Groups vs. Squads

Groups vs. Squads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lakedaimon.2803



first of all, let me say that I certainly welcome, the new squad function. However, I am somehow dissatisfied. Why? I think that squads are useless to gain experience points / XP. For me it seems actually more effective to play in groups than in squads. Maybe I am alone. Maybe someone can verify my thesis.

My Subjective perception:

To get Experience / XP as a single player without group in a raid is difficult. It is only possible to target until one or three single targets.
If I am in a group of five men I simply spread my damage to many enemies as possible. Also do my party members. If the enemies dies all group members get XP, that means I am much more effective in participation by killings as I am if I am alone.

Now everybody gets invited immediately into squads, because then all can follow the comanders and it is also a security against disconnects, same like groups were. I think stupid side effect is only, that we dont get the same XP for killings in squads than we do in groups because our damage will not be spread in the same way like in groups. We dont get the same XP for kills by tags by our squadmembers than we get from groupmembers.

For examle: I am in a group of 5 people. I spread damage on 10 enemies and got XP for 6. When I am in a Squad of 30 I spread my damage also on 10 enemies but get only XP for 3 if I have luck.

Can it be ? Has anyone else made the same experience ? Possibly even someone tests and refuted or confirmed my hypothesis.

Thank you.

Groups vs. Squads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khanh.8159


No. For me its the same.

Groups vs. Squads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


Can’t Taxi in Squad – other than leader ? = less ppl
Also i can’t seem to find a way to turn off the names .. to much blue name spam i rather hold crt or was it alt ? i always forget