Wow, that title was a bit pretentious. Sorry for that.
The game has been out for almost a year now. I’d like to take the time to review the direction the game is taking and discuss some improvements I’d like to see, and possibly some current features I’d like to see remain as they are. For lazy people, or people who do not care, at the end of each section will be a TL;DR blurb. Prepare your butts and buckle up, it’s Wall o’Text time!
1. World Bosses
They just don’t do enough. I’m talking about the dragon champions, shadow behemoth and fire elemental especially. I know, many people want to get in quick and farm them as fast as possible in order to move onto the next. I understand that, I do, but too much of me wants these to be far more difficult. Ulgoth and the Megadestroyer are not bad fights in my view, and the fire elemental used to be great in beta. Many of the other bosses need to be far more dangerous than they currently are. I assume it must be difficult to achieve given the numbers of players who turn up to these events. Preliminary ideas could be as follows:
Tequatl – Make his bloated creepers spawn more, and hurt more. Have far more risen rushing in to back him up (he’s just across the water from Orr, after all), forcing players to break off into teams to fight them more in order to hold them back. I remember TotalBiscuit’s review of this event way before release, and the idea of it looked fantastic, but now with 50+ players he’s far too simple.
Shadow Behemoth – This guy really doesn’t do anything, does he? He could spawn far more adds and require dodging to avoid a very obvious one-hitting attack. I know it’s a starter zone, and as such I guess difficulty should be dealt with more carefully, but gosh darn he needs something doing to him.
The Shatterer – See above, more or less. He could do to trap people in crystals more, a lot more.
I know ArenaNet supposedly increased difficulty of these some time ago but it doesn’t feel much different. I’d like to see them re-appraised.
TL;DR: Increase difficulty of some bosses! They don’t feel worth the hype, and they really should. They should be substantially more epic.
2. Exploring
I love exploring. I really love exploring. Back in November, when it had been only a few months since release, and you gave us a whole new zone to explore, the game felt really exciting. Living Stories have come and gone since then and, we’ve had a few small instances open up, such as Cragstead, but nothing on the scale of Southsun.
I’d really like to see some more small explorable zones open up. Something that reveals something that might not necessarily be related to the main Guild Wars 2 story, but something interesting. Anvil Rock, for example, I always imaged that mountain in Guild Wars 2, but was disappointed to find it wasn’t included. Statue of Lyssa in the ice caves would be another cute, nostalgic place for a half-size explorable area.
In addition – please, for the love of Dwayna, include Southsun (and any future zone) exploration markers (waypoints, PoIs, etc) in the overall World Completion percentage. You have no idea how much this irritates me. WvW is included, and Southsun is not. Why?
TL;DR: Release more explorable zones like Southsun. Include Southsun exploration markers in with World Completion percentage.
Continued in Post 2…