Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

I’m noticing a fair amount of non repping members, that never chat, or join jn for guild missions etc. Sure a large number of members is nice, but I wonder how to reach those that joined and then went off into the mists and haven’t been heard from since. What are other leaders doing? I really wish we had a guild email system that only leaders could use. Trying to email over 100 members in game is just not possible with anti spam etc.

So what do other guilds do? I put up a members only forum, we have a GH, and a great core group of very helpful members. How do I jumpstart the “dead wood” They are logging into game, but not repping. I’m told the ability to join up to 5 guilds has really hurt guild participation, since players have only so much time, and can only be in so many places at once. In a game called GUILD wars the guild system really needs some attention.

Ok going in circles now, ideas?

(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Stop expecting everyone ever to rep your guild a majority of the time and you’ll have less issues.

That or actually do stuff that entices them to be more social.

Your call really, you could just cull them and be done with it.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Stop expecting everyone ever to rep your guild a majority of the time

He said that he is concerned that they have not been seen and have no repped since joining. That is not expecting them to rep a majority of the time.

Kick people that are not participating in the guild.

I am not suggesting that they need to rep often, regularly, a majority of the time, or always, but if they do not participate in the guild at all there really is no reason to keep them in the roster.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

I’d be content to hear from them even if it was to point out why they are silent. It could be something I can improve on. It’s easy to put the blame on them and remove them but that just hurts the guild. I’m trying to build something enjoyable for all. I know I will never please them all, but I will at least know I tried.

Your input does help, and I appreciate the chance to vent my frustration. I think if I had to place blame, the ability to join multiple guilds wasn’t a good idea imho. But I don’t know the Anet’s reasoning behind it so…

Why do people join multiple guilds then ignore them? Makes no sense to me..

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


Because now that guild influence is no more it doesn’t matter to a guild entity whether or not you rep. You used to get guild credits just for having members rep. Now it means nothing. It’s yet another way, along with megaserver, that ANet has damaged this game.

… just call me … Tim :)

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

Because now that guild influence is no more it doesn’t matter to a guild entity whether or not you rep. You used to get guild credits just for having members rep. Now it means nothing. It’s yet another way, along with megaserver, that ANet has damaged this game.

Well that is something I wasn’t aware of (that it once really mattered). I left right after the fall of Lions Arch.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


It isn’t about blame. They are not to blame. You (and your officers) are not to blame. They are not participating in the guild so there is no reason to create the impression of a dead guild by retaining them on the roster. No harm. No foul. No one is hurt by removing them. A lively, active, interactive, small guild, in my opinion, is better than a large one with people who haven’t actually interacted with the guild in years.

All of that said, there is also no harm in reaching out to inactive members.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

It isn’t about blame. They are not to blame. You (and your officers) are not to blame. They are not participating in the guild so there is no reason to create the impression of a dead guild by retaining them on the roster. No harm. No foul. No one is hurt by removing them. A lively, active, interactive, small guild, in my opinion, is better than a large one with people who haven’t actually interacted with the guild in years.

All of that said, there is also no harm in reaching out to inactive members.

Agreed. Now, how to reach them.. I put a notice all news, updates etc, will be posted on our private forums, please visit and join, etc. About 20% have. So that is kinda working.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


I think the central point of this post is that there is no good way to communicate with Guild Members. How do you ask them if there is a reason they’re not interacting? You can decide to try new things in the guild but how to communicate that to the members? Guild Mail should definitely be added.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

I think the central point of this post is that there is no good way to communicate with Guild Members. How do you ask them if there is a reason they’re not interacting? You can decide to try new things in the guild but how to communicate that to the members? Guild Mail should definitely be added.


Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

Another idea would be a minimum rank to be able to visit the guild hall. Say “New Recruit” cannot, a member and above can. Then if you notice someone not on for a while, not, repping, they are “demoted” and will either stay as a new r. or reach out to me, or quit?

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zoomborg.9462


Put a message on guild tab about kicking inactive players after a fixed amount of time.
As for representing its pretty clear cut. You either have a full representation system or no mandatory representation at all.

Generally guilds that dont require representation tend to fall on the sidelines over time.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


Put a message on guild tab about kicking inactive players after a fixed amount of time.
As for representing its pretty clear cut. You either have a full representation system or no mandatory representation at all.

Generally guilds that dont require representation tend to fall on the sidelines over time.

I completely disagree about representation needing to be full representation. I represent a guild voluntarily while taking part in guild activities and take turns representing them while soloing. I have quit several guilds after finding out they required 100% rep.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hapmuhr.2781


Our guild has different ranks. The lowest rank gets kicked after two or three weeks of not logging in without any communication. Essentially your rank and your dedication to the guild determine if we kick you without a message or if we PM you and wait a few months.

As for other guilds forcing repping, that’s just insecurity. It hardly promotes your guild in the slightest. It’s way better to have officers that actually recruit instead and to be visible when you host world events or squads as a commander. Slap that tag into an LFG or if your guild is commanding a map, throw that tag into the announcement too.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


This is why it’s dumb that multiple guilds were implemented. Sub-guilds are literally a glorified LFG-system and if a player decides that a different guild would serve better as his “main guild”, good luck seeing him repping your guild… it’s not going to happen often.

I question why this system was ever considered a good idea.

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mizu.4508


Repping will always be a “problem” of some sort because we can join up to 5 guilds per account. If this was like most other games where you can only join 1 guild per character rather then 5 per account then this wouldn’t be a problem. I actually think they have a great system here in place.

Think about it this way: if you have multiple characters but they can only join 1 guild each (like every other game) then which guild do you join? Do you put them all under the same guild, or separate them depending on what they are being used for primarily (PvE/PvP/WvW)? This would also mean having to split character names and account names (which every other mmorpg does instead of displaying account names). This would also cause more problems. What if someone has 64 alt characters in the same guild? They now occupy 64/500 of your total guild space.

If you want to entice people to rep then you should let people in your guild know that higher guild ranks are available to those who always or are frequently repping. It might help, just slightly.

If you are concerned about guild rep then I hate to break it to you but the moment you ask people to rep “x amount of the time” then you are guaranteed to lose players. I find with the current system it is much better then the 1 guild limitation per character.

Last thing I want to say is if you want people to rep your guild most of the time then you might as well advertise your guild as “100% rep” because unless you are keeping track of time you will never know if someone is truly repping “80%” of the time or whatever amount of rep you are supposed to rep. This way you only attract those who will rep 100% of the time. Keep in mind that people will always join/leave depending on the circumstances and 100% rep is one of those things that tends to put people off from joining a guild.

(edited by Mizu.4508)

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Unless you are running out of space, leave them. If you are, simply kick those that haven’t played the longest.

Remember it’s account not character. Unless a player has lots of alternate accounts and are in the guild, that shouldn’t be an issue.

Honestly, don’t push the 100% rep angle. Guilds don’t need players repping 100% anymore as a means to earn guild currency. Simply include a message in the Guild message about standard times for Guild Missions or Raid groups. Players will rep with whatever guild helps them the most with what they are trying to do at the moment and won’t change reps unless they have a reason (like hoping over to a guild of RL friends, guild of players from now dead MMO, streamer is online playing with their guild of followers, etc.

I’ve found Discord to be a nice free way to add a message board and voice server to a guild if you want to build a community.

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Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

One thing that has actually helped, was discussing GW1 and what we remember, miss etc. Not a complaint session, just talking. Tonight I started asking trivia and players that don’t talk alot, did. It was the darndest thing but I was pleased. Now to build on it. I run hide and seek games with moderate success. Being an all Mesmer Guild (You need to actively play a Mesmer to join) we like climbing and porting etc, so hide and seek is I find an obscure place and they have to get to me. No gliding and the first one to me wins a prize donated by other members. I guess what I’m learning here today in this thread is not to worry so much, and just do what I’ve been doing.

@Behellagh we use discord too, but still working on them talking. Lol. And I just added forums using

(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mizukiaki.8590


First off, most guilds have the same problems with keeping semi-active to active players.
Allot of mine are at school and rarely have time to play. But for those who will not answer you at all, keep watching if they are changing maps and what not, then try again. You know they are not afk when they are switching maps. If they still do not answer, boot them.
Unfortunately in any mmorpg, guilds are hard to maintain. Small guilds usually have a small few that do things together. For those ginormous guilds not everyone knows everyone and small groups hang out. Very few players are loyal to guilds, so just worry about the core group you have and not the wishy-washies.

Great games come and go, but the Awesome games are endless!!
Matron Kaldona Kye, Mesmer GW since launch.
Matron Kaldona Kye, Sylvari Chronomancer GW2 since closed Beta.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Easy enough with the guild window to see the last time people logged in. If someone doesn’t log into the game for six months, I remove them from the guild. If it’s someone I know or remember, I send them a note telling them I’m removing them to keep the guild roster more active and they can always rejoin if they return to the game.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Because now that guild influence is no more it doesn’t matter to a guild entity whether or not you rep. You used to get guild credits just for having members rep. Now it means nothing. It’s yet another way, along with megaserver, that ANet has damaged this game.

Getting influence just for doing nothing was passive gameplay. It was for the best that this aspect was removed, and it in no way hurt the game. The only thing that hurt the game is attitudes like this.

I’d be content to hear from them even if it was to point out why they are silent. It could be something I can improve on. It’s easy to put the blame on them and remove them but that just hurts the guild. I’m trying to build something enjoyable for all. I know I will never please them all, but I will at least know I tried.

Why do people join multiple guilds then ignore them? Makes no sense to me..

Not everyone is a social butterfly, and if you try to force them to be then you will only end up making them extremely frustrated. Just because they are silent doesn’t mean anything is wrong. Hell I rarely talk to my guildmates just because I can be rather introverted, but it works good because none of them try to pressure me into being more social, or press me to tell them what is “wrong”. In another MMO I play, I’m 2nd in command in one of the larger guilds on my server and still almost never say anything to them or to the alliance because I would rather only talk if I feel like I have something important to say. This doesn’t make me wrong, it doesn’t mean something is wrong with the guild.

Also, note that just because they don’t talk a lot doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t contribute. Check the logs and see if some of them are donating mats to the storage or towards upgrades. I know that when I have mats to spare and my guild needs some for upgrades I will donate them, again even though I rarely actually talk in guild chat.

As to joining multiple guilds and “ignoring them”. Well to start with, you need to be in at least 2 guilds to access both GHs, that’s a pretty kitten good reason to me. Secondly, I don’t really see why its something that bothers you. Let everyone play the way they like to. If you don’t want them in your guild if they aren’t going to be social enough that’s fine, but don’t act confused and act like they aren’t being a good guild member.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

A friend pointed out many like our guild name and tag, so they join. Not sure how to feel about it, but lol ok, it’s a reason I guess.

(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MoarChaos.8320


It’d be amazing for guild’s if there was a kick message you could set up.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

This is why it’s dumb that multiple guilds were implemented. Sub-guilds are literally a glorified LFG-system and if a player decides that a different guild would serve better as his “main guild”, good luck seeing him repping your guild… it’s not going to happen often.

I question why this system was ever considered a good idea.

I guess I’m dumb for preferring this system. I’ve yet to find a single guild that meets my interests & needs. There’s one guild that I chat with a lot, another guild that I play with, another that I do WvW with, and so on.

Plus, this way it absolutely doesn’t matter if someone reps your guild or not — they’ll participate with the content they like and keep out of the way for the stuff they don’t.

And to top it off, for those who prefer the traditional system, people do setup 100% rep guilds.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vukorep.3081


id send them a mail explaining that (if its okay with you) it is okay to rep others, as long as they have the guild chat ticked on

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meanma.5623


This is an issue I have as well but from the other side. Joined the game recently and have been looking for a guild to really get involved in but just haven’t found any. Everyone advertises how many members they have, how high level their guild hall is and how welcoming they are but when I join everything is dead silent like the hills of Wales under King Edward’s reign.

Some guilds do guild events once a week or so but even then the flurry of activity begins and ends with linking waypoints and instructions in guild chat. No casual talk among the members, no teamwork (hey, let’s do [insert content here] together!) unless someone’s pick-up-group is missing a druid healer or condition necromancer or whatever else niche roles fractals and raids need. In that case they half-heartedly ask around in the guild then pick up someone from Lion’s Arch if there is no answer within two minutes.

I think this a problem that a lot of people face. Nothing ties them to a guild socially so they kind of drift away or stay but never speak. In my experience (having played quite a few MMOs in my life) this problem often stems from guilds going for quantity over quality. I would take a low level guild hall or even no guild hall and small number but involved guildies over a mammoth sized guild hall with a mile long roster but barely anyone speaking in the chat. I would represent the former 100% and would probably not even bother with filling the other four guild slots.

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I am a 1/3 co-lead of my guild, and what I did was take about an hour or so to refine ranks. I set them as MIA, Allies (friends who are in and out), Recruits, T1-3 Members, Leaders. The MIA rank is given upon 6 months of inactivity. After 1 year, a message is sent to their account and they are removed.

Sadly, when i first did this roughly 40% of the guild was set to MIA. A few came back, others still have not. It does take time, but it also opens the doors to newer, more active players.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


This is why it’s dumb that multiple guilds were implemented. Sub-guilds are literally a glorified LFG-system and if a player decides that a different guild would serve better as his “main guild”, good luck seeing him repping your guild… it’s not going to happen often.

I question why this system was ever considered a good idea.

I think that multiple guilds is a fine idea. I have a smaller guild that I like all the people but they can’t play a lot for RL reasons. So I have a couple larger guilds that have more people on frequently. Gives me a choice of activity and I rep the guild I’m playing with.

Some people might like Raiding so they join a hardcore Raiding group, but would like a more laid-back guild for non-Raid days. Or whatever.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

Guild Question: What to do about MIA's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

It’s been pointed out to me privately that many players join guilds to get the harder content done, or better loot, or to make more gold, and on average don’t interact. They consider other members as NPC’s that will help when needed and go away until called. I just read a very indepth article about mmo’s, guilds, and how the social aspects are breaking down. It’s sad, when I started playing them in 2003, there was such a sense of community, I hated to logout. But that was then, now it seems like most will join, and do w/e they want and we as leaders should be happy they joined. (NOT)

@meanma, if you actively play a Mesmer, you are welcome to join our guild. Hit me up in game, and we can talk it over. I keep up with my officers via discord when not in game, they are running guild missions as I type this.

(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)