what would you do? Be complaining there’s nothing to do.
Kid…why can’t you just leave if you hate it this much?
All you are doing is looking for attention at this point and trying to bring the community down.
So…if I’m not satisfied with this game I should leave it and never ever mention that? Even if I did bought the game, I’m only allowed to praise your favorite game and Arenanet?
Because forums are here for praising YOUR favorite game and company , not to mention things which are HORRIBLE bad in this game?
Seems legit..
Stop being angry because your favorite game is just not good curently. Instead of that, try to help Arenanet making it better, point out problems, so that wont be a fail like many other mmo’s.
Ofc, keep being childish if you want this game to be a low populated mmo after 2-3 months.
@Anthem while you do have a right to your opinion, you don’t leave any room for people who have opposing opinions, as noted by your continued use of the term fanboy. So if I am satisfied with the game, I shouldn’t mention it either, in case I’m influencing people to buy it?
I don’t really see this game as ever having low pop. From a dissatisfied endgame? Highly unlikely. WoW and EQ2 had some issues with their endgame when they first came out. Things had to be fixed, updated, tweaked, balanced. No different here.
The big difference here is there is more to do than run dungeons, and you don’t have to get the best gear set to PvP. Hence a lot of endgame complaining I’m seeing really don’t apply here. There’s other things to do. If you can’t see it, that’s fine. I disagree with your point, but I’m not calling you a hater. I mean, you are, but I’m not openly saying it.
Is GW2 the end-all be-all of mmos? Of course not. But it does open a new door in playstyle, and it does set the path toward a new standard of mmo. For all of its faults, I think the majority of people are here to stay and see what exciting things come next.
Maybe you really do need to break from it, if its not your thing. There’s nothing wrong with that. Again, what have you lost? You paid, you played. See what happens in a few weeks or a couple months. You’re not out sub.
I already told you… Its Athem.
You cant even write down my name, because you dont even care about it. However, my name is the first thing which comes with my post, you dont even read that, just quickly looking at it.
Do you even read my posts? I doubt that, because you are giving me schematic answers.
O did i mention anet has already state they will boost the token earned in dungeons?
Wait… I dont think the op cares about that
Don’t know what you want really. People only play Team Fortress 2 for the new drop updates and that’s an FPS. Well, GW2 will have new updates as well, but they put in a bunch of cool stuff you can get right now if you want to play a ton.
I think people are just being silly about the “ANET SAID THIS” stuff. It happened the last game too. Just relax a little bit and realize it’s entertainment but not a genie’s lamp that can do everything.
I think the word grind is not useful as it means different things to everybody, but I do think the cost of stuff is totally disproportionate to the rewards you get. 90g for a cultural armour set, when a de at 80 gives a couple of silver at most….
I think it says a lot that the OP was infracted for even making the original post.
You should never see “(User was infracted for this post.)” on a calm, well written post where someone shares their opinions about a game. :(
Anet said (paraphrasing) “no grind to be effective”. And they are correct. Maxed stats are relatively easily attainable (i.e. with only minimal grind).
That’s the difference between GW2 and other MMOs – especially those notorious for grinding (Korean, etc.)
There is a grind there for those who want it and enjoy it – and that’s purely for looks. Hence it’s optional.
If you’re 80 now, and you want to keep playing PvE past 80, then yes, there needs to be more content in the game. But it’s been out a month. Usually content comes over time. WoW is 8 years old, and has 8 years’ worth of content development. While it’s true that methods of content delivery have sped up over 8 years, it still takes time to make assets. No game that’s ever going to be released is going to have, at release, the same amount of content as a game that’s been out 8 years. So the option for a player who’s 80 now and finds there’s not enough content is to WAIT. Put GW2 to the side and come back when there’s more content to do.
This is easy, since it’s a non-subscription game. You don’t have to keep playing it 24/7 to justify your subscription. You already got a ton of content for the box price – more than a single player game.
The above isn’t “fanboism”, it’s “realism”.
I think it says a lot that the OP was infracted for even making the original post.
You should never see “(User was infracted for this post.)” on a calm, well written post where someone shares their opinions about a game.
User was infracted for this post …. → Cause the thread name was originally: @Arenanet: Grind Staying Or Leaving
They removed the @Arenanet part because you cant mention the company in threads.
would be nice to enter spvp or wvw as a team innit?
Well as for me GW2 is typical game for casual playing…. Go sit play 1h/day, and log out…. Of course there is no grind accept from DDs, cuz if I want to grind, after a while I would be punished, and killing mobs without drop is not grind….
Before release I was wondering how they are going to make profit of the game and I think I have my answer… Gem to gold trade. OK you can still make profit probably up to 5G/Day playing actively, having some luck and thinking all the time how to not get “punished” by anti grind systems implemented anywhere. But it is not playing the game – it is playing the game the way developer wants me to and no other. Playing normally and doing all I was intended to do pre release I would end up having 0 money, broken eq, and dead somewhere without possible way, to port myself.
Don’t get me wrong here. The biggest problem is that the content takes too short. And adding mobs 10x more HP doesn’t make grind at all, you simply makes thing slower (of course you could achieve same result more sophisticated way). After completing whole content you would have enough mats to LVL craft and make full set, but after that you have sPVP witch for some would be great or big black hole….. If you want to grind anything you can’t, so you are left with DDs and WvW. DDs same as grind after few runs you will start getting out of money (besides they are nothing but grind, as all of them are to simple and to fast). WvW is not an option on alone you wouldn’t do much…. Maybe grind mobs and collect crafting stuff (I can do same things at any zone). Meeting up with friends would require to login late at night or place a bot to simply move my character while I would be away, so that we all can meet at certain hour.
The problem is not if there is grind, not even if there should be grind. The problem is there is not much to do after reaching lvl 80 and reaching that lvl is far to fast. Fine I could probably farm all sets from DDs (I don’t see any sens with that as I can wear only 1 anyway), but for me it would take 2M tops probably less than 1M, even I don’t see the point I could also fill up the character slots with 80lvls 100% Map chars. But even then I do not suppose there will be new content before I end this all.
Noi it´s not grinding you can choose simply don´t play. This game and anet is allobout false promising. I was hyped in this game before and till lvl 60 after 80 it went to bottom line I must say.
PVE is like an asian Grinder. Dungeons are really bad designed. They gone with the holy trinity but what do they come with? 3000 Bugs in this game therefore 500 in professions grind quests no blalance in pvp and so on.
This is another game that went out too early.
What is important to be more specific about the grind:
In mmos you want to progress in groups this game doesnt offer that in high quality.
It has boring dungeons a boring metagame in pve in general. There are no ladders in pvp so can´t really se how good you are or better how teamplay is working and that is making you better or say how competitive your team is. Gear isn´t that important but this is.
In this game its really difficult to get a group at all. And the group play which is available is poor designed 8vs8 or dungeons aka zergefest and zergfest for grind.
Grind=no ki involved and no tactics
Noi it´s not grinding you can choose simply don´t play. This game and anet is allobout false promising. I was hyped in this game before and till lvl 60 after 80 it went to bottom line I must say.
PVE is like an asian Grinder. Dungeons are really bad designed. They gone with the holy trinity but what do they come with? 3000 Bugs in this game therefore 500 in professions grind quests no blalance in pvp and so on.
This is another game that went out too early.What is important to be more specific about the grind:
In mmos you want to progress in groups this game doesnt offer that in high quality.
It has boring dungeons a boring metagame in pve in general. There are no ladders in pvp so can´t really se how good you are or better how teamplay is working and that is making you better or say how competitive your team is. Gear isn´t that important but this is.
In this game its really difficult to get a group at all. And the group play which is available is poor designed 8vs8 or dungeons aka zergefest and zergfest for grind.
Grind=no ki involved and no tactics
What did i just read?@@
Mystic forgte isby the way another description for gear grind or swtor packs.
I really would like to see how far in dungeon gear acquisition these folks are who are advocating to “keep it the way it is, if you don’t like it don’t play”.
If you’re not attempting to get the dungeon gear, then don’t argue against the folks who are and are having a difficult time doing it.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
i agree whit evrything that you said gw 2 is grind fest for comseitcs whic is even worse then grind for upgrade gear
Totally feeling the OP.
Exotics may have the same amount of stat points but the combinations are limited. Crafting is the easiest and cheapest way but it only have 7 combinations. If 1 of them is the one you wanted then you are fortunate. For the rest they have to grind the karma, tokens, gold or badges for it.
I am currently working on my karma at just a few k a day. Still need some 70k for a full set. Gold i am earning maybe only 1-2g per day. Tokens and badges are negligible.