Guild Leader being able to demote GL is FAIL
The guild founder still has priority and can’t be demoted. :/
It’s up to him to prevent that from happening, and assigning responsible leaders in the first place.
Or just don’t promote anybody to a leader position besides yourself.
Well the (supposed) real knights were in reality all subject to Arthur so have one trusted guy as the head and have the rest be all equal and whatnot.
Isle of Janthir – Sylvari Mesmer – Alexandre Le Grande
WRONG i was guild founder and I can be demoted.
And actually it is broken, because right there in rules even for guild leader is says “admin lower ranks” NOT same rank or below.
its been said a lot of times, the guild system is awful in all aspects, the founder indeed can be demoted and kicked
Very simple……..Dont promote anybody to leader other then the leader shock
I’m glad they changed it.
Critical Impact [Crit]
Someone got socially engineered.
Umm if someone is the head of the guild they should have a different rank. The issue was a accidental promotion from a misclick gave someone untrustworthy full access and no force removal. If you’re worried about someone having a bad day and ruining your guild then simply don’t promote them.
Edit: Clarifying what I mean, if you really want to make sure founder has impunity the the structure should look as so:
Guild Leader
+ whatever other ranks you want
Yaks Bend
Like others said, I really don’t understand why the founder needs to promote someone else to be his rank anyway, unless he’s leaving and giving it off to someone else. It’s not like there’s not enough ranks. Just have your Vice Pres 1 rank below you, and your officers 1 rank below the VP. No one should ever be at the founder’s rank, because frankly, people change, people get drunk, people have bad days. And you, as the founder, should never put yourself in such compromising situation.
Dont join guilds with crazy guild leaders and create yours. Problem solved.
Guilds in this game suck anyway.
Guilds in GW1 were far worse. Too much vampiric politics and drama.
Guilds in this game suck anyway.
I think it was added because people kept accidentially promoting the wrong person to guild leader and then found they were stuck with no way to undo it. Which opens up a lot more possibilties for the position to be abused.
As everyone else said if you’re worried about someone abusing the position then the solution is to make sure you don’t give them that power.
You don’t need everyone to be able to impliment all decisions for it to be a democracy. You just need to make sure the person who can make the changes is someone you all trust to do what you’ve agreed. Same way it works in a real life democracy – Obama didn’t need everyone who voted for him to go down and drive Bush out of the Whitehouse so he could take over. Everyone (or nearly everyone) trusted the people involved to respect the majority decision and act on it.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
You’re over-thinking it… it’s not about democracy or what’s fair. It’s about keeping stuff ordered; the only person who needs to be guild leader is the guild leader :p
Your officers can be delegated all other tasks, like recruitment, build queues, bank etc. I can’t imagine any reason you’d elect a second GL, especially one who you can’t trust.
Garnished Toast
I think it was added because people kept accidentially promoting the wrong person to guild leader and then found they were stuck with no way to undo it. Which opens up a lot more possibilties for the position to be abused.
As everyone else said if you’re worried about someone abusing the position then the solution is to make sure you don’t give them that power.
You don’t need everyone to be able to impliment all decisions for it to be a democracy. You just need to make sure the person who can make the changes is someone you all trust to do what you’ve agreed. Same way it works in a real life democracy – Obama didn’t need everyone who voted for him to go down and drive Bush out of the Whitehouse so he could take over. Everyone (or nearly everyone) trusted the people involved to respect the majority decision and act on it.
If you wanna go this way, then maybe they should implement a system where all the officers, plus the vice leader, can vote unanimously of “no confidence” of the GL, and have the GL removed from his position. Just like in US government if the president is deemed unfit to lead, the cabinet secs can vote to remove him.