Guild Bounty boss question

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

My one-man guild is about to research guild bounty training (art of war 3 is being researched right now)

I’m interested in guild bounty training solely for the 3000 influence it gives, which I plan to spend on WvW buffs and siege (I’m not actually interested in the “real” guild bounty missions!).

There will only be one boss so I don’t plan to do any pre-event scouting…
I’ll activate the mission, find the boss (hopefully quickly) and beat him/her.
I’ll likely have a few people helping me (plus whoever’s on the map who’s willing to help), but that’s not guaranteed, so…

the question is: which of the bosses do you think would be soloable within a reasonable amount of time?

by the way, I’m very casual about this — I acknowledge that I’ll probably fail some or even most missions — that’s ok! If I succeed 2 out of every 10 tries, then I’ll be making a (influence) profit. Plus, if I fail, it’s only 15 minutes “wasted” anyway.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Retrospek.4583


Sadly, it’s not just 15 minutes wasted, it’s 300 influence, and the queue time of 3 days that’s wasted as well.

Also, unless you get real lucky (or have a large group tracking him on the map), you won’t find him and defeat him in 15 minutes. If you have a larger group to help with tracking them BEFORE you spawn the event, oh wait…nevermind…that defeats the whole purpose of the training one, doesn’t it?

Plain and simple, none of the guild events should be done with less than 10 people, and I’d recommend a lot more than that if possible.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Sadly, it’s not just 15 minutes wasted, it’s 300 influence, and the queue time of 3 days that’s wasted as well.

Also, unless you get real lucky (or have a large group tracking him on the map), you won’t find him and defeat him in 15 minutes. If you have a larger group to help with tracking them BEFORE you spawn the event, oh wait…nevermind…that defeats the whole purpose of the training one, doesn’t it?

Plain and simple, none of the guild events should be done with less than 10 people, and I’d recommend a lot more than that if possible.

It’s really not as bad as this. If you know the path that your target will take, and you ask on the map for help finding the target and you ask in map for help killing it as soon as you engage it you just might be able to pull it off.

Who is easy to kill once found? Hmmm… Maybe Short Fuse, maybe Prisoner 1141.
Sorrows Furnace

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: courin.2314


Our guild has done it both ways, in terms of tracking them in advance and not doing so. There have been times we’re not found a target in over an hour of looking.

However, the guild events, even the Training one, are meant for large groups. It’s possible for a group of 10 or more people to find MOST targets and defeat them in <15 mins. I think your chances would be VERY reduced under 10 people.

Good luck, but I’m pretty sure you could find a better use of your building time and 300 influence.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

thanks for the answers!

I guess I’ll have to train for these training missions

I’ll scout out all the bosses’ paths and find hills/other high points where I get better views of their routes. (I wonder if the end of culling would be to my advantage here? …Actually, has culling been removed from PvE as well as WvW?)
Plus, as a necro, I can trait for lots of speed as wells a perma swiftness.

as for fighting the bosses — I find that a lot of gold-level dungeon bosses can be soloed in 7-8 minutes (if you know their mechanics well) .. so if I find these guys quickly, maybe I can take them down as well.

I’ll probably also help out some small guilds on their build bounties to get more familiarized with the whole thing.

actually, this sounds like a fun challenge!
… and I only need to succeed more than 10% of the time to profit.

as for finding a better use of my building time — I don’t really have much to build anyway because I don’t generate much influence (less than 100 per day)… this is pretty much my only hope for generating large amounts of influence so I guess may as well give it a try.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deviller.9135


The problem is the time limit (7 min). This is what makes these bounty target (almost) impossible to defeat alone. In addition, there is also a mechanic which make: you should not attack the target for a time being, eaten by bounty, etc, which make soloing a bounty target almost impossible in given time limit.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I did three guild bounty training missions yesterday with the (small) guild I’m in. We were 5 people. The first target we got was Trillia Midwell. We found her fast, and killed her. Nothing happened. She respawned and we killed her again (still within the time limit) and nothing happened. After a while, we got the message that we failed. Obviously, we were like “Wtf?!?”. Anyway, we tried the next one and got Ander “Wildman” Westward. We found him, killed him and got the 3k influence as a reward. Nice! One of us had to leave after that, but we decided to start the third one anyway and got Sotzz the Scallywag. Sadly, we weren’t able to find him in time, as the map is huge and there are (according to the wiki) like 300 possible locations all over the map.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: charr outcast.3476

charr outcast.3476

My guild received Sotzz as a target yesterday as well. My guild has only 5 active members. Considering the amount of possible spawn locations on a larger map…it’s nearly impossible to do. Either make it so we still get something small if we fail (like our influence back), increase the time limit, or remove the hidden bounties from the list of possible tasks. 300 influence is a lot for small guilds.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


We had 50-70 people today in our guild active, we still failed on Sotzz, its impossible now to complete with him and our guild pretty disheartened, three attempts and three failures, if you get sotzz best to ignore the guild bounty and try again hoping you don’t get that stupid one..

We also failed due to an overflow thanks to jormag, pretty useless when you cannot even get the rest of your guild to the bounty…

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: curtegg.5216


Wow the changes made the guild bounties a lot tougher. Think now they not worth it. None of our previous strategies that worked before work on them now (e.g. null fields not stripping boons off them, feedback bubble not working either on them and I’m not talking about the one where AOEs are countered).

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


My guild completed a t3 bounty a couple days ago including one of the new bosses, Yanonka the Rat-Wrangler.

We made it with mere seconds to spare – it was pretty exciting!

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


Yesterday we got Sotzz and Mayana…We got Mayana after 10 minutes of searching and figuring out different kinds of bugs (party members didn’t appear on the map and we weren’t on overflow).

Then we launched another bounty to get the merits. Sotzz and Michiele….2 of us went to search for Sotzz and 5 of us for Michiele, by the time we killed her we had 5 minutes to find Sotzz. Luckily we got him with under two minutes left and luckily he doesn’t have a lot of health.

The big problem with Sotzz, is that if there are multiple guilds searching for him, only one of them might leave happy. The others will have to check every single kegs around the whole map again. (It’s sort of true for other bosses, but they are a lot easier to search for).

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Is it true that his barrels don’t spawn until you start the Guild bounty now, because that’s what players are saying and Sotzz only spawns for 37 secs before he disappears, we timed him…

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

My guild completed a t3 bounty a couple days ago including one of the new bosses, Yanonka the Rat-Wrangler.

We made it with mere seconds to spare – it was pretty exciting!

Please explain the Yanoka one. My guild had that as the target. We just did a tier 1 bounty, killed our first target in less than 3 min. 12 min to find the other boss so we figured we had it, WRONG! Found 10 suspicious rats, no boss…. We had absolutely no clue as to what to do? We would interact with the rats and they would just run away. Really frustrating. Do you have to find the right spawn like Sotzz?

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Plain and simple, none of the guild events should be done with less than 10 people, and I’d recommend a lot more than that if possible.

In my guild we finished a guild bounty training mission with 4 people without scouting first, so it is quite possible. We got Poobadoo, that is an easy boss but with a big route.

To the OP, it really depends on the boss. If you can find him you will need 4-5 people to kill him as the bounties are Champions in a group event, even then with such low numbers you might need some real organization since there are some special mechanics to the bosses. However if you are shooting for a 1/5 chance of success I think it is quite likely you can achieve that, as long as you recruit at least 3 more players.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


My guild completed a t3 bounty a couple days ago including one of the new bosses, Yanonka the Rat-Wrangler.

We made it with mere seconds to spare – it was pretty exciting!

Please explain the Yanoka one. My guild had that as the target. We just did a tier 1 bounty, killed our first target in less than 3 min. 12 min to find the other boss so we figured we had it, WRONG! Found 10 suspicious rats, no boss…. We had absolutely no clue as to what to do? We would interact with the rats and they would just run away. Really frustrating. Do you have to find the right spawn like Sotzz?

Correct, we went through many rats before we found the one that led to Yanoka. They are all over Fields of Ruin, not just in the city of Ebonhawke.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Plain and simple, none of the guild events should be done with less than 10 people, and I’d recommend a lot more than that if possible.

In my guild we finished a guild bounty training mission with 4 people without scouting first, so it is quite possible. We got Poobadoo, that is an easy boss but with a big route.

To the OP, it really depends on the boss. If you can find him you will need 4-5 people to kill him as the bounties are Champions in a group event, even then with such low numbers you might need some real organization since there are some special mechanics to the bosses. However if you are shooting for a 1/5 chance of success I think it is quite likely you can achieve that, as long as you recruit at least 3 more players.

I did a few practice runs today — just searching for the bosses in various maps — poobadoo was one of them.. coincidentally, a small guild (4-5) was doing a bounty on her .. it didn’t look like poobadoo has any hard mechanic, so maybe that one is possible..
I found poobadoo’s path to be short compared to some others (I also tried to find Brooke in snowden — her path is super long .. I never found her.

On the other hand I also found 2-mult with a guild of 10+ fighting it .. I happened upon them when they had about 6 mins left on their timer — they failed it. 2-Mult was downing people left and right.. it didn’t look very easy!