(edited by TRON.1085)
Guild Wars 2 Ultra Casual / TP Legendary's
Hopefully you have the wisdom to see that if you weren’t insecure about Legendaries in the first place you wouldn’t feel so bitter. Yep, some people in real life have it easy because they are born in a rich family. Uh oh, God got it all wrong now, gosh darn it He better fix it now OR ELSE.
The problem isn’t the game, it problem is that you want a Legendary too and you had to work for it, trading post or no. Legendaries is healthy for the game. Think of the big picture please.
I think its worse for people who actually have legendaries. They just aren’t impressive any more. The only reason I’d work for a legendary now is to sell on the TP, as they’re just so common, and they’re only going to become more common. They’ve become nothing more than a fancy skin (some not even that).
I think ANet realises this is a problem though, and hopefully there’ll be some kind of new system implemented along with a lot of new legendaries soon. At the moment there is nothing at all to show that you’ve achieved anything in the game beyond the ascended pieces, and the fact that they’re fractals only leaves a bitter taste even with them.
Oh wow… what happend to the guy that posted in agreement with me? post got deleted when he said he up and left the game because of feeling the same way? lmao…
(edited by TRON.1085)
If you’re an idiot, you can spend hundreds of pounds on a Legendary. If not, wait til the Scavenger Hunt kicks in and then do the rest.
It’s a long term goal, and besides, proper speed/hardcore players had their legendary something like 2 weeks after launch.
There’s maybe a dozen legendaries on TP as of writing this, and I’ve probably only seen a handful more, and have yet to see anyone with some of the less desirable ones.
A dozen legendaries on the TP from at least million active accounts. That’s far from common.
It’s a long term goal, and besides, proper speed/hardcore players had their legendary something like 2 weeks after launch.
With Trading Post Wars 2 it is not a long term goal anymore and by speed/hardcore players in first few weeks I think you mean exploiters and people who got to take advantage of Anet mistakes at start of game to get rich….
There’s always stupid elitists who clear the most long term goals in days. As far as casuals go, indeed this game is aimed at casuals. Check the manifesto…
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
This kind of whine post stuff makes me laugh, and also cry at the same time.
We always knew that guildwars 2 cash shop system was gonna be pay2belazy. Its the same logic as accounts being sold for 2 thousand dollars or more… There will ALWAYS be people who have too much money to blow on the route with least resistance.
To be honest though, i am happy there is people like that. Its them people that keep the game sub free and the cash shop free from pay2win items, as if it wasnt for extremely lazy and extremely rich players, Anet wouldnt have the revenue to keep updating the game without a sub.
Ok i do agree that its getting to a point where Legendary´s are slightly out of reach for a player with little money to spare and this is a reason they are starting to become non impressive (with the exception of a guildie or two, whenever i see one i think of the player as being rich and lazy). I believe thats because of how expensive and rare the precursor is though…
However aslong as the scavenger hunt is implemented right and precursors remain bind on equip, the price of these items will fall dramatically on the TP. The argument here though, is that with precursors easier to aquire, more people will end up with a legendary. What your complaining about will only make you complain even further no matter which way devs decide to handle the issue.
The fact of the matter is the game is now old enough for a legendary item to start becoming more and more common, unfortunately it has meant hardcore players with little knowledge of playing the TP (once you have 20g or more starting capital the TP is VERY EASY to play btw, not saying L2P but comon… it takes like 10 mins to flip items) are being left behind a little bit.
The fact of the matter is the game is now old enough for a legendary item to start becoming more and more common, unfortunately it has meant hardcore players with little knowledge of playing the TP (once you have 20g or more starting capital the TP is VERY EASY to play btw, not saying L2P but comon… it takes like 10 mins to flip items) are being left behind a little bit.
I agree with that part, it has turned into trading post wars 2, either that or get your credit card out or diminishing returns wars 2.
I suggest that you stop;
- defining yourself by what others have, and;
- defining the value of what you want by its relative rarity
… and instead enjoy something based on either;
- its intrinsic worth, or;
- by what it means to you as an individual.
I do not like it either that legendaries can be bought/sold over the tradingpost and I think it actually cheapens that special hardcore-whatever item if it can be acquired not by playing the game but by earning gold in whatever way.
Just because people complain its to hard to get anet decides to give legendaries away 2 goldbuyers. Their war against bots is obviously not against goldsellers who no doubt are earning accounts back quickly……
It’s funny because ANet is failing so hard for things that have already happened multiple times in the past. It’s not only warhammer all over again but D3 with their RMAH.
They just don’t learn.
919h+ on main, 1172h or smth overall, player since beta. Who cares how people obtain their legendary, they can pay for it if they want to, I finished my Sunrise last week and I know how much effort I put into it, so it has a much bigger meaning/value to me. I think it took me around 2 months. It’s not a status symbol, you won’t get any more respect if you suck. It’s just a nice looking skin that only costs a lot of money and RNG.
About the unobtainable legendary for casuals, I have a full time job and I enjoy my weekends, there are times I don’t have time to play at all after work. Since I value my time I have for playing, I spend it only on stuff I enjoy. For getting the mats needed for legendary, I didn’t farm Orr, never touched TP, did flipping/etc, never spent a dime on goldsellers/gemshop. I don’t enjoy that. It’s like having a second job, that actually doesn’t give you any income. I got all of my gold/karma/half of lodestones from dungeons and casual gameplay. Also jumping badges ftw.
It required quite a bit of dedication and more grind that I liked, but OP is wrong, you don’t need to be some überrich/TP playa/goldbuyer to get yourself a legendary as a casual. Since the addition of karma jugs/dungeons giving karma/etc 1mil karma is supereasy to obtain. Skillpoints are a bit of a problem, but you should have enough as a long time player and you can always use fractal tokens to get those faster aswell. Alternative is just to create a new character and explore a bit. Atleast 1/4 T6 come from clover recipe, depends on how unlucky you are with clover RNG, rest can be bought from TP. Ectos come from random rare/exo drops from dungeons and guaranteed rares you buy for dungeon tokens. Getting 100g for icy runestones shouldn’t take you more than about a 1-2 weeks of casual gameplay. Lodestones/precursor are definitely the most painful part of legendary. I’ve pretty much mastered CoE thanks to farming charged cores/lodestones and I know the pain to buy them from TP. I lucked out with the precursor, since I got it for free and I didn’t have to spent time with it. Would have probably added another month in RNG/gathering gold for it, but still doable.
don t think so….
I wanted a precursor too i saw spark costed like 200 gold that was a lot so i started saving…
I got to 100 G, in that time spark increased to 500G
sad >.<
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I lucked out with the precursor, since I got it for free and I didn’t have to spent time with it.
You`ve got lucky, is all – you could easily skip all that “I am a casual, I have a life” stuff. I`ve actually waited for something like this when I started reading your post.
Why does it has to be about how many gold somebody earn, what weapon somebody has, or how somebody is earning gold?
You are all playing on even field, those that wants to spend real money to buy legendary can do so if they have money it still doesnt hinder your gaming experience in any way.
Or are you jelous that you cant aford to buy your legendary?
I lucked out with the precursor, since I got it for free and I didn’t have to spent time with it.
You`ve got lucky, is all – you could easily skip all that “I am a casual, I have a life” stuff. I`ve actually waited for something like this when I started reading your post.
Are you only missing the precursor? If not then start working on other stuff first, precursor is only like 25% of the time/gold you need to spend for legy. Since they promised scavenger hunt sometime in the future you’ll have good chances of obtaining it some time in the future. In the meantime spend AC/other useless non 70 tokens on the weapon you want and throw them in the MF, you’ll atleast get some extra gold from that if you fail.
Why does it has to be about how many gold somebody earn, what weapon somebody has, or how somebody is earning gold?
You are all playing on even field, those that wants to spend real money to buy legendary can do so if they have money it still doesnt hinder your gaming experience in any way.
Or are you jelous that you cant aford to buy your legendary?
So… i’m having hard time understanding the issue here.. legendaries cost a lot of gold on TP and if you already have the gold you need for a legendary rest is easy to obtain anyway.
if the issue is that you have 1k hour play and no legendary while someone else has more than 2.. well sad to say you had other goals then. with 1k play it is almost impossible to not have a legendary unless that is NOT your goal.
I have 1300 hour playtime.. i stopped farming crazy after 1st legendary, i have 2 legendaries 2 level 80s with lots of exotics quiet a bit time spent in WvW to get a title even done ALL dungeons all paths multiple times (except arah 4th path..keeps bugging.) Had my time fooling around.
Not once i used a credit card..heck i dont own a credit card or real money or got lucky. I dont play the TP i can show you my TP transactions. I can probly prove i got no gold buy if there is a list somewhere in account. Sadly i cant prove i didnt get lucky precursor. I got a precursor and sold for 100g which is also cn be shown in transactions. (That is after my 1st legendary anyway). Can show my other 2 precursors bought on TP.
Now all left is that i exploit right? That is up to anet to prove. Not once i exploited thou.. i am all about farming events/dungeons fast runs whatever is the most profitable at the time. People in my server seen me farm so much i think SFR players can tell im legit anyway
What is my point? Make a goal..go for it.
A legendary while playing the game however i want and having fun while doing nothing boring and not farming just fooling around.
That is NOT a goal.
Clearly, with legendaries being a grind the way they are, they don’t fully fall into this, but here’s what Mike O’Brien had to say on the subject in May, 2012.
GB: Trading items for gold might be less of an issue for team PvP — where all players get bumped to 80 with standardized gear — but what of the implications for world-versus-world?
O’Brien: Before even answering this question, I want to point out that in Guild Wars 2, being competitive isn’t all about having the best gear. It’s not like you’re going to go into world-versus-world and get smoked because someone else has a godly weapon that you can’t hope to acquire. We’ve always been against that kind of thing.
Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.
So once you realize that you don’t have to run on this gear treadmill to compete, then ask yourself whether you think it’s fair or unfair for players to be able to trade microtransaction currency with other players, which essentially allows some players to trade money for time and other players to trade time for money. I think it’s more fair to allow that.
I think that a super-fan of Guild Wars 2 who is short on cash should still have the ability to collect microtransaction items like town clothes and mini-pets. And I think that a Guild Wars 2 player who comes home late from work every night and can’t spend as much time playing as his friends do should also have the ability to collect those really unique in-game items. Letting players trade with each other empowers them to use whatever they have to make up for whatever they don’t have.
Uru Kalach (80-War)/Kalthin Leafletter (80-Rgr)/Kalfun Gai (72-Guardian)
Leader – An Unexpected Kinship (AUK)
They need to align the drop rate of Charged and Onyx lodestones with the others. If I can get 3 of one type of lodestone in 1 hr and no charged lodestones in 2 hrs, there’s something wrong. I think bolt looks neat, but I am not spending over 300g (3g per lodestone) just on charged lodestones (need 100 for bolt) since the TP is truly the most viable way to get charged lodestones due to their terrible droprate.
You do realize the Legendaries on the trading post did not just appear out of thin air, correct?
Whether the person that created it uses it or the person that bought it uses it there would still be the same number of Legendaries walking around out there.
There are two different sets of people with Legendaries right now, those with a high paying job and those with no job. The average Joe working 40 hours a week with children does not have a Legendary and its him that this game was built for.
Enjoy your skin, anyone I see walking around with a Legendary I assume is just a jerk.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
They need to align the drop rate of Charged and Onyx lodestones with the others. If I can get 3 of one type of lodestone in 1 hr and no charged lodestones in 2 hrs, there’s something wrong. I think bolt looks neat, but I am not spending over 300g (3g per lodestone) just on charged lodestones (need 100 for bolt) since the TP is truly the most viable way to get charged lodestones due to their terrible droprate.
The drop rate of those are aligned with the others. The problem is that the demand is much higher because of two legendaries that everyone wants. Some people have enough money to pay whatever price it is, raising the threshold price of these lodes higher than the others.
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.
They need to align the drop rate of Charged and Onyx lodestones with the others. If I can get 3 of one type of lodestone in 1 hr and no charged lodestones in 2 hrs, there’s something wrong. I think bolt looks neat, but I am not spending over 300g (3g per lodestone) just on charged lodestones (need 100 for bolt) since the TP is truly the most viable way to get charged lodestones due to their terrible droprate.
The drop rate of those are aligned with the others. The problem is that the demand is much higher because of two legendaries that everyone wants. Some people have enough money to pay whatever price it is, raising the threshold price of these lodes higher than the others.
Ok, then I just got lucky more than once with corrputed lodestones and found 2-3 in an hour and unlucky more than one with charged lodestones and found 0-1 in 2 hours (using same amount of magic find). Yeah, I don’t think so. Whether its because you need Dwayna’s temple taken over in order to efficiently farm the mob that drops charged lodestones or the droprate is actually worse, it doesn’t really matter – the droprate seems off. I’ve seen numerous people with incinerator on my server, for example, and that requires 100 destroyer lodestones and 100 molten lodestones, and those are cheaper by 2g or more per lodestone than charged lodestones, and destroyer lodestones have even less farmable areas than charged lodestones.
TBH, this is kinda how the real world works too … the people working the hardest aren’t necessarily the ones getting ahead
OP, I’d say the Fractal weapons are the more exclusive weapons. You have to grind the RNG to get them, no other way around it. You can’t buy them and they should never enter the TP.
Those who rightfully earn their legendary are usually well known in their server because they do spend a lot of time farming/dungeoning together and help/receive help from their guild mates or friends.
Those tho matter around you will know that you earned your well deserved legendary and that’s the most important part.
As odd as it may seem, it works the same way in real life.
Everyone else may burn in envy or say anything about you, or even call you a legendary wallet. It is in fact what you are doing right now with this post. You make the false assumption that there’s actually a large percentage of people who are willing to pay such sums of real money to get a legendary or have gotten one through chearing/exploits. And if they did, how does that affect you?
I am 2 weeks away from mine, having not spent a single penny and when i get it it would have been 9 weeks at most since i started planning for it, specifically.
What matters is what i and my friends around me know about my struggle, not anyone else.
Ignorance is bliss, my friend.
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
Ok, then I just got lucky more than once with corrputed lodestones and found 2-3 in an hour and unlucky more than one with charged lodestones and found 0-1 in 2 hours (using same amount of magic find). Yeah, I don’t think so. Whether its because you need Dwayna’s temple taken over in order to efficiently farm the mob that drops charged lodestones or the droprate is actually worse, it doesn’t really matter – the droprate seems off. I’ve seen numerous people with incinerator on my server, for example, and that requires 100 destroyer lodestones and 100 molten lodestones, and those are cheaper by 2g or more per lodestone than charged lodestones, and destroyer lodestones have even less farmable areas than charged lodestones.
They drop the same.. i have no problem farming onyx myself for example problem with charged is they are needed for all the cool exotics. some need 250 of them. AND THEN coe is one of least farmed dungeon.
It is what player-base decides. If destroyer items were popular instead of charged then trust me you’d see the same thing about destroyer.
What ANET can do about this is that they can add more resources for charged. Like they did with fractals. If they say from now on charged drops in Asc. catacombs that’ll solve all this problem.
But what you say is really wrong.. they drop the same..just farmed less/more.
There’s always stupid elitists who clear the most long term goals in days. As far as casuals go, indeed this game is aimed at casuals. Check the manifesto…
Why would we check that? As far as I have seen everything in it is a flat out lie to sell more boxes
What is it with these types of posts from people. An excessive amount of bitterness and hatred towards players whom do, or do not buy their “elite” gear. The ever-present hate and assumptions of people “paying2win”. What’s it to you if they do or don’t decide to use real money to buy items? Not that I, personally, would do it. But that is THEIR chose to make, not yours. I guarantee that the majority of players that do not have a disposable income to “pay2win” probably would if they could. All these posts come off as jealousy, and girly whining because someone else has something you want or Gw2 isn’t “WoW” enough like. If you have more than 1000 hours of play time, there should be ABSOLUTELY no reason why you wouldn’t be close to a legendary had you have actually made it a priority. I know, because I have 725 hours, and am 24 shards away from my legendary. It was a priority, and I made it one. I sure did play the trading post and made money to buy items I needed for it. But that is part of the game. I have yet to buy gold, and I don’t, but I sure can play it and make profits daily doing it. Don’t get mad at other people, because of your perceived notion that “you did more so you deserve it more” mentality. Get over it.
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang
Yeah, the manifesto is sort of a joke and can’t be used as proof/evidence.
I don’t really see the problem. Yes someone could spent $1000 to currently buy a legendary off the TP… but that legendary didn’t just pop into existence out of nowhere. Someone still had to earn the 2mil karma, they still had to earn the 300+ SP’s, they still had to do hundreds of hours of WvWvW, and they still had to explore the entire map. You can’t buy these weapons from the cash shop, you can only buy them from someone who earned it and just wants the gold more then the item.
I don’t really see the problem. Yes someone could spent $1000 to currently buy a legendary off the TP… but that legendary didn’t just pop into existence out of nowhere. Someone still had to earn the 2mil karma, they still had to earn the 300+ SP’s, they still had to do hundreds of hours of WvWvW, and they still had to explore the entire map. You can’t buy these weapons from the cash shop, you can only buy them from someone who earned it and just wants the gold more then the item.
It seems if your not cheating or running bots (still seem them every day at resource nodes) you just can’t get ahead. Some things in game should be earned not just bought and not be allowed to be sold or traded.
Now I’m getting PM’ed from Chinese gold farmers. That’s right, all you need is a credit card and let some Chinese slave labor to farm for you. Things seem to be going the wrong way fast.
Regardless of whether you craft your legendary or buy one from the trading post, you end up spending lots and lots of gold. I suppose you bypass the need to collect dungeon tokens, badges of honor and karma by using the trading post, but it’s still a significant amount of gold we’re talking about here.
I mean, spending gold on all the raw materials needed to craft a legendary is similar to just buying the legendary in one step, no?
Ultimately, a legendary is just a skin that signifies the wielder’s in-game wealth (or former wealth, anyway). Does it really matter how the wielder spent the gold in the first place?
It seems if your not cheating or running bots (still seem them every day at resource nodes) you just can’t get ahead.
i read this a lot..and people cant be more wrong. if you wont bother to find out how to make gold – and i dont talk about playing tp or farming an event over and over. You can make gold by making different things and 1-2 hour per day will get you ahead. If you want to FARM efficently..oh boy then you can get a lot of gold for 1-2 hour a day – a gain no TP or exploit or anything.
The amount of people wanting everything on a golden plate is starting to kitten me off tbh.
They’re a fancy skin with bad stats for most builds. And, since we can’t be sure how they’ll interact with the eventual inclusion of ascended weapons, you can’t even stick that skin on an exotic to get the stats you want because it might very well prevent the legendary from getting the promised upgrade to ascended stats.
Anyway, I like that they’re on the trading post. I think to all those poor players who’d rather chew their own arms off rather than WvW and how the trading post is a good solution for them. It means they can get their legendary without needing to collect all those WvW tokens (‘course, I’d rather tokens get account bound taken off them so I can sell mine…they’re taking up bank space)
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?
It’s horizontal progression, it’s more for the skin if anything. You want it, so you either build it with your mats and gold, or you can buy it with gold. If this bothers you, then ignore the fact that they exist. It doesn’t make the player more elite that they have a legendary, I’m about to finish mine and I only have a sense of pride for the effort that’s gone into it, but I won’t be a braggart and shove it in people’s face, I’ve only to let the guild know that I finished it (they’ve been amazing in WvW), a couple of players who’ve asked to see it when done and a thank you post in chat for all the people who I’ve ran with in karma farming events along the way.
Though if someone ponied up the few grand to buy it, they’re paying the price for the materials and time the player took to craft it. It didn’t just appear out of thin air, it didn’t drop, it was crafted. In a sense, it’s the ultimate crafted skin, and thus it’s value is high. If you don’t like it, ignore it. If you see someone with a legendary, who’s to say they bought it or made it, and what difference does it make.
It’s a game, they aren’t better because of the weapon skin, but you’re less because you let something like this get under your skin. Please don’t take this as a form of “Stop whining, crybaby. U mad ‘cause you can’t get one”. I’m appealing to your better judgement. Also, there are thousands of players, many who fall into the both casual and hardcore (not sure what exactly an ultra hardcore is…like 5 minutes a day?), but they can do with their paycheck and gold as they see fit, as long as it doesn’t violate the terms of service. Please don’t degrade other players because the way they play.
(edited by Acidicore.3264)
Most people who are rich enough to buy a legendary with cash shop gold probably have enough sense not to do it.
I’m fascinated by this weird blue collar gaming ethos that if your pretend person has “soft hands” and earned their money some way other than fighting, that it’s some how illegitimate.
Ditch digging is honorable work, but but it’s not know to get you the finer things in life.
OP are you really suggesting this is the only MMO where people choose to play the market to get rich in-game? Or are willing to put a lot of real money into getting in-game items?
It was the same in GW1, some people spent all the time in Kamadan buying and selling to get money and rare items, which they never really used because they spent all their time stood in town. It was the same in UO (with the added amusement that back when I played some of the rarest items were things like rock and snow) and from what I’ve heard it’s the same in most MMOs (and apparently the main focus of EVE).
And then you have “free” to play games which are almost entirely built around that mentality.
I see it as just one of the things you have to expect from the genre, and if it’s not your thing then you just set your own goals and get on with them your own way and don’t worry about what other people are doing.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Yeah that was me, i don’t know what happened there rofl.
(pushes the tinfoil hat aside)But yeah it cheapens the game in my eyes, i had motivation to farm not one but two legendary items. Then everyone and there mum had one. I knew eventually a fair few people will have them over time but knowing people can join the game and be aesthetically decked out within the first few minutes saddens me and lost all motivation on farming another.
You both need to stop spending so much time worrying about what other people look like and just be happy you can make yourself look good. Just because a lot of people use the helmet I use doesn’t make me like it less or cheapen my look in any way. Legendary weapons are difficult to obtain because they have more advanced skins than the majority of other weapons.
If you want a legendary, go ahead and build up towards it. It doesn’t matter who else has one.
[CO] Cryptic Omen
The sad truth (and most disapointing thing on gw2 for me) is that most importan skill to obtain legendary is playing on trading post. By simply playing the game outside TP you will get nowhere near it.
I have a lot of fun in this game without legendaries, it’s funny though seeing them run around in Wv3 thinking they’re the best then they get killed by just an average looking player.
I wonder what happend with not turning karma into gold thing that they talked so much about.
The sad truth (and most disapointing thing on gw2 for me) is that most importan skill to obtain legendary is playing on trading post. By simply playing the game outside TP you will get nowhere near it.
Welcome to Trading Post Wars 2, so easy and casual a monkey can do it. There is zero challenge in this game. It’s been seriously dumb down for the masses and I barely call it an MMO, never mind an RPG…
919h+ on main, 1172h or smth overall, player since beta. Who cares how people obtain their legendary, they can pay for it if they want to, I finished my Sunrise last week and I know how much effort I put into it, so it has a much bigger meaning/value to me. I think it took me around 2 months. It’s not a status symbol, you won’t get any more respect if you suck. It’s just a nice looking skin that only costs a lot of money and RNG.
About the unobtainable legendary for casuals, I have a full time job and I enjoy my weekends, there are times I don’t have time to play at all after work. Since I value my time I have for playing, I spend it only on stuff I enjoy. For getting the mats needed for legendary, I didn’t farm Orr, never touched TP, did flipping/etc, never spent a dime on goldsellers/gemshop. I don’t enjoy that. It’s like having a second job, that actually doesn’t give you any income. I got all of my gold/karma/half of lodestones from dungeons and casual gameplay. Also jumping badges ftw.
It required quite a bit of dedication and more grind that I liked, but OP is wrong, you don’t need to be some überrich/TP playa/goldbuyer to get yourself a legendary as a casual. Since the addition of karma jugs/dungeons giving karma/etc 1mil karma is supereasy to obtain. Skillpoints are a bit of a problem, but you should have enough as a long time player and you can always use fractal tokens to get those faster aswell. Alternative is just to create a new character and explore a bit. Atleast 1/4 T6 come from clover recipe, depends on how unlucky you are with clover RNG, rest can be bought from TP. Ectos come from random rare/exo drops from dungeons and guaranteed rares you buy for dungeon tokens. Getting 100g for icy runestones shouldn’t take you more than about a 1-2 weeks of casual gameplay. Lodestones/precursor are definitely the most painful part of legendary. I’ve pretty much mastered CoE thanks to farming charged cores/lodestones and I know the pain to buy them from TP. I lucked out with the precursor, since I got it for free and I didn’t have to spent time with it. Would have probably added another month in RNG/gathering gold for it, but still doable.
LOL dude 1200 hours in a game thats not even 5 months old I call shenanigens on you having a job or “enjoying your weekends” unless your job was gw2 and enjoying your weekend meant playing it.
I have a lot of fun in this game without legendaries, it’s funny though seeing them run around in Wv3 thinking they’re the best then they get killed by just an average looking player.
Agreed to me anyone running around in wv3 with a legendary gets camped and teabagged.
Ok, then I just got lucky more than once with corrputed lodestones and found 2-3 in an hour and unlucky more than one with charged lodestones and found 0-1 in 2 hours (using same amount of magic find). Yeah, I don’t think so. Whether its because you need Dwayna’s temple taken over in order to efficiently farm the mob that drops charged lodestones or the droprate is actually worse, it doesn’t really matter – the droprate seems off. I’ve seen numerous people with incinerator on my server, for example, and that requires 100 destroyer lodestones and 100 molten lodestones, and those are cheaper by 2g or more per lodestone than charged lodestones, and destroyer lodestones have even less farmable areas than charged lodestones.
They drop the same.. i have no problem farming onyx myself for example
problem with charged is they are needed for all the cool exotics. some need 250 of them. AND THEN coe is one of least farmed dungeon.
It is what player-base decides. If destroyer items were popular instead of charged then trust me you’d see the same thing about destroyer.
What ANET can do about this is that they can add more resources for charged. Like they did with fractals. If they say from now on charged drops in Asc. catacombs that’ll solve all this problem.
But what you say is really wrong.. they drop the same..just farmed less/more.
Where you get onyx lodestones with no problem? I’ve tried Malchor’s Leap, didn’t work out for me. I’ve done TA numerous times. I’ve gotten a core or 2. I’m just curious now, lol.
i get what the op is saying though…
lets all get pitch forks and meet up in seattle