Guild Halls for Smaller Guilds
I largely support this notion.
I’m the leader of a small-ish guild and the Gilded Hollow simply feels empty.
We’ve managed to reach lvl 37 with just a few people but it doesn’t make the Guild Hall feel ours.
It’s as if we’ve set-up camp in a Shopping Mall.
the Dale Guild Hall would be amazing.
- Smaller
- European Medieval/renaissance-style
- Indoor decorating
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.
Literally all of the useful upgrades can be had, by your small guild, in less than a month.
My less-than-50-people guild had no issues with the system, and the permanent unlocks are far better than the old system.
The way it works, currently, is that the cost is static, and the upgrades are permanent. Consider that the most important upgrades, the guild buffs, all come from cheap t1 structures, I’m not sure exactly what it is you have in mind.
What you’re asking for is like asking for legendaries to be made cheaper for people that simply don’t play as much. It’s impractical and TBH a waste of developer resources. You’re asking for more work to be put in to a system that already accomplishes its goals admirably for no additional benefit.
The way the system works at present there’s no need to create smaller or cheaper versions. The more expensive an upgrade is, as a general rule of thumb, the less useful it is, with later upgrades being less and less impactful and useful.
Guild upgrades are not designed around a cost per player system. That was how the old system worked, and it was a disaster that was multiple times less friendly to small guilds than the one we have now. They are designed around a flat cost per benefit, and more importantly, designed as a group goal structure that takes real expense and effort for permanent benefit that never goes away.
My guild worked very hard on our hall because of this. You do not deserve an “easier” path simply because you are less willing to pay the advertised cost for the advertised benefits.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
(edited by PopeUrban.2578)
I know a guild with no more than 5 active members who have a level 50+ guild hall – that is probably decorated nicer than most large guild halls. It is just a matter of keeping on top of it- the same as it is for larger guilds (which have different challenges to overcome).
With the removal of influence, the only barrier to guild hall growth is currently missions – and they have done a pretty amazing job of making sure there are always missions that can be done by small groups.
Our guild has less than 30 active members. At the moment, our GH is maxed out. We just put a lot of time and effort into it. Also we have very generous members.
Our guild leader would often put out to the guild, “This is what we need.” Our guild members stepped up and worked to get it there. Our guild leader is very good at keeping us on track.
I think a lot of it is just how much time and gold you want to put into it. Don’t give up because your a small guild. It takes a lot longer to do than a large guild, but it can be done.
I’d really like to see this as well. Every guild doesn’t need a guild city, but those that don’t should be a able to get a place to call home. In addition to the small guild hall, a Free Company option would be nice, where you don’t build a hall, but just develop WvW bonuses.
Introduce it?
Its already in the game, Anet just wanted to be kittens about it and not flesh it out as a stepping stone to a larger guild hall.
Its called the guild headquarters in LA and could have easily been a “max 20 members” and “bare necessities with no extras” thing by only allowing low tier upgrades. Now with +5 available first it would have worked beautifully for WvW.
Don’t get me wrong guys, we are upgrading the guild despite everything, it’s just the cost for getting everything is much higher than I think it needs to be for smaller guilds. Can it be done? Yes. But that doesn’t mean it’s not needlessly expensive.
A guild with 100+ members will probably find upgrading their guild to be an insignificant cost. For a guild with less than 30 active members, it will be much harder. And for smaller guilds, harder still. I just think it would be nice if smaller guilds were catered to as much as larger ones. You also have to keep in mind that for a lot of members, upgrading the guild isn’t always a priority. If they have to decide between giving 100 ectos to the guild and selling them to get something from the gem store, a lot will naturally do what they think benefits them the most immediately. But if they had to contribute say, only 5 ectos (which would be the case if it was a larger guild splitting the load between lots of members), then I think it wouldn’t seem so overbearing and thus they would more readily contribute.
I am the only player in my guild active daily and I pump the largest amount in. There are 3-4 other guildies who are active but play less than I do due to other commitments, but have contributed a significant amount. So far we have got to level 21.
That isn’t a statement to brag, but more to try and reassure it is possible and we haven’t even been at it religiously – we’ve had things like pvp, legendaries, scribing and other collections which are distracting us as well.
When the Halls first launched, I was one of the people who also felt like this was ridiculous for small guilds, but as time has gone on, we have built quite the achievement in 8 months between a group of people who barely make up a dungeon party. Whilst still sympathetic to other small guilds, I’m much less against the system.
I’m not sure of any logistical way to either differentiate between guilds size (and make it unexploitable) or implement a change outside of the design phase.
I think its a shame that Anet didn’t respect small Guilds when they introduced the new guild stuff. I was part of a small guild with players that didn’t play together as often as we used to due to schedules. But we did hope that at some point we could work out our schedules and play together more often.
Instead, because of the Guild Hall limitations and only 3+ guild members in a party gaining points for your guild, all of the other members of my guild stopped playing GW2. I am now the only member left.
Thanks Anet.
If you ever do a search on the forums, you will notice countless topics and posts regarding guild hall a few months ago. What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics. Do a search on it.
Henge of Denravi Server
If you ever do a search on the forums, you will notice countless topics and posts regarding guild hall a few months ago. What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics. Do a search on it.
When I do a search for anything guild hall related, the only results that come up are from this thread and one about scribing mats. I’d write that off to how poorly the search function on these forums work, but the point remains.
In either case, just because it has been discussed before, that doesn’t mean some fresh ideas cannot be bought to the table.
I’m more in favor of them moving around something things (e.g. Bank vault upgrades) rather than try to create a scaled version for smaller guilds.
you know the problem about discussions like this, there is always someone that talks like “but my guild did make it so…”
no matter how many guilds have this problem, there is always someone who tries to talk it down as if every single guild can do the exact same thing.
let me get ppl out of their dream world, not every single guild works the same.
just because your guild did it doesn’t mean all guilds are able, it doesn’t work that way.
and don’t get the whole “join a different guild” because that’s like saying “if you don’t like that one thing your friend said, find different friends”
ppl might have a 3 man guild as friends, they want a guild for their own reasons.
the way it is now only a minimum size guild of 10+ can get it, 5+ only with full dedication, if that is what it takes to get a guild hall them the design is flawed.
made for the addicted rather then the fun players….
As a member of a small guild, who does not want to be part of a larger 100+ player guild, I and my guildies have found the task of upgrading the guild hall to be somewhat insurmountable. While it is “possible” with enough time, the cost is vast to the point of being disheartening.
I thought of a few possible solutions of how to fix this issue, like reduced costs for guilds with less members, but I realized that such systems would be exploitable. For example, you could buy a guild hall, but don’t invite members to the guild yet. Get all your potential members to send you resources and upgrade the hall at a reduced cost, and then invite them afterwards.
So after some deliberating, I’ve come up with what I think is an ideal solution that both circumvents possible exploits, while giving smaller guilds some love.
Introduce smaller guild halls.
The idea behind this is to add smaller guild halls that are separate from the larger ones, and that specifically cater to guilds with less than 50 members. You could make it so that smaller guild halls can only be acquired by guilds with less than 50 or so members and if a guild ever grows beyond that capacity, it has to buy a larger guild hall.
Smaller guild halls will also be much cheaper to upgrade, but because of their player limit, you can’t exploit them by upgrading them and then inviting more players afterwards. Their upgrades would also be counted as separate from the large guild halls, so if you move from a small to large guild hall, the upgrades will not be carried over (this will again help avoid exploits where a large guild would first purchase all upgrades and then move to a large guild hall afterwards to benefit).
This is honestly the best solution I can think of to cater to smaller guilds, without penalizing larger ones (the average cost per player could work out to be similar), and I think this would be a great addition to the game.
u must not have known, but this game is trying to cater more towards larger groups and content that will support that.
lik others have said, you aren’t blocked out of progressing your guild hall, but its designed for big groups as anet intended
anet created these halls and raids and the like to give more organized and bigger groups of people things to do and u should be able to appreciate that this approach is for the better of the game and everyone who plays it
As a member of a small guild, who does not want to be part of a larger 100+ player guild, I and my guildies have found the task of upgrading the guild hall to be somewhat insurmountable. While it is “possible” with enough time, the cost is vast to the point of being disheartening.
I thought of a few possible solutions of how to fix this issue, like reduced costs for guilds with less members, but I realized that such systems would be exploitable. For example, you could buy a guild hall, but don’t invite members to the guild yet. Get all your potential members to send you resources and upgrade the hall at a reduced cost, and then invite them afterwards.
So after some deliberating, I’ve come up with what I think is an ideal solution that both circumvents possible exploits, while giving smaller guilds some love.
Introduce smaller guild halls.
The idea behind this is to add smaller guild halls that are separate from the larger ones, and that specifically cater to guilds with less than 50 members. You could make it so that smaller guild halls can only be acquired by guilds with less than 50 or so members and if a guild ever grows beyond that capacity, it has to buy a larger guild hall.
Smaller guild halls will also be much cheaper to upgrade, but because of their player limit, you can’t exploit them by upgrading them and then inviting more players afterwards. Their upgrades would also be counted as separate from the large guild halls, so if you move from a small to large guild hall, the upgrades will not be carried over (this will again help avoid exploits where a large guild would first purchase all upgrades and then move to a large guild hall afterwards to benefit).
This is honestly the best solution I can think of to cater to smaller guilds, without penalizing larger ones (the average cost per player could work out to be similar), and I think this would be a great addition to the game.
u must not have known, but this game is trying to cater more towards larger groups and content that will support that.
lik others have said, you aren’t blocked out of progressing your guild hall, but its designed for big groups as anet intended
anet created these halls and raids and the like to give more organized and bigger groups of people things to do and u should be able to appreciate that this approach is for the better of the game and everyone who plays it
If it excludes people in smaller groups or proportionately burdens them, the approach clearly isn’t for the better of everyone who plays the game.
you know the problem about discussions like this, there is always someone that talks like “but my guild did make it so…”
no matter how many guilds have this problem, there is always someone who tries to talk it down as if every single guild can do the exact same thing.let me get ppl out of their dream world, not every single guild works the same.
just because your guild did it doesn’t mean all guilds are able, it doesn’t work that way.
and don’t get the whole “join a different guild” because that’s like saying “if you don’t like that one thing your friend said, find different friends”
ppl might have a 3 man guild as friends, they want a guild for their own reasons.the way it is now only a minimum size guild of 10+ can get it, 5+ only with full dedication, if that is what it takes to get a guild hall them the design is flawed.
made for the addicted rather then the fun players….
Likewise, simply because some guilds haven’t pulled it off doesn’t mean the current system is bad or needs to be changed. As others have stated,
- Benefits are permanent.
- Costs are fixed.
- Ordinary buffs and many features are free to use (or re-use).
So it comes down to a matter of perspective: are guild halls meant to be part of active play? or are they supposed to serve as a sort of “substitute player housing” and be easier for tiny guilds to build?
As in many other elements of the game, ANet seems to be moving in the direction of promoting active game play. As with any transition, not everyone is happy with the change (and it doesn’t help that ANet hasn’t really explained their thinking on this).
Hopefully all we have so far is the foundation for guild halls, and they can introduce smaller scale ones — with less upgrade benefits, that seems fair — as the game progresses. Some of the upgrades really only benefit larger scale guilds imo. So if you go for a smaller hall for easier building up, you can’t turn it into a maxed out 500 member guild hall, it will only ever have a subset of the benefits and a lot less terrain. A Caudecus estate instead of a gigantic cavern or desert ruin.
Though I would suggest that guilds with smaller halls could take what they build there into larger halls if their guild outgrows them. Claim a bigger hall (losing the small one), keep the upgrades and decorations built so far, and grow from there. There’d need to be some balancing of mat costs, to be sure, or perhaps a guild seeking a bigger hall would have to then make up the balance of mats. Eg sure, you can have a manor estate with a guild bank that costs (random figure here) 500 elder wood planks where it’s 1000 for the big hall. Then you have to add 500 more planks to regain use of the vault. I understand that this particular example raises problems with guild bank storage being blocked; maybe withdrawals can be made but not deposits until the renovations are complete? Just brainstorming here!
you know the problem about discussions like this, there is always someone that talks like “but my guild did make it so…”
no matter how many guilds have this problem, there is always someone who tries to talk it down as if every single guild can do the exact same thing.let me get ppl out of their dream world, not every single guild works the same.
just because your guild did it doesn’t mean all guilds are able, it doesn’t work that way.
and don’t get the whole “join a different guild” because that’s like saying “if you don’t like that one thing your friend said, find different friends”
ppl might have a 3 man guild as friends, they want a guild for their own reasons.the way it is now only a minimum size guild of 10+ can get it, 5+ only with full dedication, if that is what it takes to get a guild hall them the design is flawed.
made for the addicted rather then the fun players….Likewise, simply because some guilds haven’t pulled it off doesn’t mean the current system is bad or needs to be changed. As others have stated,
- Benefits are permanent.
- Costs are fixed.
- Ordinary buffs and many features are free to use (or re-use).
So it comes down to a matter of perspective: are guild halls meant to be part of active play? or are they supposed to serve as a sort of “substitute player housing” and be easier for tiny guilds to build?
As in many other elements of the game, ANet seems to be moving in the direction of promoting active game play. As with any transition, not everyone is happy with the change (and it doesn’t help that ANet hasn’t really explained their thinking on this).
How are you getting that smaller guilds being able to reasonably make a guild hall through playing the game actively rather than forgoing active play by, e.g., logging in and out of alts for 40 minutes a day or gem-to-golding to buy mats as somehow not promoting active play. It sounds like you’re attacking members of smaller guilds because you don’t have a rational argument.
(edited by Thelgar.7214)
How are you getting that smaller guilds being able to reasonably make a guild hall through playing the game actively rather than forgoing active play by, e.g., logging in and out of alts for 40 minutes a day or gem-to-golding to buy mats as somehow not promoting active play. It sounds like you’re attacking members of smaller guilds because you don’t have a rational argument.
It doesn’t sound like she is attacking anyone. I think more it is you taking her very valid observations and taking them personally.
She is part of a small casual guild and I am a part of a small casual guild and our hall is maxed. Only a couple of my guild’s players have alts like that. I certainly don’t. I only play a very short time per day (if I play at all) and more on the weekend. Our small guild was able to max out our guild with players similar to me.
It can be done. I believe Illconceived Was Na was simply asking questions and making observations. No attacking was involved.
you know the problem about discussions like this, there is always someone that talks like “but my guild did make it so…”
no matter how many guilds have this problem, there is always someone who tries to talk it down as if every single guild can do the exact same thing.let me get ppl out of their dream world, not every single guild works the same.
just because your guild did it doesn’t mean all guilds are able, it doesn’t work that way.
and don’t get the whole “join a different guild” because that’s like saying “if you don’t like that one thing your friend said, find different friends”
ppl might have a 3 man guild as friends, they want a guild for their own reasons.the way it is now only a minimum size guild of 10+ can get it, 5+ only with full dedication, if that is what it takes to get a guild hall them the design is flawed.
made for the addicted rather then the fun players….Likewise, simply because some guilds haven’t pulled it off doesn’t mean the current system is bad or needs to be changed. As others have stated,
- Benefits are permanent.
- Costs are fixed.
- Ordinary buffs and many features are free to use (or re-use).
So it comes down to a matter of perspective: are guild halls meant to be part of active play? or are they supposed to serve as a sort of “substitute player housing” and be easier for tiny guilds to build?
As in many other elements of the game, ANet seems to be moving in the direction of promoting active game play. As with any transition, not everyone is happy with the change (and it doesn’t help that ANet hasn’t really explained their thinking on this).
How are you getting that smaller guilds being able to reasonably make a guild hall through playing the game actively rather than forgoing active play by, e.g., logging in and out of alts for 40 minutes a day or gem-to-golding to buy mats as somehow not promoting active play. It sounds like you’re attacking members of smaller guilds because you don’t have a rational argument.
Sounds like someone is being a little sensitive, no one was attacking you. I have never seen her attack anyone here on the forums.
If you ever do a search on the forums, you will notice countless topics and posts regarding guild hall a few months ago. What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics. Do a search on it.
When I do a search for anything guild hall related, the only results that come up are from this thread and one about scribing mats. I’d write that off to how poorly the search function on these forums work, but the point remains.
In either case, just because it has been discussed before, that doesn’t mean some fresh ideas cannot be bought to the table.
I agree with you the forums search engine is bad. The dev too agree with you that the search engine is bad. The mod team too agrees with you that it is bad and even made a pinned thread about it. But, you could use other search engine like google’s.
Do keep in mind that I mentioned “What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics.” What being discussed right now is just repeating the same thing what other’s have mentioned months ago, likewise the same arguments rephrased differently.
Also, there were tons of topics and pots about it, however, despite the many posts and arguments, nothing is conclusive and dev did not mention any plans to make any further changes to the costing to accommodate tiny guilds.
Henge of Denravi Server
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
If you ever do a search on the forums, you will notice countless topics and posts regarding guild hall a few months ago. What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics. Do a search on it.
When I do a search for anything guild hall related, the only results that come up are from this thread and one about scribing mats. I’d write that off to how poorly the search function on these forums work, but the point remains.
In either case, just because it has been discussed before, that doesn’t mean some fresh ideas cannot be bought to the table.
I agree with you the forums search engine is bad. The dev too agree with you that the search engine is bad. The mod team too agrees with you that it is bad and even made a pinned thread about it. But, you could use other search engine like google’s.
Do keep in mind that I mentioned “What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics.” What being discussed right now is just repeating the same thing what other’s have mentioned months ago, likewise the same arguments rephrased differently.
Also, there were tons of topics and pots about it, however, despite the many posts and arguments, nothing is conclusive and dev did not mention any plans to make any further changes to the costing to accommodate tiny guilds.
I would recommend not reading if there are to many posts of the same nature, then your problem will be resolved entirely.
If you ever do a search on the forums, you will notice countless topics and posts regarding guild hall a few months ago. What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics. Do a search on it.
When I do a search for anything guild hall related, the only results that come up are from this thread and one about scribing mats. I’d write that off to how poorly the search function on these forums work, but the point remains.
In either case, just because it has been discussed before, that doesn’t mean some fresh ideas cannot be bought to the table.
I agree with you the forums search engine is bad. The dev too agree with you that the search engine is bad. The mod team too agrees with you that it is bad and even made a pinned thread about it. But, you could use other search engine like google’s.
Do keep in mind that I mentioned “What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics.” What being discussed right now is just repeating the same thing what other’s have mentioned months ago, likewise the same arguments rephrased differently.
Also, there were tons of topics and pots about it, however, despite the many posts and arguments, nothing is conclusive and dev did not mention any plans to make any further changes to the costing to accommodate tiny guilds.
You can’t assume that because nothing has been done, that it means that the devs have no intention of doing something. It may simply be a case of priorities.
However, I don’t agree with your implications that having more threads on a particular topic is a bad thing. If the community feels strongly enough about a topic, then it should be bought up as many times as possible so the devs are indeed aware that it is a more widespread concern or desire. For those who feel they’ve seen a topic too much, it is a very simple matter of not opening that post and reading it, it’s hardly what I’d call inconvenient. Indeed, if the topic is as unworthy of attention as you believe, those threads will quickly be buried out of site and out of your mind.
In any case, just look at what happened with Tribal armor. Players have been asking for its return for ages and many threads were created. Now at last it is back. The devs didn’t act on it immediately, but the community ensured that it was at the back of their minds by reminding them of it regularly. That tenacity eventually paid off.
We did it with 3. Now it was not fast, nor easy, but we spent the time to get it. Will it be a good as the high population halls? No, but we have all the essentials like Player arena, exp and karma buffs, armor repair, sell stations, and some really nice decorations.
Tenrai, you have my full support on this. And Tenrai, I agree with you for all your posts on this subject, you definitely is someone that gives thought to things and peoples should heed your requests.
One has to also add to that, that a small guild may grow at some point. At this point if you are not MegaGuild, and you plan to specialize on a type of player or a close group of guildies with a common interest, Guilds in GW2, definitely, do not have the same services that they had in GW1 and that is a shame, one would expect improvements, when going forward. Guild halls were very welcomed, but the small guilds and their needs were totally ignored. That is not right and for many reasons. let’s hope we see progress, here.
Angelica, i commend you and your group on your accomplishments, that is not easy to do.
(edited by Cybil Song.2359)
I’ve managed to upgrade a guild to level 61 doing 99% of it (3 others helped with the actual claiming of the hall) and all of the decorations myself.
The guild does have some other members – a couple of friends who log in an hour per month, and some people from my main WvW guild so they can claim a 2nd site but they don’t donate any mats.
I’ve managed to upgrade a guild to level 61 doing 99% of it (3 others helped with the actual claiming of the hall) and all of the decorations myself.
The guild does have some other members – a couple of friends who log in an hour per month, and some people from my main WvW guild so they can claim a 2nd site but they don’t donate any mats.
How much did it cost in time and money to do this? Did you grind in game for gold and/or mats? Did you use gems?
Having been in a 15 person guild with members donating and doing guild runs for shovels and such, with one member luckily having not spent her pvpnreward potions, I spent hundreds of dollars and the other guild leader at least a thousand dollars just to reach the original +5 supply aura, significantly lower than 61.
I strongly agree with this. Give me a tiny, home-instance (or less) sized guild hall that I can claim with a party of 2-5, containing even just a limited subset of the full hall’s upgrades (bank, scribing, maybe a tavern), and I’ll be very happy.
…Yes, I mostly just want to be able to finish expanding my personal guild’s bank. I only got two tabs before HoT, and they’re full.
If you ever do a search on the forums, you will notice countless topics and posts regarding guild hall a few months ago. What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics. Do a search on it.
When I do a search for anything guild hall related, the only results that come up are from this thread and one about scribing mats. I’d write that off to how poorly the search function on these forums work, but the point remains.
In either case, just because it has been discussed before, that doesn’t mean some fresh ideas cannot be bought to the table.
I agree with you the forums search engine is bad. The dev too agree with you that the search engine is bad. The mod team too agrees with you that it is bad and even made a pinned thread about it. But, you could use other search engine like google’s.
Do keep in mind that I mentioned “What you suggested is already suggested and the pros/cons are also discussed in those topics.” What being discussed right now is just repeating the same thing what other’s have mentioned months ago, likewise the same arguments rephrased differently.
Also, there were tons of topics and pots about it, however, despite the many posts and arguments, nothing is conclusive and dev did not mention any plans to make any further changes to the costing to accommodate tiny guilds.
You can’t assume that because nothing has been done, that it means that the devs have no intention of doing something. It may simply be a case of priorities.
However, I don’t agree with your implications that having more threads on a particular topic is a bad thing. If the community feels strongly enough about a topic, then it should be bought up as many times as possible so the devs are indeed aware that it is a more widespread concern or desire. For those who feel they’ve seen a topic too much, it is a very simple matter of not opening that post and reading it, it’s hardly what I’d call inconvenient. Indeed, if the topic is as unworthy of attention as you believe, those threads will quickly be buried out of site and out of your mind.
In any case, just look at what happened with Tribal armor. Players have been asking for its return for ages and many threads were created. Now at last it is back. The devs didn’t act on it immediately, but the community ensured that it was at the back of their minds by reminding them of it regularly. That tenacity eventually paid off.
When I mean nothing is conclusive, it means the players themselves participating those topics cannot come to a agreement on how the costing could be adjusted without being abused or unfair to the other guilds.
And also, the amount of threads and posts regarding the guild hall far exceed that of the tribal armor. The amount of debates far exceed that as well. It is not a majority acceptable change either (since nothing is conclusive out of the debates).
I can claim with a party of 2-5,
You can claim with 5 person, it has been proven a lot of times.
Henge of Denravi Server
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
I agree with the OP. As a further example, take a look at FFXIV housing. Sure, its money-driven, more so than earned, but you have a choice in the size of house that your guild gets, which is really nice. If you a large guild with a ton of crafters, you get a huge house. If you are a small, 5 person guild, then you get a small house. My vote would be to give people those choices, instead of one large awesome fits all.
That being said, the existing guild halls are absolutely amazing.
I’ve managed to upgrade a guild to level 61 doing 99% of it (3 others helped with the actual claiming of the hall) and all of the decorations myself.
The guild does have some other members – a couple of friends who log in an hour per month, and some people from my main WvW guild so they can claim a 2nd site but they don’t donate any mats.How much did it cost in time and money to do this? Did you grind in game for gold and/or mats? Did you use gems?
Having been in a 15 person guild with members donating and doing guild runs for shovels and such, with one member luckily having not spent her pvpnreward potions, I spent hundreds of dollars and the other guild leader at least a thousand dollars just to reach the original +5 supply aura, significantly lower than 61.
My friends are in a ~15 person guild — no one is spending real life money to improve the guild hall. (Heck, I’m not in the guild and I donate stuff.)
I think it’s great that you and your friend are able to afford and willing to spend dollars on your guild hall. That’s a choice, not a requirement.
As a member of a small guild, who does not want to be part of a larger 100+ player guild, I and my guildies have found the task of upgrading the guild hall to be somewhat insurmountable. While it is “possible” with enough time, the cost is vast to the point of being disheartening.
I don’t really have anything against some kind of smaller guildhall, but nothing in the current system is insurmountable.
I run a guild that’s had no more than a dozen active members since HoT came out. Right now, we’re really down to 5, and 1 of them is on vacation for a few months with effectively no internet access. We’ve had no trouble getting to level 37, and have just about everything but ecto and wood for the next bunch of upgrades which will take us over 40.
Being in a guild is about teamwork and sometimes small sacrifices. Decide what is important to the guild as a whole. Plan a goal and know what is needed for that goal. And every week, just do a small amount of work towards that goal. It doesn’t need to be huge. 10 wood planks, or 2 ecto, or 1 lodestone, or whatever in a week. It adds up over time with even only a few people contributing.
I largely support this notion.
I’m the leader of a small-ish guild and the Gilded Hollow simply feels empty.
We’ve managed to reach lvl 37 with just a few people but it doesn’t make the Guild Hall feel ours.It’s as if we’ve set-up camp in a Shopping Mall.
the Dale Guild Hall would be amazing.
- Smaller
- European Medieval/renaissance-style
- Indoor decorating
I want this so much please yes…!
I’d totally be down with that smaller guild hall idea. That would be ideal for a guild like mine, where its basically just me since the other 5ish ppl don’t rep, since gw2 is way too easy to guild hop which then gets you to ignore your other guilds.
It would actually give me something to do on the game besides my dailies. That’s one thing i loved with gw1 was saving up and adding NPC’s to my guild hall. It would also work out great for my friend’s guild, since it’s just her family in it, including her 80 something year old parents. As it is they don’t have the numbers or reaction time to get a current guild hall and had to join a bigger guild just to see a guild hall. Which to me is unfair to those guilds that were together for 7-8 years of gw1 having to disband basically to join a bigger one all for a guild hall.
Not to mention your idea, could even be added to just the core game, so no HoT needed to get one. Which would be perfect for secondary accounts or accounts with 0 HoT friends
I know a guild with no more than 5 active members who have a level 50+ guild hall – that is probably decorated nicer than most large guild halls. It is just a matter of keeping on top of it- the same as it is for larger guilds (which have different challenges to overcome).
With the removal of influence, the only barrier to guild hall growth is currently missions – and they have done a pretty amazing job of making sure there are always missions that can be done by small groups.
My guild also consists of only 4 fulltime members and we currently own a lvl55 (soon to be lvl56) guild hall. Through dedication and lots of concentrated effort aimed at farming (and raiding our banks) were we able to get this far.
The higher level missions are unfortunately out of our reach, but I’ve been doing a lot of the easy missions (like Trek and Bounty) consistently solo or with 1-2 guildmates every week. Because upgrades take a lot of Aetherium and planning we were able to get a proper upgrade path going and now hover around 6000 Favor (although the early days had us starved for Favor).
So it is perfectly possible to run a fully upgraded guild hall with just a very small number of people. Main issue was claiming the guild hall itself but with the help of a few friends from an allied guild we were able to get it (as long as you enter with less than 10 people you only get 1 spawn to kill)
Afterwards you just have to be prepared to spend/grind a lot. But then again, it does make your guild hall feel all the more special.
Still, I would not mind if ArenaNet had included some smaller guild halls or reduced costs (like in Warframe), but I understand their reasoning for not doing so.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
The price is perfectly fine. It only costs less than 20k gold to upgrade the guild hall to the maximum, that is less than a legendary even for a small 10 man guild. And chances are small guilds do not need everything maxed out.
I understand that the guild hall system works fine (although somewhat limited) for very big, big and some small guilds.
What I don’t understand is the effort to tell small guilds that they need to “suffer more” to get what they want, when they clearly are not going to. What good is saying “do it or leave”? Don’t we want more players?
If a suggestion can actually provide a reduced version of a hall with reduced functionality to small guilds, without affecting large guilds at all, and without massive Dev input required, why not? If it doesn’t negate or erode the value of the effort bigger guilds have made, why not? I don’t know that this suggestion is the one to do it, but why so much disagreement?
Even in big guilds there is to my experience only like 10 people who pay for 90% of the costs of upgrading the guild hall, so not much difference to small guilds. Small guilds probably just have fewer generous members
I solo’d mine to level 30 atm. Would be higher if I wasn’t spending so much on WvW Guild upgrades.
Even in big guilds there is to my experience only like 10 people who pay for 90% of the costs of upgrading the guild hall, so not much difference to small guilds. Small guilds probably just have fewer generous members
As Malediktus says, it really depends on the guild — a big guild can be full of spendthrifts and a small one can inspire increased willingness to spend among its fewer members.
I think what everyone forgets is that these are one-time costs for permanent investments in the hall and its buffs. It’s reasonable for the costs to be high both because it’s spread out over people and over time.
The question is whether “small guilds” should get special discounts for being small. Among the reasons they don’t is: what happens if the guild increases in size? what’s to stop a guild from shedding members to get the discount and then growing again?
In the end, it’s simply easier and ‘fair’ (in terms of cost per guild) to avoid variations in charges based on size.
One thing ANet could have done is to make some of the more useful buffs available to lower-level guilds. I think part of the reason they didn’t is to discourage people from creating personal guilds.
Ive got a guild of about 10 people, with only a few of us are frequently active and working on upgrading the guild hall, even with this we are making progress on building the hall.
My personal issue is with the physical size of the guild hall maps. For guild with few players, the large map just feels empty and most of the space is wasted. The map could be cut down to 1/4th of the size and still have space for all the NPCs and upgradable buildings. Decorating a smaller hall would be more rewarding as its not a matter of getting as much of a decoration as possible to feel the space, but in getting the desired decorations and using good design for the space.
Most of the guilds I have been apart of have been relatively smaller, and I feel that there is a large portion of the GW2 community that would benefit and be able to take advantage of this. Of course I understand my suggestion is easier said than done, and that there would be more to consider in making smaller maps; aka what if the guild population grows too big for the small map and so on. But there is my suggestion.