Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

OP expressed my feelings too, through his post. GW2 is lacking, a lot. We expected a blast, but instead got a over-glorified mediocre breeze.

GW2 CAN become much more than it is atm, but the developing team really has to change it’s philosophy and priorities.

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eivene.9127


“I enjoy playing this game very much. When everything is fixed and the flaws are ironed out the game would be even more addicting than it is now. I just hope it is sometime soon before my enjoyment/patience factor runs out.” (because the quote buttons are hiding)

I’m rather curious how this thread turned into a “lack of endgame/content” discussion, because it seems to me that the majority of things holding the OP back are bugs and flaws, not lack of stuff. Hence the quote. If things were fixed it seems to me that Sphynx himself said he would still be enjoying this game.

I could be mistaken, of course, so feel free to correct me. The content discussion is still valid from many perspectives, either way.

I don’t think they need to change their philosophy. I just think there needs to be more tweaking to implement it in a better way. “The whole game is end-game” is a sound strategy, but it needs adjustments. Sharper downscaling so that lower level content is more challenging than it is now, and better rewards in these areas, more tactics and strategy, etc, so that the rest of the game remains a viable alternative to Orr at level 80. That would be my personal preference, anyway.

Perfectionists’ Cult [NICE] - Family Friendly PvE/WvW community
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(edited by Eivene.9127)

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Overunity.4273


Very well written with no bias and no ranting and you reflect my sentiments exactly .

One of the first replies that said you got your monies worth got me thinking .

Although I agree for the time spent maybe you did get your monies worth ,but you did not experience the content as the developers advertised it ,so how could you get full satisfaction .

example .
No grind ,as you found out the token rewards in relation to the cost of exotic set = long grind
Lots of the dungeons are poorly tuned for players that are given no information on group composition leading to players having lots of corpse runs and as your guild has done they just stop playing ,
So they advertised play the game for fun is its own reward ,how many can honestly say that there dungeon experience was great fun ?
Currently Players are prohibited from doing any dynamic events ,collecting materials,running dungeons in fact anything more than say 30 minutes as nodes dry up ,dynamic events rewards dry up and currently you do not get 60tokens for clearing a path to any dungeon consistently enough to warrant the potential hours of time and repair costs in relation to the couple silver and useless drops you get .
Unless you can make gold from another source then I’am afraid you will not be able to repair after the multiple repairs required to overcome the mechanics .

I’am surprised that a company that ran a similar game cannot see that it boils down to measure are in place currently to restrict any reward from playing any content for what seems like a short space of time .

I suppose because there is no subscription numbers it will not be clear how many simply decided that the rewards were to restrictive for them to focus on any one element of the game ,there is not even a way to show you that from this point on and for a set amount of time you will receive worthless greys if you continue ,it just happens in a secret amount of time and lasts for an unknown amount of time ,so you can understand players that just suddenly start getting greys and have no clue how long it lasts will after a while simple not bother and possibly check in later to see if it has been improved or perhaps get comfortable in the mmo they chose to play and don’t bother logging again

We just want to have fun

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Overunity.4273


Once the system is tuned to work as this poster intends it to work then the issues should be resolved ,but until it does we are stuck with extremely poor rewards that do not even cover repairs

Game Designer
Plain and simple this system is a safety net for stopping crazy farming when people find exploits that make each run super fast. We are also addressing those loopholes, but that takes time and new ones might always be discovered. If you and your group do the dungeons without skipping large sections and run different chains this system shoul(bugs aside) never impact you.
Addendum for clarity, super fast means < 30 minutes, and even then you must hit that speed multiple times in a row before you start seeing any impact.

We just want to have fun

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheen.8196


If someone plays another mmo for years and years, and the game had over 10million subscribers, the game can still be awful and a waste of money (in a certain type of posters eyes) but if you play gw2 for 3 days you got your money’s worth.

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

@Colonel Kernel.7506
But let me give you my perspective.
The words “hardcore” and “gamer” should never be used together. It’s a freakin’ game. It’s not a second job, it’s not like you get bragging rights of any sort of accomplishment. You play games to relax after you have accomplished something in real life.
Seriously, do you want to be lying on your deathbed and have your major life accomplishment be “I was top DPS in X game”?

The words “too long” and “didnt read” should never be used together. It makes all your subsequent comments and views lack substance and irrelevant.
Serious, do you want to be lying on your deathbed and have your major life accomplishment be “tl;dr”?

I tried to give the OP some perspective and got a blast of sarcasm in return. On the Internet! I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you! :P

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheen.8196


@Colonel Kernel.7506
But let me give you my perspective.
The words “hardcore” and “gamer” should never be used together. It’s a freakin’ game. It’s not a second job, it’s not like you get bragging rights of any sort of accomplishment. You play games to relax after you have accomplished something in real life.
Seriously, do you want to be lying on your deathbed and have your major life accomplishment be “I was top DPS in X game”?

The words “too long” and “didnt read” should never be used together. It makes all your subsequent comments and views lack substance and irrelevant.
Serious, do you want to be lying on your deathbed and have your major life accomplishment be “tl;dr”?

I tried to give the OP some perspective and got a blast of sarcasm in return. On the Internet! I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you! :P

Your perspective is obtuse… why is being passionate about a game any different than being passionate about anything else in life? Different strokes for different folks. To you dancing might be a light social activity, to others it might be their life.

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wmtyrance.3571


I just don’t think this game is for players that like the raiding. Its a point Arenanet made a long time ago. If you can’t change your old school mmo mind set than this game is not for you. I just don’t get why people hate change so much. The game is meant to be something different and fun to play not a raiding endgame bore fest.

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kal.4350


Totally agree with OP.

btw, many posters are saying he got his money worth. That is not true. An mmo is not only a money investment, but also a time investment. I work a lot, and I love gaming. I have to carefully chose the games I play, because I’d love to play a lot, and I only have time for a few.
So, if I chose an mmo, and I only have time for 1, I want it to last.
If I want a small game I play mass effect or something like that. But the mmo I chose to play, has to last. Ending it in 2 weeks is not getting my money’s worth.

(edited by kal.4350)

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forice.3165


you should join pvp guild not pve guild. that is totally pve guild. i see so many people and many pvp guild. they are growing. and so many pro gamers in tournament. they are too strong really. it is more harder than running a dungeon. if you play the spvp and tournament, your skills will be way much better than the past. now i became too strong. i think if i level up and run any dungeon, i will melt all the enemies at once. and i heard many stories thay my guild members experieneced. they saw very very way too strong people in game. those too strong people killed all the monsters and bosses in few seconds. i think you should join other many guilds. your world is very small. you should try world vs world, spvp, dungeon guilds. and i am playing spvp everydays to find strongest build.

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Actracts.1389


If there was a monthly fee, I’d agree that it should last. However, being as there isn’t a monthly fee, getting over 70+ hours of game content is worth the cash they paid. As for time invested – I’m sorry, I wouldn’t view it as investing time in playing a video game as I would say we’re wasting time playing a video game.

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draehl.2681



I think the point being that this game isn’t turning out to be something you feel like you’re investing in. It feels like yet another time waster like most games. MMOs, and only some of them at that, have a unique quality of pulling you in so you feel like you are investing in them. GW2 doesn’t do this, despite hitting the nail on the head on just about everything else. I don’t feel anything pulling me to play the game. No connection to my character. In past MMOs before they were changed for the worse (WoW) or the population died off (insert one of many good MMOs that slowly died off) I would flip my kitten if my character somehow got deleted. I’d be annoyed if this happened in GW2 but I’d just walk away from the game and probably not come back.

There’s just no good MMOs in the market right now. GW2 had (and still has) the promise of filling this hole, but currently the aforementioned sense of attachment from one’s character just isn’t there. If this game, or any game, could meet this need I’m sure a sizable portion would pay well for the game upfront as well as a subscription if necessary. We’re here ready to throw our money at the right game, but it just hasn’t arrived.

(edited by Draehl.2681)

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rndmize.9274


If someone plays another mmo for years and years, and the game had over 10million subscribers, the game can still be awful and a waste of money (in a certain type of posters eyes) but if you play gw2 for 3 days you got your money’s worth.

More time spent does not equal better. Plenty of people will pay $60 for a 10 or 20 hour game; plenty of people will pay $10 for a 2 hour movie at the theater. In this case, most people are probably assuming that because GW2 has no sub, it should be compared on play time to other games that have no sub, by which it provides a solid amount of play time large composed of enjoyable activities.

On the other hand, something like WoW might be considered a a bad value because it requires extensive play time on boring activities to get to the interesting parts, or because of having different expectations of available content due to having a sub. It’s a personal assessment.

I’m not sure why you continue to wail on this with your posts. If you don’t like the model GW2 follows, the other MMOs are still around…

Jade Quarry | Feign Disorder | Guardian
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Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kal.4350


As for time invested – I’m sorry, I wouldn’t view it as investing time in playing a video game as I would say we’re wasting time playing a video game.

Of course, you have fun while doing it, but you are progressing a character. To ditch it after 2 weeks makes the time you spent improving him worthless

Guild Wars 2: A Hardcore Gamer's Prospective (Long Read)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vahn.2734


Very good read. Thanks for sharing your experience!