Guild Event Ideas?

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krew.3081


Hi community, I’m trying to get some really good event ideas up in my head for our guild. We have invited a bunch of new people and I’m really trying to bring them together. I’ve recently hosted an awesome screenshot contest, turned out very well. I’m curious to some more ideas. I’ve read up on some of the more popular ones. Examples being – Rat Race, Leap of faith, Scavenger Hunt, Hide n seek. I’m really looking for something more outside the box. If anyone has any, please feel free to post them below. It would really help us out and I’m sure the rest of the community. Thanks for your time

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kandrick.8054


Well there is always Keg Brawl.

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


Leap of faith can nicely be combined with the revive daily. On a serious note though, the possibility for guild activities are lacking. However, soon they ll add stuff to do as a guild. How about the first to reach the enemies home waypoint in the borderland, the funniest final moments. You can do TP competition. Everyone puts 50 silver and trades it. The person doubling this silver the most gets all the other profit minus guild cut.

All in all though, people will see all this as not real things to do in the game, but only things to compensate for the lack of guild activities/quests

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dastor.3546


You can always try finding a beautiful area (I found a couple so far) with a lot of hiding places and try a guild ‘hide-and-seek’ event :P If it’s just for laughs, it’ll sure be fun :P
Back in WoW, we did that a couple of times, and it was fun as hell :P All on vent and let the giggles commence :P
Also, a scavenger hunt can be fun. No waypoints, no speedboons, just you, your 2 feet and a list of cheap kitten items that can be gathered only from certain vendors. Takes a bit of an effort to set up, but I really liked the afternoon we spent doing this

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Take over an sPvP browser channel just for guildies and kill for fun and bragging rights.

Take over a supply camp in WvW and defend it with a mix of regular and superior siege. There are a few supply camps that can be turned into an awesome kill box with only 10 people defending.

Dungeon story line runs and/or personal story stuff. If people are at the same level in the personal stories you can do them together, exactly once. It’s a nice way to get them done fast.

Map completion. Champion bosses, or open world chests.

There’s lots to do here. Now if we had a reasonable drop rate for the time spent…

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Leap of faith can nicely be combined with the revive daily. On a serious note though, the possibility for guild activities are lacking. However, soon they ll add stuff to do as a guild. How about the first to reach the enemies home waypoint in the borderland, the funniest final moments. You can do TP competition. Everyone puts 50 silver and trades it. The person doubling this silver the most gets all the other profit minus guild cut.

All in all though, people will see all this as not real things to do in the game, but only things to compensate for the lack of guild activities/quests

You pretty much nailed my thoughts. I just wonder when this “soon” is coming.

Hide n’ Seek can work pretty well though, as you cannot see nametags and/or tab target through walls so you will actually have to “see” the person to find him. Plenty of interesting areas to do this. Asura should of course get appropriate handicaps such as having to keep a signet that has a graphical effect.

One – Piken Square

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Jumping puzzle races

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aisa.2817


You can always try finding a beautiful area (I found a couple so far) with a lot of hiding places and try a guild ‘hide-and-seek’ event :P If it’s just for laughs, it’ll sure be fun :P
Back in WoW, we did that a couple of times, and it was fun as hell :P All on vent and let the giggles commence :P

lol I did that a few times with my guildies on WoW too! It was hilarious!

Hide-n-seek is pretty fun to do. I just wouldn’t recommend a really big area to do it in unless a LOT of people are participating. Otherwise it takes forever to find the first person.

Give me coffee or give me…. Screw it. Just give me coffee.

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esya.3427


Things we have done so far and I remember:

-Keg Brawl (too bad you can’t join as a group)
-Exploration (like the temple in Plains of Ashford that you need to go into via a portal)
-Snowball fight (too bad the snow in LA is gone at the moment, but it might return later)
-Bingo (had people post 3 numbers on the forum and then rolled a 20-sided dice)
-Hide and Seek (we did it with everyone ungrouped, about 3 people hiding in Divinity’s Reach (don’t use instances as those are loaded personal) and have them /sleep or /sit so you could see when you got close as the city is very big)

Also we start guild meetings by consuming all karma buffs you can get from guild influence in order to boost the karma in the jugs. About all our members actually save them up for those meetings.

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aisa.2817


-Snowball fight (too bad the snow in LA is gone at the moment, but it might return later)

Ooh! That’s a good one! There is a town in Wayfarer Foothills where the kids throw snowballs around. Players can grab those up too.

Give me coffee or give me…. Screw it. Just give me coffee.

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krew.3081


Hey all I really appreciate all the event ideas. Let’s try to keep it more out of the ordinary though! As I said previously, when you search guild events in google, most of these come up! Nether the less great ideas. Please keep them coming!

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eona Lilith.2350

Eona Lilith.2350

could you explain bingo?

Guild Event Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mathias.9657


Well there is always Keg Brawl.

I lol’d so hard.

I am loving these necro threads. This is like the 6th one I’ve seen in the past couple days.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.