Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


I have to say I am surprised that we have a Next Gen MMO without a subscription model. I think the industry is starting to catch on with the releases of Hawken, Planetside 2, Mechwarrior Online and Guild Wars 2 all following the F2P format.

Bugs aside, you have to admit that GW2 has the best PvP and PvE content in the MMO market right now, and all this while being a recent release.

If they could just nail the annoying bugs it would be almost perfect (aside from constantly adding new content as every MMO has to do after release )

The main bugs that are tarnishing it from my standpoint are Culling, endless load screens at times, CTD at times, that never ending and very annoying catapult sound in WvW, sometimes if you are moving your character will get bug and keep moving backwards or forwards (using a movement ability usually stops it from continuing).

Other than culling, they don’t happen often enough to be game breaking (although that kitten catapult sound needs to get fixed pronto)

I don’t understand why when you go in the game you see large amounts of people enjoying the game and having fun, but when I come to the forums I see nothing but thread after thread about how GW2 fails. The forums are recently like this too, I’m starting to think that they are under attack by trolls.

The game doesn’t have a subscription, no one is forcing you to play it. Take a break if you need to, I did and came back a week later and im having more fun than ever.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


unfortunately just like every other MMO forums out there, positive threads get largely ignored.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khristophoros.7194


I’m with you.

Well the thing about official forums is that they attract all the whiners. People who want to tell the devs how to do their job.

Also, people who are enjoying the game have less to say on the forums and would rather spend their time playing the game.

I hope that ANet is aware of this and keeps up their amazing work.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


This is not the game that I paid for.

Thats why I am complaining

What is the game you paid for? I would go return it if you bought the wrong game. Most places don’t accept returns on software that has been opened though.

Would do you better if you paid attention and made sure you bought the right title next time.

(edited by Moderator)

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginzo.8792


I have to say I am surprised that we have a Next Gen MMO without a subscription model. I think the industry is starting to catch on with the releases of Hawken, Planetside 2, Mechwarrior Online and Guild Wars 2 all following the F2P format.

Bugs aside, you have to admit that GW2 has the best PvP and PvE content in the MMO market right now, and all this while being a recent release.

If they could just nail the annoying bugs it would be almost perfect (aside from constantly adding new content as every MMO has to do after release )

The main bugs that are tarnishing it from my standpoint are Culling, endless load screens at times, CTD at times, that never ending and very annoying catapult sound in WvW, sometimes if you are moving your character will get bug and keep moving backwards or forwards (using a movement ability usually stops it from continuing).

Other than culling, they don’t happen often enough to be game breaking (although that kitten catapult sound needs to get fixed pronto)

I don’t understand why when you go in the game you see large amounts of people enjoying the game and having fun, but when I come to the forums I see nothing but thread after thread about how GW2 fails. The forums are recently like this too, I’m starting to think that they are under attack by trolls.

The game doesn’t have a subscription, no one is forcing you to play it. Take a break if you need to, I did and came back a week later and im having more fun than ever.

glad to hear it

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juno.1840


A good MMO is very accessible to it’s player base, rewarding both casual and hard-core players.

Many aspects of GW2 are amazing. I really enjoy playing the game.

As a good MMO it’s off to a rocky start. I really dislike missing out on content due to inaccessibility (caused by any number of things like lag, bugs, poor execution). These ruin the play experience and over-shadow the great mechanics of the game.

The good news is the accessibility can be fixed over time by correcting bugs, improving the server capability or software performance, and the ANet staff learning from execution mistakes (I hope).

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eddie Van Grog.7095

Eddie Van Grog.7095

It is indeed amazing!
Not perfect, not even by a long stretch… Filled with bugs, problems, lag, etc…
But in the end of the day, it provides an amazing time and a great experience! And what is so obvious is that, the experience will just improve! Either by the fixing of problems/bugs, either by improving present concepts (PvP, dungeons, etc…), either by adding new content!

People sometimes forget that this game is around 3months old and already saw a huge amount of content added in. On top of all, besides the content that was added (which lots of people trash by saying it was not enough… I disagree, with new areas, nem maps, new dungeons, new puzzles, new crafting components, new upgrade components, etc, etc…)… The form the new content was added is unbelievable! Anet could have chose to add a new area and send you all an email saying “The consortium are a handful of pricks and they released the karka! Help us protecting our land… blah blah”! Instead, they create a whole story in which people got involved in making them commune with the evolving world!!!

Yes, because that is what Tyria and GW2 are… A virtual world that we are part of and that is constantly evolving! People get their eyes glued to a single detail and dig on it until there is nothing left but a rotting bone! Open your eyes and look at the big picture… It is not as gray and dark as so many are trying to paint it!

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voqar.2349


Sorry but this is not the best MMORPG ever made. It’s a very good one, but it’s not the best. The best is still held by an 8 year old game and nobody has come close to topping it yet. I’m sick of that game and that company but reality is reality.

(“best” isn’t purely about numbers – it’s about a combination of factors – do you really think you’ll be playing this game nonstop for years on end? that’s a big factor – some games manage it, and then some manage it with huge numbers of players)

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr International.3715

Mr International.3715

Sorry but this is not the best MMORPG ever made. It’s a very good one, but it’s not the best. The best is still held by an 8 year old game and nobody has come close to topping it yet. I’m sick of that game and that company but reality is reality.

(“best” isn’t purely about numbers – it’s about a combination of factors – do you really think you’ll be playing this game nonstop for years on end? that’s a big factor – some games manage it, and then some manage it with huge numbers of players)

AO has been around for longer than that bro

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perverius.9805


OP: ‘Bugs aside, you have to admit that GW2 has the best PvP and PvE content in the MMO market right now, and all this while being a recent release.’

Could you help me and link to source please? Would like to see who said that and how he supports his statement.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Nope, not the best MMO ever made, lots of basic things wrong with it that should have been done before it was released.

And as far as the best MMO ever made, it depends on what floats your boat, look at Ultima Online, I looked at some screenshots earlier, it ain’t pretty, but loads of people still play it, and it’s all about the content, and the people, two things that GW2 is sadly lacking in.

GW2 is actually a mish-mash of lots of MMO’s, a bit from this and that, all rolled up into one, and made to look “pretty” and a bit different, there’s nothing here that we haven’t seen before.

And it’s turning into a gear grind, nothing more, when most people want more content and substance, better quests and things to achieve, not just grind dungeons over and over for better gear.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dimgl.4786


I find Guild Wars 2 far from the best MMO out there… The game design is so laughably bad. I will admit that they have some great content and level designers and a state of the art art team. Other than that………not much to keep me playing this game.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Richard.5790


It is indeed amazing!
Not perfect, not even by a long stretch… Filled with bugs, problems, lag, etc…
But in the end of the day, it provides an amazing time and a great experience!

I agree! I like this game a lot.

In my limited experience with online (rpg) games the public forums are populated by people complaining. I’ve noticed exactly the same thing over here. Other forums operated by player groups like guilds, clans, traders, etc, display a way more positive view of the game. Ofcourse Anet knows this and hopefully treats these public forums accordingly.

Please keep up the good work Anet!

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawks.5736


This is not the game that I paid for.

Thats why I am complaining

What is the game you paid for? I would go return it if you bought the wrong game. Most places don’t accept returns on software that has been opened though.

Would do you better if you paid attention and made sure you bought the right title next time.

This post , and it’s condescending tone tells me you just created this thread to argue with people who do not share your views. Methinks they have a name for that, but I forgot it. ;/

I dont know, I got a nice laugh out of it. Besides if its not a game you think was worth what you paid for it… then why would you still be here? You can get a refund out of ANet fairly easily.


Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


This is not the game that I paid for.

Thats why I am complaining

What is the game you paid for? I would go return it if you bought the wrong game. Most places don’t accept returns on software that has been opened though.

Would do you better if you paid attention and made sure you bought the right title next time.

This post , and it’s condescending tone tells me you just created this thread to argue with people who do not share your views. Methinks they have a name for that, but I forgot it. ;/

I dont know, I got a nice laugh out of it. Besides if its not a game you think was worth what you paid for it… then why would you still be here? You can get a refund out of ANet fairly easily.

Never said that i play everyday.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It had potential to be a great game. Unfortunately, it seems that potenial is now being wasted on trying to make it a WoW clone. And it that category it will never be better than the original.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


A good MMO is very accessible to it’s player base, rewarding both casual and hard-core players.

Many aspects of GW2 are amazing. I really enjoy playing the game.

As a good MMO it’s off to a rocky start. I really dislike missing out on content due to inaccessibility (caused by any number of things like lag, bugs, poor execution). These ruin the play experience and over-shadow the great mechanics of the game.

The good news is the accessibility can be fixed over time by correcting bugs, improving the server capability or software performance, and the ANet staff learning from execution mistakes (I hope).

You cant have content that gets both types of gamer the idea is to have content for both as you put it and there is a lot of it its just different.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anishor.6921


I have to say I am surprised that we have a Next Gen MMO without a subscription model. I think the industry is starting to catch on with the releases of Hawken, Planetside 2, Mechwarrior Online and Guild Wars 2 all following the F2P format.

Bugs aside, you have to admit that GW2 has the best PvP and PvE content in the MMO market right now, and all this while being a recent release.

If they could just nail the annoying bugs it would be almost perfect (aside from constantly adding new content as every MMO has to do after release )

The main bugs that are tarnishing it from my standpoint are Culling, endless load screens at times, CTD at times, that never ending and very annoying catapult sound in WvW, sometimes if you are moving your character will get bug and keep moving backwards or forwards (using a movement ability usually stops it from continuing).

Other than culling, they don’t happen often enough to be game breaking (although that kitten catapult sound needs to get fixed pronto)

I don’t understand why when you go in the game you see large amounts of people enjoying the game and having fun, but when I come to the forums I see nothing but thread after thread about how GW2 fails. The forums are recently like this too, I’m starting to think that they are under attack by trolls.

The game doesn’t have a subscription, no one is forcing you to play it. Take a break if you need to, I did and came back a week later and im having more fun than ever.

Until the ascended gear the forums were mostly positive on a whole the only whiners were the donkeys who wanted that forever in front never reachable carrot ie – a gear treadmill and vertical progression.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


It had potential to be a great game. Unfortunately, it seems that potenial is now being wasted on trying to make it a WoW clone. And it that category it will never be better than the original.

Where do you see this game becoming a WoW clone? I still have an active sub in WoW and this game is a night and day difference. Care to substantiate your claim?

“Gear treadmill” doesn’t count as an argument on the grounds that it’s not required to see all current content, and the stat difference is negligible currently. (Basically there is no “treadmill” because there’s no content gates.)

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quercus.9261


it is good but they have to fix large events/WvW rendering ASAP

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: taomang.2183


This is not the game that I paid for.

Thats why I am complaining

What is the game you paid for? I would go return it if you bought the wrong game. Most places don’t accept returns on software that has been opened though.

Would do you better if you paid attention and made sure you bought the right title next time.

Don’t worry that’s exactly what people are doing. Returning it and getting a refund.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perverius.9805


It had potential to be a great game. Unfortunately, it seems that potenial is now being wasted on trying to make it a WoW clone. And it that category it will never be better than the original.

Where do you see this game becoming a WoW clone? I still have an active sub in WoW and this game is a night and day difference. Care to substantiate your claim?

“Gear treadmill” doesn’t count as an argument on the grounds that it’s not required to see all current content, and the stat difference is negligible currently. (Basically there is no “treadmill” because there’s no content gates.)

Dev post about Agony clearly says there will be point in dungeon where you will have to stack resistance to progress further. Actually it sounds more likely Treadmill of The Mists only but there will be side effects outside of fractal too. EOT

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saidor.7028


I have to say I am surprised that we have a Next Gen MMO without a subscription model. I think the industry is starting to catch on with the releases of Hawken, Planetside 2, Mechwarrior Online and Guild Wars 2 all following the F2P format.

Bugs aside, you have to admit that GW2 has the best PvP and PvE content in the MMO market right now, and all this while being a recent release.

I don’t understand why when you go in the game you see large amounts of people enjoying the game and having fun, but when I come to the forums I see nothing but thread after thread about how GW2 fails. The forums are recently like this too, I’m starting to think that they are under attack by trolls.

The game doesn’t have a subscription, no one is forcing you to play it. Take a break if you need to, I did and came back a week later and im having more fun than ever.

It is great to see a game of this quality free to play once you’ve bought the initial game. All new games have bugs and issues but this has been pretty good and i’ve only experienced a few minor issues myself.

Best PvE content out there? no chance. I’m sorry but WoW buries all other mmo’s for content, purely because it’s been out for so long and has had a huge amount of refinement and expansion. Lots of people may now be bored of it all, but it’s a vast, well polished world(s).

However, the pve content here, so far, does seem excellent. It’s not as linear as I expected which is nice and there is more encouragment (and reward) to explore all areas. It looks good and the mobs are not as repetative and boring as some more recent MMO’s have been. The NPC’s have a bit of character and hopefully over time that will improve.

Best PvP? Thats a togh one to call as its new and largely untouched and most pvp gets messed up as developers try and ‘balance’ the game. Best pvp at launch? no chance. War had the best pvp at launch (never played daoc before ppl bring that up) and arguably Teir 1 pvp in War is the best by a million miles over other mmo’s. Sub 40’s starwars is also better. Here its too much like wow. Bish bash bosh you dead, res, repeat. Its crap.

Why do people moan rather than praise? Simple, the praisers are playing, the moaners have rage quit for 10 minutes because they’ve seen someone with 1 stat point more than them and its unfair and they are never playing the game again until they get a stat point and they want a refund and waaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa… so they have nothing better to do until they’ve stopped having their tantrum, at which point they go back to playing.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josher.9612


It has certain cool things, but best?? Not by a long shot. Its fantastic for a month, then goes downhill fast when all the mechanics break down. Longevity and number of actual players is the best sign of a game’s quality. Its just not the game certain people want to mention due to it not being cool enough for them=)

Like others, it has great potential, but its being squandered.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


This is not free to play this is buy to play you lost all credibility there.
This is in no way,shape or form of a good mmo.
It has no vision or direction.
It cant make up its mind if it is a money hungry gear treadmill or what it was sold as a
horizontal progression.
It now is compared to all the other cheap knock offs out there and is very very lacking.
This is what happens when you $$$ and leave what you believe in the gutter.
This is about responsibility and how to take it and own it. _ they have done neither.
That leaves me to make it for them- Since this isnt a free to play I will have money back and they have a lesson in corporate greed.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


It had potential to be a great game. Unfortunately, it seems that potenial is now being wasted on trying to make it a WoW clone. And it that category it will never be better than the original.

Where do you see this game becoming a WoW clone? I still have an active sub in WoW and this game is a night and day difference. Care to substantiate your claim?

“Gear treadmill” doesn’t count as an argument on the grounds that it’s not required to see all current content, and the stat difference is negligible currently. (Basically there is no “treadmill” because there’s no content gates.)

Dev post about Agony clearly says there will be point in dungeon where you will have to stack resistance to progress further. Actually it sounds more likely Treadmill of The Mists only but there will be side effects outside of fractal too. EOT

Answer these questions:

  1. Agony starts applying at what level of the FotM again?
  2. How many pieces of ascended gear are available currently?
  3. Since when was the same content with increased difficulty counted as “gated?”

Now reconsider your “gear treadmill” stance.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sixpax.8360


I have to agree that this is the best MMO (in my opinion). It’s not perfect, but there is zero appeal to all other MMO’s now that I’ve played GW2. I just can’t stomach playing an MMO where the following are part of the game design:
1) A subscription fee
2) Punctuation marks over NPC’s heads (what is this, Sesame Street?)
3) Quests that you have to use your imagination to buy into (centaurs attacking the town my eye)
4) Raiding (/puke)
5) Kill stealing and resource stealing
6) Quest competition instead of cooperation
7) Gear-based PvP
8) Level disparity discouraging cooperative play in lower level areas

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


I have to agree that this is the best MMO (in my opinion). It’s not perfect, but there is zero appeal to all other MMO’s now that I’ve played GW2. I just can’t stomach playing an MMO where the following are part of the game design:
1) A subscription fee
2) Punctuation marks over NPC’s heads (what is this, Sesame Street?)
3) Quests that you have to use your imagination to buy into (centaurs attacking the town my eye)
4) Raiding (/puke)
5) Kill stealing and resource stealing
6) Quest competition instead of cooperation
7) Gear-based PvP
8) Level disparity discouraging cooperative play in lower level areas

I agree with everything you said here. Especially the subscription fee part. How can anyone pay for a subscription fee in an MMO anymore after seeing the ones out now that are F2P and higher quality than anything that has been released before?

I can’t believe people still play an 8 year old MMO and act like its the greatest thing ever, and they pay 15 dollars a month for it! Look how long they take to release a content patch as well. Paying for nothing.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


I have to agree that this is the best MMO (in my opinion). It’s not perfect, but there is zero appeal to all other MMO’s now that I’ve played GW2. I just can’t stomach playing an MMO where the following are part of the game design:
1) A subscription fee
2) Punctuation marks over NPC’s heads (what is this, Sesame Street?)
3) Quests that you have to use your imagination to buy into (centaurs attacking the town my eye)
4) Raiding (/puke)
5) Kill stealing and resource stealing
6) Quest competition instead of cooperation
7) Gear-based PvP
8) Level disparity discouraging cooperative play in lower level areas

I agree with everything you said here. Especially the subscription fee part. How can anyone pay for a subscription fee in an MMO anymore after seeing the ones out now that are F2P and higher quality than anything that has been released before?

I can’t believe people still play an 8 year old MMO and act like its the greatest thing ever, and they pay 15 dollars a month for it! Look how long they take to release a content patch as well. Paying for nothing.

It would seem millions of people disagree with you

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mandrax.7342


This is not the game that I paid for.

Thats why I am complaining

What is the game you paid for? I would go return it if you bought the wrong game. Most places don’t accept returns on software that has been opened though.

Would do you better if you paid attention and made sure you bought the right title next time.

NEWSFLASH: Arenanet just pulled a bait and switch. This is NOT the game they said it would be. Haven’t you seen the MASSIVE thread in this very part of the forums?

I paid attention, I knew the game I thought I was buying, unfortunately I wasn’t prepared for Arenanet to do a complete U-turn on their manifesto less than three months from going live.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xericor.9103


I dont know if its the best MMO, but it certainly hits a lot of right spots for me, and nobody can deny it is inovative in certain designs.
I was recently asked by ex guildies if I was going to return to a certain other mmo which has just gone f2p, I replied GW2 is my home now – Community Site for Aurora Glade!

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


I have to agree that this is the best MMO (in my opinion). It’s not perfect, but there is zero appeal to all other MMO’s now that I’ve played GW2. I just can’t stomach playing an MMO where the following are part of the game design:
1) A subscription fee
2) Punctuation marks over NPC’s heads (what is this, Sesame Street?)
3) Quests that you have to use your imagination to buy into (centaurs attacking the town my eye)
4) Raiding (/puke)
5) Kill stealing and resource stealing
6) Quest competition instead of cooperation
7) Gear-based PvP
8) Level disparity discouraging cooperative play in lower level areas

I agree with everything you said here. Especially the subscription fee part. How can anyone pay for a subscription fee in an MMO anymore after seeing the ones out now that are F2P and higher quality than anything that has been released before?

I can’t believe people still play an 8 year old MMO and act like its the greatest thing ever, and they pay 15 dollars a month for it! Look how long they take to release a content patch as well. Paying for nothing.

It would seem millions of people disagree with you

Well, I think they must be starting to agree or else these forums wouldn’t be getting hit so hard with complaint threads all of a sudden. Seems like any time that game takes a nose dive, anything new that came out gets their forums trashed.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oflow.2157


Been playing the Age of WuShu beta and terrible translation aside its got a lot of things that are done much better than this game.

The crafting is excellent. GW2’s crafting makes me want to pound my face on the desk. The combat system is actually fun and has some innovation (Martial Arts Crouching Tiger hidden Dragon flying etc no classes you can learn all the skills, alignments) The experience system is also great with offline modes. When you log out your character walks around and becomes an NPC and can be kidnapped by enemy factions etc.

Theres actually real open world pvp in addition to arenas. The way the game is designed the players police themselves. If you gank too much you become an outlaw and can get bounties put on your head and get put in jail for a time. Also players themselves can become constables and come and hunt you down.

Only real drawback so far is that it does have some pay to win features (but they designed the system to where it has daily caps on gains) and like I said the translation is fairly terrible so it makes the game hard to understand since the system is pretty complex and the tooltips and help guide seems like they were translated with Google translator lol.

In comparison I think its actually better than GW2 as far as what I am looking for in an MMO.

Its old school DAoC style open world combat and the nice crafting system had me hooked. The crafting is actually fun unlike this game. GW2 is a very grindy game even for an MMO since you have to farm pve just to make cash and get components that are based on RNG drops.

In AoW you can actually just play as a crafter if you wanted to and set up offline booths to sell goods.

FYI I got 1 closed beta key left if anyone is interested just PM me.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lacrimstein.5603


Until the ascended gear the forums were mostly positive on a whole the only whiners were the donkeys who wanted that forever in front never reachable carrot ie – a gear treadmill and vertical progression.

Actually, most people were just asking for more gameplay options and at level 80. The fanboys constantly put words into people’s mouths and derailed the topic to a gear vs non-gear debate. I’ve seen countless posts that were literally accusing critics of having a “secret agenda” and “wanting to ruin their game”, along with the stuff like “You say you want things to do at 80, but what you actually want is a gear treadmill! Admit it”. Threads were derailed with statements like “Endgame = Gear Progression! Go back to WoW!”. There were calls for adding gear progression, but they were the minority of complaints about the endgame. The “gear treadmill” rhetoric was mostly done by the white knights. If even their fanbase is saying that the only way to have endgame (and GW2 is in sore need of proper endgame) is by adding a treadmill, then what is there left to do? So, by halting meaningful dialogue, the white knights played a pretty big role in creating the mess the game is in now. A lot of the blame lies with ArenaNet as well, for taking the lazy way out. They opted for an easy solution, which I predict will backfire in an epic way.

(edited by lacrimstein.5603)

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kindeller.3072


Agreed, personally regardless of the bugs and issues there are; I’m still here and im still loving it.

Everytime someone mentions the manifesto, lying and bait & switch i go kill a kitten.

I’d also like to point out that there are three sections of the user agreement you agree to every day that state they have every right to change, modify and otherwise alter the IP in any way the wish. So legally they owe you nothing, anyone that’s got a refund at this point is lucky to do so. (typically because of a third party choice to refund)

Secondly its your opinion that there is currently a “gear tredmill” which i’d love to see a proven definition for the term since at this point it seams to range dramatically between posts and threads. Personally I don’t see how a less than 1-2% improvement between fully exotic – fully ascended gear is such a big deal especially when combat is so heavilly focused on skill. (not gear like wow that everyone loves to compare)

Thirdly, It’d be interesting if they’d just included these upgrades as exotics and not labeled them as “ascended”. Given that we have things like the Karka Shell (+25 all stats) that are exotic would people have complained still? or to the same degree.

When you think about it rationally all they have done is added an extra PvE resistance which requires you complete a mini grind like the legendary… but you only need it if you want to do the dungeons? So why bother if your not bothered about the content.

Alternatively if you are bothered about the content and don’t want to have to grind… you don’t have too.. i’ve been running them from release in MagicFind Masterwork items (green) And not had any problems… i’m, not saying im anything special but simply if i can do it so can you. Sure i could be alot better but my point stands its not nearly as important (the stats) as skill and knowing your class. And eventually from just doing 1-10 without the agony resistance i’ll get my ascended gear. Its not exactly taxing is it?

The difference and the kicker that is still making me stay with GW2 and not WoW is i am forced to gear up if i want to hit higher end content in WoW. The content in FotM doesn’t change 10+ it just gets harder in numbers. Eventually i’ll give it a go but im not overly bothered if i dont get there because as i said i’ll still get my ascended gear. It just gives me something to aim for at 80 which is something the game needed.

Anyway off to kill some kittens… bye MAAAAOOOOWWWW

(edited by Kindeller.3072)

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cero.5132


I am having lots of fun playing this game And that´s what it is about, isn´t it?
No more, no less ^.^

The new gear? Is not a necessity in my eyes, I don´t need it. legendary weapon? What the hell do I need that for?
All I need is fun. And playing gw2 I´m having the time of my ingame-live ;D

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luchifer.6401


Is the game perfect ? No…

Would I still play it if they havent improved anything since the first BWE? Sure I do!

New gear? I dont really care if they add it, I will still play for fun, even if I cant have legendary items because… they dont affect my gameplay AT ALL.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbard.5738


This is one of the best MMO I have played in ~15 years, with the best potential, and probably the fastest gone bad.

Despite the bugs and technical difficulties it kept me coming and i was perfectly satisfied until last week.

Maybe if they man up soon enough and keep to their advertised principles it will keep being awesome. I still have a little hope they won’t kitten up.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nayru.4537


GW2 the best MMO ever made?

I’m guessing this is the only game you’ve ever played?

Yes – my name is Nayru and I am a guy – we play games too, get over it.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perverius.9805


I have to agree that this is the best MMO (in my opinion). It’s not perfect, but there is zero appeal to all other MMO’s now that I’ve played GW2. I just can’t stomach playing an MMO where the following are part of the game design:
1) A subscription fee
2) Punctuation marks over NPC’s heads (what is this, Sesame Street?)
3) Quests that you have to use your imagination to buy into (centaurs attacking the town my eye)
4) Raiding (/puke)
5) Kill stealing and resource stealing
6) Quest competition instead of cooperation
7) Gear-based PvP
8) Level disparity discouraging cooperative play in lower level areas

I agree with everything you said here. Especially the subscription fee part. How can anyone pay for a subscription fee in an MMO anymore after seeing the ones out now that are F2P and higher quality than anything that has been released before?

I can’t believe people still play an 8 year old MMO and act like its the greatest thing ever, and they pay 15 dollars a month for it! Look how long they take to release a content patch as well. Paying for nothing.

Mostly agree with Sixpax except point one. When company manage to hold enough subscribers for some time after release then game becomes more likely stable and often growing. F2P was always for lower grade milking cows that are in beta state with few features, otherwise no one would sub for longer than three to six months.

I’m wondering how is GW2 superior to this 8 years old MMO while almost everyone who played this 8 years old game after some time in GW2 won’t play it for free.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


Positive threads are usually all over the place.

This weekend is just too fresh in people’s minds to keep up the habit. I love the game. I can’t wait for more.

I also worry that new content will be just as much a failure as this weekend was. Bugs. Way too many bugs.

Need to say what went wrong so Anet can fix it. (but also means too much blind QQ that doesn’t help)

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godorn.2931


Best MMO ever? Not by a long shot.

If its the best, why is tpvp dead and the prospects of becoming an e-spot with it. Simple, its about gankfest sandbox point control and less about interesting fights. The pvp is balanced according to 5s and as such, WVW is a worse FPS gankfest. Sorry man, but ppl dying in <3s is trash pvp. You don’t even need to assit to kill someone that fast.

Warhammer and WOW have much better pvp, and you will not see anyone die in those games as fast as you do here. The WVW pvp in War is far better. Its mechanic has much better mitigation and with healing fights can last for a half an hour with equal numbers. Now that guardians dodge rolling healing is nerfed to 5 ppl, it will get worse here.

I admit, the NPC interaction and art is spectacular. The personal story is nice too, though a bit on the cheesey side. The pve is not on the same level compared to a lot of games, especially WOW.

It was interesting for a while, but the vertical gear grind they added is insult to injury. Average at best pve with a massive gear grind and garbage pvp. No thanks.

Guild Wars 2: The Best MMO Ever Made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


OP is being sarcastic if someone didn’t notice.