Gandara – Piken – FSP – SFR – FSP
Guild Missions Ruined by Megaservers
Gandara – Piken – FSP – SFR – FSP
Our guild is not so large and so our problems are a bit different. We are finding when we move to our mission locations, there are inevitably three or four other guilds there doing or waiting to do the same thing. Different types of missions present different types of problems. Challenges can only be done for credit by one guild at a time…so, while there might be some cooperation between guilds, each guild still has to activate and do the challenge. Yesterday we were stacked four guilds deep for a challenge. Puzzles have a timing element so if you come to your location and another guild is halfway through the puzzle, you must wait until they are done.
I am hoping that Anet is actively working on this. I tend to like the mega servers for open world events and it is indeed great to see so many people in zones that were once deserted. Hopefully some of the difficulties will be fixed soon.
The moderator will merge this thread with the feedback :]
Henge of Denravi Server
Challenges can only be done for credit by one guild at a time…so, while there might be some cooperation between guilds, each guild still has to activate and do the challenge.
That’s not completely true. Certain challenges DO allow piggybacking credit. Save Our Supplies and the Southsun Crab challenge are two that I know, without a doubt, give credit. However, other ones do not let you share. Deep Trouble, for example, is like that.
Hi everyone,
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in a dedicated thread. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.