Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Helle.8754


Lately my guild have been doing Southsun Crab Toss as the Guild Challenge where we have failed because the crab was on the ground all of sudden with around only 1 min left.

I am the one that hold the crab normally and the last 2-3 times we have failed, because all of the sudden I just lose the crab. Then I can see it on the ground below my char and it fails ofc.
- I did not press the drop bundle button.
- I did not try to throw it at another person.
- I move all the time, back and forward, so I never stand still.
- Have a full party of support guards on me, with the rest of our guildies taking care of mobs/spawns/agro and ofc avoid the vets/champs karkas/green poison fields.

We do not seem to experience this problem when we have a lot of people doing this challenge, but when we only have a 20-25 people it seems to fail like that.

So are the mobs able to knock it our of your hands so it will be dropped on the ground?
Or what is it that makes my char lose it and I can see it on the ground?
- I/we have done it succesfully other times when we have had like 30-40 people.


Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Certain CC’s will make you drop the crab for some reason; I haven’t figured out exactly what the conditions for the drop are yet, but it’s definitely tied to being CC’d. You can avoid this issue by having permanent stability uptime or by simply avoiding the veteran Karka CC’s.

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Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Whenever our guild gets either Crab Toss or the Southsun Rush we activate then fail deliberately. It saves wasting time trying and then failing anyway. Both Southsun Guild events seem to be ridiculously hard. Even the bounty event is made hard by being a double kill (veteran Karka then the bounty).

I’ve watched other guilds activate Crab Toss then immediately drop the crab to fail it too so our guild is not alone in this.

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Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kordash.2197


+1 Rising, I can confirm, it’s tied to CC’s. Acually, any Karka Vet can make you drop the crab if they rush on you. The hitbox isn’t particulary clear, so, i order to avoid any troubles, i pick 4 guardians in my guild, have them group with me and give me a perma Speed + Aegis + Stability while i keep the crab. We failed the first time, and not a single one since we started this way.

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I don’t find any of the guild missions for SSC particularly difficult.

The crag challenge is best done by having the carrier with a team of support. Everyone keeps away from the crab carrier and focus on killing everything. Lure the vets and champ away from the carrier while the carrier and there team try to maintain the distance.

I found locating the bounty to be the most difficult part or even trying to get people into the same map if the Queen Karka is due soon.

The Rush has become incredibly easy if you take the shortcut to bypass the part with the invulnerable wurms. Of course, it always helps to have members to escort those doing the rush and clear out mins along the way.

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shivan.9438


Events in this game are designed around the idea that there’s always going to be a large group of people doing it. Temples in Orr, Silverwastes, Guild Bountys, Treks, everything. To do a basic guild bounty you need enough people to down the boss, which takes around 15-20 people, then have some scouting the next bounty, which can be anywhere in the world.

Smaller guilds have no chance to make it unless you recruit like crazy and lower your standards for getting decent people.

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Bounty bosses scale. You do not need 15-20 people to defeat them like any of the world bosses with a couple of exceptions (e.g. Teq/Triple Wurm). More often than not, a party is more than enough. The only disadvantage that smaller guilds have is that they do not have the resources to multi-task such as simulataneously killing more than one bounty and/or accounting multiple bounties.

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Helle.8754


So having my party full guards to use Hallowed Ground and Stand Your Ground up all the time, would probably solve the problem? While my other guildies kills mobs.


Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


So having my party full guards to use Hallowed Ground and Stand Your Ground up all the time, would probably solve the problem? While my other guildies kills mobs.

You also need heals due to the hatchlings but yes, this should solve it. Just keep him away from the more dangerous karka.

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Helle.8754


As I typed in the first post. Support guards was part of the group, mainly with Retreat, Wall of Reflection and Hold The Line. Of course not everyone was running that, but the majority was.
Might be worth a shot to swap Hold The Line with Stand Your Ground and keep the stability permanent.


Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


You shouldn’t need WoR if you can maintain distance which frees up that utility slot. The ranged attack is also not piercing, I believe, so you could body block them from hitting the carrier.

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azizul.8469


the poison puddle….. try to avoid that… always watch out for that. and the big karkas too.. you will most likely drop the crab if you get rolled. usually our guild will let a tanky warrior hold the crab.

EDIT : nomad warrior with " shake it off !" and mango pie would be ideal. at least that’s what my setup is.

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(edited by azizul.8469)

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aro.8275


Also stealth on the crab carrier is really really bad.
Make sure someone is not trolling ya during the event…

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Helle.8754


We use the WoR (for the spit balls from the bigger karkas) to protect the crab carrier and the support guards, to keep them/carrier alive.

I use Soldier armor/weapons with Sentinel’s Jewels. Got Dolyak runes on armor. – So I would call my char a tanky warrior with changed traits for this Guild Challenge.


(edited by Helle.8754)

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Problem is the amount of mobs/scaling is particularly difficult – especially for even smaller groups attempting the challenge.

Its near impossible with 5-7 people to do.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


With numbers that small, you likely would not have been able to finish any of the other guild challenges either. My suggestion would be to create a special rank with no bank permissions and then invite people temporarily to your guild to help out.

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TPMN.1483


You would be suprised – we can pretty much do the guild challenges except karka with a pro small group.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


You would be suprised – we can pretty much do the guild challenges except karka with a pro small group.

I’m going to have to put my doubt in that. If a group with that many players can do the other guild challenges then they should have no trouble doing this one.

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TPMN.1483


The other challenges are in lower level zones – so scaling of dps is on our side.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Not really with the stat caps and it wasn’t the scaling that I was necessarily referring to

Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Did you run out of the circle?

I once lost my crab when I got knocked back. However, it didn’t happen again for the many other knock backs, I think might be bug. I also once fail it when I am holding still holding the crab while in circle, it is really strange.

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Guild Challenge Crab Toss - Fail often.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Helle.8754


No I did not move out of the circle.

It also seems to be that if the KQ dies at the point where you do this, the Guild Challenge will auto fail – due to the death of KQ.
Just an observation (happened twice for us, but we have not tried to do the Guild Challenge during KQ lately, so dunno if it still does or if it is fixed )
