Guild Wars 1 still exists, it is that way ->
You are my hero.
This same discussion happened on diablo 3 forums. You should mark your words. Go see what happened on their forums on
People don’t like it when you change what they liked about the new game.
Turning the game into a WoW clone is not making it unique. Gear treadmills are not unique. Gear checks are not unique. Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
Rather than trying to turn GW2 into WoW, instead of allowing it to follow in the footsteps of its successful predecessor and ACTUALLY be unique, why not play a WoW clone on the side and stop trying to destroy this game? It would be fun if the content locusts were to just play the game for itself instead of demanding more and more stats and content constantly, forcing Anet to push rushed attempts to appease them like this.
We bought the game knowing exactly what kind of game it was- the manifesto told us what it was. It’s the WoW fans who want to turn it into something else.
(edited by Tolmos.8395)
Zoul there is a marked difference, Diablo 3 was a single player game that was a sequel to Diablo 1 and 2. GW2 is an MMO, it is not a sequel to GW1. GW1 is a sequel to GW1 because it is constantly being updated with new content.
Would like to see it stay new but only incorporate ideas from old to make it more modern. Classics are good which iswhythey get redone with tweaks.
Tolmos, this game is not being turned into a WoW clone. Gear progression has been a concept of RPGs throughout history. Vertical Progression may not be something you like and you are free to state that, but it is not in any way making this game into WoW or even making it WoW-like. It is simply a mechanic that is also used in WoW, and EQ, and EQ2, and every single player RPG ever, and several thousand other types of games.
ArenaNet said they would continue the design philosophy from Guild Wars into Guild Wars 2. That’s what the game was sold as. ArenaNet has gone back on that.
So no, I’m not trying to change GW2 into GW. I want the product that I paid for.
If you don’t like people discussing something, then don’t read it.
agree with op, GW2 is nothing like GW1. disagree with op, this is ArenaNet’s biggest mistake.
Please for the love of Grenth, stop trying to turn this game into GW1. I understand that you all loved the game, I get it, but guess what? It still exists. If you want to play GW1, go play it. GW2 is its own game, it will have differences. You may not like or appreciate those differences and you are free to make that known, but please stop saying “because GW1 was this way, GW2 needs to be too.” They are two different games, and GW2 does not have the same design philosophy as GW1. This is a GOOD thing, it makes the game unique and worth playing for what it is.
You are correct yet incorrect.
The main deviation from GW1 is
-GW2 Lost the Trinity of GW1
-GW2 is Action based
-GW2 is Dynamic and persistent
The Same philosophy is that both are:
-Free to Play
-Level and gear plateau
-Complete and balanced sPvP, separate from PvE
What makes GW2 fun is the Anet philosophy that enveloped both GW1 and GW2. What makes GW2 more a challenge is the difference in how the game is played.
Sequels aren’t supposed to be just like the last game you played. I read a very good article a while back that described how the “hardcore” gamer mentality destroys innovation in the industry because everyone expects that they’re somehow just going to get a shinier, better version of the last [Game of the Same Genre] they played, and the expectation is nearly impossible to fulfill – and not to mention, if every game were just the last game of its kind with a few additions and prettier graphics, game selection would be terrible, innovation would be non-existent, and being a gamer would be a hobby for the dull.
Please for the love of Grenth, stop trying to turn this game into WoW. I understand that you all loved the game, I get it, but guess what? It still exists. If you want to play WoW, go play it. GW2 is its own game, it will have differences. You may not like or appreciate those differences and you are free to make that known, but please stop saying “because WoW was this way, GW2 needs to be too.” They are two different games, and GW2 does not have the same design philosophy as WoW. This is a GOOD thing, it makes the game unique and worth playing for what it is.
See how that works?
No need for the direction I know where I came from and as a matter of fact I’m there now :P
Hunterfox, yes, that is what is happening, GW2 is an extension of the lessons learned in GW1 and is also incorporating ideas from other games to make it new. What is upsetting is that anything that changes the game in any way immediately gets called out as “anti-GW” or “a WoW clone” or some other such nonsense.
Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
I keep seeing this comment everywhere.
Have you possibly considered that maybe you just suck at WvW?
I don’t mean to sound rude, mind, it’s just that I was always plenty “competitive” in WvW at Lvl 80 while wearing just magic or masterwork-level items. I never once felt heavily disadvantaged and would regularly kill other players in head-to-head combat. So, either I’m just that good (which is unlikely), or you’re doing something wrong.
Ergo, I’m inclined to think that if you honestly believe a few extra stat points are going to make you suddenly perform better at WvW, you’re in for a lot of disappointment. Stats help, but are hardly as influential as people seem to think.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
Krookie, I am in no way advocating that this game become WoW. And guess what, neither is Arenanet. Vertical Progression is not a WoW concept, it is a concept that has existed as long as gaming has existed, even back to DnD and pong derivatives. That people are assuming the game is “going to become WoW” simply because it derivated in one way from GW1 is just silly.
nah, I don’t suck at WvW, and I fight nude.
Krookie, I am in no way advocating that this game become WoW. And guess what, neither is Arenanet. Vertical Progression is not a WoW concept, it is a concept that has existed as long as gaming has existed, even back to DnD and pong derivatives. That people are assuming the game is “going to become WoW” simply because it derivated in one way from GW1 is just silly.
yet if the shoe fits, might as well wear it.
How does the shoe fit Wolfend?
“Diablo 3 was a single player game.”
yes that is why you couldn’t play it without an internet connection.
You sir are incorrect. Like I said head over to the forums and see how your argument worked over there.
Also if GW2 is not supposed to be like GW1. Please remove guild wars from the title.
Hunterfox, yes, that is what is happening, GW2 is an extension of the lessons learned in GW1 and is also incorporating ideas from other games to make it new. What is upsetting is that anything that changes the game in any way immediately gets called out as “anti-GW” or “a WoW clone” or some other such nonsense.
You mean GW2 sold 2 million copies in the first couple of months after game open vs. GW1s 6.5 million sold over seven years?
Philosophy kept GW1 up and will keep GW2 running.
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
Guild Wars 1 is only mentioned in cases where either A) People seem confused as to how an online RPG can be successful without parroting the features of EverQuest/World of Warcraft, and Guild Wars 1 serves as an example of how a game like that can be successful, or B) When people bring up previous statements made during Guild Wars 2’s marketing with the argument that “they didn’t specifically say this with this specific wording so I don’t know why you interpreted it to mean that”. The same philosophy was espoused during Guild Wars 1’s development, and they maintained that philosophy for close to eight years - it was not unreasonable for people to expect that ArenaNet would adhere to those principles.
People are also not dogmatically in favour of keeping the game exactly as Guild Wars 1 was. Guild Wars 1 did not have a functional Z-Axis, jumping, or dodging. Do you see Guild Wars 1 fans saying that those mechanics should be removed from Guild Wars 2? No? Then ask yourself, what does that tell you?
Krookie, I am in no way advocating that this game become WoW. And guess what, neither is Arenanet. Vertical Progression is not a WoW concept, it is a concept that has existed as long as gaming has existed, even back to DnD and pong derivatives. That people are assuming the game is “going to become WoW” simply because it derivated in one way from GW1 is just silly.
yet if the shoe fits, might as well wear it.
Ah, but that’s just it. There is no evidence that the shoe fits yet. One tier of gear does not a treadmill make.
Don’t get me wrong, I hate ascended items. But people have been taking the idea of ascended items and deriving all sorts of conclusions from it without any evidence. Why not wait and see if the team continues to make new tiers of gear every few months, instead of just immediately assuming that they’re going to? If they add another tier after Ascended, you bet I’m gonna be right there at the picket line with many of you. But if they don’t add any more, then AFAIC that’s not a treadmill. It’s a lot of mindless grind. And while I don’t like that either, I’m not going to quit the game just because it’s grindy….perhaps because I happen to know that the genre in general is very grindy.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
How does the shoe fit Wolfend?
80 levels, stat progression, vertical progress, gated content, endless grind, time > skill, yada yada, see all my other posts for the last 5 years… all the things that differentiated GW1 from WoW,
core principles. that’s how
edit, yeah and crappy stat based pvp, thanks Tolmos
(edited by Wolfend.5287)
Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
I keep seeing this comment everywhere.
Have you possibly considered that maybe you just suck at WvW?
I don’t mean to sound rude, mind, it’s just that I was always plenty “competitive” in WvW at Lvl 80 while wearing just magic or masterwork-level items. I never once felt heavily disadvantaged and would regularly kill other players in head-to-head combat. So, either I’m just that good (which is unlikely), or you’re doing something wrong.
Ergo, I’m inclined to think that if you honestly believe a few extra stat points are going to make you suddenly perform better at WvW, you’re in for a lot of disappointment. Stats help, but are hardly as influential as people seem to think.
The people who suck at WvW are those who will rely on the stat crutch of ascended gear. I came to GW2 to avoid playing a game where “skill” was synonymous with “stats”. But some people seem to be afraid of that idea, so they continue to push for higher stats to rely on so they can feel superior
Krookie, I am in no way advocating that this game become WoW. And guess what, neither is Arenanet. Vertical Progression is not a WoW concept, it is a concept that has existed as long as gaming has existed, even back to DnD and pong derivatives. That people are assuming the game is “going to become WoW” simply because it derivated in one way from GW1 is just silly.
Substitute the “WoW” in my post with DnD, LotRO, EQ, EQ2, AoC, Rift… basically whatever else game you can think of. The concept is still the same.
Gear progression was introduced because people rushed to level 80 and ran out of things to do, so they came to the forums and whined about GW2 not having a proper endgame, like WoW. They were not content with letting GW2 be it’s own game and refused to accept any other form of endgame besides the typical dugeon/raid gear grind.
So here we are. And here you are making a nice little post that in hindsight and with a slight name change, applies perfectly to GW2 before ANet caved into the gear progression crowd.
I just wish that you posted it during the height of the “no endgame” whining a few months ago.
(edited by krookie.6378)
Zoul there is a marked difference, Diablo 3 was a single player game that was a sequel to Diablo 1 and 2. GW2 is an MMO, it is not a sequel to GW1. GW1 is a sequel to GW1 because it is constantly being updated with new content.
Wrong on multiple levels. D3 is a cooperative game, much like GW1 was. You can form parties (albeit limited to 4 players, but any more and it’d clutter things) and go out into “instances.” Yeah, it’s missing lobbies (which has been a feature I’d heard many people saying they wished it had.)
GW1 isn’t really getting updated anymore. They’ll still have holidays, I suppose. And it’s just as much a “single-player” game as D3 is. You can form a party to go out to instances… Or you could just use heroes instead, seeing as you could often wind up doing better than grouping with a PUG.
GW2 is a complete departure from GW1. You don’t really even need parties except for dungeons. (does that make it “single-player”?) Bosses are “difficult” due to hitting insanely hard and having way too much HP. Not because they have an interesting skill set. Yeah, the fractal bosses improve upon this… but still.
And, really, the main “complaint” about GW2 with respect to GW1 is that there’s gear grind. Which is kind of silly, honestly, considering that many people like the whole “downscaling” mechanic and how it keeps old content semi-relevant.
The benefit to not having a gear grind means that any max-level content they create is instantly playable for EVERYONE, even if those people haven’t been grinding for the latest BiS gear.
Also, as others have mentioned, WvW is probably the main thing going to really be hampered by the Exotic/Ascended stuff. The current complaints about there being a distant separation between “good” and “bad” WvW servers are just going to grow. I mean, a server with people/guilds dedicated to WvW are just going to get the best possible gear… Setting that server even further ahead.
Krookie, I am in no way advocating that this game become WoW. And guess what, neither is Arenanet. Vertical Progression is not a WoW concept, it is a concept that has existed as long as gaming has existed, even back to DnD and pong derivatives. That people are assuming the game is “going to become WoW” simply because it derivated in one way from GW1 is just silly.
There are a lot of concepts that have stuck with MMO’s for a long time. Such as subscription fees.
Just because its old doesn’t make it right.
Crater, that is fine, I am fine with people saying “I dont want x” I have a problem with people saying “I dont want x because it makes the game into y/because game z wasnt that way”
Crater, that is fine, I am fine with people saying “I dont want x” I have a problem with people saying “I dont want x because it makes the game into y/because game z wasnt that way”
If you want to play Game Y, then why don’t you?
I hated World of Warcraft. I hated Guild Wars 1. I adore this game.
In order for this to become a WoW clone, it has to:
1. Introduce the current norm in questing. Run up to the NPC, right click, accept, run off wherever the tracker tells you to go, kill whatever it told you to kill, return, turn in, and likely be given the next quest in the chain. Usually there’s between 4 and 8 quest givers in each town. Once you’re done, move on to the next village/town/outpost, and repeat the process.
2. Make it so if you hit a creature, it’s yours and nobody else gets credit. Loot is shared with the party, and you must compete for gathering nodes.
3. Make combat less mobile. WoW certainly allows for more mobility than, say, Final Fantasy XI, but GW2 allows you to move around quite a bit. It’s practically an action game with an RPG interface.
4. Allow you to skip all content in PvE and jump right into end-game for the PvE world. A friend invited me to WoW and, after accepting, the character I made was insta-leveled to max, plus I could make a Dark Knight or whatever they’re called which begins at level 65. …..
We’ve got a long way to go before this is a WoW clone. Pretty sure for this to become a clone, the core design of the code would need to be reworked. Introducing “raid” gear is not unique to WoW, it exists in nearly every MMO, including EQ and FFXI (I keep mentioning FFXI because I played that instead of WoW, and it was out 2 years before WoW.)
As far as GW1 is concerned, I thought the PvE sucked. PvP was good, but the animations were crap. Yea I’m that picky.
My main gripe with GW1 was it was instanced everything almost. Running in small groups is ok, but you know what’s better? Meeting random people out on the field. Same reason why the current dungeons here are ok, but still stifflingly limited.
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
Guild Wars 1 is only mentioned in cases where either A) People seem confused as to how an online RPG can be successful without parroting the features of EverQuest/World of Warcraft, and Guild Wars 1 serves as an example of how a game like that can be successful, or
When people bring up previous statements made during Guild Wars 2’s marketing with the argument that “they didn’t specifically say this with this specific wording so I don’t know why you interpreted it to mean that”. The same philosophy was espoused during Guild Wars 1’s development, and they maintained that philosophy for close to eight years - it was not unreasonable for people to expect that ArenaNet would adhere to those principles.
People are also not dogmatically in favour of keeping the game exactly as Guild Wars 1 was. Guild Wars 1 did not have a functional Z-Axis, jumping, or dodging. Do you see Guild Wars 1 fans saying that those mechanics should be removed from Guild Wars 2? No? Then ask yourself, what does that tell you?
I’m not annoyed that GW2 isn’t exactly like GW1. I’m annoyed because they talked this game up like it was going to different from most MMOs in sense that the focus would be on horizontal progression and you would not get stat grind, only grind for looks or achievements but threw that out the window a few months later when the reviews had already been done and most the people who would have bought GW2 based on the design philosophy had already got and paid for it. GW1 is brought up because people keep using “stat grind is necessary to have players interested” as an excuse for A-net doing this when GW1 did not have this.
And in what way is stat grind unique? It isn’t.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
Guild Wars 1 is only mentioned in cases where either A) People seem confused as to how an online RPG can be successful without parroting the features of EverQuest/World of Warcraft, and Guild Wars 1 serves as an example of how a game like that can be successful, or
When people bring up previous statements made during Guild Wars 2’s marketing with the argument that “they didn’t specifically say this with this specific wording so I don’t know why you interpreted it to mean that”. The same philosophy was espoused during Guild Wars 1’s development, and they maintained that philosophy for close to eight years - it was not unreasonable for people to expect that ArenaNet would adhere to those principles.
People are also not dogmatically in favour of keeping the game exactly as Guild Wars 1 was. Guild Wars 1 did not have a functional Z-Axis, jumping, or dodging. Do you see Guild Wars 1 fans saying that those mechanics should be removed from Guild Wars 2? No? Then ask yourself, what does that tell you?
Thank you, I think this captures the thoughts of many of us. I bought GW2 because I wanted the next evolution in the Guild Wars franchise. I’m thrilled about jumping, dodging, the increased mobility, and the beautiful environments. Even the underwater combat is an exciting addition.
GW2 was specifically sold as a game without vertial gear progression and to be anti-grind. This is what many of us expected, this is what we bought.
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
Guild Wars 1 is only mentioned in cases where either A) People seem confused as to how an online RPG can be successful without parroting the features of EverQuest/World of Warcraft, and Guild Wars 1 serves as an example of how a game like that can be successful, or
When people bring up previous statements made during Guild Wars 2’s marketing with the argument that “they didn’t specifically say this with this specific wording so I don’t know why you interpreted it to mean that”. The same philosophy was espoused during Guild Wars 1’s development, and they maintained that philosophy for close to eight years - it was not unreasonable for people to expect that ArenaNet would adhere to those principles.
People are also not dogmatically in favour of keeping the game exactly as Guild Wars 1 was. Guild Wars 1 did not have a functional Z-Axis, jumping, or dodging. Do you see Guild Wars 1 fans saying that those mechanics should be removed from Guild Wars 2? No? Then ask yourself, what does that tell you?
Thank you, I think this captures the thoughts of many of us. I bought GW2 because I wanted the next evolution in the Guild Wars franchise. I’m thrilled about jumping, dodging, the increased mobility, and the beautiful environments. Even the underwater combat is an exciting addition.
GW2 was specifically sold as a game without vertial gear progression and to be anti-grind. This is what many of us expected, this is what we bought.
Quoting because ArenaNet deleted my post.
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
Guild Wars 1 is only mentioned in cases where either A) People seem confused as to how an online RPG can be successful without parroting the features of EverQuest/World of Warcraft, and Guild Wars 1 serves as an example of how a game like that can be successful, or
When people bring up previous statements made during Guild Wars 2’s marketing with the argument that “they didn’t specifically say this with this specific wording so I don’t know why you interpreted it to mean that”. The same philosophy was espoused during Guild Wars 1’s development, and they maintained that philosophy for close to eight years - it was not unreasonable for people to expect that ArenaNet would adhere to those principles.
People are also not dogmatically in favour of keeping the game exactly as Guild Wars 1 was. Guild Wars 1 did not have a functional Z-Axis, jumping, or dodging. Do you see Guild Wars 1 fans saying that those mechanics should be removed from Guild Wars 2? No? Then ask yourself, what does that tell you?
I’m not annoyed that GW2 isn’t exactly like GW1. I’m annoyed because they talked this game up like it was going to different from most MMO’s in sense that you would not get stat grind, only grind for looks or achievements but threw that out the window a few months later when the reviews had already been done and most the people who would have bought GW2 based on the design philosophy had already got it. GW1 is used because people keep using “stat grind is necessary to have players interested” as an excuse for A-net doing this when GW1 did not have this.And in what way is stat grind unique? It isn’t.
I dont’ like stat grind either, but I also feel like this whole Ascended gear thing is causing more stress than it should. I’m certainly not for the addition of equipment with greater stats than Exotics, but I’m also not pmsing over it. Right now it only effects Fractals, which I frankly could care less about. The bulk of the game has nothing to do with fractals, and PvE gear does not transition into PvP (excluding WvW.)
Hopefully the psychotic reaction to Ascended gear will leave a bitter taste in ANet’s mouths and keep them from doing similar things in the future. I personally wouldn’t mind them either reversing Ascended stats to exotic and changing stuff around so they have different attributes (adding some diversity,) or bumping all exotics up to match ascended stats.
Or Ascended gear would become the stuff you get from all dungeons, but those boons in stats would not transition over to WvW. Actually that might be better.
I love the people implying that D3 was a failure… it sold 3.5 million copies within the first 24 hours… Guild Wars 2 has sold a little over 2 million copies within 2 months?
The only thing the majority of people want that is in GW1 is the “no gear treadmill” which said they would do and they didn’t. (I’m not so against it, since it really won’t make you suck if you don’t have the gear.)
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
We could also tell you that WoW is that way. go play it.
@PearlGore: I said the same thing. ANet deleted my post.
People oppose the changes being made to Guild Wars 2 not because they are in love with Guild Wars 1 and want Guild Wars 2 to be the same as Guild Wars 1, but because the changes are bad changes, taken on their own merits.
Guild Wars 1 is only mentioned in cases where either A) People seem confused as to how an online RPG can be successful without parroting the features of EverQuest/World of Warcraft, and Guild Wars 1 serves as an example of how a game like that can be successful, or
When people bring up previous statements made during Guild Wars 2’s marketing with the argument that “they didn’t specifically say this with this specific wording so I don’t know why you interpreted it to mean that”. The same philosophy was espoused during Guild Wars 1’s development, and they maintained that philosophy for close to eight years - it was not unreasonable for people to expect that ArenaNet would adhere to those principles.
People are also not dogmatically in favour of keeping the game exactly as Guild Wars 1 was. Guild Wars 1 did not have a functional Z-Axis, jumping, or dodging. Do you see Guild Wars 1 fans saying that those mechanics should be removed from Guild Wars 2? No? Then ask yourself, what does that tell you?
I’m not annoyed that GW2 isn’t exactly like GW1. I’m annoyed because they talked this game up like it was going to different from most MMO’s in sense that you would not get stat grind, only grind for looks or achievements but threw that out the window a few months later when the reviews had already been done and most the people who would have bought GW2 based on the design philosophy had already got it. GW1 is used because people keep using “stat grind is necessary to have players interested” as an excuse for A-net doing this when GW1 did not have this.And in what way is stat grind unique? It isn’t.
I dont’ like stat grind either, but I also feel like this whole Ascended gear thing is causing more stress than it should. I’m certainly not for the addition of equipment with greater stats than Exotics, but I’m also not pmsing over it. Right now it only effects Fractals, which I frankly could care less about. The bulk of the game has nothing to do with fractals, and PvE gear does not transition into PvP (excluding WvW.)
Hopefully the psychotic reaction to Ascended gear will leave a bitter taste in ANet’s mouths and keep them from doing similar things in the future. I personally wouldn’t mind them either reversing Ascended stats to exotic and changing stuff around so they have different attributes (adding some diversity,) or bumping all exotics up to match ascended stats.
Or Ascended gear would become the stuff you get from all dungeons, but those boons in stats would not transition over to WvW. Actually that might be better.
Yeah, I think its too early to be crying “doom!”. I am a bit pissed tbh, I very very rarely buy games within the first year of their release and did so this time because I liked their design philosophy and liked GW1. It feels like I was mislead and the way A-net has handled this hasn’t helped but while I’m going not to be purchasing from the cash shop I’m also not going to ask for a refund (I’m sure most have gotten at least $60 with of entertainment from this so I think a refund is a bit extreme) or completely ditch them and swear to never buy another thing from them until we see where this is headed.
I personalty think it would have better if they had just added infusion slots to exotics and then given you bonus while in the dungeon for infusions. At the least I think ascended gear has no place in WvW.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
What makes GW2 fun is the Anet philosophy that enveloped both GW1 and GW2. What makes GW2 more a challenge is the difference in how the game is played.
I’m really not trying to start an argument here, but… Are you really trying to say that the zerging and button-mashing in this game are more challenging than the gampelay of the original?
And to stay more or less on topic, I’ll just say that Crater nailed it.
(edited by Bella.3502)
Turning the game into a WoW clone is not making it unique. Gear treadmills are not unique. Gear checks are not unique. Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
Rather than trying to turn GW2 into WoW, instead of allowing it to follow in the footsteps of its successful predecessor and ACTUALLY be unique, why not play a WoW clone on the side and stop trying to destroy this game? It would be fun if the content locusts were to just play the game for itself instead of demanding more and more stats and content constantly, forcing Anet to push rushed attempts to appease them like this.
We bought the game knowing exactly what kind of game it was- the manifesto told us what it was. It’s the WoW fans who want to turn it into something else.
There is no treadmill. You and most of the people on this forum seem to think adding one tier of gear means it will become a treadmill, it’s not. Stop being a doomsayer. It gets old real quick.
Turning the game into a WoW clone is not making it unique. Gear treadmills are not unique. Gear checks are not unique. Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
Rather than trying to turn GW2 into WoW, instead of allowing it to follow in the footsteps of its successful predecessor and ACTUALLY be unique, why not play a WoW clone on the side and stop trying to destroy this game? It would be fun if the content locusts were to just play the game for itself instead of demanding more and more stats and content constantly, forcing Anet to push rushed attempts to appease them like this.
We bought the game knowing exactly what kind of game it was- the manifesto told us what it was. It’s the WoW fans who want to turn it into something else.
There is no treadmill. You and most of the people on this forum seem to think adding one tier of gear means it will become a treadmill, it’s not. Stop being a doomsayer. It gets old real quick.
If I know content is released that is containing gear, which will surpass anything available to me right now in power, it is a treadmill. Stop making excuses and grind away.
another interesting parallel, GW2 character could be finished leveling at 30, the rest of the leveling is just grinding trait points until 80, could just issue 2-3 points per level and meta would be no worse for it. Between lvl 30-80 is very level grindy in my opinion, feeling very artificial.
Having 80 levels smacks of WoWism, and is completely unoriginal on ArenaNet’s part. 10,000 levels would have been more original, or no levels.
a lot of unnecessary stuff was added to appear to be similar to WoW, and this is ArenaNet’s biggest mistake.
their core is wholly unoriginal.
(edited by Wolfend.5287)
in my point of view there was already treadmill, which was in lvl and in color, the difference is, they were for free, so easy to obtain which didnt require any effort.
and for the D3 thing is a top game played worldwide still especially in korea, but couldve been better, NA people are the ones who usually complaint or quit, others play like a man.
Personally I never liked the original Guild Wars that much shrugs Although I think people are more upset that they promised one thing and did something that contradicts that statement than expecting it to be like the original. Personally, I am disappointed they did contradict themselves like that, since it just puts a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. I came from another mmorpg where the company turned their back on their beliefs that made me support the game, I don’t want to see that happen here. Although for me, it hasn’t yet, but I am more worried about game’s future than before.
So if someone is upset about this change because it destroyed their trust in the company and changed the game to much for them, they have the right to be upset and complain. You either quit the game and stopping complaining about it here or you stay and learn to deal with it. When my previous mmorpg upset me, within 3 days of update I quit game for good, only posting my thoughts once on forums and never going back.
Well that is just my take on it. The game I came from had far more of a gear grind than GW2. While it is a bit disappointing to have more work to do, I can take it easily enough =P
Turning the game into a WoW clone is not making it unique. Gear treadmills are not unique. Gear checks are not unique. Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
Rather than trying to turn GW2 into WoW, instead of allowing it to follow in the footsteps of its successful predecessor and ACTUALLY be unique, why not play a WoW clone on the side and stop trying to destroy this game? It would be fun if the content locusts were to just play the game for itself instead of demanding more and more stats and content constantly, forcing Anet to push rushed attempts to appease them like this.
We bought the game knowing exactly what kind of game it was- the manifesto told us what it was. It’s the WoW fans who want to turn it into something else.
There is no treadmill. You and most of the people on this forum seem to think adding one tier of gear means it will become a treadmill, it’s not. Stop being a doomsayer. It gets old real quick.
A new tier of gear announced and released within 2 months of the game releasing? Most games that market themselves as treadmills don’t release their first tier that fast. And with the refusal to promise that there won’t be new tiers in the future, what else can we think? Last time we were optimistic and believed they would never release higher stat gear we had it thrown back in our faces, so it’s a little hard not to think the worst anymore.
and for the D3 thing is a top game played worldwide still especially in korea, but couldve been better, NA people are the ones who usually complaint or quit, others play like a man.
I think the koreans have already abandoned D3. D3(US) is much much livelier than D3(Asia) and D3(US) itself have dropped significantly since their launch.
Turning the game into a WoW clone is not making it unique. Gear treadmills are not unique. Gear checks are not unique. Being forced to run dungeons for the best gear so you can remain competitive in WvW is not unique.
Rather than trying to turn GW2 into WoW, instead of allowing it to follow in the footsteps of its successful predecessor and ACTUALLY be unique, why not play a WoW clone on the side and stop trying to destroy this game? It would be fun if the content locusts were to just play the game for itself instead of demanding more and more stats and content constantly, forcing Anet to push rushed attempts to appease them like this.
We bought the game knowing exactly what kind of game it was- the manifesto told us what it was. It’s the WoW fans who want to turn it into something else.
You are my hero.
Look Guildwars 1 was a success because it was different. GuildWars 2 is being extermly generic. Please listen to us Anet. T.T