no longer affect the intended travel distance.
-The Pros at ANET
Hey guys…Sorry if this is posted in the wrong area, but this seemed like the only place where it would fit. Anyway I am thinking of buying the first Guild Wars to see the backstory/lore of the original game, along with getting the cool Hall of Monument stuffs. My question’s are as follows about it though…
Is it a Dead game?
Can I play it completely solo?
Would anyone be willing to play it with me?
It is actually worth buying?
Is it better, or worse compaired to Guild Wars 2?
How much game play time would I get out of the game?
These are just some of the basic questions I have about GW1, so yeah…. Thanks for the help
They aren’t adding to it but plenty of people still play it. I’ve been playing it for a few months now and haven’t grouped with any body so I think unless you want/need to do the hardest stuff then its very soloable.
Worth and better/worse? Very subjective.
Play time is up to you. I’m only doing it for a HoM target so once I get there I’ll be leaving the game alone.
Game’s not dead and I still play once in a while.
98% is completely soloable with the heros/henchies, but, will need the EOTN expansion for access to your HoM.
If i’m on at the time I will run with you, my IGN is Im Mudbone.
You will find that there is a grind, but, I like(d) it and think there is a lot that blows GW2 out of the water except the graphics(GW2 has this beat).
Lots of gameplay, MUCH BIGGER and you ACTUALLY EARN your weapons/armor. I have well over 6000hrs in-game.
Is it a Dead game?
There are still players, and more than I would imagine, but developers aren’t working on the game anymore.
Can I play it completely solo?
Yes you can, there you find the Hero and Henchman system, those are like in game bots that follow you and act as a player.
Personally I prefer to play with heroes than with average players.
It is actually worth buying?
I loved GW1, and if you have the time to play both, then it is totally worth, the story is nice, the gameplay is good, and it isn’t as dated as you may think, the graphics are still better than many MMOs out there.
Is it better, or worse compaired to Guild Wars 2?
They are pretty different games, GW1 is almost 100% instanced and very friendly towards solo gameplay, GW2 is the opposite.
Lore-wise both are nice, I personally like the GW1 lore more, but it may be because I already know it better and we know the full story.
How much game play time would I get out of the game?
Depends of your objectives, with about 1k hours I was only able to get 45/50 HoM points with a bit of help of my guildmates, and I never finished Underworld nor Domain of Anguish. But you can finish all the 3 campaigns + EotN in a few months playing casually.
Heya. GW1’s pretty different in a lot of respects.
First, it isn’t a true MMO. Think Diablo II or something where you have to create a game instance to run around in, except instead of a chat room as a lobby you have a city where you can manage your characters and stuff. Once you leave these outposts, the game world is instanced to you/your party.
Is it dead? Eh no, but there are significant portions of the map that are going to be virtually deserted.
Solo? Yes, tentatively. In the Nightfall and Eye of the North storylines you pick up a number of “hero” characters, which are basically customizable party members that you can build like your own character. These are NPC controlled though you can micromanage their skills if you want. You’ll probably want to begin with Nightfall or Eye of the North to gain access to these heroes ASAP.
For most parts of the game you’re going to have trouble finding parties just because people aren’t doing those anymore. For others (high-end areas in Nightfall and Eye of the North) it should still be possible to get groups.
Worth buying, eh. It’s pretty clunky compared even to similarly aged games such as WoW. You can’t jump, and the control method seems to almost suit Diablo-style top-down mouse control sometimes.
Not comparable, imo. GW1’s combat has a completely different style to it, as does building the characters. Both good and bad in their own ways.
If you do the campaigns, and hang around long enough to get say, 10 HoM points, you’re probably looking at over a hundred hours of gameplay. The stories generally aren’t amazing, but they provide enough context to keep you pushing through them.
I got through the game pretty much with heroes, mercenaries (like heroes but your alternate characters that you can play with) and maybe one or at most 2 real people. It does make a difference having another person but it’s possible to do it without.
If you are going to solo it, you might look into buying the mercenary option from the store. This will let you customize the group of heroes you play with in an advantageous manner.
You can even try it out. If you party up with someone who has a fully set up group of heroes/mercenaries and you go into a map and then they leave, their heroes/mercenaries will follow and obey you instead.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
There’s a free trial available. Give it a try and see if you like it.
Guild Wars is a great game. If you get it you’ll get a lot of mileage out of it. People still do PvE. I have friends who still GvG and it’s neat to be able to observe those matches. Heroes make it all playable without having to wait to form a party.
I did all hard mode content with Heroes. Later I replaced the heroes with mercenaries so I could travel with multiple Necromancers, Ritualists, or (my favorite) a trio of Mesmers.
I still go back to work with my Paragon once in awhile. He was on his way to being my third GWAMM.
I say, go for it!
GW2 players who get GW1 just for HoM points, what rewards are appealing to you to invest so much time in another game for? Have any of you got the game just to try to get GWAMM? If so, how much research did you do before deciding it’s for you?
For anyone who got the game just for the GW2 rewards and completed their goal, did you think the time involved was worth it?
GW2 players who get GW1 just for HoM points, what rewards are appealing to you to invest so much time in another game for? Have any of you got the game just to try to get GWAMM? If so, how much research did you do before deciding it’s for you?
For anyone who got the game just for the GW2 rewards and completed their goal, did you think the time involved was worth it?
I did plenty of research first and thought about it for maybe a year before getting it. And the time its taken me to get where I am with HoM points has been worth it so far.
It took me almost five years to get my first GWAMM. The second just sort of happened as the game evolved.
If people only want thirty points to get the HoM rewards, that can be done pretty fast – like six months maybe. GWAMM will take a lot longer and, at this point, I don’t think it would be much fun. It takes a lot of time and “work”.
(edited by RoxBuryNine.4210)
I logged into GW1 to see my birthday pressies. I got hit with guild joining messages fast. There is still a Gw1 community without question
Granted those messages were in Spamadan and LA
(edited by Paul.4081)
just be prepared to ask yourself why anet didn’t build off of the first game
there are players that actually bought GW1 and left GW2 because if that, i am more wondering what Anet was thinking when they decided to abandon GW1.
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