Grinding please please please

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unique.9351


“Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.”- Mike O’Brien

What happened Anet? You said you didn’t want it to be a grinding game but it is and with more updates that you come out, you are not lowering the grinding of the game but you’re increasing it. Example? Ascended Weapon. The new halloween weapon.

I’ve grinded so much in this game its unbelievable spending over 400g to try and get dusk with no luck, farming hours and hours with no luck, and it is coming to the point where the only thing which is farming champs is becoming boring. I have 6 level 80s and sometimes i have nothing at all to do. I have no legendary but thats because i dont want to spend hour and hours grinding for it. I would do it if it wasn’t such a bore to do.

Please please please make this game less grindy like you said you would!

Discuss Freely =]

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Yeah. No grind in daily gate for getting mats for Celestial gear, no grind in the ridiculous comp req’s for lvling ascended and making ascended components, no grind in getting 100k candy corn for stuff for halloween, or the wings in dragon bash….

Nope, no grind here. Moving on….

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


Turns out MMO players played other MMOs with grind because… they kinda like the grind and vertical progression, and stopped playing Guild Wars 2 because it didn’t have those things.

Who knew?

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Here is a modified post of mine from another thread:

my best time in the game was early this year before world XP was introduced in WvW and when the events in Orr hadn’t been nerfed. I had karma to outfit my l80s, I was easily able to experiment builds and easily gear up for new builds and just play and experiment to my hearts content. I had to make sure I did dailies and monthlies for laurels but whilst they were something of a job it wasn’t that bad. I was able to use some mats to make some vanity weapons like abyssal scepter and the anomaly.

Now I have to do dailies and monthlies, I have to do my daily ascended crafting, I have to make sure I mine my quartz and convert it to charged quartz, I have to farm for mats required for ascended crafting in Orr and other areas or grind for gold to buy them. I’m restricted in the builds I can experiment with cause BiS is so hard to get.

I’m restricted in terms of what characters I can use in WvW because to maximise the rather large benefits from WXP being character bound I can only use 2 to 3 characters (out of the 8 level 80s I now have).

Everything is a job or we’re restricted from playing how we want, and anet aren’t learning eg. the new candy corn node which is a repeat of the quartz node.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

By no grind it means you get full exotics. Ascended is optional, skin is optional. Did you needed anuthing else than exotics before ascended kicks in ? No, you were fine with it, and so you are today. And don’t say something about how it would be unfair in WvW, they eased it for WvW to get ascended trinket. The weapons don’t give much advantage, a mere 8% on stats, on your global stat it is insignificant since you have the trinket. Doing daily is not grinding, plus if you do it in PvP, it usually takes 3 matches, you won’t have to do the pve one.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


By no grind it means you get full exotics. Ascended is optional, skin is optional. Did you needed anuthing else than exotics before ascended kicks in ? No, you were fine with it, and so you are today. And don’t say something about how it would be unfair in WvW, they eased it for WvW to get ascended trinket. The weapons don’t give much advantage, a mere 8% on stats, on your global stat it is insignificant since you have the trinket. Doing daily is not grinding, plus if you do it in PvP, it usually takes 3 matches, you won’t have to do the pve one.

Typical, specious strawman argument. Moving on….

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I never believed there would be no grind for cosmetics. That was the foundation GW was built on, and based on advertising, it looked that way for GW2 as well. I never expected to grind for better stats.

Even though I did not have exotics by 80 per the oft-quoted Eurogamer article, the curve to acquire them for 8 level 80’s was not too steep. However, having 8 characters in BiS, then having to replace them all to regain BiS is definitely a grind. It’s an optional grind, but it’s not the optional grind that was advertised until months after launch.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

Nope… tell me how hard it is to get best in slot in gw2 and compare to wow, tera, aion… casual player won’t even get one piece of the BiS. Now you whine about how gw2 is like others mmo grinding, try to max your crafting in wow or aion. BiS in gw2 is achieved within one month from the point where you reach 80 and if you play an average of 2h a day. In aion 2h a day, you will maybe get a piece of the BiS in two years but then the BiS changed.
Don’t even start to say you can’t get the mats, it’s only an average of 150g to go from 425 to 500.
You buy the T7 mat for 50g, give yourself some motivation for the cristal vision, tadaaa. I have maxed 2 craft and I’m in possession of 1 greatsword, 1 axe, 1 mace, 1 rifle, 1 warhorn, 1 shield, 1 lance and 1 harpoon-gun with ascended berserker stat. Stop whining and look around you, a lot of people have at least 2 legendaries, many got at least one set of ascended weapon, why they can and not you ? Don’t start to say time bla bla bla, one of my guild mate have 2 legendaries and 2 ascended weapons with only 2-3h a day after his work. Let’s say you play 30min a day, you can get at least by now one ascended weapon. Then if you don’t want to go through farming, don’t, tell me why would you need one ? WvW ? In a bus collision, most of the time there is as much ascended/legendary in both side, even if you have a 50 ascended vs 20 ascended + 30 exotics, thw outcomes won’t be influenced it’s a 4% overall stat bonus, group buff trait, shouts, passive trait, banners, food and potions… gives way more, are you gonna complain about people eating food and potion in WvW ?
Fractals ? Well you can do the low level one, 40+ can take more than your 30min play time.
You hit 4% harder on full bis berserker, the discipline banner gives 15% crit damage, since I’m 103% crit chance with low cost food and rage, I hit less with ascended only than banner of discipline with exotics only.

Then about alts, weapon cost is approx 50g, trinket through dailies, monthlies and guild mission. I only have 1 alt but he have BiS but the weapon since he uses staff, and I spared for their armor crafting and now I’more into activities than farm and don’t want to invest 150g yet for a staff. But I planned to get that done as soon as they are armored. So I do agree that if you have tons of alt it can be hard to get everything, but if you split each of your characters and look seperatly, that’s not very much grind.

(edited by The Sixteenth.2561)

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scryed.9423


To the dude above me. You need to go back and play those games. I currently raid and play with friends in all of them, and in comparison to gw2 how it is now, vs last Oct the ‘grind’ you are talking about is 150% easier in wow etc, in fact its so easy that i geared up a brand new toon in full purple gear in heroic raiding in under one month and that was not playing more than twice a week. I haven’t been able to touch that here. So your comparison is bad since you obviously don’t play those games, you like to use as a comparison for what grind even means, and sit here and defend guild wars.
This game has way more of a grind than anyone wants to admit. You should just own up to it.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


To the dude above me. You need to go back and play those games. I currently raid and play with friends in all of them, and in comparison to gw2 how it is now, vs last Oct the ‘grind’ you are talking about is 150% easier in wow etc, in fact its so easy that i geared up a brand new toon in full purple gear in heroic raiding in under one month and that was not playing more than twice a week. I haven’t been able to touch that here. So your comparison is bad since you obviously don’t play those games, you like to use as a comparison for what grind even means, and sit here and defend guild wars.
This game has way more of a grind than anyone wants to admit. You should just own up to it.

GW2 has less grind than almost any game ever made.

GW2 has less grind than GW1.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: champ.7021


my best time in the game was early this year before world XP was introduced in WvW and when the events in Orr hadn’t been nerfed. I had karma to outfit my l80s, I was easily able to experiment builds and easily gear up for new builds and just play and experiment to my hearts content. I had to make sure I did dailies and monthlies for laurels but whilst they were something of a job it wasn’t that bad. I was able to use some mats to make some vanity weapons like abyssal scepter and the anomaly.

Something anet needs to learn is that the simpler the game is the more fun it is for people like you and me. The problem is we dont know how many people feel this way or how many people like having a ton of different currencies and time gates and tiers of weapons and ….. kitten

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark Catalyst.1028

Dark Catalyst.1028

Turns out MMO players played other MMOs with grind because… they kinda like the grind and vertical progression, and stopped playing Guild Wars 2 because it didn’t have those things.

Who knew?

I went back to WoW because it has less grind involved for what I want to do, and it’s vastly more entertaining.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


“Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.”- Mike O’Brien

What happened Anet? You said you didn’t want it to be a grinding game but it is and with more updates that you come out, you are not lowering the grinding of the game but you’re increasing it. Example? Ascended Weapon. The new halloween weapon.

I’ve grinded so much in this game its unbelievable spending over 400g to try and get dusk with no luck, farming hours and hours with no luck, and it is coming to the point where the only thing which is farming champs is becoming boring. I have 6 level 80s and sometimes i have nothing at all to do. I have no legendary but thats because i dont want to spend hour and hours grinding for it. I would do it if it wasn’t such a bore to do.

Please please please make this game less grindy like you said you would!

Discuss Freely =]

Emphasis added by me. They didn’t say you wouldn’t have to grind for anything. They said excessive grinds would be reserved for cosmetic upgrades, not stat upgrades.

There’s nothing in there about not time-gating content. I am not a fan of how ANET is handling grinds (note my strenuous objections to the Halloween 10k grind), but I wish people would quit taking this statement out of context and using it to apply to whatever is making them unhappy currently.

I get that ascended gear deviates from this statement, but of course things change over time.

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

That’s actually a big lie . In gw1 there was 0 grind and 0 gear progression .
You could have the ugliest looking gear with the same stats as the coolest .
Gw2 is probably less grindy than 95% of Mmos but adding a new
Tier of gear is a grind to me . I can logg back in my gw1 account and
I will have the same stats as somebody who never left gw1 which is not the case for gw2 . If you havent played since launch and you comw back you are undergeared .

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


“Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.”- Mike O’Brien

What happened Anet? You said you didn’t want it to be a grinding game but it is and with more updates that you come out, you are not lowering the grinding of the game but you’re increasing it. Example? Ascended Weapon. The new halloween weapon.

I’ve grinded so much in this game its unbelievable spending over 400g to try and get dusk with no luck, farming hours and hours with no luck, and it is coming to the point where the only thing which is farming champs is becoming boring. I have 6 level 80s and sometimes i have nothing at all to do. I have no legendary but thats because i dont want to spend hour and hours grinding for it. I would do it if it wasn’t such a bore to do.

Please please please make this game less grindy like you said you would!

Discuss Freely =]

Problem with the word grind, is that it is very subjective. IMO, Legendary is a grind, and fits very well with the description in the first few lines in the quote you gave. Ascended, imo, is not a grind and I see it at something I can certainly realistically obtain. I am a casual player, play about 10-15 hours per week.

Obviously your idea of grind is different then Anet’s idea of what a grind is. If Anet feels that the pace to get ascended is not very well received amoung the general population of the game they will probably change it for future ascended gear releases, but if they don’t then that is a good sign that generally it was well received by the player base.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


GW1 had TONS of grind… and guess what… when it came to reputation skills, it was a massive grind in the sake of vertical progression too.

Probably can’t see that unless you put down the rose-colored glasses, though.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


That’s actually a big lie . In gw1 there was 0 grind and 0 gear progression .
You could have the ugliest looking gear with the same stats as the coolest .
Gw2 is probably less grindy than 95% of Mmos but adding a new
Tier of gear is a grind to me . I can logg back in my gw1 account and
I will have the same stats as somebody who never left gw1 which is not the case for gw2 . If you havent played since launch and you comw back you are undergeared .

Guild Wars 1 became a game of skill progression. Literally people would grind out the newest skills, and then later Anet would release more that were more powerful than the previous ones. So yeah, your gear would be the same, but you would be behind in the skill progression.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: champ.7021


That’s actually a big lie . In gw1 there was 0 grind and 0 gear progression .
You could have the ugliest looking gear with the same stats as the coolest .
Gw2 is probably less grindy than 95% of Mmos but adding a new
Tier of gear is a grind to me . I can logg back in my gw1 account and
I will have the same stats as somebody who never left gw1 which is not the case for gw2 . If you havent played since launch and you comw back you are undergeared .

Guild Wars 1 became a game of skill progression. Literally people would grind out the newest skills, and then later Anet would release more that were more powerful than the previous ones. So yeah, your gear would be the same, but you would be behind in the skill progression.

why has this become a discussion on gw1. Who cares whether gw1 had grind or any other game has grind. This is gw2 we r talking about and we should discuss whether grind or no grind is better. yes use other games to show how grind is good or bad but dont validate it by just saying it had grind

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Dude grinding skills …… do you really call that a grind . It’s like saying if arenanet decide to give all classes all weapons people would start to grind for those new weapons . It’s not a forced grind but adding a new tier of gear is FORCING people to grind in order to not get destroyed in pvp . You can fight with the basic prophecies skills in gw1 . The only problem is shadowstep which is OP in pvp .

You do not get destroyed in WvWvW for not having ascended. If my level 35 character in Fine quality gear is able to contribute so much to WvWvW, then a level 80 in exotics can do even better. As far as I can tell the time it takes to grind get a reputation skill in Guild Wars 1 is about the same as getting 1 ascended item in Guild Wars 2.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skan.5301


Dude grinding skills …… do you really call that a grind . It’s like saying if arenanet decide to give all classes all weapons people would start to grind for those new weapons . It’s not a forced grind but adding a new tier of gear is FORCING people to grind in order to not get destroyed in pvp . You can fight with the basic prophecies skills in gw1 . The only problem is shadowstep which is OP in pvp .

You do not get destroyed in WvWvW for not having ascended. If my level 35 character in Fine quality gear is able to contribute so much to WvWvW, then a level 80 in exotics can do even better. As far as I can tell the time it takes to grind get a reputation skill in Guild Wars 1 is about the same as getting 1 ascended item in Guild Wars 2.

Actually, you will get destroyed in WvW for not having Ascended gear if you go up against someone that does have it. That 6 – 10% stat increase that’s been calculated can be noticed in a PvP situation, and imagine a team of 10 level 80’s, one in full Ascended vs the other in exotics. Ascended will win because of more stats.

A level 35 in fine gear in WvW is contributing to more points when the opposing team has Bloodlust. Nothing more if he’s in the zerg. If he’s scouting, then he’s contributing a bit more, but we’re not talking about that here.

“Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.”
– Euripides

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I think a single ascended item cost about 50-60 gold if my memory is right. I dont’ think it is that bad unless you want to be flexible and have a bunch of set.

Even that, you dont’ have to get every single equipment set. For the equipment set you don’t use as often, just keep it exotic.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Dude grinding skills …… do you really call that a grind . It’s like saying if arenanet decide to give all classes all weapons people would start to grind for those new weapons . It’s not a forced grind but adding a new tier of gear is FORCING people to grind in order to not get destroyed in pvp . You can fight with the basic prophecies skills in gw1 . The only problem is shadowstep which is OP in pvp .

You do not get destroyed in WvWvW for not having ascended. If my level 35 character in Fine quality gear is able to contribute so much to WvWvW, then a level 80 in exotics can do even better. As far as I can tell the time it takes to grind get a reputation skill in Guild Wars 1 is about the same as getting 1 ascended item in Guild Wars 2.

Actually, you will get destroyed in WvW for not having Ascended gear if you go up against someone that does have it. That 6 – 10% stat increase that’s been calculated can be noticed in a PvP situation, and imagine a team of 10 level 80’s, one in full Ascended vs the other in exotics. Ascended will win because of more stats.

A level 35 in fine gear in WvW is contributing to more points when the opposing team has Bloodlust. Nothing more if he’s in the zerg. If he’s scouting, then he’s contributing a bit more, but we’re not talking about that here.

Will win? Nope, skill still plays very much a bigger part. My level 35 have killed several people with ascended and exotic gear, in 1vs1 situations. There might to be very very rare scenarios, probably very unlikely scenarios where you will have a group of ascended geared people going against an equally skilled exotic group, and if that unlikely event happens, it is still not a guarantee that the ascended group will win, so many other things still have to go in their favor to make that happen, so they have a better chance? sure. Do they have a guaranteed win just because they have ascended gear? nope.

The very nature of WvWvW, the very nature that will more then likely never change, make Ascended gear nearly irrelevant to the balance. I certainly haven’t seen the ascended gear make any difference to change the tide of battle.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skan.5301


My level 35 have killed several people with ascended and exotic gear, in 1vs1 situations.

Whoa, whoa, whoa…

You’re saying that your level 35, in FINE armour, has beaten level 80’s with Exotic and/or Ascended gear?

Am I supposed to laugh or something?

On topic:

What’s this skill you’re talking about? Having the bigger zerg and facerolling the bar?

“Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.”
– Euripides

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark Catalyst.1028

Dark Catalyst.1028

Dude grinding skills …… do you really call that a grind . It’s like saying if arenanet decide to give all classes all weapons people would start to grind for those new weapons . It’s not a forced grind but adding a new tier of gear is FORCING people to grind in order to not get destroyed in pvp . You can fight with the basic prophecies skills in gw1 . The only problem is shadowstep which is OP in pvp .

You do not get destroyed in WvWvW for not having ascended. If my level 35 character in Fine quality gear is able to contribute so much to WvWvW, then a level 80 in exotics can do even better. As far as I can tell the time it takes to grind get a reputation skill in Guild Wars 1 is about the same as getting 1 ascended item in Guild Wars 2.

Actually, you will get destroyed in WvW for not having Ascended gear if you go up against someone that does have it. That 6 – 10% stat increase that’s been calculated can be noticed in a PvP situation, and imagine a team of 10 level 80’s, one in full Ascended vs the other in exotics. Ascended will win because of more stats.

A level 35 in fine gear in WvW is contributing to more points when the opposing team has Bloodlust. Nothing more if he’s in the zerg. If he’s scouting, then he’s contributing a bit more, but we’re not talking about that here.

Will win? Nope, skill still plays very much a bigger part. My level 35 have killed several people with ascended and exotic gear, in 1vs1 situations. There might to be very very rare scenarios, probably very unlikely scenarios where you will have a group of ascended geared people going against an equally skilled exotic group, and if that unlikely event happens, it is still not a guarantee that the ascended group will win, so many other things still have to go in their favor to make that happen, so they have a better chance? sure. Do they have a guaranteed win just because they have ascended gear? nope.

The very nature of WvWvW, the very nature that will more then likely never change, make Ascended gear nearly irrelevant to the balance. I certainly haven’t seen the ascended gear make any difference to change the tide of battle.

Were they AFK?

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


My level 35 have killed several people with ascended and exotic gear, in 1vs1 situations.

Whoa, whoa, whoa…

You’re saying that your level 35, in FINE armour, has beaten level 80’s with Exotic and/or Ascended gear?

Am I supposed to laugh or something?

On topic:

What’s this skill you’re talking about? Having the bigger zerg and facerolling the bar?

Yup, level 35 and beat plenty of ascended/exotic geared people, cause skill still matters the most.

And your last sentence is the exact reason why ascended, heck, even exotic/rare gear do not matter (or any gear really) in WvWvW.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Dude grinding skills …… do you really call that a grind . It’s like saying if arenanet decide to give all classes all weapons people would start to grind for those new weapons . It’s not a forced grind but adding a new tier of gear is FORCING people to grind in order to not get destroyed in pvp . You can fight with the basic prophecies skills in gw1 . The only problem is shadowstep which is OP in pvp .

You do not get destroyed in WvWvW for not having ascended. If my level 35 character in Fine quality gear is able to contribute so much to WvWvW, then a level 80 in exotics can do even better. As far as I can tell the time it takes to grind get a reputation skill in Guild Wars 1 is about the same as getting 1 ascended item in Guild Wars 2.

Actually, you will get destroyed in WvW for not having Ascended gear if you go up against someone that does have it. That 6 – 10% stat increase that’s been calculated can be noticed in a PvP situation, and imagine a team of 10 level 80’s, one in full Ascended vs the other in exotics. Ascended will win because of more stats.

A level 35 in fine gear in WvW is contributing to more points when the opposing team has Bloodlust. Nothing more if he’s in the zerg. If he’s scouting, then he’s contributing a bit more, but we’re not talking about that here.

Will win? Nope, skill still plays very much a bigger part. My level 35 have killed several people with ascended and exotic gear, in 1vs1 situations. There might to be very very rare scenarios, probably very unlikely scenarios where you will have a group of ascended geared people going against an equally skilled exotic group, and if that unlikely event happens, it is still not a guarantee that the ascended group will win, so many other things still have to go in their favor to make that happen, so they have a better chance? sure. Do they have a guaranteed win just because they have ascended gear? nope.

The very nature of WvWvW, the very nature that will more then likely never change, make Ascended gear nearly irrelevant to the balance. I certainly haven’t seen the ascended gear make any difference to change the tide of battle.

Were they AFK?

nope, I was just the better player then they were.

You guys do realize that everyone is scaled to level 80, and your skills and gear scale as well, right?

I think you guys are stuck in old MMO conventions, where gear and level means automatic win. This is not close to being true in Guild Wars 2.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


That’s actually a big lie . In gw1 there was 0 grind and 0 gear progression .
You could have the ugliest looking gear with the same stats as the coolest .
Gw2 is probably less grindy than 95% of Mmos but adding a new
Tier of gear is a grind to me . I can logg back in my gw1 account and
I will have the same stats as somebody who never left gw1 which is not the case for gw2 . If you havent played since launch and you comw back you are undergeared .

But it doesn’t mean there was no grind. There was no grind for gear stats. You still can’t say you didn’t have advantages by grinding for other power things. You got advantage even by grinding wisdom, luck and unlucky titles. You got advantage by grinding your Lightbringer, Sunspear, Luxon/Kurzick titles. You got advantage by grinding all four eye of the north titles.

If you don’t remember people asking for rank 8 Ursans, I certainly do.

And if you happened to want Obsidian or Vabbian armor, the grind was legenadry, never mind if you wanted a celestial compass or a frog scepter.

The stats may be the same, but if you wanted the skins, you had to grind.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


nope, I was just the better player then they were.

You guys do realize that everyone is scaled to level 80, and your skills and gear scale as well, right?

I think you guys are stuck in old MMO conventions, where gear and level means automatic win. This is not close to being true in Guild Wars 2.

You’re arguing semantics. There are also differences between professions, builds, weapon choice and utility skill choices that bear on individual PvP fights. Stats on gear are only one aspect of success, but they do have an impact. Arguing how much of an impact is irrelevant. The fact that there is an impact at all makes the better stats desirable. That was, after all, why they were put into the game — to be desirable.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


nope, I was just the better player then they were.

You guys do realize that everyone is scaled to level 80, and your skills and gear scale as well, right?

I think you guys are stuck in old MMO conventions, where gear and level means automatic win. This is not close to being true in Guild Wars 2.

You’re arguing semantics. There are also differences between professions, builds, weapon choice and utility skill choices that bear on individual PvP fights. Stats on gear are only one aspect of success, but they do have an impact. Arguing how much of an impact is irrelevant. The fact that there is an impact at all makes the better stats desirable. That was, after all, why they were put into the game — to be desirable.

If you read back you will notice that I have been arguing the “You will get destroyed” bit that one said if you do not have ascended. So no, arguing the impact is not irrelevant when someone else brings it up.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


GW1 had TONS of grind… and guess what… when it came to reputation skills, it was a massive grind in the sake of vertical progression too.

Probably can’t see that unless you put down the rose-colored glasses, though.

Yes but if you didn’t care about Reputation skills how much did it affect you in game?

Could you completely enjoy Guildwars 1 game, gear and story without the grind, yes you could, no grind in GW1 ever affected my gameplay.

Guildwars 2 i’m continually being affected by grind every time i log in i’m hit with multiple types of grind just to do anything basic..

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If the lvl35 meet my lvl80 in wvw, he can probably beat me 1vs1. So don’t laugh.

But that don’t mean a lvl35 will beat a lvl80 with equal skill level.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


GW1 had TONS of grind… and guess what… when it came to reputation skills, it was a massive grind in the sake of vertical progression too.

Probably can’t see that unless you put down the rose-colored glasses, though.

Yes but if you didn’t care about Reputation skills how much did it affect you in game?

Could you completely enjoy Guildwars 1 game, gear and story without the grind, yes you could, no grind in GW1 ever affected my gameplay.

Guildwars 2 i’m continually being affected by grind every time i log in i’m hit with multiple types of grind just to do anything basic..

Interesting, in Guild Wars 2, I can completely enjoy the game, gear, and story without the grind, and no grind in Guild Wars 2 ever affected my gameplay. /shrug.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


GW1 had TONS of grind… and guess what… when it came to reputation skills, it was a massive grind in the sake of vertical progression too.

Probably can’t see that unless you put down the rose-colored glasses, though.

Yes but if you didn’t care about Reputation skills how much did it affect you in game?

Could you completely enjoy Guildwars 1 game, gear and story without the grind, yes you could, no grind in GW1 ever affected my gameplay.

Guildwars 2 i’m continually being affected by grind every time i log in i’m hit with multiple types of grind just to do anything basic..

Interesting, in Guild Wars 2, I can completely enjoy the game, gear, and story without the grind, and no grind in Guild Wars 2 ever affected my gameplay. /shrug.

Guess it depends on the person or the perceived grind, dailies are grind, getting money from most sources is grind, zerg, dungeon, open world is repetitious grind.. Crafting was fun for me, now with ascended its grind, Events are insane grind, Achievements grind..

The only thing i felt wasn’t a grind was the Personal story and Just exploring the world both of which i’ve done multiple times, so it gets old fast..

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


^ and why are you doing it? It does get old fast, but you still do it just so you can felt better being a completionist.

At least other people have a purpose so they can fight equally in wvw and maxed for dungeon.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

To the dude above me. You need to go back and play those games. I currently raid and play with friends in all of them, and in comparison to gw2 how it is now, vs last Oct the ‘grind’ you are talking about is 150% easier in wow etc, in fact its so easy that i geared up a brand new toon in full purple gear in heroic raiding in under one month and that was not playing more than twice a week. I haven’t been able to touch that here. So your comparison is bad since you obviously don’t play those games, you like to use as a comparison for what grind even means, and sit here and defend guild wars.
This game has way more of a grind than anyone wants to admit. You should just own up to it.

I am shocked this post did not get infracted. What in my opinion sets GW2 apart from other MMOs such as Final Fantasy Online is its more action / arcadey combat system which I prefer. Then again the non stop tinkering with the class skills etc killed my interest. This indicates that Anet either
1) does not have a proper/good QA department
2) development cycle was mismanaged and/or allocated to other parts of the game such as SAB
3) exited beta/development way too early (see: Hearthstone)
4) simply does not have the expertise/knowledge required to create a balanced class system which is a fundamental aspect of the game

I think the overall feeling for many players is one of disappointment. Personally the direction I would have taken with the game is the RPG aspect as in FF (minus the equivalent grind) rather than the MMO aspect of WoW.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

Getting a cool skin is not a grind .
Getting better stats it’s a grind.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Getting a cool skin is not a grind .
Getting better stats it’s a grind.

Getting a cool skin is optional and you probably get only ONE for one of your characters if it is very grindy. And most cool skins are less grindy than ascended weapons.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


^ and why are you doing it? It does get old fast, but you still do it just so you can felt better being a completionist.

At least other people have a purpose so they can fight equally in wvw and maxed for dungeon.

I don’t do it, i left GW2 when ascended weps arrived, i saw what was required and left, i checked Halloween but its the same cut and paste event, i still linger on the forums in hope our views will be addressed, but i linger less and less.

Getting a cool skin is not a grind .
Getting better stats it’s a grind.

They are both grind just one is not needed the other is.. if you want to progress in the game at all..

(edited by Dante.1508)

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xephire.8324


^ and why are you doing it? It does get old fast, but you still do it just so you can felt better being a completionist.

At least other people have a purpose so they can fight equally in wvw and maxed for dungeon.

I don’t do it, i left GW2 when ascended weps arrived, i saw what was required and left, i checked Halloween but its the same cut and paste event, i still linger on the forums in hope our views will be addressed, but i linger less and less.

Really its cut and paste?Thank god i didn’t log back on to play then would have been a major disappointment.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


^ and why are you doing it? It does get old fast, but you still do it just so you can felt better being a completionist.

At least other people have a purpose so they can fight equally in wvw and maxed for dungeon.

I don’t do it, i left GW2 when ascended weps arrived, i saw what was required and left, i checked Halloween but its the same cut and paste event, i still linger on the forums in hope our views will be addressed, but i linger less and less.

Really its cut and paste?Thank god i didn’t log back on to play then would have been a major disappointment.

Yes its exactly the same, a story has been added to the Mad kings Son?, no idea how long that is which ends in a dungeon, i don’t like dungeon running so i didn’t bother and the loot is abysmal in dungeons.

I personally saw no differences other than that.

(edited by Dante.1508)

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: champ.7021


Getting a cool skin is not a grind .
Getting better stats it’s a grind.

They are both grind just one is not needed the other is.. if you want to progress in the game at all..

Yeah what anet probably meant when they said no grind was that unlike other games you wouldnt need to grind in order to progress. However ascended weapons are a necessary grind. People like to say its optional but what about the infusion slots. If you want to do higher level fractals then it is absolutely necessary for you to have the extra ar (well if you want to do even level fractal). In wvw it is also pretty much necessary and in pve having second tier stats is…lets just say even though its optional in pve outside of fractals with ascended armor it might become necesary for groups.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


Getting a cool skin is not a grind .
Getting better stats it’s a grind.

They are both grind just one is not needed the other is.. if you want to progress in the game at all..

Yeah what anet probably meant when they said no grind was that unlike other games you wouldnt need to grind in order to progress. However ascended weapons are a necessary grind. People like to say its optional but what about the infusion slots. If you want to do higher level fractals then it is absolutely necessary for you to have the extra ar (well if you want to do even level fractal). In wvw it is also pretty much necessary and in pve having second tier stats is…lets just say even though its optional in pve outside of fractals with ascended armor it might become necesary for groups.

For me, they’ve been completely optional.

I do fine in WvW, I don’t play fractals, and I refuse to blame the game for elitist player mentality.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Getting a cool skin is not a grind .
Getting better stats it’s a grind.

They are both grind just one is not needed the other is.. if you want to progress in the game at all..

Yeah what anet probably meant when they said no grind was that unlike other games you wouldnt need to grind in order to progress. However ascended weapons are a necessary grind. People like to say its optional but what about the infusion slots. If you want to do higher level fractals then it is absolutely necessary for you to have the extra ar (well if you want to do even level fractal). In wvw it is also pretty much necessary and in pve having second tier stats is…lets just say even though its optional in pve outside of fractals with ascended armor it might become necesary for groups.

It is, i’ve read on here, people being kicked from dungeons and content because they didn’t make a red ascended, that’s not the game i signed up for either, i’d like some variation in builds weapons personally, you grind an ascended you like and find you’re excluded because its the wrong color etc what a joke..

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skan.5301


For me, they’ve been completely optional.

I do fine in WvW, I don’t play fractals, and I refuse to blame the game for elitist player mentality.

So, you farm the nodes in WvW, and stand in LA the rest of the time you’re on the game?

Alright, it’s optional for you. Good job. You won the argument.

To anyone else who understands how MMO’s work, it won’t be optional for too long unless you run with a select group of friends who adhere to whatever. However, that might change down the road as well, since doing things faster is always a plus.

“Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.”
– Euripides

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


For me, they’ve been completely optional.

I do fine in WvW, I don’t play fractals, and I refuse to blame the game for elitist player mentality.

So, you farm the nodes in WvW, and stand in LA the rest of the time you’re on the game?

Alright, it’s optional for you. Good job. You won the argument.

To anyone else who understands how MMO’s work, it won’t be optional for too long unless you run with a select group of friends who adhere to whatever. However, that might change down the road as well, since doing things faster is always a plus.

No, I’m leveling alts most of the time. I only have one 80, which I play WvW pretty much exclusively..

I understand exactly how MMOs work, and thus far, there is no sign of environmental numerical power creep. As the game is now, ascended is the power plateau. The mobs aren’t exponentially getting stronger with every patch, there’s no statistical gear check (once again, outside of fractals) that mandates that I get BiS as fast as possible.

Everyone needs to start looking at GW2 mechanics in context of GW2, and not in the context of every other themepark MMO.

This game uses a completely different business model, design philosophy, and combat system than what we were fed for the past 10 years. There’s no in-game reason to get ascended gear besides the standard stat increase from moving up a rarity, and getting an infusion slot if you play fractals.

If you feel like you need the best in slot items or you’ll “fall behind” the gear curve, you’re thinking in terms that the game isn’t asking of you.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: champ.7021


Everyone needs to start looking at GW2 mechanics in context of GW2, and not in the context of every other themepark MMO.

This game uses a completely different business model, design philosophy, and combat system than what we were fed for the past 10 years. There’s no in-game reason to get ascended gear besides the standard stat increase from moving up a rarity, and getting an infusion slot if you play fractals.

If you feel like you need the best in slot items or you’ll “fall behind” the gear curve, you’re thinking in terms that the game isn’t asking of you.

if they didnt want you to think in those terms why did they add ascended weapons. Because they wanted you to think in those terms duuuuuh.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skan.5301


No, I’m leveling alts most of the time. I only have one 80, which I play WvW pretty much exclusively..

I understand exactly how MMOs work, and thus far, there is no sign of environmental numerical power creep. As the game is now, ascended is the power plateau. The mobs aren’t exponentially getting stronger with every patch, there’s no statistical gear check (once again, outside of fractals) that mandates that I get BiS as fast as possible.

Everyone needs to start looking at GW2 mechanics in context of GW2, and not in the context of every other themepark MMO.

This game uses a completely different business model, design philosophy, and combat system than what we were fed for the past 10 years. There’s no in-game reason to get ascended gear besides the standard stat increase from moving up a rarity, and getting an infusion slot if you play fractals.

If you feel like you need the best in slot items or you’ll “fall behind” the gear curve, you’re thinking in terms that the game isn’t asking of you.

lol GW2 made a U turn when it was [————————————————————————————————————————————————————] that far away from different from themepark/traditional MMOs. It’s now on the same road as the rest of them. Keep trying though. If it makes you feel better in thinking it’s different, then that’s fine. Disillusion yourself all you want.

“Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.”
– Euripides

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


My level 35 have killed several people with ascended and exotic gear, in 1vs1 situations.

Whoa, whoa, whoa…

You’re saying that your level 35, in FINE armour, has beaten level 80’s with Exotic and/or Ascended gear?

Am I supposed to laugh or something?

On topic:

What’s this skill you’re talking about? Having the bigger zerg and facerolling the bar?

It’s true you can beat people with better armor in WvW, cause I’ve done it.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


lol GW2 made a U turn when it was [————————————————————————————————————————————————————] that far away from different from themepark/traditional MMOs. It’s now on the same road as the rest of them. Keep trying though. If it makes you feel better in thinking it’s different, then that’s fine. Disillusion yourself all you want.

I’m taking great care to not insult you with my responses, I’d appreciate the same respect.

Can you provide any evidence to stand against mine? I don’t see the game “going down the same road” as say, WoW.

There’s nothing to suggest that it has, except for your zealous attempt to convince me that an introduction of a rarity means that we’re going to inevitably start getting a new item rarity every so often going forward. I doubt it.

The only thing that’ll increase stats past the armor release is new infusion rarities. Those have already been announced.

Edit: Then there’s this:

Colin Johanson:

Progression Advancement

One of the core points we addressed back in January but didn’t provide specifics on yet related to progression. We’ve seen a lot of questions in regards to this after the release of ascended gear: What will the core reward system be for Guild Wars 2 in the future after ascended gear has all been released? We specifically said we don’t want to get caught up in the trap where every 3-6 months the game adds another tier of gear to the game; that invalidates all your hard work and the rewards you’ve earned.
So what are we going to do instead?

New Skill and Traits

We’ll begin regularly adding new skills and traits to the game for each profession to expand your characters and builds! You will be able to earn these new traits and skills by unlocking them. To go along with this, we’ll expand the content and options to earn skill points to help encourage players to experience different challenges and content throughout the world. These skills and traits will be designed to be balanced with the existing skills/traits we currently have in the game, and will simply compliment and expand the range of abilities and tactics available to each profession. Both WvW and PvE players can acquire skills and traits, and additional means of earning skill points will be addressed for both core content areas.
The regular addition of skills and traits that you can earn as you play provides us an extremely stable, easily expandable reward system that fits neatly into the pillars of progression and advancement that Guild Wars 2 are all about. Your character will be able to grow and change for years to come without invalidating everything you’ve earned so far.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

(edited by Mackdose.6504)

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unique.9351


To the dude above me. You need to go back and play those games. I currently raid and play with friends in all of them, and in comparison to gw2 how it is now, vs last Oct the ‘grind’ you are talking about is 150% easier in wow etc, in fact its so easy that i geared up a brand new toon in full purple gear in heroic raiding in under one month and that was not playing more than twice a week. I haven’t been able to touch that here. So your comparison is bad since you obviously don’t play those games, you like to use as a comparison for what grind even means, and sit here and defend guild wars.
This game has way more of a grind than anyone wants to admit. You should just own up to it.

GW2 has less grind than almost any game ever made.

GW2 has less grind than GW1.

GW2 has less grind than gw1? Are you for real? I have 10 characters in guild wars 1 and all of them have at least one very expensive. My sin which was my first ever fully geared obby armour/ dragon bones staff/ demons fang/ crystal blade/ voltaic spear/ chaos gloves/ blindfold. I got that within 2 weeks with 1hr playtime a day (i was on the last year of sixth form so i had alot of revision to do). I got it by casually playing with my guild and random people doing daily dungeons and everything. In GW2 ive ran 6 characters from lvl 35 to lvl 75 in AC then from 75-80 in CoF along with my warrior lvl 20+ fractals and CoF. The only thing i have which are good are exotic items from the token exchanger, none of which i bought from the TP. GW1 was a much much less grindy game than GW2. The only reason i dont play gw1 now is because they dont have a client for it for MAC which is a real shame =[