Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow
Our small guild just managed to create the guild arena. We were excited about this as we had a custom arena, but the upkeep of that, plus the costs needed to build items in the guild hall meant it wasn’t worth keeping. Plus, we thought “we’ll have our guild arena soon!”.
On entering the arena we noticed, suddenly that we couldn’t have our PvP builds in there. WHY?
Irrespective of using it as a testing ground (because I can appreciate ArenaNet want people to keep spending and using custom arenas) why on earth can’t this area be similar to PvP where our builds are separate? Because:
1) For all classes I play in PvP, I need a new set of armour now? New sigils, new runes?
2) You can’t access PvP only runes/sigils.
3) What is it actually for then? Who keeps score? If its not a training ground, what is it?
If one were wanting to test new builds, you just cannot do this at all.
I really hope something changes with this, because we’ve just spent so much time, materials, effort and gold on something that is quite literally simply a ‘talking point’ and is entirely useless to us.
This is another in a long line of issues and grievances we’ve had with the new guild and GH systems. I have NEVER been so disappointed.
From what I can see, it’s not called a Guild PvP Arena, but a Guild Arena. That would be clue one.
Clue Two: The Guild Arena is run and maintained by an Arena Proprietor. It is an area for guild members to use as a combat sandbox and customize it with obstacles and traps. New strategies or tactics may be tested and practiced by Guild Teams and members, but no rewards are available. Heart of Thorns Expansion is required to use the Guild Arena since interaction with an arena coordinator NPCs is required.
Doesn’t say anything about being a PvP arena there either.
Taken From:
Guild Arenas use PvE builds, yes that’s right.
It also uses PvE rules, like Condition Damage being stronger.
1) it’s on a PVE map not a PVP map therefore the rules are PvE rules.
2) people have been begging for years, literally, for a PvE arena so they can use their PvE builds on each other.
3) PvP arenas are already in game. Many guilds have one and if your guild doesn’t but wants one, it’s easy enough to get.
Also note, you cant do your dailies, You can build turrets and make it into a game, and do other things unlike pvp. A fun note is use mesmer portal to enter arena and you are immune to your guildies damage, but can kill people entering normally.
From what I can see, it’s not called a Guild PvP Arena, but a Guild Arena. That would be clue one.
Clue Two: The Guild Arena is run and maintained by an Arena Proprietor. It is an area for guild members to use as a combat sandbox and customize it with obstacles and traps. New strategies or tactics may be tested and practiced by Guild Teams and members, but no rewards are available. Heart of Thorns Expansion is required to use the Guild Arena since interaction with an arena coordinator NPCs is required.
Doesn’t say anything about being a PvP arena there either.
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So helpful, thank you!! I guess, we’ll just have to buy back our actual PvP Arena we had for a year LOL… but all the upgrades for the Guild Arena take tokens also so its going to be hard to maintain again… but we gotta do what we gotta do I guess!
It still makes me ponder why people wanted an arena to test out PvE builds on each other… surely that is PvP! PvE build can be tested in, erm, PvE LOL… perhaps I am too old to understand.
Thanks very much.
From what I can see, it’s not called a Guild PvP Arena, but a Guild Arena. That would be clue one.
Clue Two: The Guild Arena is run and maintained by an Arena Proprietor. It is an area for guild members to use as a combat sandbox and customize it with obstacles and traps. New strategies or tactics may be tested and practiced by Guild Teams and members, but no rewards are available. Heart of Thorns Expansion is required to use the Guild Arena since interaction with an arena coordinator NPCs is required.
Doesn’t say anything about being a PvP arena there either.
Taken From:
So helpful, thank you!! I guess, we’ll just have to buy back our actual PvP Arena we had for a year LOL… but all the upgrades for the Guild Arena take tokens also so its going to be hard to maintain again… but we gotta do what we gotta do I guess!
It still makes me ponder why people wanted an arena to test out PvE builds on each other… surely that is PvP! PvE build can be tested in, erm, PvE LOL… perhaps I am too old to understand
Thanks very much.
My guild loves it for WvW training against classes that we are weak against
From what I can see, it’s not called a Guild PvP Arena, but a Guild Arena. That would be clue one.
So helpful, thank you!! I guess, we’ll just have to buy back our actual PvP Arena we had for a year LOL… but all the upgrades for the Guild Arena take tokens also so its going to be hard to maintain again… but we gotta do what we gotta do I guess!
It still makes me ponder why people wanted an arena to test out PvE builds on each other… surely that is PvP! PvE build can be tested in, erm, PvE LOL… perhaps I am too old to understand
Thanks very much.
My guild loves it for WvW training against classes that we are weak against
Hang on a sec; it’s not called a ‘PvE Arena’ either and people have different builds for WvW too, so my same argument applies there also! Does your guild therefore alter their builds for training in this “free for all, but not PvP arena” then? Or, does it so happen that their PvE builds are the same as for WvW, because I’d find that worrying.
WvW also is erm PvP on a larger and more tactical scale imo.
Oh and talking of ‘clues’ to what the arena is for… and apparently there are tons of “clues” to tell me its not for PvP training… then why for goodness sake, why does it take Potions of PvP reward and PvP Time Tokens to build and also to build further upgrades. Surely that makes the meaning of this arena extraordinarily erroneous regardless of what’s on the Wiki!
Guild Arena should use WvW rules, not PvE. PvE retaliation is too strong for testing purposes. It’s quite pointless to have player vs player combat while using player vs environment rules & build setup.
This isn’t to mention how annoying it is to try to taxi another guild in for GvG, and you keep having to reload the map 3-4 times because a new version of the map became available, kicking everybody out, delaying the play.
Just instance the arena, make it easier to get people in so they get to stay in. Utilize WvW rules so retal is reduced by 33.33%. Chances are your WvW guilds will use the arena more than PvE guilds would. But PvE folks can still use it just fine, it’ll just be less ridiculous when it comes to player vs player combat.
On this subject I think it should give you the option of toggling it between rulesets. Allow you to choose whether you want to enable PvP, WvW, or PvE ruleset. I know this is possible if they instance the arena.
From what I can see, it’s not called a Guild PvP Arena, but a Guild Arena. That would be clue one.
So helpful, thank you!! I guess, we’ll just have to buy back our actual PvP Arena we had for a year LOL… but all the upgrades for the Guild Arena take tokens also so its going to be hard to maintain again… but we gotta do what we gotta do I guess!
It still makes me ponder why people wanted an arena to test out PvE builds on each other… surely that is PvP! PvE build can be tested in, erm, PvE LOL… perhaps I am too old to understand
Thanks very much.
My guild loves it for WvW training against classes that we are weak against
Hang on a sec; it’s not called a ‘PvE Arena’ either and people have different builds for WvW too, so my same argument applies there also! Does your guild therefore alter their builds for training in this “free for all, but not PvP arena” then? Or, does it so happen that their PvE builds are the same as for WvW, because I’d find that worrying.
WvW also is erm PvP on a larger and more tactical scale imo.
Oh and talking of ‘clues’ to what the arena is for… and apparently there are tons of “clues” to tell me its not for PvP training… then why for goodness sake, why does it take Potions of *PvP reward and PvP Time Tokens to build and also to build further upgrades*. Surely that makes the meaning of this arena extraordinarily erroneous regardless of what’s on the Wiki!
Irrelevant. It also requires 500 hard wood planks, hundreds of orbs, 4900 mithril ingots, and 4900 elder wood planks, but in spite of requiring all these mats won’t let me go in there and do my daily farming run.
In other words it requires a ton of a lot of stuff, of which PvP potions are only one very small part.
It still makes me ponder why people wanted an arena to test out PvE builds on each other… surely that is PvP! PvE build can be tested in, erm, PvE LOL… perhaps I am too old to understand
Player ask for this on forum since well forum start with PvE duel thread. Place to test PvE build on other player. Many duel thread about this. So guild arena place for player to do this. Have a friendly fight with out kitten measure contest or score to keep. I think guild hall arena is Anet compromise for open world duel. Just my opinion.
These thing you talk about in OP available in PvP. All of it. PvP gear, PvP rune/sigil, and score keep. Not every part of PvE need to accommodate PvP player. Now there is argue could arena also have option to use PvP stuff or PvE if player choose. Maybe.
(edited by Qugi.2653)
since you have the arena already might as well have fun with it. My guild does. We have a guardian who is an awesome PvPer we all ganged up on him and he took out a lot of us before we got him down. Have fun with it. make teams and fight against one another, have duels, have monthly PvP matches for prizes or titles in your guild. There is so much you can do with it just to have fun with your guild mates.
Irrelevant. It also requires 500 hard wood planks, hundreds of orbs, 4900 mithril ingots, and 4900 elder wood planks, but in spite of requiring all these mats won’t let me go in there and do my daily farming run.
In other words it requires a ton of a lot of stuff, of which PvP potions are only one very small part. [/quote]
Those materials are irrelevant… you can appreciate the need for those mats, like in the real world, needing wood and so on. The mine doesn’t ask for PvP reward potions, the tavern doesn’t, the WvW centre doesn’t, that asks for WvW reward stuff because it is to do with WvW.
Regardless, it’s still stupid to have an arena for people to test out their PvE builds on each other and it baffles me as to why people wanted that. You can’t test out your PvE build on another player… that is PvP!
Someone else has said above we may as well have fun with it: believe me, we will. I am just not happy with the setup and think its pretty silly. But, it doesn’t matter what I think if I am the minority. Although I do agree that in what was also said above regarding WvW and a toggle facility would be a good idea so people can have the best of both worlds and try out their WvW stuff as well as PvE against each other for whatever reason that is lol.
It was thrown in as a concession rather than a fully featured and fleshed out thing. It’s too bad really.
A vendor that sells Gear(each piece) that cost 5 silver for the guildm8s (and 20s for the non-guild ones ) , after you fully unlock the Arena + their stats increase works only inside you GuildHalls , is a better solution
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