Guild Merit

Guild Merit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verdelet Arconia.6987

Verdelet Arconia.6987


For our first guild bounty hunt tier 1, we manage to kill 1 of the bounty but not the 2nd one, we still get 15 merits for the guild. My question would be;

Does killing minimum 1 bounty give the merit reward?

or does killing minimum 50% of the bounty in the list give merit reward? 2/3 for tier 2 and 3/6 for tier 3

Or was it an unintended bug that we received 15 merits even though we didn’t kill all the bounty for tier 1(total 2 for tier 1)

My question does not involve the merit cap per week.

(edited by Verdelet Arconia.6987)

Guild Merit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Sounds like a bug. If the mission fails the guild should not receive any merits.
Sorrows Furnace

Guild Merit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verdelet Arconia.6987

Verdelet Arconia.6987

thanks for the reply,hope can get more feedback from other guilds as well to verify

Guild Merit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


well we’ve never managed to fail Tier 1, but when we failed tier 2 we were still at 15 merits, not 20 even though we killed 2/3. So it sounds like you are bugged.

Guild Merit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verdelet Arconia.6987

Verdelet Arconia.6987

that would prove that 50% of the bounty in list for tier 2 is not the minimum and also not minimum 1 bounty to give the merits.
thank you for the information, hope to get more feedback for tier 3 and tier 1 to verify this anomaly

(edited by Verdelet Arconia.6987)

Guild Merit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hule.8794


We had 4 tries yesterday. In every try we managed to kill one bounty and start fight with second one.
In the middle of fight bounty expired. Many of our players received chest for killing only first bounty.
We have NOT received any merits yet, so half of mission means no mission completed. At least for me.

Guild Merit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verdelet Arconia.6987

Verdelet Arconia.6987

most of the feedback is leaning towards the lucky bug theory.thank you for all the replies so far.Much appreciated.I’ll be gathering more data from my guild for the next few bounties as well as other guild mission to see if there are any other anomaly or this was a just a one time mistake that was already rectified.