"Guild Wars 2 Is Not A PvE Game". Really?
7 months of PvE updates, the PvE players said nothing.
The moment Anet releases PvP updates, the PvE players say PvP is being prioritized.
This game, far more than the first at launch, is a PVe centric game. There is more PVe content, there have been more PVe updates than any other format. And of course WvW also has PVe in it, including vistas, gathering, crafting and dynamic events with NPCs.
The original Guild Wars started out as a PvP game but over the years started to gravitate to PvE, as well. By the end, there were far more PVe updates than PvP updates.
It’s an old holdover from those who always preferred PvP on GW1. Honestly, both type of players should just learn that it’s OK for each other to like those different aspects of the game. PvE players shouldn’t deny PvP players their fun, and viceversa.
In short, we should not complain whenever developers are working for either PvE or PvP content, because both deserve attention, and it’s selfish for us to want them to cater only to our specific wants. I rarely touch PvP, and have no problem with them working on it at all-GW2 also has PvP aspects, and that’s fine, especially since many players like that stuff. If the PvE game is to prosper, the PvP game should also do well (at least, that’s probably the theory behind all of this.)
It’s an old holdover from those who always preferred PvP on GW1. Honestly, both type of players should just learn that it’s OK for each other to like those different aspects of the game. PvE players shouldn’t deny PvP players their fun, and viceversa.
In short, we should not complain whenever developers are working for either PvE or PvP content, because both deserve attention, and it’s selfish for us to want them to cater only to our specific wants. I rarely touch PvP, and have no problem with them working on it at all-GW2 also has PvP aspects, and that’s fine, especially since many players like that stuff. If the PvE game is to prosper, the PvP game should also do well (at least, that’s probably the theory behind all of this.)
This post has too much common sense in it to be on the internet. Still gets a +1 from me.
Gears, Rewards, Loot/Drops and even Stats has been implemented for PvE Primarily after months and months of patches and updates.
Meaning, PvErs will always be ahead in wealth, looks & even stats.
Or in other words, PvPers will always be playing catch up isnt it?
edit: And another thing,
No Pvp Server (o puhlease no one are forced to join a Pvp Server), No duels and Hey! We dont even know who we kill or who killed us in WvW (no name tags).
Now is this a PvP mmo or PvE mmo. You tell me.
(edited by Jabronee.9465)
The first Guild Wars was generally talked about as a PvP game with PvE trappings, which was why I never played it, I’m simply not good enough, due to age and not being weaned on multiplayer FPSs or fighting games like everyone under 30.
I think a lot of players who loved Guild Wars are disappointed by the amount of PvE GW2 has, the time required to level and gear up when compared to the first game. But what you can’t argue with are the initial sales numbers which are huge compared to the original game, like 7x, and it’s because of the casual/less formal PvE play that got trumpeted about in all the reviews. And as the game is starting to formally go into Asia, yes the PvP aspect is now coming front and center because e-sport is big there and a major selling point for any game.
RIP City of Heroes
The first Guild Wars was generally talked about as a PvP game with PvE trappings, which was why I never played it, I’m simply not good enough, due to age and not being weaned on multiplayer FPSs or fighting games like everyone under 30.
I think a lot of players who loved Guild Wars are disappointed by the amount of PvE GW2 has, the time required to level and gear up when compared to the first game. But what you can’t argue with are the initial sales numbers which are huge compared to the original game, like 7x, and it’s because of the casual/less formal PvE play that got trumpeted about in all the reviews. And as the game is starting to formally go into Asia, yes the PvP aspect is now coming front and center because e-sport is big there and a major selling point for any game.
In the end, there were probably as many PVe only players in Guild Wars 1 as Pvp players. As the years went on PvPers often left disappointed and PVe players stayed on and on and one. I’m one of them. I played that game for five years, and I’m still playing it ocassionally….and I don’t PvP there at all.
The first Guild Wars was generally talked about as a PvP game with PvE trappings, which was why I never played it, I’m simply not good enough, due to age and not being weaned on multiplayer FPSs or fighting games like everyone under 30.
I think a lot of players who loved Guild Wars are disappointed by the amount of PvE GW2 has, the time required to level and gear up when compared to the first game. But what you can’t argue with are the initial sales numbers which are huge compared to the original game, like 7x, and it’s because of the casual/less formal PvE play that got trumpeted about in all the reviews. And as the game is starting to formally go into Asia, yes the PvP aspect is now coming front and center because e-sport is big there and a major selling point for any game.
To be honest, GW1 is also an amazing PvE game! The PvP guise took away too much fun from ya. As time went on, the PvE side of the game became better and better minus a few aberrations here and there (which many people loved, others hated.) I actually didn’t play GW1 for PvP at all, oddly enough, but because I played a free trial before Factions release, and I felt so enthralled with the world, not to mention, NO SUB FEE, which was a huge plus for a poor music student at the time.
I still can’t believe that companies are willing to charge sub fees after GW1. I feel it’s so dishonest, but I guess some people are money hungry, and will do whatever for it (no offense to those who love the sub system-it’s just my opinion.)
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
I have never heard anyone say GW2 is not a PVE game. Maybe I’ve just missed the topics where it’s come up but I’m on the forum every day so either it’s an isolated incident or I’ve somehow missed a lot of topics.
Either way it’s rediculous. There is a huge amount of PVE content in this game. I’ve been playing almost daily since launch and haven’t even touched PVP or WvW.
And GW1 was the same. I played it for 5 years, several thousand hours in total, and barely ever did PVP. I’d do occasional matches in JQ or FA but 99% of my time was PVE content and I never finished it all.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Hint: If you play both PvE and PvP, you will never be disappointed by an update
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
I have never heard anyone say GW2 is not a PVE game. Maybe I’ve just missed the topics where it’s come up but I’m on the forum every day so either it’s an isolated incident or I’ve somehow missed a lot of topics.
Either way it’s rediculous. There is a huge amount of PVE content in this game. I’ve been playing almost daily since launch and haven’t even touched PVP or WvW.
And GW1 was the same. I played it for 5 years, several thousand hours in total, and barely ever did PVP. I’d do occasional matches in JQ or FA but 99% of my time was PVE content and I never finished it all.
The reason why people say Guild Wars 2 is a PVe game is because that was the view of Guild Wars 1. There are still people who tried Guild Wars 1 when it first came out, where PvE was supposed to be what trained people to PvP and PvP was really supposed to be end game. Those people think Guild Wars 2 is a PvP game, predominantly because they thought Guild Wars 1 was…and it was…at launch.
One of the devs, I don’t remember which, said in an interview early on that one of the reasons they spent pretty much an entire year talking about Guild Wars 2’s PVe while ignoring PvP was that they wanted to change the perception of the game.
Obviously there was some mixed success there. lol
I’m mostly PVE but I swing both ways. As such I welcome the changes to sPVP.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
The first Guild Wars was generally talked about as a PvP game with PvE trappings, which was why I never played it, I’m simply not good enough, due to age and not being weaned on multiplayer FPSs or fighting games like everyone under 30.
That is far from the truth. There was and still is plenty of PvE in GW1. A lot of it is better than GW2!
Played GW1 for around 5 or 6 years. Total PvP time? Probably a couple of days, maybe not even that much.
Yeah same here, I do both PvE and PvP, and enjoy both in this game. What’s all the fuss about?
The first Guild Wars was generally talked about as a PvP game with PvE trappings, which was why I never played it, I’m simply not good enough, due to age and not being weaned on multiplayer FPSs or fighting games like everyone under 30.
That is far from the truth. There was and still is plenty of PvE in GW1. A lot of it is better than GW2!
Played GW1 for around 5 or 6 years. Total PvP time? Probably a couple of days, maybe not even that much.
Guild Wars 1 definite had some awesome PVe moments, that Guild Wars 2 has so far been unable to match. Then again, most of the PVe moments, for me anyway, weren’t in Prophecies. The PVe got much much better as the expansions came out.
There are things in PVe in Guild Wars 1 that literally gave me shivers. Ogden’s Epilogue to Eye of the North was one of them. Just loved that. I could watch/listen to that a million times.
There are a couple of things in Guild Wars 2 that I really like (Tybalt, Sieran, some of the Charr and Asura storylines), but for the most part, the PVe in Guild Wars 1, storywise, was pretty kitten good.
The only thing that marred it for me was some of the missions and particularly some of the mission bonuses… not for the difficulty but for how badly they broke immersion.
But yeah, I fully expect Guild Wars 2 PvE to get a whole lot better in time.
The first Guild Wars was generally talked about as a PvP game with PvE trappings, which was why I never played it, I’m simply not good enough, due to age and not being weaned on multiplayer FPSs or fighting games like everyone under 30.
That is far from the truth. There was and still is plenty of PvE in GW1. A lot of it is better than GW2!
Played GW1 for around 5 or 6 years. Total PvP time? Probably a couple of days, maybe not even that much.
Guild Wars 1 definite had some awesome PVe moments, that Guild Wars 2 has so far been unable to match. Then again, most of the PVe moments, for me anyway, weren’t in Prophecies. The PVe got much much better as the expansions came out.
There are things in PVe in Guild Wars 1 that literally gave me shivers. Ogden’s Epilogue to Eye of the North was one of them. Just loved that. I could watch/listen to that a million times.
There are a couple of things in Guild Wars 2 that I really like (Tybalt, Sieran, some of the Charr and Asura storylines), but for the most part, the PVe in Guild Wars 1, storywise, was pretty kitten good.
The only thing that marred it for me was some of the missions and particularly some of the mission bonuses… not for the difficulty but for how badly they broke immersion.
But yeah, I fully expect Guild Wars 2 PvE to get a whole lot better in time.
By PvE I do NOT mean any of the story in either.
Don’t care much for either. It is mostly dressing and not very good dressing at that.
The epilogue was nice but seemed a bit cliche.
As for the conflicting bonuses …. Riverside Province -_-
“Here is a sneaky mission! The bonus objective? It would be ideal if you could walk around with a marching band and set off fireworks as you move around.”
The first Guild Wars was generally talked about as a PvP game with PvE trappings, which was why I never played it, I’m simply not good enough, due to age and not being weaned on multiplayer FPSs or fighting games like everyone under 30.
That is far from the truth. There was and still is plenty of PvE in GW1. A lot of it is better than GW2!
Played GW1 for around 5 or 6 years. Total PvP time? Probably a couple of days, maybe not even that much.
Guild Wars 1 definite had some awesome PVe moments, that Guild Wars 2 has so far been unable to match. Then again, most of the PVe moments, for me anyway, weren’t in Prophecies. The PVe got much much better as the expansions came out.
There are things in PVe in Guild Wars 1 that literally gave me shivers. Ogden’s Epilogue to Eye of the North was one of them. Just loved that. I could watch/listen to that a million times.
There are a couple of things in Guild Wars 2 that I really like (Tybalt, Sieran, some of the Charr and Asura storylines), but for the most part, the PVe in Guild Wars 1, storywise, was pretty kitten good.
The only thing that marred it for me was some of the missions and particularly some of the mission bonuses… not for the difficulty but for how badly they broke immersion.
But yeah, I fully expect Guild Wars 2 PvE to get a whole lot better in time.
By PvE I do NOT mean any of the story in either.
Don’t care much for either. It is mostly dressing and not very good dressing at that.The epilogue was nice but seemed a bit cliche.
As for the conflicting bonuses …. Riverside Province -_-
“Here is a sneaky mission! The bonus objective? It would be ideal if you could walk around with a marching band and set off fireworks as you move around.”
LMAO! The one that always bothered me was Blacktide Den. I have to kill these Rihnkail monitors why? Why are they more signicant than any other creature here, and how do I even know I have to do this? It only appears on the screen, there’s nothing in game to tell my character to do it. And my character has never SEEN my computer monitor. And yeah, we’re not going to make this corsair guy suspicious at all if we’re supposed to be following him to a secret rendezvous and just run off for no reason with no warning.
On the topic of the Epilog, I think it depends on how vested you already were in the lore. Seeing Livia with the scepter of orr, and the stirring of the pale tree…particularly now when you look back…it’s just thrilling to me.
Of course, if you’re not vested in the lore and story, or you don’t like those characters, the epilogue will be pedestrian.
The first Guild Wars was generally talked about as a PvP game with PvE trappings, which was why I never played it, I’m simply not good enough, due to age and not being weaned on multiplayer FPSs or fighting games like everyone under 30.
That is far from the truth. There was and still is plenty of PvE in GW1. A lot of it is better than GW2!
Played GW1 for around 5 or 6 years. Total PvP time? Probably a couple of days, maybe not even that much.
Guild Wars 1 definite had some awesome PVe moments, that Guild Wars 2 has so far been unable to match. Then again, most of the PVe moments, for me anyway, weren’t in Prophecies. The PVe got much much better as the expansions came out.
There are things in PVe in Guild Wars 1 that literally gave me shivers. Ogden’s Epilogue to Eye of the North was one of them. Just loved that. I could watch/listen to that a million times.
There are a couple of things in Guild Wars 2 that I really like (Tybalt, Sieran, some of the Charr and Asura storylines), but for the most part, the PVe in Guild Wars 1, storywise, was pretty kitten good.
The only thing that marred it for me was some of the missions and particularly some of the mission bonuses… not for the difficulty but for how badly they broke immersion.
But yeah, I fully expect Guild Wars 2 PvE to get a whole lot better in time.
First Guild Wars 1 was a PvP game it was built as a PvP game then added PvE aspect is why I think the game was so good. Don’t get me wrong the PvE in GW1 was good. Story Wise I agree Guild Wars 1 is better I did love nightfall. But everything else is so different it is hard to compare.
Now Guild Wars 2 does not have the same feeling. It feels like the PvE was built before the PvE, but what it really is that they built a combat system and then built the world for it. This time the system worked better in the PvE world and WvW then the SPvP(that seems more like WoW’s PvP a side thing to do, and yes I know not all players thing this way. But the reason most PvP is between raids).
GW1 percentage wise had more PvP only players(I was in a mix guild many players played both but most favorite). When I played I played Hours and Hours of PvP and mostly only played the story of PvE. I were to guess I say there was a 50/50 between Favorited PvP and PvE players. GW2 might be that too but the fact that it is WvW and PvE. Sorry but the SPvP is just not as good.
So I guess my point is they are both different games. Stuff that GW1 has and even did well is not in GW2 but Stuff that GW2 has and does well was not in GW1.
I think only the Devs can answer that question both for GW1 and GW2.
Only they have this data (PvP vs. PvE population count, average % played per account, etc) and everyone else is just speculating.
There was a poll not long ago on this forum and last time I checked, after about 700 respondents, only 7% played exclusively PvP (tPvP and WvW); the majority played PvE exclusively, while still a good amount played mixed PvE and WvW.
But again, this poll size is almost insignificant to the game population. You’d have to wonder how representative it was.
On the other hand I know the devs will say they want people to have all the options available to play (i.e., both game types) so they will add content to both as time goes on.
From someone who never could get into GW1 after trying several times, I much prefer this game’s approach to the first. The first one seemed to have a mostly abandoned world and nothing but arena PvP to offer for me at a time when there were better PvP focused games out there.
I’m sure GW1 changed and evolved over the years for the better, but originally to me it was awful.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
As a full PVE player I’m actually glad PVP is getting a few updates dedicated to them.
Both sides should, theoretically, be supported equally. There might be one month where one side gets more tweaks than the other, but at the core both sides are needed for this game and the community to grow.
I think GW2 is:
20% Open world PVE
20% Dungeon PVE
10% Fractal PVE
30% WvW
10% Jumping Puzzle
10% PvP
I think that sums it up nicely…atm…
I think GW2 is:
20% Open world PVE
20% Dungeon PVE
10% Fractal PVE
30% WvW
10% Jumping Puzzle
10% PvPI think that sums it up nicely…atm…
I would remove 20% from WvW and add 10% each to Open World PvE and Dungeon PvE. Like someone said earlier, 7 months of PvE patches and 1 WvW patch. Add to the fact they are adding a new dungeon, F&F event…yea there is a HEAVY PvE focus in this game atm.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
It is a PvX game. It has both and PvE and PvP. Both are important. Some prefer one, some the other, some enjoy both. Anet should give both attention, somewhat equally. Saying it is a PvP game is wrong. Saying it is a PvE game is wrong. It is both, it is PvX.
I think you all should go and play DAoC again, that way the server has more people and I can go back
-huge open world 3 way realm vs realm pvp with different classes on each realm
-PvX, PvP, RP, Co-op servers
-voted best pvp game of the decade by MMORPG.com
-open world pvp battlegrounds for each range of levels
-has a /duel challenge command you can use anywhere and don’t need an arena for
-gear, traits, skill, spec, level…etc. all matter
-complex and rewarding combat system that takes some skill
-many different builds and skill combinations for every class that all can be fun and viable
-huge amount of PvE zones and content with bosses that take skill, coordination to defeat
-Player housing that you can customize and decorate
-Crafting that matters
-instanced, open world, and PvP dungeons(think Arah but in WvW where there are 2 enemy realms running around as well)
-monthly sub(could be a pro if you consider that they dont have to build the game around making money in the cash shop)
-buff bots
-low population(game has been around since 2001 and many people have just moved on)
7 months of PvE updates, the PvE players said nothing.
The moment Anet releases PvP updates, the PvE players say PvP is being prioritized.
It’s funny, because I always felt like the updates were prioritizing PvP content/balancing over PvE. I play PvE exclusively, perhaps the grass is always greener on the other side.
It is most definitely a PvE first MMO. Not as much as Rift or WoW became, but much more so than I expected.
7 months of PvE updates, the PvE players said nothing.
The moment Anet releases PvP updates, the PvE players say PvP is being prioritized.
It’s funny, because I always felt like the updates were prioritizing PvP content/balancing over PvE. I play PvE exclusively, perhaps the grass is always greener on the other side.
A agree, balance is definitely done with an eye to PvP. But content and gear comes to PvE. For example, there still isn’t a way to get ascended gear in WvW (except laurels and that’s really just overflow from PvE), but there are three ways to get it in PvE.
wvw isnt considered pvp in gw2. In reality it is pvp but its not treated the same as spvp. Because its meant to be the type of pvp where character progression rewards you in power to PK other players.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
7 months of PvE updates, the PvE players said nothing.
The moment Anet releases PvP updates, the PvE players say PvP is being prioritized.
It’s funny, because I always felt like the updates were prioritizing PvP content/balancing over PvE. I play PvE exclusively, perhaps the grass is always greener on the other side.
A agree, balance is definitely done with an eye to PvP. But content and gear comes to PvE. For example, there still isn’t a way to get ascended gear in WvW (except laurels and that’s really just overflow from PvE), but there are three ways to get it in PvE.
Well I think that is mostly intentional as Pv kitten upposed to steer clear of a gear grind as people put it. Another thing to look at is the culling, gone in WvWvW but still present in PvE. I am sure there are plenty of things one side gets that the other doesn’t in content and balance. The thing is, it’s always easier to see what the other side is getting more-so than what you are.
If you look at March update it was
-new braham/rox (PVE)
-new open world flame and frost stuff (PvE)
-new WvW progression/abilities (WvW)
-Remove culling/increase performance (WvW)
-new guild bounty targets (PvE)
-leaderboards starting with PvP (WvW/PvP at the time)
That is 3 for each.
Feb had
-New PvP map (PvP)
-Guild missions (PvE)
-Two team rated play in PvP (PvP)
-Choose your own daily achievements (both)
-Preview in TP (both)
That’s 2 pvp, 1 pve and 2 both.
Anyway, I could go on, but to say that the entirety of updates have been for one side or the other is inaccurate.
I forgot about the WvW progression, and I mostly play WvW these days (lol). I guess it’s just not as important to me. (I also play many alts, so I don’t progress in ranks very fast — my choice so I’m not complaining, but it does make it seem less important that, say ascended accessories.)
I forgot about the WvW progression, and I mostly play WvW these days (lol). I guess it’s just not as important to me. (I also play many alts, so I don’t progress in ranks very fast — my choice so I’m not complaining, but it does make it seem less important that, say ascended accessories.)
Sure sure, but I could argue that removing culling is much more important than ascended gear Also, as you said, there is at least 1 way to achieve ascended gear in PvP. There is no 1 way to remove PvE culling
I don’t care what GW1 was originally intended to be or how much people want to love PvP, Guild Wars 1&2 have always been VASTLY more PvE focused than PvP.
The PvP content makes up a tiny fraction of the game & waaaaay more people play it. That’s been true of most every MMO that has both.
I don’t care what GW1 was originally intended to be or how much people want to love PvP, Guild Wars 1&2 have always been VASTLY more PvE focused than PvP.
The PvP content makes up a tiny fraction of the game & waaaaay more people play it. That’s been true of most every MMO that has both.
That’s actually a misconception. PvP has about 20-30% at most of the player base as PvE does in nearly any MMO, with fair weathers coming into PvP from time to time when they get bored.
Every MMO PvP crowd says there are more people PvPing than PvEing, and as a mostly PvP oriented person I wish this was true, but it plainly is not.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I forgot about the WvW progression, and I mostly play WvW these days (lol). I guess it’s just not as important to me. (I also play many alts, so I don’t progress in ranks very fast — my choice so I’m not complaining, but it does make it seem less important that, say ascended accessories.)
Sure sure, but I could argue that removing culling is much more important than ascended gear
Also, as you said, there is at least 1 way to achieve ascended gear in PvP. There is no 1 way to remove PvE culling
The culling fix was epic and did more to fix the WvWvW game than almost anything else could. I also think, at some level, PvP requires less attention than PvE because in PvP your average opponents behavior is constantly being updated and tweaked without intervention.
That said, a new map would be nice.
In answer to the original question, ANet is trying to balance three very different things. PvE, WvW, and PvP are all very different animals.
A perfect example of this is the Warrior. The Warrior is very good in PvE, is ok in WvW, and is considered bottom tier in PvP. Should the warrior be nerfed, buffed, or left alone?
If ANet buffs the warrior to make them more viable in PvP, PvEer’s scream. It they are nerfed, PvPer’s scream.
I don’t think they should exclusively focus on any of them.
This seems to get trotted out more and more these days, generally in response to people asking for more PvE content, complaining about PvP balance change splashover and feeling that some PvE is too gated behind PvP.
So…is this true? Is GW2 a PvP game with some PvE fluff, or does it cater to both?
Should it?
Most playing GW2 still live in a MMO world pre-GW2.
Guilds left and right shout out recruitment for WvW, Spvp, Fractal and Doungeons. This is all the try to do then complain when this gets boring.
Those elements are 1/4 of this game when you wrap them all together.
There is 3/4 of the game left. It is called Dynamic Events.. More then 1500 to be exact.
This game is suppose to be a community working together game, but still people play like it is an old MMO where you have to fight other players for the reward.
In this game we share the reward.
Or at least that is the way it should be.
The community needs to learn how to play this game as designed and play the core content of this game DEs
In answer to the original question, ANet is trying to balance three very different things. PvE, WvW, and PvP are all very different animals.
A perfect example of this is the Warrior. The Warrior is very good in PvE, is ok in WvW, and is considered bottom tier in PvP. Should the warrior be nerfed, buffed, or left alone?
If ANet buffs the warrior to make them more viable in PvP, PvEer’s scream. It they are nerfed, PvPer’s scream.
I don’t think they should exclusively focus on any of them.
Well that depends on how it is done. Nerf and buff would be the wrong terms there. Versatility/utility/flexibility/variety would be the types of change that would help in the PvP aspect without necessarily making them strictly more powerful.
… or they can take the easy way out and split skills between PvP/PvE/WvW versions
You can’t even make gold in pvp, this is a pve game. We are getting custom arena’s which btw we need to buy in the gem store with gold conversion or cash to rent if we want one, pve players don’t need to pay for their content but we do. GG right?
We still have the same ONE boring pvp mode, conquest that no one even likes, yet pve has gotten countless updates. Godmode D/D Ele’s still run rampant, haven’t seen any balance since the game released spvp wise. You tell me…
Guild Wars 2 is a PvE game, with some PVP.
There you go, some probably being an exaggeration honestly “a little” would fit the description better but yea, just for political correctness I’ll stick with some. It has amazing PVE and PVE updates that’s for sure.
I’d like to see the numbers on what percentage of players participate in spvp/tpvp on an even semi-regular basis. I have a feeling it’s quite low.
Even though I predominantly play PvP (WvW) and it is PvP in this game that appeals to me the most in any game, I think this is mostly a PvE game. The game isn’t really designed to cater for the “competitive gaming” audience and if it were to aspire to ever do so, they would need to build the game from scratch. The PvE in this game is quite exceptional, sure it has it’s low points, but compared to most it’s really good. Overall, I think the developers really just need to keep alot of good and engaging content for PvE coming out and to keep going the way they were with PvP with small patches and adding some stuff to WvW to keep people going.
Probably my biggest issue with WvW right now is that it is not rewarding to win as a server on a regular basis. The high tier servers are seeing a high turnover (players going inactive for long periods of time) due to boredom and the lack of incentive to keep going and continuing to win. They need to up the stakes on server rewards to keep people motivated to working towards a goal.
In answer to the original question, ANet is trying to balance three very different things. PvE, WvW, and PvP are all very different animals.
A perfect example of this is the Warrior. The Warrior is very good in PvE, is ok in WvW, and is considered bottom tier in PvP. Should the warrior be nerfed, buffed, or left alone?
If ANet buffs the warrior to make them more viable in PvP, PvEer’s scream. It they are nerfed, PvPer’s scream.
I don’t think they should exclusively focus on any of them.
Which is why having the skills all the same across the board is a bad idea.
Skill’s should change depending on the activity, so have the same skills for each thing but have them in differant pools, so if warrior is pants in pvp they could change it and not affect any other area…
there is NOTHING being added to this game. holiday stuff that was so buggy i couldnt do any of them from halloween thru x-mas, an event area for 80s that is devoid of anything but npc’s, was used one time for one event. and even if they do decide to use it again, unless they add hearts and make it a ‘legit’ questing area with an event or two, who wants to do that in the same area, again, just to leave it unused? a one time event where everyone goes to kill something then never goes there again for another 6mos/year? thats not an event, thats boring. other than that, its puzzles, or some fun box thing, or the latest rhytlock pet side scrolling thing, whatever that is. five people play spvp but they come out with an entire patch with 90% stuff for them. couldnt add more pve events or hearts, though, for the majority of us.
i recall reading several times that anet said they had ‘years of content’…. if this is the type of content they have planned for years to come, id rather play Monkey Quest with my nephew. its a side scrolling rpg/quester with gear upgrades, crafting and pvp, and dont think ive run into any bugs yet.
GW2 is an MMORPG. MMORPGs are NEVER PvP games.
If you are playing an RPG for PvP, then you need to find another genre.
GW2 is an MMORPG. MMORPGs are NEVER PvP games.
If you are playing an RPG for PvP, then you need to find another genre.
Sorry a lot of MMOs are faction based. Here it’s by server. EVE it’s player corporations. Factions fight with one another. Poof, you have tPvP. sPvP is more about making a name for yourself. Being #1 on the high score screen down at the arcade, where you’ve beaten other players to achieve that score.
Hmm. An MMO based in an arcade of mini games where you play against other players or NPCs to get tickets that you can cash in for sweet duds …
RIP City of Heroes
7 months of PvE updates, the PvE players said nothing.
The moment Anet releases PvP updates, the PvE players say PvP is being prioritized.
I would like to think most of the trouble is that for 7 months they where primarily balancing all modes of play by the the meta of sPvP so now that it is showing to be by and by a mistake they are just now starting to really look at how the changes they are making are effecting the game as a whole.
GW2 is an MMORPG. MMORPGs are NEVER PvP games.
If you are playing an RPG for PvP, then you need to find another genre.
Sorry a lot of MMOs are faction based. Here it’s by server. EVE it’s player corporations. Factions fight with one another. Poof, you have tPvP. sPvP is more about making a name for yourself. Being #1 on the high score screen down at the arcade, where you’ve beaten other players to achieve that score.
Hmm. An MMO based in an arcade of mini games where you play against other players or NPCs to get tickets that you can cash in for sweet duds …
Games, especially RPGs, are initially PvE or vs. NPCs. The concept of PvP came from the desire to play the game with more realistic opponents and that is why every MMO tends to have some form of PvP. It is so that the hardcore gamers, which are a minority in the world’s gaming community, are not left bored out of their minds roaming around a world of grind and repetitiveness.
There is very little to no roleplaying in PvP, so calling a RPG a PvP game is ignorant.
I would argue that there isn’t a lot of roleplaying in any MMORPG. Yes there is a roleplaying sub group that plays a game in character but for the vast majority it’s all about leveling or loot.
How do you rollplay “Hmm, it looks as if the Sons of Svanir are trying to corrupt the grawl, for the 5th time today, we must put a stop to it!”
If we had things like player housing or a player written bio for all to read to connect us to our characters more but to me my mesmer is just a variation of a Diablo II sorcerer that I played years ago. Generic female spell slinger, Mark 7. I feel no personal connection to them so it’s impossible for me to rollplay even if I wanted to.
RIP City of Heroes