Growing up with GW1
agree,they ruined the game
Sorry lads, I have to disagree. Like you I also have been involved with Tyria since 1 week after launch of GW1.
GW1 is a great game, will always be among one of the greats, but to say this game is ‘ruined’ is not true.
GW2 has just as much (if not more) customization as the original. Sure it might not be served up to you on a silver platter, but it’s there.
Your opinions are valid (to you), but I not correct in my view.
Happy Holidays
Fun fact: GW1 didn’t have guild halls at launch, they were added later in an update. Same is planned for GW2.
As for customisation I actually think this game has more than GW1, it’s just not laid out as clearly. Yes half your skills are defined by your weapon, but you have a much wider range of weapons to choose from, and if you add them up most professions actually have more attack skills to choose from than they did in GW1 at launch (meaning just the Prophecies and Core skills). On top of that you’ve got up to 16 benefits from traits, many of which are things which required an entire skill in GW1.
On top of that you’ve got the profession specific mechanics which at their most basic (warrior) add another attack skill and at the most complicated can make a big difference to how you play your chosen profession (for example which element/s an ele uses or which pets a ranger has).
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Most people claim they played GW1 “since beta” or w/e as usual, actually they’ve never seen much of it before the second add-on, I guess.
GW2 is not much less in terms of content than GW1 vanilla was, just shifted.
We’ll see how fast they increase the game size and how much of it will remain untouched of NCSofts greed.
I suspect a lot of people who really did play GW1 since launch don’t remember exactly when various things were brought in. I started just after Factions came out and I’ve caught myself a few times thinking I was using a particular skill or mechanic right from the start, only to realise later it was added in an update or expansion.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Love Gw1 and still play it… doesn’t lessen how I feel about GW2. Both games have their moments neither one is the messiah…and that’s the issue so many of the now disgruntled Zealots on these forums were expecting the second coming they were the ones who shouted down any criticism, they were they ones who acted like total kittenes at PAX and E3 when any other MMO developer said anything….and when the game didn’t sell twelve million copies the nerd raging started.
GW2 is a fun casual MMO….that is all it ever was meant to be.
Happy Holidays to you guys as well. I forgot to mention that I never got involved with GW1 with Prophecies, I started in Factions and played it onwards. I completely understand that people have different opinions and one’s opinion certainly doesn’t matter more than another, but I’m just stating mine as a casual player.
I guess it just bothers me that I can’t customize weapon skills to my liking. I shouldn’t be cornered and told what I have to use if I pick this weapon, that’s no fun in my honest opinion.
And I feel that the downed state is something that should be removed entirely in PvP. If I win a lengthy battle one on one and down my opponent, he should not be given a second chance (his teammates may come by and all my work was for nothing).
The way I look at it is you pick the skills you want and then get the weapon that allows you to use them, rather than picking a weapon you like and expecting to use it however you want.
It’s not much different to most RPGs, where most attack skills only work with one or a small group of weapons and each class is limited to a few weapons.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”