Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217



Quick question on the commendation distribution. For this week, my guild has PvE missions. One bounty, two challenges, and one trek. How is the distribution of the commendations with the new missions system?

I assume 1 commendation for easy missions, 2 for medium and 3 for hard. Pre-HoT, you could only gain a maximum of 6 commendations per week. After hitting guild level 10, we now have two easy missions – could we gain 7 commendations for the week or does it cap at 6 like pre-HoT?

Additionally, do treks reward commendations? Pre-HoT, treks did not reward commendations. If they do reward commendations, how would they be distributed? If only 5 locations are given, could only 5 members gain commendations?

I think these questions would help out a lot of people doing missions. Thanks in advance for the answers to these questions.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shanaeri Rynale.6897

Shanaeri Rynale.6897

I was wondering the same.

Previously you only got commendations for each type of mission you did. Now we get 2 challenges in a week so does this mean we only get one set of commendations for both challenges.

I cant say i’m happy with the new guild mission system. It feels like our progress has been reset (we had everything unlocked) and we’re now back to square one for no tangible gain.

Guild Leader of DVDF since 2005

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


I would assume that both challenges would reward you with individual rewards but yes, it would be good to have an employee respond to the subject.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NyhilistTheBoring.2674


Just did a Trek (The Easy one cause PvE Rolled Missions that we all get)
1 Resonance Shard – 1 Rare – 20 Dragonite – 1 Commendation

Judging by the layout with the separate chest for each Challenge, you can get the separate reward for each one (1/week as usual) Can’t answer beyond that because my guild doesn’t know yet.

“Kitten Commander” Nadya The Lost
Guild Leader: Phantoms of the [Mist]
Server: Emhry Bay

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


How many people did the Trek? And how many of those got credit?

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


Hello, ArenaNet? /pokes

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Trek is the problem here, it can be done with a small group but what happen if you want to do it with large group of people, how is the reward gonna be distributed? Are we suppose to hold multiple trek activity?

The old guild trek did not reward anything except guild merit, I believe they (the old devs) are aware of this issue. Please clarify.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Makenboshi.7943


Guild trek only reward the one who found and interacted with the spot. It is really need to be changed, as it is hard to give reward all the members of a medium or big sized guild who joined guild mission.

Garuda [GRD] Guild @Sea of Sorrows

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


(15 characters)

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


(15 characters again)

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


Going to keep bumping til ANet responds.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


Guild rush today was bugged, we did not get favor and we did not even get guild commendations…. that means nerf 2 commendations/week. We are not going to do treks, because they award just 5 people. They should be called party treks.

Big disappointment….

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

Guild trek only reward the one who found and interacted with the spot. It is really need to be changed, as it is hard to give reward all the members of a medium or big sized guild who joined guild mission.

My guild accidently had 3 people on the spot when grabbing 1 Trek Spot, they all got Personal rewards – even the one that didn’t touch / activate the spot.

aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website:
Youtube Channel:

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


I seem to be getting far fewer commendations per event/mission, which really sucks.

I don’t understand why they need to keep nerfing rewards.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Guild trek only reward the one who found and interacted with the spot. It is really need to be changed, as it is hard to give reward all the members of a medium or big sized guild who joined guild mission.

My guild accidently had 3 people on the spot when grabbing 1 Trek Spot, they all got Personal rewards – even the one that didn’t touch / activate the spot.

Interesting, I wonder how that works. Does it mean that everyone has to be on the same map? It will be great if dev can share some lights on this

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NTDK.4897


yeah, how to get credit for trek needs to be changed to be more fair.

However, for now, trek is free to activate and is totally possible to solo using Dulfy’s Guide. So if anyone want to get their rewards, perhaps leaders can just activate it for them and let them do it.

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XxXTheMaxxXxX.6057


My guild experimented with this for an hour or two yesterday. Only the person that interacts with the spot gets credit and the commendation. However, if multiple people interact with it at the same time everyone gets the commendation. This is possible since they don’t instantly disappear. Hope this helps.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


Treks do seem a bit inconsistent in the delay after finding the location. Sometimes it disappears instantly, sometimes it disappears after about 3 or 4 seconds. I would still be nice to get a response from an employee on how the comms will be distributed once you have more missions unlocked.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


One week later and no response.
Bump for ANet. Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Triangulator.2867


“Do not engage in staff call-outs. Using the words “ArenaNet” or any staff member’s name will not expedite the answer to your query.”

Quote from the code of conduct. At this point you are just a nuisance. But good luck.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


They respond to a lot of fairly useless topics though. Not trying to sound bothersome but unlike most of the threads they respond to, one like this could actually be informative to a lot of people.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyle.5931


Okay, it seems that no one posted any answer yet.
We got 2 Treks this week, did 4 times because of some players not getting rewards.
From our experiment, you have to be in the same map with someone in your GROUP who is interacting with the gold symbol.

For eg, if Team 1 leader is the one the finishes the point, Team 2 members are not gonna get any rewards even they are nearby or in the same map. On the other hand, Team 1 members just have to be in the same map to get reward.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Team as in party? That’s a useful information.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nate.3927


I’m fairly sure all the missions are free to start aren;t they? So just do them as many times as you want/need to get all your members credit

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


The person who takes a spot gets the reward, but I think only if they all get found eventually.

The way to solve this problem of not everybody getting a reward, is to simply keep starting the trek once it’s completed.

One thing I noticed with the rush and I think also with the trek is that players only get the reward if the complete mission was a success.

This is extremely good, as it means people care for completing it but also bad as people who need to do it on another time or like with the trek, when you have a trek with many locations but only a few people left who did not yet get a reward they are out of luck.

What I would suggest is that the first time you can only get a personal reward when you complete the full mission, but once it’s completed for the guild then rewards are all personal and it does not matter of that mission is successful.

Talking about rushes.. they are bugged and a pain to play, hope that get fixed this week.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyle.5931


The person who takes a spot gets the reward, but I think only if they all get found eventually.

The way to solve this problem of not everybody getting a reward, is to simply keep starting the trek once it’s completed.

One thing I noticed with the rush and I think also with the trek is that players only get the reward if the complete mission was a success.

This is extremely good, as it means people care for completing it but also bad as people who need to do it on another time or like with the trek, when you have a trek with many locations but only a few people left who did not yet get a reward they are out of luck.

What I would suggest is that the first time you can only get a personal reward when you complete the full mission, but once it’s completed for the guild then rewards are all personal and it does not matter of that mission is successful.

Talking about rushes.. they are bugged and a pain to play, hope that get fixed this week.

Yes, everyone gets the rewards after all points are found. the best and least troublesome way is to make sure everyone gets theirs the first run.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


We have done just that – repeat the trek multiple times for those that want the additional commendation. That part we have covered.

I think what we would all like to know is: how many commendations can we get per week? If we did another guild’s missions, could we get ever more commendations from that? I want to say there is a cap but no mention of what it might be. Also, details on how the commendations are distributed with the new mission system would be nice. (ie: Easy Bounty gives 1 commendation, Medium Puzzle gives 2, Hard Challenge gives 3… so on and so forth).

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


The person who takes a spot gets the reward, but I think only if they all get found eventually.

The way to solve this problem of not everybody getting a reward, is to simply keep starting the trek once it’s completed.

One thing I noticed with the rush and I think also with the trek is that players only get the reward if the complete mission was a success.

This is extremely good, as it means people care for completing it but also bad as people who need to do it on another time or like with the trek, when you have a trek with many locations but only a few people left who did not yet get a reward they are out of luck.

What I would suggest is that the first time you can only get a personal reward when you complete the full mission, but once it’s completed for the guild then rewards are all personal and it does not matter of that mission is successful.

Talking about rushes.. they are bugged and a pain to play, hope that get fixed this week.

Yes, everyone gets the rewards after all points are found. the best and least troublesome way is to make sure everyone gets theirs the first run.

That only works if you have less or the same number of members as locations. When you have 25 members and need 30 locations that is a problem. 5 Will always miss out and when you start it a second time for them you will need to get 30 locations again, just so those 5 can get the reward.

That is why I suggested, for the first run you will need to complete everything before members get the reward. But once the guild has completed it, it becomes a personal thing. As soon as you then get a location or finish the rush you get your personal reward. That would make much more sense and solve a lot of problems.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pazu.8320


Did a full run of 2x Trek, bounty, puzzle, and race. Getting credit was very difficult regardless of the level of participation. We tested with puzzle a bit and it seemed to only award credit to 15 people. Race seems to only award credit one at a time, so you can’t have multiple people crossing the line at once.

This is, of course, on top of the buggy PvP missions the first week. Not sure if that’s been resolved.

Paul Lukische (ele), Pazu Plus One (ranger), Oh The Pazubilities (mes) et al – Sanctum of Rall
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Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gambino.2109


The puzzle and challenge right now are a bit buggy

We completed the karka challenge and got exp.. but event failed.. apparently for what ever reason.

We completed a puzzle in Brisband.. and many of my guildies did not receive credit

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Hi all,

I did some small group test, gonna test it on large group which is my guild official missions day later on.

The followings are test descriptions and results

1. Partied and spread around the trek target’s map. – No credits
2. Partied and stand near the marker and one person press – Credited
3. Not partied and stand near the marker and one person press – Credited

Apparently, as long you stand close to it, you get credit for it.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


That should cover the trek questions. Hopefully we can get some comment about the distribution and cap now.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


Signal boosting

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

Hi all,

I did some small group test, gonna test it on large group which is my guild official missions day later on.

The followings are test descriptions and results

1. Partied and spread around the trek target’s map. – No credits
2. Partied and stand near the marker and one person press – Credited
3. Not partied and stand near the marker and one person press – Credited

Apparently, as long you stand close to it, you get credit for it.

100% Correctly.

Did Trek today with my guild, I moved all 30 members to one of the Trek spots and had them all stand Inside the Circle. I was the only one who “Interacted”. After that we spread out and claimed the rest, even those who only stood inside circle got their personal rewards.

aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website:
Youtube Channel:

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


That’s a good way about doing it.

Still need a response on the other questions.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Completed some guild events last night, results:-

Rush or Race in Gendarran? The ghost wolf one anyway. Completed, no rewards and listed as a fail even though we hit the 15 quota quite early.
Puzzle in Brisban - completed and no rewards, not even xp.
Bounty (only one) - completed and usual rewards.
Trek - completed and no rewards.

This week we had only one bounty to hunt and that was Pooboo, mapped into Kessex Hills and landed right on him. Killed in seconds, guildies asking who is the next bounty? Was a little disappointing to say we now only have one unlocked and not the two-three we used to do. Did Trek to distract everyone from the kitten storm that caused only to get no rewards again.

Overall it was a very poor show and next week may be a struggle to get everyone involved.

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Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


Saturday at reset my guild did bounty –
the chest had a delayed pop-up but we all got them.

Puzzle -
half or more of us got nothing. No reward.

Trek -
Who knows I didn’t bother

No loot no reason to play. Anet made guilds pay through the nose for guild halls but screwed up the guild missions.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


Guild missions saturday night.

Puzzle, majority got nothing, but guild got credit.

Trek, Basic: Most people got nothing first run.
A few more got it second run.

Trek Medium: We managed to get most reward after a lot of trial and error in the basics.
For Trek, to receive credit and thus reward a player MUST BE in extremely close proximity to the symbol (like standing on it) if they are not the one actually activating it.
We figure this is designed due to the assumption that since missions are repeatable for free people will simply do them whenever and screw group missions.

Easy Bounty: 1 Comm
Easy Trek: 1 Comm
Medium Trek: 1 Comm
Hard Puzzle: Jack.

Rewards got nerfed pretty bad it seems.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tuck.2719


My guild experimented with this for an hour or two yesterday. Only the person that interacts with the spot gets credit and the commendation. However, if multiple people interact with it at the same time everyone gets the commendation. This is possible since they don’t instantly disappear. Hope this helps.

Our experience has been that everyone who’s standing on a spot that gets activated gets credit. Being in the same map isn’t sufficient, and activating the spot isn’t required.

Based on this we’ve changed up how we run treks: when it starts nearly everyone in the guild goes to the first spot and stands there while a couple other people start getting the rest of them. Once everyone is on the first spot we activate it, then start splitting up to get the rest.

Doing this yesterday got everyone in the guild their reward with no hiccups (I can’t say the same for Rush and Puzzle).

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VanishingRose.6982


Ran guild missions last night and here’s how ours went with 5 parties. Easy Trek-1 party to each location had everyone walk in the circle at once, everyone got credit including those that were still outside the circle. Bounty went the same as normal. Medium Trek- 3 locations per party just had a couple people pair up and go in the circle together and everyone got credit. Rush- only worked when we were under our own flag and not pairing up with another guild, some people had to stand at the end for up to maybe 30 secs to get completion credit, and we all got rewards as normal. Puzzle- maybe only half got credit and we couldn’t find any rhyme or reason on how that one gave rewards.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Puzzle -
half or more of us got nothing. No reward.

The same. What’s more curious is that it didn’t seem to be tied to participation at all. One person got locked out on one of the early doors, got the reward. Half of the people that got to the final room (including some that were carrying keys for these doors) didn’t. The rewards seemed to be assigned pretty much at random.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


The majority of the guild did not receive rewards for the puzzle either myself included. The other missions seemed to give everyone rewards though the rush was extremely buggy. Players would not exit their transformation right away (sometimes for several minutes).

Hoping to hear about the commendation cap.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


I had a response from a support email. For those interested, 7 commendations is the new weekly cap. Still unsure about the distribution though.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I had a response from a support email. For those interested, 7 commendations is the new weekly cap. Still unsure about the distribution though.

Seems to be 1 commendation per mission, regardless of the difficulty tier. Currently unknown, however, how it relates to doing missions in several guilds.

Notice, that the max possible number of commendation chances in a guild is 9 (3 easy missions, 2 medium, 2 hard, one WvW, one sPvP) with all slots unlocked. That is higher than the abovementioned cap of 7.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


Apparently 1 is given for both easy and medium. 2 for hard.

Still would be nice to get the confirmation. :<