(edited by nightzirch.3126)
Guild Wars 2 Calculators - Karma & Conditions
Very nice, but it’s forgetting 15% guild karma bonus :p
Wow, very nicely made.
As mentioned, you’re missing the “passive” guild karma bonus.
Perhaps a DPS calculator? :P
Also, it’s applying the boost to your already acquired karma.
Thank you for commenting and for the nice words!
I excluded the +15% guild bonus on purpose. According to the wiki it only affects dynamic events.
Also, it’s applying the boost to your already acquired karma.
Oh, wow. I didn’t notice that. Thanks for pointing that out, hehe. Will fix it first thing tomorrow. (Edit: fixed now)
Also, Im not so sure what a DPS calculator would do. Take a skill, add power and up the damage, add precision and figure out crit chance and up the dps? Ill keep it in mind, but I dont think it will be worth the effort
(edited by nightzirch.3126)
This is AWESOME, good show! Well done, and I only have 15 more days to go for my karma towards obi shards lol.
I excluded the +15% guild bonus on purpose. According to the wiki it only affects dynamic events.
That’s what the description says, but according to player feedback, the guild +15% bonus actually affects ALL sources of karma, including Jugs. I’m not sure if this is a bug or whether the description is incorrect.
I excluded the +15% guild bonus on purpose. According to the wiki it only affects dynamic events.
That’s what the description says, but according to player feedback, the guild +15% bonus actually affects ALL sources of karma, including Jugs. I’m not sure if this is a bug or whether the description is incorrect.
That is good to know, I was wondering the same. Gonna put in the build order for one in the guild build queue tonight ^__^
A big thanks from me! This is awesome!
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
Again, thank you all for your kind words!
That’s what the description says, but according to player feedback, the guild +15% bonus actually affects ALL sources of karma, including Jugs. I’m not sure if this is a bug or whether the description is incorrect.
Hmmm. I added the guild buff for now. If it seems as if they fixed or changed it so liquid karma is no longer affected, Ill remove it. I appreciate your feedback and would love to get some confirmation that the guild buff does in fact affect liquid karma.
(edited by nightzirch.3126)
Oohh, they better not mess with my liquid karma! ^__^
Aoshi, some confirmation from you whether or not the Guild 15% buff affects Jugs of Liquid Karma would be most welcome.
@Zaxares I can confirm you it works, been doing it with guildies We use Banner + food + Booster + Guild Buff
also, it can be found here http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karma#Maximizing_your_karma
Just a note. The unmanned buff from wvw also works with the jugs
I like it and would love to see more from you whenever you decide what you’re going to tackle next. Here’s my only constructive feedback that I have at this moment…I’d like to see the Total Amount of Karma changed a bit into something more like:
Total Amount of Karma
Initial Karma
Liquid Karma Gained
Booster Karma Gained
Total Karma
In other words…a complete summer of everything and in a logical order.
I wasn’t sure exactly how the monthly button worked at first but it certainly didn’t take long to figure it out. Having said that, there’s something about it that doesn’t sit just right so I’ll try to figure a suggestion for that if you like.
Excellent work. Thank you.
Aoshi, some confirmation from you whether or not the Guild 15% buff affects Jugs of Liquid Karma would be most welcome.
Indeed it works, I had no idea. I held off on putting it into the build queue because it says for dynamic events only. It works for liquid karma in all forms, and any other time you’d get karma. Awesome!
Just a note. The unmanned buff from wvw also works with the jugs
I did’nt know that. Thank you. I will add it, even though it is not something a player can control. I might have it outside the control of the “Check all” checkbox since it’s not a buff you get every day. Edit: Or not. It will be affected by Check all. One could always save up all one’s Liquid Karma until the Outmanned buff appears. Thanks for the info!
I like it and would love to see more from you whenever you decide what you’re going to tackle next. Here’s my only constructive feedback that I have at this moment…I’d like to see the Total Amount of Karma changed a bit into something more like:
Total Amount of Karma
Initial Karma
Liquid Karma Gained
Booster Karma Gained
Total Karma
RemainingIn other words…a complete summer of everything and in a logical order.
I wasn’t sure exactly how the monthly button worked at first but it certainly didn’t take long to figure it out. Having said that, there’s something about it that doesn’t sit just right so I’ll try to figure a suggestion for that if you like.
Excellent work. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the great feedback! Right now I dont have many ideas for new calculators. Perhaps a sPvP rank calculator. I have all the glory requirements here so shouldnt be too much trouble to make.
So you’re saying you want kind of a summary? I could do that, make a list. However, right now I feel there are almost too many elements on the page. Lot’s of input fields and lot’s of text. Adding more text and information might not be the solution. It would just be confusing. Though, I could add a spoilered summary so it doesn’t clutter up the view. Would that work for you, you think? About the monthly button, I decided not to make it a checkbox and instead have a question and two radio buttons. I thought it would be the best and least confusing way to do it. I would love to hear what your thoughts are. Is it the graphical stuff doesn’t seem right? Unsure what is active and what is not? Or is it more the context? That you’re not used to answer a question like that with radio buttons? Again, thank you very much for your constructive feedback. It is much appreciated!
Indeed it works, I had no idea. I held off on putting it into the build queue because it says for dynamic events only. It works for liquid karma in all forms, and any other time you’d get karma. Awesome!
Awesome! Good to know. Then Ill keep it on there until I hear of any changes made. Thanks
(edited by nightzirch.3126)
I am happy to announce that a friend from the guild has developed a Condition Damage Calculator and let me add it to the site. Go check it out.
I also made some minor tweaks to the already working Karma Calculator, removed the Outmanned buff since it’s clearly not working, and the landing page for the domain should now be something other than a teaser page.
Click here to see the new landing page: Guild Wars 2 Calculators
I am also very happy to see there are alot of users. There are over 1000 page views and almost 600 unique visitors, meaning over 47% are returning visitors. Google Analytics is a fun tool
Feel free to share with friends, guildies and communities and to comment in this thread
What about the 15% Karmic Infusion
What about the 15% Karmic Infusion
Good point. Ill add that and the new +10% guild banners which does not stack with the +5% ones, so gotta do some minor tweaks.
Karmic Infusion now added, along with some other minor changes
- Added Sip of Liquid Karma, Karma Gift Box, Refugee Child’s Drawing and Encrypted Thank-You Letter
- Added Communal Boost Bonfire, but since it does not stack with +50% Karma Booster, they are put together on the same checkbox option
- Also added an indication of how many percentages in total you get from the boosters
- Added Keg of Liquid Karma
- Since you can have Karma Infusion on several accessories, it was logical to have this as a number input field instead of a checkbox. The max value of this field is 6 as that is the maximum number of accessories you can have
- Changed the indication of how many percentages in total you get from boosters into something that is easier to understand for humans