Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack
If I didn’t love it so much, I would send it to you.
That said, I will die with it.
It’s disappointing that the core game’s soundtrack ended up like it did. I didn’t get one right away because it was fairly expensive, and it sounds like a dodged a bullet in dealing with DirectSong.
The songs in game are good, so I’d like to have a copy, but I regret how problematic it is to get it much more than I regret not bothering about it.
I like Chappel and Diemer’s stuff a lot more but after what I went through for those 4 CD’s … I’m keeping ’em! Plus they use 4 of the 6 CD slots in my car so if my classical station goes into a fundraiser or I get out of range, I have game music waiting.
Expensive, though? I think it was 25 bucks total for the set of 4. I thought that was a steal.
Oh, was it? I thought it was a lot more. My memory must be going. :/
My loss, I guess! $25 isn’t a bad price, even if they weren’t more like $250 now.
Edit: Looks like it was $30, which still isn’t a terrible price for 4 CDs. (If you could have bought them anywhere other than DirectSong, it seems, anyway.)
(edited by Redenaz.8631)
I was very poor at the time. Now when I went to look for it, it’s like $500 and I can’t afford that.. I literally have every other thing I can get at the ultimate level, except for the Soundtrack
I just checked Ebay for it.. It’s going for $299 obo and $750 obo…
I am not aware that there ever was another soundtrack for this game, do you have the name of the ‘original’ soundtrack? Or was it an entire OST?
It had 78 tracks across 4 cds, composed by Jeremy Soule, who did the soundtracks for GW1. It’s been unavailable for a long time now, unfortunately.
Meanwhile, the post-release soundtrack has gotten some releases via SoundCloud, and Heart of Thorns had a soundtrack release that’s available digitally in various places, or with a physical record.
Anyone know how much a signed copy of the GW2 Soundtrack would be worth? $500 plus? That’s insane…. I think I paid no more than $50.
Shouldnt it be possible to find most of it on Yt? Everything is somewhere on the internet.
You can just use ytdl and convert to mp3.
If you miss a few songs it should not hurt too much. And just entering a random song name from the wiki brought the expected result.
Better than nothing at least.
If I didn’t love it so much, I would send it to you.
That said, I will die with it.
I’ve thought the same thing. A solar powered (on headstone) MP3 player loop playing it down in the coffin. Maybe have it if someone puts their ear to the headstone they hear the music.
I’m a collector. This presents the problem of not having a physical copy. I love the music, but I can’t afford more than like $100 for it because I am not that rich.. It’s a sad day..