Guild Wars 2 style raiding

Guild Wars 2 style raiding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


Hey Dev’s,

A while ago it was mentioned that "Guild Wars 2 style raiding" was coming in multiple ANet interviews. It seems pretty obvious to me that the revamp to Tequatl is one of the first steps in this process. Can you confirm this and/or elaborate the direction this may continue to head in other than just "World boss revamps"?

Also, are there any plans to formalize a process for groups to get together and into consistent servers? The Tequatl revamp is something I’ve personally been looking forward to (and enjoyed thus far) and I think it’s obviously more than capable to be accomplished with an organized group, but the main issue of course the uncertainty of the spawn timer and pooling persons together all on the same server. Maybe a formalized queue system would be a good idea and/or (dare I say) raid instances? The mechanics are there, the player desire is too - specific achieves, hard modes, and cosmetic rewards would be more than enough to drive people to them (at least it would be for me and many of my community friends). Also, the entirely open-world model wouldn’t have to be abandoned and it would be cool to have both open-world community bosses to take down and instanced based encounters that would encourage some fun coordination with your guildies and offer that sense of guild accomplishment that I think guild missions originally intended to do, but missed the mark on. I like the idea of world content and working with your community (even if most are strangers) but that tight-knit group atmosphere would also be welcome on a smaller scale (10-20 persons?).

Thanks for your consideration and if these questions have already been addressed than I apologize in advance!

(edited by docMed.7692)