Guild Wars 2 - Machinimas and the lot

Guild Wars 2 - Machinimas and the lot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A Nifty Unicorn.4358

A Nifty Unicorn.4358

I’m just gonna keep this short and sweet. Also, I’m not sure if there’s a better forum section to write this is, so feel free to move it if there is.

Guild Wars 2 is a fantastic game, but something it’s missing. In other games (World of Warcraft, League of Legends, RuneScape, Halo, etc) albeit some of a different genre, there’s a big following of video makers who enjoy taking footage from in-game and editing it into something more. I’m not talking someone who buys 1000 rare greatswords and dumps them into the Mystic Forge. I’m talking about people creating something of a story, or (excuse the negative connotations tied to this word) a montage. And this is something that Guild Wars 2 lacks and it’s a shame really. Such a beautiful game is the perfect platform for these kinds of things, but due to the lack of proper support (or even a first-person camera) they don’t exist within the community.

I understand that the devs have other things and implementing something to help out with these kinds of videos is about as far down their list of priorities as possible. But even a first-person camera could help create a sub-community of creative video editors. I doubt something like this will ever come to the game, but it would be fantastic if it did.

Guild Wars 2 - Machinimas and the lot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eileane.3845


your missing tons of emotes to do a good film in GW2….

Boxie Togg (main)… probably Tyrias only Asuran Mesmer that ultimately fails at jumping puzzles
Stinky McLane… the only Necro known to have a toothpaste fetish
Lefty (give me a second) Fiddlesticks… one Engineer, two clumbsy hands…

Guild Wars 2 - Machinimas and the lot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A Nifty Unicorn.4358

A Nifty Unicorn.4358

your missing tons of emotes to do a good film in GW2….

Not necessarily. Look at the Red vs Blue Halo series, the only emotes in those consisted of crouching and subtle body movements.