Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sveinung.5192


I got a fantastic idea. What happens if you try to make a MOBA mode out of Guild Wars 2?

Anet is already working on a MOBA:

But, think how cool it would bet to have the Guild Wars 2 movements, camera and combat system on a MOBA map, with the same concepts in LoL and regular MOBAs with farming creeps, buying gear, leveling abilities, teamwork, monsterbuffs, dragon, jungling, ganking, laning etc.

What are your thoughts? If Anet really makes a great effort in it, it can be a new genre, more like a Action MOBA/Dota or something “AMOBA”

Hope Anet reads this,

Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sveinung.5192


I was first thinking of a firs person MOBA, but it sounded too chaotic or disorganized, the third person view like GW2 is perfect were the camera follows over your shoulder and turns as your character turn (As opposed to League of Legends).

Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zargnath.9524


Reaper’s Rumble.

I say no more.

Gnarl Blackfur – Charr ranger
Bob – Four legged shapeshifter
HeXagonis [HeX]

Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyena.7963


There’s a game fairly similar to that from the good folks at Hi-Rez studios called Smite, which is a third-person MOBA.

Granted there’s no dodging and only four abilities per character, but it’s a pretty fun twist.

All I can say about ArenaNet’s MOBA is that I wish them luck. They’re walking into a fairly saturated market that’s already dominated by a gargantuan monster in League of Legends.

Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sveinung.5192


Reaper’s Rumble.

I say no more.

I was not able to play the map you speak of, but I saw some footage of it, it misses the laning style and other features from classic MOBAs. It looks chaotic.

Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bobby Fizz.5706

Bobby Fizz.5706


I was not able to play the map you speak of, but I saw some footage of it, it misses the laning style and other features from classic MOBAs. It looks chaotic.

It wasn’t super refined, but in essence it was exactly like a moba style game. Your 3 bases spawned skeletons which moved up the lanes, which you had to move up and destroy the bases at the end of the enemy lanes. There was some brilliant gameplay with the reeds / grass at the sides, which put you in stealth so you could do some brilliant ambushes.

I played Reapers Rumble for ages over the past few days, despite the fact that there weren’t any real rewards for it. It’s a great game mode and one I hope they refine and bring back sometime soon.

Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

I play GW2 to escape the rage that is LoL and Dota 2, I wouldnt touch GW2 the moba. Lol

Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiv.7136



I like pizza

Guild Wars 2 as a MOBA/DOTA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lacrimstein.5603


I mean no offense, but… why??? If you want to play a MOBA, go play a MOBA. I’d prefer if ArenaNet worked on something original.