(edited by VodCom.6924)
Guild Raiding - The condensed edition (4/24)
Ideas of GR themes and propositions of fight mechanics (I am listing raid themes and lore here).
Conski Deshan.2057
- Look at ultima weapon from FFXIV
- Boss buffs: game changing fight mechanics (e.g “lone wolf” Each player within 500 of the player reduces damage by 20%)
guardian.6489 and many others (your servitor included). Note (guardian is a leader of the [TTS] guild)
- Ancient karka event scaled down
- Tower of nightmare (small scale raid)
- The marionette (on high heeeeeeels)
- The battle of the breachmaker (some suggest to include the assault knights as well)
The heart of Zaithan (a mini zaithan chased all over the cursed shore)
Mordremoth’s Lair
Design a boss that cannot be fought directly in melee but we go power ranger style. Having to control some huge robot.
Imagine if you need 15 people to control it, everybody moving different parts of that robot
“The Cleansing of Arah” where players would spawn in the Lupicus room and could move outward to through any of the 5 doors
- The Boss Blitz
- Evacuation of LA
Zhaitan Raid : When the players shoot down Zhaitan aka finish the dungeon, you get to unlock a raid that lets you go on a raid mission to kill Zhaitan. It will be a ground mission.
Proposition to create GR ad hoc .
We wanted raids to differ from the world boss content therefore each raid will have a portal in the zone the raid is situated.
We already have dungeons and we already have World Bosses. Raids should not just be “Bigger Dungeons” or “Private World Bosses”, but something meaningfully distinct.
Tuomir.1830 not exactly about raid content, but close enough forthe author
Infrequently at set times, large map-sised event happen and culminate in Boss battle. These event are similar to Scarlet’s invasions.
Marcus Greythorne.6843
- 3 groups play a raid-instance parallel on 3 paths; paths do not intersect but players on a path can help players on other paths (via ranged, siege,…)
- Champions of the Mists : 3 parties enter a raid. Your party looks normal to you, the other 2 parties’ characters look like ghosts (to your team only). Each party can only take down 1 of 3 health-bars of their enemies.
hybrid.5027 (Also known as Nike, leader of the GW2 branch of [DnT])
Raid instances will be large zones, similar in size to an entire explorable dungeon or one of the main cities (Lions Arch, Divinity’s Reach etc). Players will spawn in a central area and can move outward in any desired direction, as the instances will be open ended.
Foefaller.1082 Dramen Maidria.1034 (similar suggestion)
Raiding Zones, explorable instanced areas with linking events/plot, roughly half the size of current open-world zones.
For those who played GW1, think Underworld/Fissure of Woe, and you are pretty much there.
Open world raid maps (similar to what hybrid proposed but in the OW). More details here
Instanced, WvW-like battle that lasts a week up to a month.
merforga.4731 (Also know as merf, head of TTS in Guild Wars 2)
Create multipath instanced raids. Similar to hybrid’s proposal with a twist : Each path could be run simultaneously, culminates with final boss fight.
Once all paths are cleared, a final boss area would appear with a boss that is scalable
Proposition to create a “raid-like” mode for fractals/dungeons
RAID dungeons. Explorable dungeons on steroids for groups larger than 5.
Dramen Maidria.1034
Guild Raids: Mobs,Bosses, and puzzles
Guild Fractals – going back to Tyria’s Living World challenges with your guild.
Fractal Raids : allow guilds to rush fractals with multiple groups of 5 in parallel with new instabilities/gambits.
Raid layout resembling Fractals, continuos string of short levels, with one huge difference : the levels are focused on the boss encounters
(edited by VodCom.6924)
Instanced or Open world GR?
- An expansion of tools to allow current “Mega-Organized Events” and old Living Story events to become Raids to allow more inclusive play.
- Guilds would be allowed to create their own separate instances for either certain current world events or old living story events.
- Once inside, if the Guild does not have enough players to fill the instance, they may use the LFG tool to taxi pug
One person starts the raid by opening an instance and controls who comes in. The instance can be public, guild restricted or invite only.
TPenny.5071, Serophous.9085, Conski Deshan.2057 hybrid.5027 Evee.2714 Bloodstealer.5978 and many others that I’ve forgotten. Send a PM if you want to be in the list.
New raids are fully instanced and do not have an open-world counterpart.
Soren.9316 Send a PM if you want to be in this list.
Keep Raids in the open world, like the MB.
Instanced raids, anyone can join, but the instance owner is able to control and remove people where necessary (in the event of trolls or whatnot)
In essence, you’re doing the pre events and boss of a world event, only in your own instance, with the challenges/fail state set much higher than what’s found in the open world.
Zanthrax.6538 (also know as killchain, founder of the guild Attuned of BlackGate)
Proposition similar to Guardian Jack’s one:
I think instanced raids are superior to anything OW can offer. Perhaps a compromise that could be worked out is providing an easier open world alternative to raid bosses as well.
e.g something like keeping Tequatl as is but also providing a harder instanced version of Tequatl with different rewards etc.
Vote for instanced raid because OW is too “polluted” with consumables.
Gating the GR and interaction with guilds:
GR use the world event spawner to create instances. Just reguires the guild WB upgrade.
Conski Deshan.2057
Only a minor entry gate (Thinking Dungeon master or 30 AR)
Not linked to guilds
Raids in Guildwars2 are a guild activity => New guild upgrades category: RAID
It should offer two modes: Mercenary and Guild mode
More controllable LFG if you like where the raid leaders set the requirements and only those that meet the criteria (class reqd, lvl, AP’s etc) get through the filter
No barrier to entry : Pugging (for those who wish to brave it) should be readily available, the raids shouldn’t be locked behind guild upgrades and the like. Something like a short “story lead-in” attunement that is account wide would be acceptable though
Create kind of ‘key/pass’ to access raids : If there is kind of costs or consequences when a raid is in preparation/progress/fail, each actions inside of the raid is much more thoughtful.
Key could be obtained through multiple channels (treasure hunt, crafting, trade with BLTC).
- Guild upgrade : cost 1k merit, 100k influence, 1month to build.
- Guild instanced raid
- Guild members can go in and out of the raid to bring resources to the raid through the course of a month (month long open instance)
Mingus Dew.8620
Accessibility: Fractals System or LFG system or Guild unlock
Leverage existing, previous and future living story, open world, world boss style content, but to expand in games UI, tools, and capabilities to enhance the ability to organize, increase accessibility, and bring a renewed focused on the guilds, of Guild Wars 2, to all players even lone wolfs.
Raids have a Guild rally system implemented to taxi players in without using the LFG.
Should raiding guilds be viable? Absolutely. Should they be mandatory? No.
- Create multiple types of GR, each one being an “evolution” of content that currently exist
- Raid types could be : World Boss Raid (instanced with time challenge), Dungeon Instance Raid (created ad hoc with tiers and failing conditions)
There definitely has to be some form of gating behind the progress you make, however I don’t think the shear entering of the instance to begin with should be gated by anything.
You implement 3 raids, does raid z require all of raid y to be completed before entering? Something to consider.
There’d be a lot less frustration for PvE commanders if they could cull the poor performers, or even if the game would specifically target and eliminate poor performers.
(edited by VodCom.6924)
Capacity of the GR and scaling:
Have multiple raid sizes with scaling in order to accommodate multiple sizes of guilds
Conski Deshan.2057
- I see GW2 raids coming in 2 sizes, 10man (half raid) and 20man (full raid) and no 40 man raids due to the logistical issues
- Gate requires Dungeon master or fractal personnal level 20 or a mix of both or a trial that forces contact with advanced bosses
- The one who started the raid controls the size.
- (Page III post) scaling is what can set raiding apart in Gw2, even if it does affect the difficulty a little.
- Only guild members can access this instance.
- 10 person minimum and content scales up to the map capacity of 150 people.
- While encounters inside the raid are in progress it will not scale down. This is a mecanic to punish death.
Allow any sized guild to participate in the raid, with a set minimum that can be determined later
More than 5 players for sure
Setting the bar at “Mega-Organized Events” for enormous guilds only is a mistake
Scale based on the number of players present or should come in a variety of different size options. Guild mission “scaling” is a good example.
Marcus Greythorne.6843
Scaling for up to 150 people: I think it might be too difficult to create an interesting encounter that scales from 10 to 150 people.
A mix between open/scaleable and closed/fixed number: •2 groups enter a raid-instance: one of them – the core group – consists of 5-8 players and these do damage to bosses, the other group is open for 5-20 players. They can’t damage bosses but they can have multiple roles in the battle as well
Something between 10 and 25
A raid should require at least 16 players, and the maximum limit of participation, should be related to the amount of players that can be on the same map
Torsailr.8456 BlackBeard.2873 (similar suggestion)
To avoid scaling, why not have multiple raids of different sizes? A raid for 10 people, another for 25, another for 50?
Static group size : since it’s challenging content, it needs to be carefully tuned. A variable group size unnecessarily complicates that.
This is not to the exclusion of multiple static group sizes (for example, a 15person version of the raid & a 30 person version).
Groups as small as 15 to as large as 150 can participate in.
Each path of the raid would be capped with a set number of players (say 15-20) [We are talking about an instanced multi-path raid]
Mingus Dew.8620
Create two different types of raids :
- 10-15 person instances – Style of instances that are a fusion of Guild Challenge & Puzzle combined.
- 150 person instances – Similar to open world boss encounters.
My vote here would be 100% be behind 10-20 man raids ideally 10-15 man
If a suitable “LFG/topping up” system could be found, i think raids of around 30-50 people seem like a better size
- You should avoid implementing scaling to raids. Its not present in dungeons or fractals and that works. If you attempt something with fewer players it should be more challenging.
- Keep puzzle player requirements to a minimum.
- I think its best to keep the max sized raid as a multiple of 5.
Encounter design and punishment featured by the raids (part I) :
Expand the system of mistlock instabilities and include them in raids. Design instabilities to promote new types of builds and gameplay.
Metredel Le Preux.2587
Trash mobs have unique and interesting skills (like mord minions) in order to restrict corner stacking. Furthermore they have an optimized composition with different role and combo.
In need of a intelligent thing or need group collaboration please no solo raid for sellers of paths as we are seeing in arah.
GW2 combat system has much depth that is poorly utilized in most of current meta-events and even dungeons. Current world bosses such as Tequatl and Great Jungle Wurm do utilize this versatility of GW2 combat system but to a very low extent. Time to remedy this.
Each phase, or level, will be a large meta event chain meant for a large party to do. these events should force players from time to time, to split up and do things that cannot be done with the “stacking” meta
Start with designing the challenging version of the raid for the organised groups. Once that’s done, figure out what will make less skilled/organized groups struggle and proceed to make a dumbed down version of the raid for them.
(edited by VodCom.6924)
Encounter design and punishment featured by the raids (part II) :
Conski Deshan.2057
- A bad player should not be allowed to be carried by a team of good/experienced players.
- If you are an average player of this game, you are expected to fail the raid.
- Additional members can’t join an in progress raid.
- A rewardless(gold only) story mode for raids so that players who want to view the content can, but the rewards for the challenge mode maintain their meaning
- All foes will no longer leash to their origin, they will now pursue relentlessly until you or they are killed.
- Some creatures can sense you through stealth, so hiding won’t work!
Marcus Greythorne.6843
- insta-kills. Not sure that’s fun.
- dungeon-specific buffs determine roles (e.g In the entrance-area of a dungeon there are 5 golden-glowing weapon bundles. If you pick up one of these your current weapon-set(s) will become golden glowing. Only golden-glowing weapons can hurt the boss directly.)
- What is also important is to require many roles. Lack of real roles is turning much of the dungeon into DPS spam
- Raids require communication
Lupicus as an example of the baseline easiest difficulty and complexity of these subbosses
Whatever other characteristics the ANet take on raids might have, there should be a normal and a hard mode. Rewards for hard mode should consist of increased coin and increased chances for rare drops
- Raids should feel like fractals, on a scale of world bosses, with less people involved
- inside of the raid instance, you never leave combat
- lava and water shouldn’t be the only terrain modifications we can experience
- I want to see something different from “stack” or “zerg”
Iason Evan.3806
A tiered raiding system. Fractals are a great example
- Platforming/Environmental Hazards should be a strong element in any “raid.”
- Tribulation mode SAB jumping WHILE fighting Lupicus WHILE dodging the laser grid from CoE […] WHILE Liadri spams AoE and clones hunt you down (O_O)
Dramen Maidria.1034
There could be fail mechanics (like when quests failed in UW or FoW) that close the raid
- Give condi builds a role, give zerks their job, bring in the need for certain classes to perform certain tasks and skills (stealth etc etc)…
- Add puzzles, co-op actions, mix up what certain encounters within the raid require
Consider multiple difficulties : An “easy” and “hard” mode could be a good way to keep everyone involved
A long post featuring suggestion of what GW2 did well in terms of bosses design and how to build on these mechanics. A good reading if you have time.
- Boss and minions
- Tower defense (camps)
- Supply management: logs, ores, etc. (this will come up as whether the guild is ready and have enough resources to move on to the next boss)
- Profession abilities will be needed, such as Leap, Stealth, Portals, etc. to navigate the raid instance
Mechanics I feel should be on par with TT at the easier end of the scale. The fundamental concepts should be easy to understand, but execution and most importantly coordination will be where the difficulty lies.
Iason Evan.3806
Please don’t include Defiance in raids. Make “Control” mean something
Design the game around countering stacking and LoSing. (e.g All mobs can revive each other just like players).
- Multi-phased fights that require different player groups doing different things at different phases.
- About trash mobs : make ranged mobs attempt to stay out of melee. Give melee enemies more access to crippled. There you have it, mobs no longer stack.
- Quoting one of his old posts : I feel the mordrem and the karka are actually quite well designed, and provide the right amount of challenge in high level open world content.
“tough mobs” could have a different version of the Unshakable Buff, that allows coordinated crowd control.
Challenging and anti-stacking mechanics already exist in the game (e.g prime hologram fight). Capitalize on them.
- Promote under-used aspect of the GW2 combat. Allow bosses to inflict unavoidable damage to players to force them to heal. Use anti stack attacks like the exhalted grawl shaman etc…
- What about bosses that upon being defeated effect the remaining bosses in some fashion
masaplata.3965 (Zok.4956 posted a similar suggestion later)
The leadup to any final raid encounter should be tutorial-like
Increasing HPs isn’t more Challenging / Fun…it’s just boring and frustrating
(edited by VodCom.6924)
GR reward system:
Conski Deshan.2057
- Guaranteed rewards, next to no RNG drops (will be outlined in my later proposals)
- Not vertical progression rewards (i.e no stat increases).
- No lockout timers, you want to try and run it daily by all means go ahead.
- Rewards should be similar to guild missions: a set number of commendations + a chest on par with a world boss chest
- Flesh out what we can purchase with commendations.
- Loot table with; unique and rare drops, raid currency, mystic forge components and mini pets.
- Unique armour and weapon skins, achievements and titles
Lunar Sunset.8742
Unique titles, armor, weapons, achievements is a must.
- Trash mobs drop T7 mat
- sub-bosses : drop recipes using the T7 mats
- End boss : drop multiple pieces of the t7 refined mats and a chest containing either one of the unique ascended weapons or one of the armor pieces
- Clearing the Raid unlock a title, speed clearing it unlock an other title.
- Create a unique looking weapon and armor skin set for each profession.
- The raid armor and weapon skins should be looking somewhat specialised for each profession
- special raid style infusions to be used on raid weapon set.
- No RNG means devaluated rewards, RNG means we get only greens and blues. Reward tracks are a good way to fight against this problem
- Integrate rewards with other systems in the game : outfits, minis, finishers, dyes, skins, tokens, home instance upgrades, trophies, utility items, consumables, boosters, etc.
Make sure that the average gold earning rate is equivalent for the different raids. Otherwise, some raids will be forgotten to oblivion.
Evee.2714 (The one from the podcast relics of Orr)
- tokens system is possible (to unlock rewards in the short term)
- Synthesis Track: good long term goal for raiding. A hybrid system of the current PvP track reward system and the Mystic Forge. Using materials that can be obtained from all aspects of the game the player will be able to spend “Raid Experience” to synthesize these materials into new items giving access to difficult to obtain items that span the entire game.
- Raid exclusive consumables, or runes/sigils, or anything else of that nature that is not so much more powerful as it is different (but still has an effect on gameplay)
- Disable these rewards in WvW
Add infusions to the boss loot tables. These would be tradeable and would range between the regular +4 stat infusions and the versatile +5 X stat with +5 agony resist. Also add new infusions which give a +5 stat bonus and/or a cosmetic glow.
Precursors, dungeon gift, full armor set, influence and merits to cover the costs of the raid.
Each time the raid is completed, it gives a currency to purchase rewards as well as random reward drop. It is important that the reward structures gives us an incentive to go back to the raids.
- As for bosses there should be 2 catergories of rewards : Everytime you kill a boss and once a day you kill a boss. Once a day is where you get a chance at your RNG shenanigans
- Ensure trash mobs aren’t exploitable (aka no respawn and farm situation) and ensure it doesn’t scale to give more champions that drops champ bags etc…
- Include a token-like reward system for those who have trouble with RNG.
- Since it’s a guild raid, make sure it rewards the guild aswell. (like some statue, picture or anything inthe guildhalls, that can work like a guild achievementlist)
- Make sure it is rewarding for every person joining. (for both people in as out the guild)
If you are to create OW and instaced versions of MB (cf guardian Jack’s proposition) make sure the rewards do not overlap each other. The goal is to maintain an incentive to do both the OW and instanced version of the GR.
Metredel Le Preux.2587
Every end’s chest guaranteed the drop of 2-4 gold or exo, 1 raid’s token and some gold (5 or more) + usual green-blue. It is also possible to loot : Ascended weapon/armor box, Ascended raid weapon/armor box, Raid minipet, Ascended trinket, Raid’s crafting material (40-45% drop rate), Raid’s recipe
Progression should be tied to the guild, instead of players
Skin rewards should of course be account bound : The only way to get them, is by beating the challenge
Rewards that require multiple steps to obtain throughout the raid content (e.g. “scavanger hunts” similar to process of obtaining Mawdrey, Mad King Memoires etc.).
These rewards should be scaled in regard to time-investemnt and skill level required in comparison to the existing content in the game.
Each raid boss has its own loot table and that way no more RNG and getting random greens.
(edited by VodCom.6924)
I am listing here oposing opinions about various topics of GR with the corresponding arguments:
I won’t include the paternity of each argument since they are pretty much mainstream.
Instanced vs non instanced
The pro instance arguments:
- Bystanders: they are removed from the equation
- Organization: Map limits may be filled by other people causing some of your team to get misplaced
- Control: You control the conditions, the combatants and the overall flow of the combat.
- No Conflict: Lower skilled players can attempt casual runs (I’m not saying they should be able to complete it, just if they want to experience it/practice/improve) without wrecking some top tier players day and vice versa.
- I don’t like when people just happen to wander through a piece of content and get over rewarded for no effort
- You avoid the : turn up 1 hr early, plug headset in and play the WP lottery when a map IP is announced to try and get into the organised event… and then hope you don’t get DC’ed and loose all chances of getting back into the correct map to complete the event you spent the best part of 2hrs supporting
- Easier to fine tune encounters, no taking down a whole map cause triple trouble bugged
The pro open world arguments:
- It’s possible for ad-hoc additional players to contribute meaningfully without being amazing players.
- random players get to experience content without it being gated by membership to specific player communities.
- Lower skilled players won’t practice it because they won’t have the infrastructure to organise a group.
- Encourages scaling of events therefore LOSELY determined by minimum or maximum amount of players ( aka not rigid 10 man only ).
- Likeminded players will more easily “find” each other
Guild centered vs guild independant
The Guild independant arguments:
- To not lock raids to specific guilds (that can prevent some people from accessing the content)
- What would likely be my “Raid Group” in this game consists of leaders/commanders from a few different guilds.
- Opposed to the raids being only activated through means that only a guild could have. The raids should be able to be put together through chat or LFG tool if wanted.
- Raids that are independant from guilds allow the community to organise their own raiding throughout the day and not have to rely on trying to catch a TTS run event or such
Other controversial topics listed by runeblade.7514 :
- Scaling- Should Raids be rigid to make balancing easier or, should Raids be very flexible so that all guilds can be more inclusive to their members?
- Difficulty- Should Raids be easy enough for casual players, or should raids be difficult so it requires skill on the risk of excluding casual player.
- Stacking- What steps should be taken to remove stacking or should it even be removed at all?
- AI- What AI should be in place?
Larger or smaller? (Reflexions by Zanthrax.6538)
Large Raid pros
- Opportunity for larger and more “epic” fights
- Less likely to leave people aside
- People won’t split up in small raiding cliques within and between guilds
Small raid pros
- will promote and help grow MORE guilds
- Larger guilds can still set up multiple raid teams
- Easier to get a full group
Partial summary of the controversies so far in page 5
Link to the post : a very good read
(edited by VodCom.6924)
Chris, on the topic of Scaling:
Hey, is there any reason why raids wouldn’t just scale to your size? So like… 5-20 man, bring what you can, and it scales.
Very hard to get the balance we would want from this kind of content.
The experience we are looking for would also be diluted the more players you have in an instanced raid.
This said, let’s say the number was ten. We shouldn’t stop folks from trying to beat content with 5 for example.
Colin, on the topic of copying a well know MMORPG and thinking outside the box:
Lots of great concepts here already, great job folks. I’ll echo that this discussion is most helpful if we consider what the concept of guild raids in Guild Wars 2 could be, rather than attempting to limit to what “raids” in other games have been.
Think outside the box and ask yourself what other “raid” type systems don’t do well, and consider proposals that you think both make best use of what Guild Wars does well; it’s a similar process we use when evaluating any system or feature for Gw2 in general.
Looking forward to read more of your ideas!
Anthony Ordon, on scaling magic:
On scaling: it is true that we have a certain amount of “magic” scaling in the game, commonly seen in dynamic events. The intent of that system is to keep difficulty consistent across a variety of player counts. The sticking point for myself on raids and scaling is that while we can scale enemies, it is far more difficult to meaningfully scale objectives.
To elaborate, in a 10-player raid, each player is responsible for approximately 1/10 of challenge. As you add players, that challenge share diminishes, so in a 20-player raid, the individual role is about half as important as it would have been with 10 players (challenges of coordination aside).
Of course, group content is rarely so singular and for a good reason. If we have 3 objectives, we divide the focus of the group and your ownership of a 20-player challenge goes from 1/20 to 1/6ish.
Is it possible, then, to just scale objectives along with the player counts? Perhaps. But it seems that would equate to just making many tiers of the content which, to me, sounds like a good way to diminish the total amount of content we could build. What do you guys think?
Chris: On the definition of a raid (sorry for you OW fans, I’ll still list your propositions though ‘cause they’re interesting)
Chris, can you provide a baseline definition of “raid”? What exactly is the intention behind creating “raid” content that cannot already be expressed in terms of existing dungeons or fractals? Is it about creating another category of content that is gated to guilds?
Here you go:
‘…instanced co-operative group based ‘challenging’ content…’
Conski Deshan.2057
Hide raid items from the wardrobe until they are collected.
Create a new sets of legendaries available only by doing raids.
As new raid content is released the older raids will be rebalanced to make it more accessible
One of the problems involve ‘teaching’ current mechanics to a wider player base before the raids are introduced.
Personnal note by VodCom.6924 : this is a problem that rose up several times during previous discussions about endgame and raids. Some players claims that the average GW2 player is dumb. I think this is because the game teaches poorly how to play in group. Time to get this fixed
Raids should occur when it is convenient for the individual; time locks and such should not dictate when a player can raid. (Not everyone has a regular work schedule!)
Improve the UI for Raids and create specific UI tools for this type of content.
More details here : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Guilds-Raiding/4522652
Asgaeroth.6427 (similar suggestion)
A revamp of the current squad system for a unified raiding, world boss, and WvW large party system experience.
Evee.2714 (The one from the podcast relics of Orr)
This post is an interesting recap on the history of raids in MMOs.
So what definition of raid would I not want to see?
- The one with gear treadmill. Beat raid x to get access and gear required for raid y, ad infinitum.
- The one that requires you to have a certain lineup to even try it.
- The one that needs people with positioning knowledge and movement skill, so you can actually find people to raid with you.
- The one requiring you to chew through 15 min off so called tactics.
- The one where key functions of the fights are placed on one or two people.
- The one where you can’t take more than x meele, because fight mechanics.
By utilizing the already created squad interface I think Anet has the ability to put a new spin on raiding
Detailed analysis on the strengths and weaknesses of GW2 combat system and how they will perform in GR
Weaknesses : Agro (or lack of agro to be precise), graphic spam, condition cap
Strengths : Mobility, dodges, no trinity
OP : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Guilds-Raiding/4523042
Leaderboards for Raiding Guilds, as a motivating tool.
Raid completion data could be included in the API
Suppose that raids were instanced (and I think they should be specifically for guilds), but they also had an effect in the open world that everyone else can notice and benefit from.
I think public recognition and making a difference in the world for yourself and others
Give new abilities to commanders to manage raids
Metredel Le Preux.2587
Raids should be instanced, but also include a preparation room that can be accessed by everyone. The room includes usual city commodities.
Raid Leader boards – A scoreboard similar to the challenge leader boards in GW1.
Incentive to repeat the content over and over.
(edited by VodCom.6924)
Soooooo much better, less busy and easier to read than the summaries with links in.
From someone who simply can’t put the time into reading the main thread right now, this is incredbily useful!!
You missed my comments about infusions for rewards.
Thanks for this post. I was working on a similar condensed post, re evaluating some of the suggestions based on feedback and feasibility. Good job
You missed my comments about infusions for rewards.
It’s possible. Thanks for reminding me. Could you link me your post with a PM so I can find the exact proposition asap ?
One small thing VodCom about myself in the post, I’m currently A leader of TTS but I am not THE leader of TTS. There’s more then one leader in TTS (all of us split duties of leading raids, missions, administration) , the head of TTS is the Keeper which is Merforga, not me. I just thought I’d clarify that.
Thanks for making this summary, btw.
(edited by guardian.6489)
Great work Vod you are so helpful to the CDI.
I really appreciate everything you are doing and I know you don’t have much free time at the moment.
would be cool if you could add the infusion stuff from my suggestion:
and the imbuement quests for visual progression
Hey Vod
I don’t know if you have all of page 19 done yet, but I made a few points about reward progression and how to progress inside the raid itself. Hope you can find a spot for it here
Hey Vod
I don’t know if you have all of page 19 done yet, but I made a few points about reward progression and how to progress inside the raid itself. Hope you can find a spot for it herehttps://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Guilds-Raiding/4531386
Hi. So far I’ve only summed up two pages. The number of pages I’ve covered is indicated in the topic’s title (2/20).
Great summary. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Great summary, however, concerning my suggestion on open world raids…
Tuomir.1830 not exactly about raid content, but close enough forthe author
Infrequently at set times, large map-sised event happen and culminate in Boss battle. These event are similar to Scarlet’s invasions.
Unlike the Scarlet’s invasions, these events (let’s call them invasions, too, for now) would be specific to the zones they occur in (and tailored to them), and success/failure could switch the state of the zone universally and until a new such invasion event would occur in the zone. That was the key idea in the suggestion.
Disclaimer and conflicts of interest:
I do NOT claim to be 100% objective and I am highly biased toward expanding the megabosses rather than creating Guild Raids.
I’m a biased person but not an obtuse one.
Hopefully Arena Net understands this and doesn’t listen to cherry picked opinions that lobby certain type of content.
Disclaimer and conflicts of interest:
I do NOT claim to be 100% objective and I am highly biased toward expanding the megabosses rather than creating Guild Raids.
I’m a biased person but not an obtuse one.Hopefully Arena Net understands this and doesn’t listen to cherry picked opinions that lobby certain type of content.
I came to realise during my studies that nobody is objective and the perception one has of an opinion is usually polluted by personnal experiences and social background. This is why I try as much as possible to listen to feedback, since this summary must be as fair as possible in order to be useful.
I got a lot of PMs recently, thanks for you feedback, this is really helping.
This post is here to answer some questions about my methodology when contructing the summary:
Step 1 : I always skim through the first 5 pages of the CDI to get an idea of the directions the discussion is taking. It helps me getting a general vision of what is going on and the general topics that will be discussed.
Step 2 : Construct categories and taking notes. I work with a notepad file on one screen and the forum page on an other.
I read each post individually and try copy-paste punch lines and key sentenses in the notepad’s categories. Splitting posts in categories is the most time consuming part of the job, since some contributors do not split their proposition in categories (for better coherence and lisibility which is something I understand).
Merforga’s post is a good example of the challenge. The post is detailed, cristal clear and well constructed. Splitting it in many categories while keeping the coherence of merf’s idea is really tough. I’m not saying you should change merf, keep it up and I’ll do my best to do justice to your ideas.
Step 3 : Re-organise the notepad file. Ordering categories and eliminating doubloons is a boring but necessary task. This is where I do most of my mistakes.
Step 4 : Previewing. In this step, I focus on lisibility and clarity. A necessary task to avoid walls of text that nobody will read.
Step 5 : Post. Analysing a page of the CDI takes about an hour of work.
I hope some questions have been answered
(edited by VodCom.6924)
Hey Vod
I don’t know if you have all of page 19 done yet, but I made a few points about reward progression and how to progress inside the raid itself. Hope you can find a spot for it herehttps://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Guilds-Raiding/4531386
Hi. So far I’ve only summed up two pages. The number of pages I’ve covered is indicated in the topic’s title (2/20).
Ah, silly me for missing that good work so far!
This is really helpful! Thanks for all your hard work in putting this together.
Page 4 is covered. I do have problems to edit some of my my posts though :/
Btw, is there anyone who volunteers to create a google form to count more easily the top 3 choices ?
We could also improve the formula by counting opinions on various themes of GR (length, capacity, link with guilds, OW/instanced/both etc…).
Merforga’s post is a good example of the challenge. The post is detailed, cristal clear and well constructed. Splitting it in many categories while keeping the coherence of merf’s idea is really tough. I’m not saying you should change merf, keep it up and I’ll do my best to do justice to your ideas.
That’s me! =D. Awesome stuff with the summary. I’ve found it extremely difficult trying to keep up with the CDI and definitely stickying this for future reference!
And like wise, keep up the awesome work
Hats off to VodCom, well done for condensing and taking notes on this.
I do hope dev’s reach out further more to individuals that made excellent suggestions and have a chat with them. Everyone seems to have a variation and definition of “raid”.
A suggestions maybe have a voice comms 1 to 1 or 1 to selected few at a time to have a chat. Most players here have a TS\Vent\Mumble\RaidCall devs can join in.
The beating continues until order is restored
im interested in the idea of a huge dungeon that includes every boss in the game randomly rolled just like fractals but much harder and with the raiding concept of huge amounts of people also having puzzles to do to get to the next zone ect. raids should be hard i dont think marionette is raid content it would have to be something like a massive dungeon sort of like the new hidden arcana instance but much harder and longer.
Guild Leader of Aegis Shield [AS]-Tarnished Coast
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