Guild Dungeons/Raids & upgrades in HoT?

Guild Dungeons/Raids & upgrades in HoT?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PlagueParade.7942


I like the fact that we will have to fight to get a guild hall. The big thing is what to do in guild halls afterwards. From previous games the guild halls we had we barely went to. They were something to have as a “status” rather than put to real use. These games would make furniture and the like with stat bonuses to put in the guilds but pretty much no one really bothered even entering them.

I think one thing that would make a great addition to a guild is a dungeon within. Something to keep guild mates going back again and again. A possible daily or weekly dungeon raid where you take guild challenges a step further by adding things like obstacles that split your guild or party up and takes coordination to open gates and such to fight the mobs, mini bosses and eventual boss in each part, at the end of which you are rewarded with necessary components to make the guild armor/weapons using the new guild craft.

As to upgrades, I would love to see some minor type upgrades that could be brought in. One such item that caught my eye was the guild fireworks that we got from the Lunar New Year. I would love to have things like this be able to get made and upgraded as part of the new guild crafting as well as different types made to show what your guild may actually play more of (WvW, PvP, PvE). Maybe be able to create and upgrade such things as new guild finishers or different types of Guild gear that are exclusive to WvW, PvP, PvE not necessarily/just armor or weapons but back pieces as well. The possibilities within this new crafting could be a great addition within the game and the ways to get the necessary components to make them will, I think, bring in more players to join or make guilds to immerse themselves within.

(edited by PlagueParade.7942)