Guild Wars 2 is amazing :) Stop complaining.
Eh. I’ve started my full-time complaining after the introduction of the megaservers. From a highly populated server I suddenly moved to the middle of the zergfarm traffic, which turned the most beautiful and interesting MMO I knew into a parody of itself. It’s still a good game, but… With the horrible population imbalance it’s lost so much of its soul, it’s sad.
I’d just like to have a way to escape to less populated maps… Not empty ones, but similar to those Piken had before MS hit.
William S. Burroughs
(edited by Asmodeus.5782)
Eh. I started complaining en masse after the introduction of the megaservers. From a highly populated server I suddenly moved to the middle of the zergfarm traffic, which turned the most beautiful and interesting MMO I knew into a parody of itself. It’s still a good game, but… With the horrible population imbalance it’s lost so much of its soul, it’s sad.
I’d just like to have a way to escape to less populated maps… Not empty ones, but similar to those Piken had before MS hit.
they needed the mega servers to hide the ever decreasing population. It blew in their faces as most of the things they have implemented lately thou.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
Well I’m glad you are happy with the game. That being said how long have you played the game actively? My point is the game is amazing for new players because that’s who they cater to. Being that MMO’s are long term games gw2 does very little to keep veterans engaged. So please do not discredit the opinions from others specially from those who have been around prob much longer than you and have suggested fixes that you enjoy so much today.
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
Well I’m glad you are happy with the game. That being said how long have you played the game actively? My point is the game is amazing for new players because that’s who they cater to. Being that MMO’s are long term games gw2 does very little to keep veterans engaged. So please do not discredit the opinions from others specially from those who have been around prob much longer than you and have suggested fixes that you enjoy so much today.
Your points are well taken…to some extent. You do, however, leap to a conclusion that OP is a new player and that is the reason for his satisfaction. I have no idea how long he has played…but I have played since the very first beta weekend continually and share his satisfaction. This is not meant to say that your opinions and suggestions are not valid or needed…just that you leap to some unwarranted assumptions that color your post.
Guild Wars 2 is not that amazing Stop praising .
I’ve said it before in other words and I’ll say it again: It’s how forums stay active (controversy). Pages of threads full of praise for the game are never going to be a thing because:
1) People would quickly run out of things to say.
2) If everyone loved all aspects of the game, they would be playing it, not posting about it. Which is, incidentally, another reason why there is so much negativity; the satisfied people are too busy enjoying themselves to go to the forums.
the satisfied people are too busy enjoying themselves to go to the forums.
I’m pretty satisfied. I come here for the same reason I used to watch the Jerry Springer show. Its another form of enjoyment
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Eh. I started complaining en masse after the introduction of the megaservers. From a highly populated server I suddenly moved to the middle of the zergfarm traffic, which turned the most beautiful and interesting MMO I knew into a parody of itself. It’s still a good game, but… With the horrible population imbalance it’s lost so much of its soul, it’s sad.
I’d just like to have a way to escape to less populated maps… Not empty ones, but similar to those Piken had before MS hit.
That’s t he case with a lot of things. A lot of updates, especially the Megaserver, the trait rework, and levelling rewards, all went backwards. Not to even mention the skills and pointless changes to dungeons and the like… or way back the introduction of Ascended gear. A big reason why a lot of long time players are ticked off so much is that they’ve seen the game which they liked, keep moving backwards. We’ve all seen so much potential, but rather than meeting that potential, most of the movement is fixing things that aren’t broken.
the satisfied people are too busy enjoying themselves to go to the forums.
I’m pretty satisfied. I come here for the same reason I used to watch the Jerry Springer show. Its another form of enjoyment
Would you believe… most of them are too busy enjoying themselves to go to the forums? :P
the satisfied people are too busy enjoying themselves to go to the forums.
I’m pretty satisfied. I come here for the same reason I used to watch the Jerry Springer show. Its another form of enjoyment
Would you believe… most of them are too busy enjoying themselves to go to the forums? :P
For sure. Even Springer was niche entertainment.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Guild Wars 2 is not that amazing
Stop praising .
It used to be amazing. Then Living Story happened. And no matter how loud and constructive we complained, we were just ignored all the time. We are not destroying the image of the game. We cant destroy something which already has destroyed itself. We are merely warning all new players what they will possibly face.
(edited by Schwarzseher.9873)
I’ll stop complaining when anet stops making stupid changes to the game.
oh this game is so wonderful, look at the scenery, i even get to choose my own profession, and and.. the scenery.. ooo crafting! quaggan likes Mee
I have been playing for about a year.
The opinions of vets are ofcourse valued, but I think there needs to be more good news stories about this game. I wanted the wider community and Anet to know that theres plenty of us that really love GW2 and appreciate the work behind it.
There will always be haters and those who are bitter, but the other side of the coin needs to see the light of day sometimes too
My thoughts are as follows:
I love this game. Because I love it, I hate anything that would ruin good things or make this excellent game fall short of its potential. Thus, I hate some of the things they’ve done with it because of how much I care about the game.
I miss, passionately, the days before megaservers, when separate communities existed as divided by the players themselves. Now, everyone is forced together, and all sense of community has been replaced with the feeling of standing “alone” in a crowded room.
I enjoy bits of the living story, but I am still disappointed as a whole, because I know they can do better.
As far as raw game mechanics goes, GW2 has some things that I now consider necessary, and that ruins other games for me. The design of the classes, the style of combat, and the inclusion of optional platforming elements in jumping puzzles are all things that Guild Wars has done better than any other game I’ve played.
The game has great potential, but so far, I’m afraid I’ve seen plenty of steps backwards and plenty of cases in which that potential falls woefully short. I keep my fingers crossed for the future, though. Always.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
Thank you. I think it’s a wonderful game, and I’m proud to be involved with the team.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I’m happy to say that this is the most fun I’ve had gaming in a long time. I do notice that when reading posts of “doom and gloom”, it is a little disheartening for a new player like myself. However, I do believe constructive feedback is an important aspect of contribution from the player base. To me, complaining is some times also comes from people who are passionate about the game and want to see it improve but may feel their suggestions go unheard/unnoticed. That would be frustrating. So far though, I’ve had nothing but great experiences in-game so far. Anyways, just my thoughts…..headed home to play……
Well I dont play atm.
I started with release, then after all my friends quit(after barely one month playing, I endured a little longer) made a pause for 7 months.
Then played around 1 -1 1/2 years again (cause I found a guild I enjoyed playing with)
doing dungeons once a week with them.
But aside from doing dungeons in PvE I only zerged around and ya not really interesting stuff , just killing time and exactly that is what GW2 PVE is just a casual time killer. Sometimes just ran around in circles in lions arch spamming space.
So what would keep me? PvP.
But honestly for PvP I can play GW1 as well, that is more serious business.
And I think that is one of the roots of all the frustration.
I remember in 2008 or something there were the first rumors about GW2, and everytime something was bad in GW1 ppl said WAIT FOR GW2 all’s going to be better then.
So GW2 became a projection an ideal that everyone was waiting for.
So now GW2 was released, and it was good at first, it had the best leveling system in any MMO ever. (that now got dumbed down)
But once you hit max level a lot of ppl realised, that endgame didnt have anything more to offer than leveling already did.
And now to the PvP.
GW1 had one of the BEST if not THE BEST PvP System in any MMORPG EVER.
Even comparing it to GW2 PvP would be unworthy.
And I know a lot of ppl that went to GW2 because they expected something at a similar or at least at a comparable level.
Experiencing this huge dissappointment probably made a lot of them leave.
PvP is pretty much dead atm.
And due to all those flashy particle effects (which can be nice in PVE, as experience)
its just not even nice to watch, cause you often cant even tell who is doing what atm.
I’m not much of a SPvPer, but I do enjoy WvW. Or, that is, I used to. Before megaservers, when server identity existed. People would gather in places like Lion’s Arch and talk about what was currently going on in the current WvW matchup, and it felt good because we were a community and we could cheer freely for our team wherever we went. Now, all that is gone.
Another thing, though many others may disagree with me on this, is that I can find an enormous amount of new content through roleplaying, even now that most of the recent changes (megaserver, leveling, etc) have been crushing the life out of RP.
So…multiple groups are discontented, but the fact remains that it can be fixed and made better than ever before. Better PvP, better PvE, better use of the rich lore that Tyria has to offer, and maybe even a bit okittennowledgement for my RP brethren as well.
Summed up: We didnt just walking on the same spot for 2 years. We actually made several steps back. And currently its not looking like its becoming better.
So to all new players: Be warned, you will either find your luck (probably in little chunks worth 10, 50, 100, 200 and 500) or will regret that you even dared to think about this game.
If you can live with almost no new content coming, no real endgame, are resitent against frustration and alot of other negative things then try it out. You will find a beautiful world full with fun (which hasnt been patched out at this point) and friendly people.
If not, turn back. Now. You will soon find that spending those bucks on beer or other kind of booze was a far better idea than this game.
A frustrated and angry GW2 and GW1 Vet
I’m happy to say that this is the most fun I’ve had gaming in a long time. I do notice that when reading posts of “doom and gloom”, it is a little disheartening for a new player like myself. However, I do believe constructive feedback is an important aspect of contribution from the player base. To me, complaining is some times also comes from people who are passionate about the game and want to see it improve but may feel their suggestions go unheard/unnoticed. That would be frustrating. So far though, I’ve had nothing but great experiences in-game so far. Anyways, just my thoughts…..headed home to play……
Stick around for a while, make those “constructive posts” after 2 years of being ignored, it’s possible you will be as unhappy as the “complainers”.
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
You clearly know nothing of the history here. The players have every right to be ungrateful. ArenaNet has gone back on their own design manifesto and philosophies that they sold the game on. Easy to obtain endgame stats and hard to obtain skins was tossed out the window when ascended was shoehorned in. Don’t get me started on the “we don’t make grindy games” and yet they continually implement things that are pure grind. Then they go and nerf drop rates or farming methods making the grind that much worse. Seriously find any of the threads talking about ArenaNet vs their manifesto. Then of course we have gamemodes that are all but unsupported. WvW, SPvP, and Dungeons are horrible undersupported. When big patch day finally comes and all they see is new player changes that arguably make the game worse, they aren’t going to be appreciative because they simply aren’t. Don’t forget we had around a year of nearly no communication from ArenaNet causing the community to get all the more toxic.
While these things might scare off new players, they need to know this information too. The base game is good(was great at launch but has decreased with each patch) but the Support from ArenaNet is absolutely abysmal. Now of course we have ArenaNet communicating again, but only time will tell if it’s more lip service or not.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
I agree that GW2 is a wonderful game. That is my opinion.
If you disagree, I value your opinion.
If I could change one thing about the game, I would get rid of the poorly conceived changes to the trait system.
Seriously. The game is free to play once you buy it. Also very casual friendly.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
Yes, and some of us still play D&D.
And someone seems to have cursed my dice lately : (
Meh, D20… Warhammer Fantasy 2nd edition is where the awesomeness is at.
William S. Burroughs
Game is good =/= game has no problems
You clearly know nothing of the history here. The players have every right to be ungrateful. ArenaNet has gone back on their own design manifesto and philosophies that they sold the game on.
Which they did based on the population complaining at them to do so. What specifically did they go back on that upsets you?
Easy to obtain endgame stats and hard to obtain skins was tossed out the window
Now your just being untruthful. This is clearly and obviously still a main aspect of the game.
when ascended was shoehorned in.
Clearly you are the one who " know nothing of the history here". They always intended for ascended to be in the game.
Don’t get me started on the “we don’t make grindy games” and yet they continually implement things that are pure grind.
They force you to get these items? I don’t think so. I have made 6 sets of ascended gear by simply showing up to the crafting station with the items I collect from my regular WvW play. I sold what I didn’t need to buy what I didn’t have, for each set, and never did any grinding in the least.
Then they go and nerf drop rates or farming methods making the grind that much worse. Seriously find any of the threads talking about ArenaNet vs their manifesto.
Why? to see the same 30 people making the same complaints on different threads? Part of the problem here is that you disingenuously suggest you represent the entire community, when it is clear you do not have any actually knowledge of what the majority wants. They have stated the percentage of accounts created that have logged into the forums, and I am certain you do not even know what that number is.
Then of course we have gamemodes that are all but unsupported. WvW, SPvP, and Dungeons are horrible undersupported. When big patch day finally comes and all they see is new player changes that arguably make the game worse, they aren’t going to be appreciative because they simply aren’t. Don’t forget we had around a year of nearly no communication from ArenaNet causing the community to get all the more toxic.
You do not know what your talking about. PvP is support with balance changes, promotions, regular tournaments. WvW tournaments and long open discussion CDI’s on WvW changes to come. All kinds of things added to PvE.
As I see it, dishonest posters who state their opinions as if it was fact and claim to speak for others then themselves, are what male the community toxic.
While these things might scare off new players, they need to know this information too. The base game is good(was great at launch but has decreased with each patch) but the Support from ArenaNet is absolutely abysmal. Now of course we have ArenaNet communicating again, but only time will tell if it’s more lip service or not.
Sure, new players are entitled to share their unhappy opinions with new players. They problem is, most of those posters are dishonest to an extent, presume to suggest they speak for the community, and illogically chose to grind for items they do not need or require, then disingenuously claim they were forced to grind for it.
Game is good =/= game has no problems
I played BECMI D&D but also CyberPunk from CP2013. Guess which game I’m waiting for…
But on the OP’s post: yes, GW2 is an amazing game. So much so that no other MMO’RPG’ I have tried holds my attention long after the character generation screen. Unfortunately, those of us who have been around for a long time have seen changes that have removed features, introduced unpopular ones, added grind and basically worn a lot of us down and made us cynical about the direction of the game.
I really hope you enjoy your GW2 experience. Until April’s ‘feature patch’, so did I.
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
Although the OP carries the scent of an Anet employee posting as an alt, let’s assume he is an actual player for the heck of it.
Your impressions are valid, the game is great – until you complete the content that was released at launch. Good luck trying to find anything else substantial to do. There’s a big reason why the major cities are near deserted. The supplemental content that is the Living Story has been rail thin. Anet has refused to release an expansion and has focused on “improving” the quality of life.
At first the negative feedback on these forums was minimalized by white knights as the vocal minority, but that stance has invariably changed. Now even the most stalwart of MMO journalists are openly questioning why Anet has allowed GW2 to deteriorate in such a fashion.
Game is good and fun for now…..
Customer support is a bit lacking.
Forums are very lacking….
But compared to some other games I would say this is about par with most others… So I will play it until I get bored with the Nonsense then find some thing else… But dollar wise this is a Very Low cost game to play……
I played BECMI D&D but also CyberPunk from CP2013. Guess which game I’m waiting for…
But on the OP’s post: yes, GW2 is an amazing game. So much so that no other MMO’RPG’ I have tried holds my attention long after the character generation screen. Unfortunately, those of us who have been around for a long time have seen changes that have removed features, introduced unpopular ones, added grind and basically worn a lot of us down and made us cynical about the direction of the game.
I really hope you enjoy your GW2 experience. Until April’s ‘feature patch’, so did I.
We always joke with my daughter that she would buy a game that is just about character generation.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
Well yes, of course. This is the 21st century after all.
Computers are too complicated for the touch screen crowd.
And while I agree that Tolkien is far from an original, I believe that you criticize his efforts too harshly. I doubt that he intended for his works to achieve the notoriety that the lsd generation bestowed upon them.
We always joke with my daughter that she would buy a game that is just about character generation.
So would I!
In fact, I bought an upgraded PC just so I could play APB: Reloaded for it’s character generator, and at least 5 of my GW2 characters have made it into pen n paper RPGs. For me, playing almost any PC game is dependent on character customisation.
Game is good and fun for now…..
Customer support is a bit lacking.
Forums are very lacking….
But compared to some other games I would say this is about par with most others… So I will play it until I get bored with the Nonsense then find some thing else… But dollar wise this is a Very Low cost game to play……
Not defending ANET, but customer support has pretty much gone the way of the dinosaurs in every aspect of our modern life.
When I complain (and I do put more thought into it than most), it’s because I love the game. Otherwise, I would have left instead.
We always joke with my daughter that she would buy a game that is just about character generation.
So would I!
In fact, I bought an upgraded PC just so I could play APB: Reloaded for it’s character generator, and at least 5 of my GW2 characters have made it into pen n paper RPGs. For me, playing almost any PC game is dependent on character customisation.
It’s the main reason that she has Mass Effect installed.
Been playing since GW1 I think id consider myself a “Vet” casual but still a vet and Ive enjoyed and am still enjoying this game. Its true critique is needed but it is also true every now and then its nice to have a post showing appreciation for the hard work dev’s have put in the game. Ever since GW1 this has been my MMORPG home game lol so hope for many more years and to one day be able t explore ALL of Tyria.
Been playing since GW1 I think id consider myself a “Vet” casual but still a vet and Ive enjoyed and am still enjoying this game. Its true critique is needed but it is also true every now and then its nice to have a post showing appreciation for the hard work dev’s have put in the game. Ever since GW1 this has been my MMORPG home game lol so hope for many more years and to one day be able t explore ALL of Tyria.
If new areas are getting added in the speed they currently are then even your grandchildren wont be able to explore all Tyria.
It’s the main reason that she has Mass Effect installed.
Then it is also the reason I just bought ME1 and 2, and am downloading now I was iffing and ahing over it, you helped me make up my mind!
But back on topic – I have been jawaching, including today, about how I feel about GW2’s current direction. This doesn’t mean that I don’t love the game. I do, more than I ever thought that I would love a fantasy game since modern/dark future is far more my style.
I love GW2 which is why I am so dismayed about recent changes. Removal of content and telling a player base that a much loved feature (SAB) will effectively never be returning whilst adding content (ascended) which is near enough impossible to obtain for those with many characters is not progress. All it does is alienate the most loyal players.
Been playing since GW1 I think id consider myself a “Vet” casual but still a vet and Ive enjoyed and am still enjoying this game. Its true critique is needed but it is also true every now and then its nice to have a post showing appreciation for the hard work dev’s have put in the game. Ever since GW1 this has been my MMORPG home game lol so hope for many more years and to one day be able t explore ALL of Tyria.
If new areas are getting added in the speed they currently are then even your grandchildren wont be able to explore all Tyria.
I think ill be ok.
The game is almost perfect. The only flaw it has is the Living Story
The whole team has been working on it for a year, creating meh-ish stuff, while the rest of the game suffers from lack of updates
I’ve played this game far too long to ignore the problems the game has. And as closer I look as more problems I notice. One could say that I should take a break from GW2 and that might be true but that doesn’t fix the problems I’ve found. GW2 is a great game for someone who has just started playing. But it’s not that great anymore for me. It still got its strenghts; that’s why I’m still playing. But it also got weaknesses, and rather than fixing those weaknesses I find ANet pushing onwards creating even more flaws.
We’ll see what the first expansion will hold, the expansions for GW1 did change a lot and improved the weaknesses GW1 had at the beginning.
Edit: And what Nannernut said basically. Nice too hear that the devs still love their game, atleast Gaile doesn’t grow tired of telling us how exciting everything is, but some changes, or rather some less changes (looking at you NPE), would also do the trick of convincing me that this game is still worth my time.
(edited by HHR LostProphet.4801)
Well, there are only two reasons why people would stop complaining about anything:
1) It’s absolutely perfect in every way.
2) Everyone has given up on it.
Former is impossible and you don’t want the latter.
Well, there are only two reasons why people would stop complaining about anything:
1) It’s absolutely perfect in every way.
2) Everyone has given up on it.
Former is impossible and you don’t want the latter.
Nailed it.
That said, there is quite a bit of room for improvement, but nothing is perfect.
I think why most of the complaints originate is because everyone wants to play the game and those which are complaining genuinely on some level really like the game. The problem is that for many people there just isn’t a lot being done currently to keep people wanting to come back for more, so they complain in hopes to bring change. And I mean so in the nicest way: GW2 is a game made for everyone and on its foundation, has done a very successful job. It’s just currently a lot of people seem bored and want something fresh rather than just minor changes and alterations.
I appreciate the value of constructive feedback but the online GW2 community just seems so ungrateful and unappreciative
Just think of the negative image you are portraying for new/potential players. I think more people should know how great this game really is.
If I was Anet and I read all the crap people complain about I would find it a little disheartening. So I’m posting for the first and only time to say the following:
Anet, I love this game and I think you guys have done a fantastic job. Thank you for all your hard work! Dont forget there are people that really appreciate this game and work thats gone in to it.
New & Potential players, come and give this game a shot and decide for yourself if you like it
Don’t get caught up in the negativity of some people . The complainers are the loudest voices but there is a great community in this game if you give it a try.
-happy GW2 player
so what makes this such a great game?
how has anet done a fantastic job with this game over the past 2 years?
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
I can tell you’re not part of the original D&D crowd. All of the core concepts of RPG and MMO games like, Hit points, damage types, damage resistance, hit percentages, armor, weapon types, character classes, ALL OF IT, comes from original D&D. If it were too complicated and would be chucked out, then this game wouldn’t exist (srsly, how could you say that, in light of the game you’re playing?).
Bring on the day when game designers have a truly original idea.
Welcome to capitalism and the gaming market!
95% of all MMO games are just clones of pen and paper D&D. Though I suppose if you’re young and have no concept of RPG history, it might seem pretty cool. If you don’t want people to complain, perhaps you should consider encouraging game makers to stop repeating 40 year old gaming tropes.
you must be kidding? D&D? If that (original) game would have to be pitched today, the presenter would be tossed out after 10 minutes. “Too complicated, people will not understand the system”, and they would probably be right. Even WotC themselves dumb down the game since 3.5 and in the process have turned it into a travesty of itself. I sure WISH game designers would be inspired by original D&D. As for tropes – the whole fantasy genre heavily draws on myth and fairy tales and usually adds some very mediocre writing and imagination to it (yeah, please don´t cite Tolkien, compare his works to real great writers, glorified anglo-saxon myth fan fiction at best). Don´t blame D&D for that either.
I can tell you’re not part of the original D&D crowd. All of the core concepts of RPG and MMO games like, Hit points, damage types, damage resistance, hit percentages, armor, weapon types, character classes, ALL OF IT, comes from original D&D. If it were too complicated and would be chucked out, then this game wouldn’t exist (srsly, how could you say that, in light of the game you’re playing?).
Bring on the day when game designers have a truly original idea.
But his point about difficulty and where gaming is at in 2014 deserves some consideration.