Guild Wars 2 Strategy Guide.

Guild Wars 2 Strategy Guide.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul Messer.1835

Paul Messer.1835


I was just curious and to, is there much point in purchasing the Guild Wars 2 Strategy guide? What happens when they update the game and add new mobs and new places etc. Then this strategy guide that I just paid for becomes useless because it is out of date and half of the stuff in the book doesn’t even exist in the game anymore?

I’m confused, someone please help.

Thank you.

Stay Safe, Stay Alert And Always Be Ready!

Guild Wars 2 Strategy Guide.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


There’s no real reason to purchase the strategy guide, unless you’re buying it for nostalgia or collector type purchases.

The game has changed enough now where many of the important bits aren’t in there and many of the bits that are in there aren’t in game anymore.

Guild Wars 2 Strategy Guide.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul Messer.1835

Paul Messer.1835

Okay I understand what you mean and I kind of had the same thought that it would be more for collection purposes. Okay thank you very much for answering my question. (:

Stay Safe, Stay Alert And Always Be Ready!

Guild Wars 2 Strategy Guide.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


For their function no. They’re useless. The game update often and the wiki and other websites usually have much better and complete information.
If you love having things then maybe.
I have one for GW: Faction and a very nice hardcover one for GW2